Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 80 - Evil spirits!

In the land of the Great Yanjing Division, in the lofty imperial city, a slender, slender figure wearing a blue robe, who could not see the age of the weak, walked out of the tall palace gate, suddenly he stopped, raised his head and glanced.

Although he seems to be in a weak age, but this sudden stop, he has the momentum of Linyuan Yuezhi, which is breathtaking.


Hundreds of soldiers guarding the gate of the palace fell to their knees, each with their heads bowed, not daring to get up.

“Everyone get up, kneel down for something!”

The blue-robed scribe gently asked them to get up, and then walked out of the palace.

Although he smiled gently, there was an indescribable indifference deep in his eyes, like a fairy, like a demon, like a god!

“This world is getting more and more interesting!”


That purple light loomed over a giant city millions of miles away from Gu Shaoshang.

It was a majestic big city like a crawling dragon. The city walls were paved with thick blue-black boulders with bloodshot streaks, reaching a height of 30 feet and an inexplicable length!

It is comparable to a heavy mountain!

Dozens of soldiers in black armor stood guard at the door, all of them with astonishing momentum, they were all warriors in the realm of life!

The torrent gathered by the crowds poured in and out from the huge city gate from all directions, and the voices were full of people. It looked very grand and prosperous to the extreme.

There were even warriors who came out of nowhere from time to time, stopping at the city gate one by one, obediently lining up to enter the city.

In the center of the giant city, there is a mansion covering an area of ​​thousands of acres, with open weather, gilded copper tiles, carved beams and painted pillars, erect pillars, various architectural arches intertwined, thousands of servants ushering in and out, a magnificent and prosperous school. Extreme sight.

In front of the huge house is a wide street of more than ten feet, with tea houses, taverns, and even a weapons shop and an auction house on both sides.

The street extends east and west to the quieter suburbs outside the city, but the street is still full of pedestrians.

Every pedestrian is full of energy, with steady and powerful footsteps, and it turns out that most of the warriors have a cultivation base!

“Oh! That mansion is so lively! I don’t know which lord’s mansion it is?”

A young warrior in a white robe pulled a pedestrian and asked.

The pedestrians who were pulled by him struggled to get rid of the arm he was pulling, and said angrily: “That is the Wang family’s mansion, and the head of the family, Wang Fulong, is a god-level powerhouse! It is said that his grandson is about to be born! You! But don’t collide!”

The pedestrian glanced in awe at the large gilded plaque of “The Palace” and hurried away.

“Wang Fulong! The top ten great masters of the Great Zhou Dynasty!”

The white-robed youth murmured at the corners of his mouth, and with his ear, he could even hear the exclamations of the servants in the palace.

“The young master is born!”

“Hurry up!”

“Prepare the soup! Hot water! Cleanse the young lady!”


In the depths of Daming Mountain, countless steep peaks rise from the ground, and there are huge trees that have grown for thousands of years.

The evergreen giant trees cover the sky and the sun. In the endless virgin forest, the ancient trees that are thousands of years old cannot be surrounded by more than a dozen people. The thick old vines can stretch for hundreds of meters. continuously.

A giant bird flew into the air, rolling up a violent turbulent air current, and was immediately swept by a black air and landed in the mouth of a small beast like a civet cat.

A giant beast with a height of several dozen meters roared in the sky, shaking the world, and was immediately burned by a strange beast that rode a flame.

In a low bush, a black tiger crawled inside, avoiding countless hunters.

It looked too small. It didn’t look like a tiger at all, but rather like a kitten that had not been weaned. It was crawling on the ground, with its ears pricked up and listening to the movements around it.

In this dangerous mountain and jungle, it is too difficult for it to survive!


A giant, fluffy black palm swept the bush and held it in its claws.


The roar of the beast with the sound of milk sounded in the mouth of the little guy. It struggled constantly, but weakly watched a **** mouth open, revealing hideous fangs.


It roared sternly, and what appeared before it was a black cub. The cub opened his mouth wide, hesitated, did not bite down, but threw it aside.

“I didn’t expect that the most suitable body for me in this world is a demon bear!”

The bear cub looked at the little black tiger it threw to the ground and sighed.

It even spit out human voices!


“Blood Prison God and Demon Dafa! Pies will fall from the sky! My luck to Gu Shaoyou has arrived!”

Gu Shaoyou hid in a jungle, just clutching the human skin in his hand, excited.

He couldn’t suppress his excitement for a long time, and after looking around for a long time, he probed his brain and opened the human skin roll in his hand.

“Determination of blood? Really? Going back to the sea? Wulang? What does this all mean!”

Gu Shaoyou was dumbfounded. After all, he has only been studying in the village for a few years. It is not easy to recognize the words. How can he understand the terminology?

“How do you practice this?”

Although Gu Shaoyou has a dark heart, he is not stupid. He knows that he does not understand all the terminology. Even if he is forced to practice according to the circuit diagram, he will most likely die miserably!

“I’m not reconciled! I finally got such a secret book, but I can’t practice it!”

Gu Shaoyou clenched his teeth tightly, with an unwilling expression on his face, the palm of the hand holding the human skin roll was so tight that he couldn’t feel it when his fingernails pierced it!

“Why do you have parents who love and take care of I’m going to eat your leftovers! Why can’t I work so hard as Gu Shaoshang and Gu Shaoze! I’m biased, and I teach them secret techniques in private! I don’t teach them. Me! When I encounter such a demon, I can only wait until Gu Shaoshang can kill him! Hate! I hate it so much!”

Gu Shaoyou’s face was distorted, and he lowered his head with gritted teeth!

“It’s death! I want to practice too! I want to become a superior person! Otherwise, I’d rather die!”

Tick ​​tock!

Blood flowed down from his pierced palm, dripping onto the ground, and the sheepskin roll stained with Gu Shaoyou’s blood burst into red light!

“Hateful meeting, can’t beg… Poor **** immersed in such boring emotions! You need the help of the ancestors!”

Covered by the red light, the human skin roll abruptly broke away from Gu Shaoyou’s palm and was suspended in the air!

A ghastly, terrifying face with green face and fangs appeared on the human skin roll.

At the same time, an evil and violent voice sounded directly in Gu Shaoyou’s heart!

“Ah! What are you!”

Gu Shaoyou took a step backwards, leaning against the big tree, a strong chill reached from the bottom of his heart to the top of his hair!

“Poor and pitiful little reptile, the ancestor just appeared when he heard your call!”

The evil face opened his mouth and grinned, looking at Gu Shaoyou and said.

“You…can you help me and gain strength!”

Gu Shaoyou suddenly calmed down and asked while suppressing his beating heart.

“Haha! The ancestor will give you a great power that you could never have imagined!”

The evil face pulled open the corners of his mouth exaggeratedly, and then the red light rose sharply, covering Gu Shaoyou.

“Quack! Now, let’s save your life first, you can’t waste your ancestor’s time like that idiot!”


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