Projection of the Heavens

v2 Chapter 99 - Who is so bold!

Yu Baimei clapped his hands, and the four big men carried two huge cracked solid iron balls.

Boom! As soon as it was placed on the ground, the entire hall shook.

“This is the meteor hammer of the leader of Qi Gang!”

“It was broken!”

“How can it be!”

“When did you find out!”

“Where are their people!”

“Three life-defining warriors who chase and kill a foundation building will miss the five stages? I will lose myself!”

The huge sound seemed to overturn the roof of the hall! Except for Yu Baimei, the other five leaders suddenly changed color, all got up and roared!

The only female leader present, Yin Hongyao, who was fat and ferocious like a dominatrix, stepped to the center of the hall and looked down.

“That’s right! It’s the big leader’s meteor hammer! It was torn apart by someone’s hands! He’s a master!”

Yin Hongyao stood up, her face dignified.

Yu Baimei quietly watched the rest of the people making noise, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Okay! Yu Baimei! Tell me, when did you find out! Where are the big boss and Pi Wanlu and Song Shirong? Dead? Or what!” Han Tao’s face sank, staring at Yu Baimei.

“Qi Gang, coveting his brother’s practice, forced my leader Sun Hailong to defect! He led Song and Pi to chase after him, and he overturned the boat in the gutter and was beaten to death! This kind of ignorant Righteous people deserve to die!”

Yu Baimei sneered and said. He is the strongest of the Xuan Ying Gang after Qi Gang, and usually fights openly and secretly with Qi Gang. The reason why Qi Gang forces Sun Hailong to defect is because he is afraid of him.

“You!” Han Tao suddenly changed color, and as soon as he grasped the long knife around his waist, he was about to shoot!


“calm down!”

Several leaders on the left and right grabbed Han Tao, and the atmosphere was suppressed again for a while.

Yu Baimei put his hands down, lifted up his blood-red robe, walked down the high platform step by step, walked slowly to the meteor hammer, raised his snow-white eyebrows.

“Half a month after Qi Gang went down the mountain, I lined up a team of good men to follow him down the mountain. Yesterday, they brought back Qi Gang’s meteor hammer, and there were only a bunch of corpses burned to the bone!”

Yu Baimei suddenly turned around and stared at everyone present.

“I’m not discussing with you! I’m just letting you know, starting today! I’ll have the final say here! Whoever disagrees, stand up!”

With his eyes like arrows, he glanced around, and finally stared at Han Tao.

At the same time, he thought in his heart that there were only three of Qi Gang’s confidants, Pi Song and both were dead, only Han Tao was alone, and there were one or two neutral ones left, and the rest were all his own, and he thought the victory was in his hands.

There was silence for a while, and everyone fell silent.

“I support Chief Fish!”

The one who broke the silence was Yin Hongyao, who was like a dominatrix. She gave Han Tao a cold look and stood behind Yu Baimei.

Then, almost all the leaders took action, almost all of them acquiesced in Yu Baimei’s position, and they all walked behind Yu Baimei.

“You guys! The big boss treats you well. Now that he’s dead, you don’t think about how to avenge him, but the first thing you think about is to seize the throne! A bunch of wolf-hearted things!”

Han Tao stared at Yu Baimei, his face extremely ugly.

He didn’t expect that when the news of Qi Gang’s death just came, everyone except himself fell to Yu Baimei.

“Very good! Very good! It seems that you have colluded for a long time, and I am the only one left in the dark!” Han Tao saw everyone’s expressions, and immediately understood that it was difficult to be kind today!

“I fought with you guys!”


Han Tao drew a knife in his hand and slammed his foot down, but he swept towards the door!

In this situation, there is only one way to die. He shouted terribly, but he walked without any hesitation!

“Haha! Haha! I expected you to escape!”

Yu Baimei seemed to have expected it long ago. Facing Han Tao’s escape, he was not surprised at all. Instead, he burst out laughing!

Han Tao was so upset that he was about to run away. He saw the door and heard the laughter of Yu Baimei, his heart tightened suddenly. He looked up suddenly and saw a group of bowmen waiting in the open space outside the hall. Hair, the leader of the youth is the leader who was not present today, Yu Baimei’s younger brother, Yu Changqing!

Yu Baimei was inferior to Qi Gang, so why did he stand up to him? It was his younger brother who was in charge of the Xuanying Gang’s crossbow team!

Although there are only thirty people, all of them are experts in blood exchange, and all they use are the renju god-armed crossbow!

This kind of powerful crossbow is a terrifying war weapon that can instantly fire three sharp arrows, and can shoot through three inches of steel armor within twenty feet! Under the siege, even the determined warriors will be shot into hedgehogs!


Yu Changqing smiled coldly, his arms shaking.

Collapse! collapse! collapse!

Dozens of sharp arrows flickering coldly under the torches pierced the night sky in an instant, pulling out countless shattering sounds of howling ghosts and wolves!


At the juncture of life and death, Han Tao let out a howl, and his knuckles made a strange “creaky” sound. The incomparably powerful strength was transmitted through his skeletal muscles layer by layer, and was transmitted to the soles of his feet in a series of beep-like slight explosions in the joints of his body, and slammed into the ground.


Immediately on the bluestone-paved road, there were countless thin spider web-like gaps centered on Han Tao’s feet.

But, to no avail!

Yu Changqing waved his arm again!

An overwhelming rain of arrows will cover it in an instant.


Han Tao screamed, was shot through by countless arrows, and fell from the air, spreading blood!


Yu Baimei and the others filed out, looking at Han Tao, who had died in a tragic state, and laughed.

“From today! I am the sky within thousands of years!”

An indescribable sense of excitement rose in his heart, Yu Baimei’s face flushed, and he said in his heart.

“Nice job!”

Yu Baimei and the younger brother who stepped forward looked at each other and smiled.

“It’s the elder brother who made the arrangements properly, knowing that this old boy is going to escape!” Yu Changqing said with a smile, holding the Lianzhu Divine Arm Crossbow.

“I’ve seen the big boss!”

Yu Changqing knelt down as he spoke, while the gloomy-faced leaders glanced at the coveted crossbow team, and fell to the ground together.

“Haha! Brothers, get up!”

Yu Baimei laughed and helped the leaders up.

In the hall, Yu Baimei sat in the center, Yin Hongyao and Yu Changqing sat on both sides of him, and the other leaders sat down with the trend.

“The first thing I do as a leader is of course to avenge Qi Gang. Although he is a bastard, he is the leader of my Xuanying Gang after all, so he must not die in vain!”

The leaders were not surprised, this was already being cleaned up. No matter what Yu Baimei thought in his heart, he couldn’t be indifferent even if he acted like he was. After all, there were two thousand brothers under his command, and his inaction would definitely be criticized.

“Who killed Qi Gang, we don’t know, how can we avenge him?”

Yu Changqing frowned and said, “Besides, how could it be so easy to deal with the masters who killed the three life-defining warriors.”

“Haha! Qi Gang died in that valley, it’s impossible that no one in the neighboring village knows about it! When we loot once, there will naturally be results. Even if we can’t find it, we can fill the gap in the cottage! You know, this In the past few years, there were very few traders in the past, and the finances were in short supply!”

Yu Baimei took a breath and said with a sensible smile!

Everyone suddenly realized that revenge is fake, and robbery is real. After a robbery, the bandits who have tasted the sweetness don’t care if they take revenge for Qi Gang!


While several people were talking, there was a loud bang from outside, and then a violent scream of killing sounded!

“What’s the matter? Didn’t the Tiger Roar Army just retreat?”

“Our eyeliner doesn’t pay off, it shouldn’t be!”

“Could it be another young hero who is just starting out?”

“Who is so bold!”

There was a commotion, all the leaders stood up, and all their swords were unsheathed.

Yu Baimei was startled at first, and then became furious!


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