Projection of the Heavens

v3 Chapter 1477 - Supreme Heart Demon Great Freedom God

Yang Jian looked at the sky and saw the emperor star swaying.

In this world, the emperors of the Shang Dynasty all relied on the luck of the human spirit to cultivate the way of the immortals. Although they were emperors, they were immortals. The emperors of the 29th dynasties of the Shang Dynasty were all invincible players who have been in the world for decades, and they have stepped down from office. Then it will fall soon.

It is because of the deflected Qi that he cannot afford such a tyrannical cultivation.

This scene is the omen of the change of the throne of the Shang emperor.

That is to say, the King Zhou of Shang will take the throne.

“Whether Xiqi exterminates Zhou, or Shang exterminates Xiqi, it has nothing to do with us.”

On the other eaves, Nezha looked indifferent:

“We are here to find the trace of that person, not to experience this so-called conferred god…”

Nezha said it casually, but he was disgusted in his heart.

“It’s not that simple.”

Yang Jian’s eyes were calm, and he said lightly:

“The fake body I killed before, that is, the trace I branded in time and space was captured by this world, and it was also my foothold in this world! I killed him and replaced it. If you don’t act according to its trajectory , will be rejected by this world.”

“As you are now.”

Nezha frowned, a little disgusted: “This disgusting world…”

“The big businessmen in this world have such a big advantage, even if the King Zhou is angry and resentful, if he wants to come, it will be no big deal…”

Yang Jian retracted his gaze and stepped into the darkness:

“Let’s go, go and see the uncles and uncles in this world.”

He didn’t like Shang Zhou, he didn’t like the Western Zhou Dynasty, and he didn’t like the world at all.

If it wasn’t for Nezha and others, he wouldn’t even set foot in this space.

“Shang Zhou, King Zhou of Shang…”

Nezha looked at the imperial palace that looked like a beast in the night, muttered in his mouth, and left with Yang Jian.

It is the meaning of the Great Antarctic to come to this world to find the traces of Martial Ancestors.

For that uncle, even if he was rebellious like him, he was a little in awe, and naturally, he couldn’t follow him.


“God’s will has been difficult to ask since ancient times…”

In the depths of the imperial palace, in a splendid hall, the contemporary Shang emperor looked at the sky, and his words were full of grief:

“I’m not reconciled! I want to go against the sky!”

Stab it!

A purple thunder flashed across the sky, reflecting the unwilling and distorted face of the Shang Emperor.


In the corner of the hall, the tall and majestic emperor’s body trembled.

It was the first time he saw his father’s face like this.

“My son!”

The unwilling and twisted look on the Shang Emperor’s face instantly subsided, and he looked at the emperor’s son:

“Do you know why I, the emperor of the Shang Dynasty, suppressed all dissatisfaction at the age of dozens of years, and the generation is stronger than the generation?”

“My son, son, I don’t know……”

The emperor’s heart trembled.

He, who has always been extremely brave, felt a little short of breath in front of his father.

At the same time, he also knew that he was about to come into contact with the most secret secrets of Dashang.

“Nothing more than, it is passed down from generation to generation…”

The thunder pierced through the sky, and the majestic face of the Shang Emperor was pale:

“Father to son, son to grandson, son to son and grandson, forever and ever!”


The thunder ripped apart the sky and illuminated Chaoge City.

The Shang emperor reached out and grabbed his hand, and held the shocked emperor in his hands:

“Today, your father will teach you his lifelong cultivation base!”

“After today, you are not only yourself, you are also a father, an ancestor Tang, and the emperor of my big business owner!”


The imperial palace, and even the entire Chaoge City were shocked.


Di Zishou’s face suddenly distorted.

I only felt that endless power poured into his limbs and bones from all directions, every tiny place, into his soul, and even more profound places.




Indescribable pain!

In an instant, the emperor couldn’t take it anymore, and under this indescribable terrifying pain, he could not wait to die on the spot!

Even if the muscles and bones are crushed inch by inch, the entire burning of the soul is not comparable to one ten millionth of the pain at this moment!

Under the extreme pain, endless hatred rose in his heart.

An anger that was about to destroy the world was brewing in his heart.

At the same time, his essence is sublimating, his soul is sublimating, and endless power is rising from his limbs.

In the trance of extreme pain, he only felt that in a single thought, he could shatter the universe, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the universe!

“Since the ancestor Tang predicted that I am a great businessman, I am the twenty-nine emperors of the great businessman, and I am waiting for this day!”

The Shang Emperor’s face was pale, but with a touch of extreme joy:

“Fighting for Yu Lie in the twenty-nine dynasties of the Great Shang Dynasty…”

“It’s going to go against the sky in the end!”


Di Zishou suddenly opened his eyes, illuminating the dimly lit hall.

Then he saw his father, the king, with a ferocious face, as if he had exhausted his life’s strength and shouted:

“Don’t be a human emperor, be a heavenly emperor, a heavenly emperor!!!”

Immediately, the whole person turned into a torrent, all submerged in his body.

That is the origin, essence, and inheritance of many emperors of the Shang Dynasty!


Di Zishou screamed and fell to the ground on his back, and the whole person fell into a complete stupor.

And the huge change, even when he fainted, never stopped.

Vaguely, you can see twenty-nine high-crown bosom belts, with different but similar emperor shadows appearing in the hall.

Immediately, he slowly fell into Di Zishou’s body.


In the darkness of night, one after another thunder streak across the sky.

In a place that ordinary people can’t see, the emperor star falls, and the new emperor succeeds!

Chaoge City, Xiqi City, the Thirty-Three Heavens, the Overseas Immortal Island… Many great powers lowered their gazes.

Vaguely, the curtain is about to open.



In the endless darkness, a spirit slowly recovered.

who I am?

Where am I?

what am i doing?

“Yes… I am Tang, no… I am Tai Ding… Ah, I am Wai C! Pan Geng? Who is Pan Geng? Who is Yi? ?”

“No, I…I’m the subject!”

Wisdom revived in the darkness, endless bizarre flow.

That is the twenty-nine emperors of the Shang Dynasty, the strength, essence, memory… everything accumulated over millions of years!

“Humanity is inherently greedy! Great merchants have dominated the world for millions of years, and for millions of years, their descendants have all been nobles! But they still want to occupy forever and forever, it’s really sad and ridiculous… ”

This is, a sarcastic, indifferent evil voice came from the darkness.


Di Zishou woke up suddenly and saw the deep darkness.

The wisps of light and shadow and darkness outline an indescribably strange face.

It was an ice cold,



Malicious, but formed a strangely peaceful and indifferent face.


The emperor’s thoughts turned slowly, as if he was carrying the weight of a mountain.

“Di Zishou, the thirtieth human emperor of the Shang Dynasty, became Emperor Xin after he succeeded to the throne. Unfortunately, later generations called him King Zhou of Shang, the king who destroyed the country, and Xia Jie inherited Jie Zhou, the tyrant of the ages!”

The strange yet peaceful face spoke calmly, and the vivid picture rose in Di Zishou’s heart.

From his birth, to his succession to the throne, to his demise…. Everything was imprinted in his heart in a very real way.

“King Zhou? King Zhou! The demons can’t lie to me!”

The emperor was shaken by his mood and sent out a frenzy of anger.

At this time, it was when he accommodated the cultivation of the twenty-nine emperors of his ancestors, and his mood was extremely complicated. At this time, when he saw the scene of destroying the country, he was immediately distorted.

“Who dares to destroy the business?!”

“Kill kill kill!”


One after another crazy thoughts were intertwined with each other, and Di Zishou’s intelligence fell into infinite chaos for a while.

This voice seemed to contain magic that no one could resist.

Between words, three thousand Buddhas can be degenerated into demons.

“Depending on the human way but cultivating the immortal way, it is necessary for the human race to be supreme, but also to be extraordinary and holy…”

The strange face outlines a wicked smile:

“I may be able to help you and protect your business for generations to come. What do you think?”


The strange face suddenly enlarged, and endless demonic intent poured out, instantly drowning the soul and essence of Emperor Zishou.

“Who are you!”

“Damn you! Damn!”

“I’m going to kill you! Kill you!”

Including Dizishou, the shadows of many big businessmen and emperors all emerged, and infinite rays of light erupted in the darkness.

I want to kill the demon!

“The devil is born from the heart, I am you, and killing me is killing yourself!”

In the darkness, between the broken shadows of Emperor Dao and Dao, the magic completely disappeared, and only a voice echoed:

“I am the supreme God of inner demons!”



The dim hall was bright, “Emperor” opened his eyes, and after a flash of magic, he disappeared without a trace.

“This deity is really good at making things, so I have to be sneaky when I do things…”

“Di Zishou” stood stretched his body, felt the strength accumulated by the emperors of the Shang Dynasty, and commented:

“Probably one-ten-thousandth of a particle in the body of this deity, which is not satisfactory, barely…”

The hall was empty. In fact, no one would stay within three hundred miles outside the hall.

Who dares to watch the change of the emperor’s position?

“Alas, I have to clean up the mess for him again…”

“Di Zishou” was sighing to himself, suddenly his heart moved, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Immediately, an indifferent eye light swept away and took back thirty-three days away.


In the next instant, Emperor Zishou woke up from an endless nightmare holding his head.


Di Zishou was trembling all over, his face was bloodless, and the whole person was on the verge of collapse.

This power contains the cultivation, essence, soul, and memory of the twenty-nine emperors of Dashang.

The memory of millions of years is so huge, his essence is far from reaching, if it is not passed down in the same line, it will burst on the spot.

But even so, the pain is indescribable.

There is not a trace of refreshing power.

“That dream…”

Di Zishou rolled over and sat up, with cold sweat on his forehead:

“Supreme Heart Demon Great Freedom God…. Supreme Heart Demon Great Freedom God…”

Emperor Zishou muttered to himself, repeating the name back and forth.

The more you read, the more comfortable you will be, and the more painful the look on your face will be.

After a long time, or a moment later, Emperor Zishou stood up, and his face gradually calmed down:

“I am the Supreme Heart Demon Great Freedom God…”

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