Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1532: Hongjun Pro!

Emperor Jun”

In the Taichu Ji, in the Supreme Heavenly Court, the Great Heavenly Venerate seemed to be aware of the original time and space.

Changes in history and changes in time and space can, of course, completely change the memory of the postnatal life, but for Daluo, who is beyond time and space, it cannot achieve complete coverage, but will oppose each other and exist.

The appearance of Emperor Jun and his feet, the Great Heavenly Venerate naturally felt it.

this family

“The change of the first time and space has already begun”

Taibaijinxing, who was serving on the side, bowed slightly, and said with a trace of worry:

“Your Majesty, who will Di Jun be?”

Taibaijinxing has lingering fears.

In the sea of ​​his heart, a real historical trajectory faintly emerged. It was at the beginning of Taiyi. The gods and demons who were called Jun calmed down the chaos of chaotic beasts, killed the gods, and deterred the dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribes. This became the memory of the first Heavenly Emperor at the beginning of Taiyi.

It is a legend, a myth, and a reality.

The original time and space is the origin of everything, and its changes will inevitably affect the endless civilizations, ancient history, time and space, and eras of future generations.

Although he experienced similar things more than once, but every time, he was in awe.

“Time and space are limitless, and mythology is even more limitless. What if there is one more emperor? Who is he, and what should I care about?”

The Great Heavenly Venerate did not seem to care, and glanced meaningfully at the Queen Mother of the West in the Kunlun Palace outside the Supreme Heavenly Court:

“The more people like him, the better.”

“Taibai is stupid, I don’t know what Your Majesty means.”

Taibaijinxing smiled bitterly.

In his state of mind, he never felt that the more terrifying characters the better.

In his view, these giants are the main culprits of the chaos.

The myth has been turned upside down, turned upside down, and it has long since lost its original appearance.

“It’s okay if you don’t know, it’s okay.”

Da Tianzun smiled, waved his hand and said, “Taibai, you should step back.”

“His Majesty?”

Taibaijinxing raised his head and seemed a little surprised, but he didn’t ask any more questions and bowed down.

With the retreat of Taibaijinxing, Huangji Lingxiao Hall became quiet.

The Great Heavenly Venerate stood in the light and shadow, the smile on his face converged, and he spoke indifferently:

“Since you’re here, come out.”

“I still can’t hide it from the Great Heavenly Venerate.”

With a sigh, the figure of a middle-aged man in a plain yellow shirt appeared in the Hall of Emperor Lingxiao.

The middle-aged man’s face was calm, and he slightly cupped his hands: “Antarctica, I have seen the Great Heavenly Venerate.”

But it is the Great Emperor of Heaven, the Great Emperor of Antarctica.

The Great Heavenly Venerate stood with his hands behind his back, glanced at the Great Antarctic Emperor lightly, and said nothing.

“The Great Heavenly Venerate sent me to the Primordial Realm of Primordial Primordial Primordial, and it has been dozens of tribulations so far.”

Antarctica didn’t care about the attitude of the Great Heavenly Venerate, looked directly at the Great Heavenly Venerate, and said:

“Recently, my younger brother felt something, and I had to come to see the Great Heavenly Venerate, otherwise, I would feel uneasy.”

Da Tianzun’s expression softened a little, and finally nodded slightly:

“In a blink of an eye, it is another dozens of kalpas.”

“Before dozens of tribulations, the Great Heaven rebuked me to the lower realm, and then the whereabouts of the Great Emperor Houtu were unknown, and the Great Emperor Zhenwu entered the reincarnation again.”

Antarctica looked at Da Tianzun, and there was a slight ripple in his eyes:

“Da Tianzun, can you be lonely?”


Da Tianzun chewed these two words slightly, shook his head and laughed:

“The scenery here is so beautiful, what is loneliness at all?”

“At the end of Taiyi, the Great Desolation collapsed, and the Great Heavenly Venerate held the list of conferred gods and set the cauldron of the heavens, and divided the emperors, kings, gods, and immortals. ”

Said, Antarctica bowed slightly:

“If there is no Great Heavenly Venerate, Antarctica will not have the courage to jump out of the Yuxu barrier, let alone today’s achievements.”

“If you stay in Yuxu and fight with the disciples of the Three Sects for Taiqing and the Taoist Lineage of the Supreme Qing, your achievements may be greater than today, and it is unknown.”

Great Heavenly Venerate looked at Antarctica, as if remembering the past.

When the Heavenly Court was first established, the people were small, and the three religions were detached from the outside world. Although he was the Great Heavenly Venerate, he had to seal the Yuanshi Talisman and the Supreme Qing decree.

If he hadn’t seized the opportunity and obtained the list of conferred gods and divided the emperors, he would not be today.

Antarctica, among the disciples of the Three Sects, was the first to follow his great power.

It’s just that the Antarctic back then wasn’t so calm

“The three teachers are detached, and the way returns to the Dao, but the Dao does not leave its Dao to the disciples of the three religions. I have known this since the way of the Master Yuanshi was proved by the boy on the edge of chaos.”

A sneer appeared on the Antarctic surface:

“The way of Uncle Taiqing, Senior Brother Xuandu may be available, but the way of Uncle Shangqing may not fall into the heavens like the way of the teacher. After all, they are just empty!”

Antarctica’s eyes are calm, and under the avenue, I am afraid that there will be no more day for the three clear gatherings.

Beyond the outside world, it is impossible to interfere too much with everything under the avenue.

The apprentice said for the teacher, it was just an unreachable dream.

It is precisely when he sees through this that he will become the Great Emperor of Heaven at the invitation of the Great Heavenly Venerate, first to prove Hunyuan, and then to become Hunyuan Wuji.

Daoist Duobao knows this, and only under Laojun’s enlightenment will he turn the Dao into a Buddha, and wish for his detachment from the Dao.

“It’s not too bad. Except for Xuandu, the rest of the people are not worthy of the way of Sanqing. Guangchengzi has a chance, but it’s a pity.”

The Great Heavenly Venerate nodded.

The good and bad of the three sects are mixed, even the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao, who can be seen by him are only Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren.

The only one who can make him face it is the master Xuandu in Da Chitian.

Although he only has the number of Daluojin at this time, but once he attains the Tao, he is the Supreme Being of Promise!

In Huangji Lingxiao Hall, the atmosphere slowly fell, and Antarctica suddenly said:

“What about the way of the Great Heavenly Venerate?”


The hall suddenly became dead silent.

Da Tianzun’s indifferent eyes lowered, Antarctica bowed slightly, his expression unchanged.

“You know what I’m going to do.”

After a while, the Great Heavenly Venerate spoke up.

He ordered the great emperors of Heavenly Court to come to earth, and naturally he wanted to take that last step.

This step, he waited too long.

However, he is too strong, and the heavenly court is too strong. If the emperors are not dismissed, who would dare to rob him?

The Queen Mother of the West is strong and strong, but I am afraid that it is not enough.

The Great Antarctic Emperor bowed slightly, as if waiting for the answer from the Great Heavenly Venerate.

Da Tianzun looked at the South Pole, and shook his head after a long time:

“Not you.”

Antarctica didn’t get up when he heard the words, just bowed and said:

“So, Antarctica says farewell to the Great Heavenly Venerate!”

The Great Antarctic Emperor’s voice was calm, with no mood swings, no regrets or anything else.

Between the voices drifting, the figure has slowly dissipated in the void, and disappeared without a trace.

The Great Heavenly Venerate stood with his hands behind his back, not knowing his joy or anger:



In Buzhou Mountain, among the six pure bamboo forests, the Queen Mother of the West looked at Qionglou Yuyu, where the light and shadow were reflected in the sky, and nodded slightly: “It is worthy of the name.”

Heavenly Court, there is nothing too profound in this space-time.

In the eyes of the Queen Mother of the West, it is just a courtyard in the sky, called the Heavenly Court, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Nothing special.

What surprised her a little bit was that the gods and demons did not live in the earth, but in the sky.

At this time, the sky can be far more dangerous than the earth.

“Di Jun”

By the bamboo forest, Gu Shaoshang’s eyelids trembled slightly.

This name is not bad, quite similar to himself.

“This name is very strange.”

The Queen Mother of the West murmured and didn’t care much, and played the Yaoqin slowly.


Gu Shaoshang let out a long breath, and fell into silence again in the sound of Yaoqin.

In the sea of ​​his mind, the evolution of the vast and boundless continent, the movement of infinite particles, the collision, the changes of thousands of legal avenues are uncertain.

The Great Desolation changes nine times a day, all within a single thought.

The evolution of strength has so far been close to that of the Tao.

Only a little, just a line.

In the flood, the year is not recorded, and the time is unknown.

There are innate gods and demons born in the sun star, and when they come out, they will calm down the chaos of chaotic beasts, slay the beast emperors and gods, and control the innate gods and demons, establish the heavenly court, and rule the world.

Historically known as Tiandijun, abbreviated as Emperor Jun!

At this point, the Era of Ferocious Beasts has passed, and the Great Desolation has entered a new era.

And because of the innate gods and demons in the chaos, it became the era of gods and demons again.


In the endless and infinite chaotic sea, the waves are boundless, surging and moving, infinite time and space, and the boundless world drifts with the waves, with birth and death.

One party walked into the great universe where the annihilation An old Taoist slowly woke up from the silence.

The old man opened his eyes.

As far as the eye can see, there is decay and decay, the era of shattering, and the universe is coming to an end.

Endless black storms intertwined with each other, sweeping the vast world.

God is dead, devil is dead, immortal is dead, man is dead

All spirits are brought to annihilation, and heaven and earth have come to an end.

“Another cosmic annihilation”

The old Taoist sighed lightly, but only lightly.

He had seen too many scenes like this. In the endless sea of ​​chaos, the universe would be destroyed and returned to the ruins all the time.

From the beginning of Taiyi to the present, the creatures who died in the confrontation of gods and demons, the powerful proving the way, the giants fighting, the universe, are far less than one trillionth of the capital of the Great Thousand World, which will return to the ruins as the universe is approaching. .


In the endless mourning, the sky fell to the ground, all things perished, all spirits died, and all material energy was wiped out.

The endless wind of destruction rolled, blowing the Taoist robe of the old Taoist.

“It’s time to meet him”

The old Taoist got up from the destruction of the universe and paced into the endless river of time and space.

The long river of time and space is endless, flowing toward the past and the future at the same time, boundless ancient history, and the eras are all ups and downs.

The old Taoist looked up at the first time and space.

There, a very familiar world came into his eyes, that was the beginning, that was Taiyi, that was the prehistoric land, and it was also the place where he became enlightened.


The old Taoist paced across the long river of time and space, and each step has passed through thousands of eons, ancient history, and eras.

But in just a short time, he has already crossed thousands of eons, countless ancient histories, epochs, time and space.

Came beyond the initial time and space, before Taiyi flooded!

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