Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1546: I should take it for myself, why should I let you? !

The sound of the bell is brilliant, piercing the heart and lungs.

Lu Ya’s expression was slightly dazed, only to feel that the deep yellow color in the sea of ​​​​heart was flourishing, and the seal was engraved with birds, beasts, fish and insects, and the bronze bell of heaven and earth rose slowly.

Its color is supreme, its Tao is bright, and it is sacred and majestic.

Chaos Clock? No, no, it’s the Eastern Emperor Bell!

Lu Ya condensed slightly in his heart.

The Chaos Bell has an extraordinary origin. According to legend, it was transformed from the body of the Chaos Emperor, Pangu’s greatest rival, but what is more tyrannical than its essence is the Dao imprinted on it by Taiyi.

Therefore, in the year of Taiyi, this bell was also known as the Donghuang Bell, but its original name, Chaos Bell, was forgotten by many people.

“No matter what plan he has, having the Eastern Emperor Bell as the fuelwood may ignite the last firewood for my promotion to Hunyuan!”

Thousands of thoughts turned around, Lu Ya breathed out the boundless sun, and slowly opened his eyes:

“At that time, even if he has any plans, he can deal with it calmly…”

It’s not sad to be a chess piece. If you don’t even have the qualifications to become a chess piece, then it is really sad.

If you enter too easy, you may face a great crisis, but if you don’t, how can you go further?


Suddenly, Lu Ya’s thoughts were stagnant, and he saw a figure walking slowly in the infinite sun that seemed to be the essence.

The figure was no more than five feet tall, and the golden armor shone like a cloak of fire. As it bathed in the sun’s fire, the two hairbands bound by the purple-gold crown dragged away.

“What’s wrong with this monkey…”

Lu Ya’s eyelids jumped, and he naturally recognized who it was.

He once entered Buddhism, under the pseudonym Wu Chao Zen Master, and once played with this monkey……

“Three-legged Golden Crow…”

The monkey put his arms on the golden cudgel on his shoulders, and casually glanced at the immeasurable three-legged golden crow in the red gold flowing fire:

“There seems to be something wrong…”

The monkey blinked, and a stream of light appeared in his golden eyes, as if there were infinite lights and shadows sketching in his eyes.

Daluo does not see the appearance, the appearance of the skin, or the appearance of the Dharma, but only the essence, the root, the foot, and the Tao.

Although Lu Ya took the place of Taiyi’s dharma image, he never even took over his heels and Dao Yun, which naturally left a loophole.

When the monkey looked at the past, he found some clues:

“So…it’s Zen Master Wu Chao!

My old grandson, I bowed my head! ”

After the last sentence, the monkey was already holding a stick in his hand, hehe sneered.

Before he attained enlightenment, he had seen this Zen Master Wuchao on the side of Taoism. At that time, when he saw this man being rude, he stirred the golden cudgel and struck with all his might, but he never shook a single vine of his black nest, so he was very embarrassed.

Although he didn’t know why he came to this Taiyi at the beginning, and it seemed to have replaced the original appearance of the Supreme God of Taiyi, he didn’t care either.


Lu Ya let out a soft cry, and the endless sun energy was swallowed into his mouth: “You monkey, why are you here?”


The monkey clenched the iron rod tightly with five fingers and smiled coldly:

“I’ve seen it, the ingeniousness of a Zen master!”

“…The great sage was born here because it was too easy, and he didn’t seek fortune himself, so why should he seek the bad luck of the Taoist? I…”

Lu Ya’s eyes flickered, and he didn’t want to do anything with the monkey.

This time is not as good as in the past. This monkey does not know what benefits it has. The breath at this time does not seem to be under his Taiyi law. This monkey is also famous for fighting battles. He is not Taiyi after all. Cheap.

What’s more, this is the monkey of Laojun’s family. He came here, shouldn’t it be Laojun…


Lu Ya wanted to say, but the monkey didn’t have the patience to talk to him. A violent shout interrupted Lu Ya’s words, and he raised the golden hoop to extinguish the infinite sun fire:

“Eat my grandson—a great deal!”


It was just a stick that fell, and the sun and stars shook violently, and endless streams of red gold and fire swept across the wild world like rain.


Lu Ya gritted his teeth and became angry: “You’re deceiving people too much!”


Lu Ya flapped his wings and shouted, and the infinite real fire spurted out like a sea, shrouding the monkey in a bang.

He was also an old antique who climbed to the top of Daluo, even if it was only for a short time, but it was enough to exert the full power of Taiyi Dharma.

The brutality of the shot is no less than that of the monkey.



In an instant, in the shocking collision, infinite fire burst out.

I saw that between the prehistoric world, one after another, the aftermath passed by, and the territory of trillions of miles was shattered into the purest particles.

Between many great powers, even the prehistoric world can’t bear it.


A fire flashed down, and hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers were burned and melted.

A chaotic beast that survived by chance wailed and was burned to ashes by the endless fire of the sun.

“The sky is falling, the earth is falling, the sky is falling…”

Looking at the terrifying supernatural powers in the prehistoric world, Hongyun’s body trembled slightly outside Nantianmen.

The vast wilderness is boundless, but the battle that took place at this time is too terrifying.

The riot of the sun star and the burning of the world is already extremely terrifying, but compared to the two-color lotus platform that almost swept the flood and wasteland, it was too insignificant.

The two colors are entangled, and the indescribable lotus platform slowly rotates between them, like an infinite grinding disc, trying to smash everything between the wild world and the ground, just grind it all!

That is a state that is more primitive than earth fire feng shui and chaos!

Not only Hongyun, but also a congenital **** and demon, they were all stunned and swayed. Compared with such horror, the era of fierce beasts and the robbery of the dragon and the Han Dynasty were nothing.

This is a battle that can truly destroy the flood!

And in a place of nothingness and insignificance that even innate gods and demons can’t see, countless particles that have been destroyed to the most primitive state are running at a limit speed that surpasses everything.

Between the endless rotation of particles, there will be chaos transformation, there will be the appearance of earth, fire and feng shui, and there are countless destructive Dao accumulation laws in it.

Particles are running, orderly or disorderly, rotating with each other, and between collisions, there is an endless big explosion.

Initially, there was not the slightest Dao aggregate within the particle explosion, but in countless, infinitely large number of collisions, gradually, there was the Dao aggregate of Fa, which was derived from it.

Hongmeng, yin and yang, destiny, time and space, cause and effect, five elements…

If anyone can see this scene, they will be shocked to find out.

Beneath the infinitely destructive appearance, the origin of the entire prehistoric world, the Great Dao, is evolving at a speed that makes Daluo stunned!


Outside the Buzhou Mountains, the endless astral wind tore apart the heaven and the earth, and countless mountains collapsed, shattered and melted.

And as the sky melted and the earth shattered, the Buzhou Mountain that towered to the sky also slowly changed.

The stalwart mountain body surrounded by chaos gradually tilted.

“In the end, it’s the Dao Yun of Tai, and it’s just a ray of magic that almost overwhelms Donghua, which has Buzhou Mountain as its source…”

In the forest of six clean bamboos, the Queen Mother of the West frowned slightly.

She wanted to help Tianzhu, but she couldn’t, because, in the endlessly distant future, the gaze of the Great Celestial Venerable was falling on her.

She knew very well that once she made a move, the Great Heavenly Venerate, who had a karmic entanglement with Daoist Hongjun, would also make a move.

At this time, the battle situation is already very complicated. If she and the Great Heavenly Venerate fight again, it will be even more chaotic.

What’s more, she inherited Daoist Hongjun’s congenital Qi Dao, and even if she didn’t help each other, it would be difficult for her to attack.

“Big Brother Gu……”

Wang Lin’s eyes were solemn.

Buzhou Mountain is the pillar of the prehistoric world. It cannot be shaken at ease. It is as strong as a road saint, and it will kill him with one head.

It’s a pity, just like Lu Sheng’s death blow can’t touch Buzhou Mountain, if Buzhou Mountain falls, he is not sure that he will be able to hold it up.

He is not as powerful as others, no matter what he thinks in his heart, he can only watch the battle at this time.



On the sky above the Nine Nine Vaults, Ye Fan’s fist stamp smashed across the boundless, piercing the chest of a Daluo, the stamp of the fist shook, and shattered it into particles invisible to the naked eye, blending into the prehistoric world.


The endless stream of light cuts through the nothingness and dissipates into the darkness.

Ye Fan raised his black hair, turned around and punched again, coughing up blood and shattering the armor.

“This person is invincible!”

That Daluo coughed up blood and went backwards, and the divine armor that had been polished for countless years was completely shattered, and he couldn’t help but look hard to see the limit.

But in the battle, there was no way to retreat. Even though blood was scattered in the sky, he shouted loudly and charged towards Ye Fan!

Daluo is indestructible and indestructible. Even if he falls, he can be resurrected if there is a trace of Taoism, so that he is in a desperate situation and no one will retreat at all.

Compared to the giants behind them, even Tian Dijun, who swept the invincible at this time, didn’t seem to be too scary.

After all, he was also injured.

Boom! Boom~~

In the torrent of supernatural powers, Ye Fan bathed in immortal blood with an indifferent expression.

Under the siege of many big Luos, especially when there was a big Luo Jinshu who was pregnant with Hunyuan’s backhand, he also suffered huge pressure and was injured.

“It’s a little bit worse…”

Ye Fan’s eyes fell outside the battlefield, and he looked at Buzhou Mountain, the center surrounded by the magic lotus.

At this time, Buzhou Mountain was crumbling, and it seemed that it would fall over at any time.

Once the Tianzhu falls, the Nine-Nine Vaults of Heaven will collapse, and the heaven and the earth will merge.


The two-colored magic lotus is everywhere, covering almost the entire prehistoric world, which seems to be larger than the entire prehistoric land.

And in the middle of the boundless magic lotus, the boundless space and time, under the reflection of the two colors of light, spread endlessly toward the ten directions, spreading all the time.

Between the two colors of light entangled with each other, in an extremely subtle place, there are countless continuous collisions.

Gradually, the black light burned, and gradually overwhelmed the golden light.

What followed was Buzhou Mountain, which slowly fell.



In the Zixiao Palace, Gu Shaoshang’s eyes narrowed slightly, and in the depths of his eyes, two endless rays of light were faintly entangled with each other.

Between the entanglement of the two colors of light, there are trillions of countless collisions every moment.

Tai and Wuji are completely different existences from each other, just like acquired and innate, and the difference between them will cut off any possibility of overstepping the battle.

Any detached person is an indescribable existence that is not inferior to the Dao itself. Even if it is just a ray of magic, it is not easier to suppress it than when he fought Taiyi.

If he didn’t take action personally, the result of the entanglement would be that he couldn’t win with a high probability, and that Luo Hu would not lose with a small probability.

But at this time, it was impossible for him to do it himself.

On the opposite side of the chessboard, Taoist Hongjun looked calm, neither happy nor angry:

“Fellow Daoist, what do you think now?”

“Win or lose…”

Gu Shaoshang’s face sank as he looked at the chessboard.

At this time, there were scattered pieces on the chessboard, and the twelve great dragons were nearly half cut off. However, the son of Tianyuan was gradually dimmed, and a new dragon was slowly forming on the bank of Tianyuan.

“The chess path has been exhausted. Even if Sanqing makes a move at this time, he will not be able to help you.”

Daoist Hongjun said lightly:

“Cause and effect, cause and effect, there is cause and effect, I owe Sanqing, and Sanqing owes me.”

“Gu Mou plays chess, and he doesn’t need to give up, he doesn’t need to teach, and he doesn’t need to save!”

Gu Shaoshang’s face was condensed, but his eyes remained indifferent:

“However, in this game, the outcome is undecided!”

“The Dao is like a boat, and those who cross people cross it themselves. Why should fellow Daoists be so unique to me?”

Daoist Hongjun picked up a son again and said leisurely:

“Notice, it’s easy to fold!”

“What is the most easily broken, when did Li Laojun’s way become someone’s way? My way is mine only, it will not change, and there is no need to change it! I have always been the only one who has crossed people, how has anyone ever crossed me? ”

Gu Shaoshang chuckled:

“I should take it for myself, why should I let you?!”

Hearing this, Daoist Hongjun was not angry but delighted, touched his palms and smiled:

“If that’s the case, then it’s great!”


While the two were chatting and laughing, Hongjun dropped another child.


As soon as the child falls, chaos will open up Hongmeng in the chaos, and then Hongmeng will evolve into myriad things and myriad things, myriad spirits and myriad things.

One big universe was derived again, and it was in harmony with the unknown number of big universes in the chaotic sea.

At this point, that side radiates ten directions, and although there are only a few pieces left on the infinitely huge chessboard, the new multiverses are scattered everywhere, and the stars are clustered outside the original time and space like the moon.

The big universes themselves represent the manifestation of the Dao Yun of the Primordial Primordial, and with the advancement of the chessboard, they gradually participated in the evolution of the Great Desolation.





The sticks fell like swept across the sky, and the turbulent wind created endless storms above the boundless chaotic sea.

The monkey steps like a dragon, and a ball of golden light covers the sun star, making it invincible.



Lu Ya was extremely aggrieved and retreated again and again, the scarlet blood splattered into the sky, burning the infinite void.


Too fierce!

Lu Ya was terrified in his heart. This monkey has surpassed the peak of the past, and it is almost not inferior to the Shakyamuni he had seen before, the Peacock Daming King.

This is the real Daluo’s ultimate peak since thousands of calamities!


With a stick, Lu Ying flew out, and the monkey, who was about to chase, suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

At the same time, looking up at the sky:

“not good!!!”

Monkey’s heart froze, and as far as he could see, there was a flash of purple, and one side was like a curtain intertwined with many universes, like the world collapsing, to suppress him!

ps: Recommend a book, “The Son-in-law in the Realm of Cultivation”.



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