Proof of Longevity

Chapter 48

Chapter 49 Chuanwu

Ma Hao hurried home after hearing Zhang Shiyang’s words. Zhang Shiyang breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that in order to find a way to cultivate this seedling, Zhang Shiyang died of countless brain cells. The reputation is not very good. Zhang Shiyang didn’t think about it, but didn’t think of a proper way. Finally, when he came up with such a way, he didn’t know if Widow Ma could accept it.

Thinking too much is useless, Zhang Shiyang doesn’t know how to do that kind of useless work, so he starts to cook and rest. Ma Hao was the first to arrive at the school the next day, but Ma Hao was a little depressed at this time, and came to Zhang Shiyang: “I have seen Mr.”. Seeing Ma Hao’s depression, Zhang Shiyang asked in a low voice, “What’s the matter, crying with grief early in the morning?”. Ma Hao lowered his head when he heard the words: “Sir, my mother does not agree to show up.”

When Zhang Shiyang heard the words, he was completely surprised and nodded: “Well, I know, you will wait for me after school in the evening, and I will go with you to persuade your mother.” Ma Hao was surprised when he heard the words: “Mister is not very surprised after hearing this news.” Zhang Shiyang nodded when he heard the words: “Well, I had expected it before this time, and this result was within my expectation.” Ma Hao nodded when he heard the words, and muttered in his heart: “Mr. is also strange. Since I had expected it, I told him to go back and say something last night. It is better for my husband to persuade my mother to come.”

Although he was puzzled, he still followed Mr.’s words and went straight into the school to review his homework. Zhang Shiyang teased the parrot while thinking secretly about how to persuade Widow Horse to agree to this matter at night. Although Zhang Shiyang could voluntarily give out fifty taels of silver to Ma Hao every month, he thought that once it was known to others, it would be even worse. The rumors and rumours were even more powerful. How will the horse widow be a man by then. Of course, some people will ask: “You quietly give Ma Hao money, who knows then?”. However, Zhang Shiyang considered that Ma Hao would go to the county school to study in the future. At that time, he would specify the cost of a large amount of silver, all kinds of interpersonal relationships, communication, study, and up and down. That doesn’t require silver. Then, where will this large amount of silver be? Take it out? .

This must be a huge flaw at the time. Once Ma Hao offends someone in the county school, then the other party sees the flaw and uses it to frame Ma Hao for the crime of stealing. Ma Hao even had three mouths and couldn’t tell. . At that time, the facts will have to be shaken out. Once this kind of thing comes out, people’s rumours will be even more powerful, and it is estimated that a good woman will be killed by that time. In view of this, Zhang Shiyang had to work hard to arrange for Ma Hao, but it was better than knowing whether Widow Ma and Ma Hao could understand Zhang Shiyang’s painstaking efforts.

With the arrival of the first student, a lot of people came one after another after a short while. With the scream of “Hello, Mr.”, the seats in the school were gradually full. Zhang Shiyang put down the rabbit in his hand, walked into the school, stood at the desk and stared at the crowd. A group of children stopped talking when they saw Zhang Shiyang entering the room, and then looked at Zhang Shiyang obediently. “Morning reading begins,” Zhang Shiyang spoke. “Heaven and earth have righteousness,,,”. It wasn’t long before a song of righteousness had been memorized and it was over.

It’s a pity, Zhang Shiyang sighed, there is no more talented student like Ma Hao. Except for Ma Hao, no one can cultivate Haoran’s righteousness. Zhang Shiyang knows that he thinks too much, and that the one who can cultivate the righteousness is not the great scholar who Baishou Haoran has read for decades. After all, no matter where he is, geniuses are always rare. Zhang Shiyang has already spoken: “You are all a group of talented good children.” When these children saw Zhang Shiyang praised them, they all smiled and stood proudly, but they have a sequence of stories and specializations in surgery. I think some of you don’t like them, but only like dancing knives and guns. , I dream of becoming a general or a martial arts warrior in the future. I don’t know who likes to dance knives and guns, and dream of being a hero, stand up and show me.

When a group of children heard the words, you look at me and I look at you, all without a glance, but every one of the children has been reading such a long time, but all of them are somewhat clear in their hearts, and they muttered in their hearts: “Mister, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd, oh, I know, my husband is a literati, maybe he is not happy with dancing knives, if you stand out now, maybe you will be put on shoes by your husband in the future. We are not fools. How can it stand up”.

So everyone was silent. Zhang Shiyang watched for a while and saw that no one came forward. He understood the meaning of these little guys. He couldn’t help but laugh and curse in his heart: “This group of little ghosts are not big, but their minds are Exciting and thorough”. With a smile on his mouth, he looked at the group of children: “Is there really no? Well, I seem to think too much. A few days ago, I suddenly found out a martial arts book from my ancestors. I don’t want the treasure to be dusted again. , So I wanted to find a few talented teenagers to pass on, but unfortunately, it turned out that I was thinking too much.”

After finishing speaking, pretending to look up to the sky and sigh, a look like a person who has not met a friend, and the flow of water does not know the meaning of flowers. At this time, the few teenagers in the seat panicked suddenly. After all, they were young and indifferent to the world, all of them were suddenly shocked, but such an opportunity was missed by myself and others. So one by one got up and hurriedly said: “Sir, wait a minute, I am willing to practice martial arts, and I want to become complete first.” With the leader, about 30 people stood up, bowed and shouted that they wanted to learn martial arts. Zhang Shiyang pretended to be surprised: “Hey, didn’t anyone want to practice martial arts just now? How did you stand up? Oh, it must be that you waited for the relationship between me and your teachers and students, but didn’t want my family martial arts to be lost. is it?”. A group of children suddenly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and replied repeatedly: “It’s the extreme, it’s the extreme”. Zhang Shiyang’s expression was stern: “Naughty, how can a teacher disregard your great reading career because of your love, and this matter should be mentioned again”.

A group of children suddenly panicked, and even knelt down and begged: “Mr., the student knows what was wrong, please tell me that I will wait for martial arts, and I will never deceive my husband again.” “Oh, a group of hard-working babies were just conquered by Zhang Shiyang.” Seeing this, Zhang Shiyang seemed to have come to understand. With such an expression, he said to the thirty-something children: “You dare to lie to me. If this is the case, I punish you. Can you be convinced?”.

A group of children immediately responded: “Convinced, convinced.” It’s just that I think again in my heart: “As long as I teach martial arts, no amount of punishment is terrible.” Zhang Shiyang nodded, “In this case, each of you will copy the righteous qi song to me fifty times, and I will pass on your martial arts after it’s done.” A few children suddenly had a bitter face and copied it fifty times. Wouldn’t it be deadly. Seeing this, Zhang Shiyang couldn’t help pretending to yell: “What’s this? You can’t bear this bit of bitterness. From now on, you will practice martial arts and fight with others on the battlefield. If you can’t bear this bit of bitterness, I don’t think you should practice martial arts. Just be a scholar with peace of mind.”

A group of children nodded in panic again, and quickly admitted their mistakes, and Zhang Shiyang waved his hand: “Copy it well, don’t ask others to copy it, otherwise you will be disqualified from martial arts.” When a group of children heard that, Xiao Jiujiu was dispelled in their hearts, as if resigning. Zhang Shiyang smiled secretly in his heart: “Small, a group of little boys who want to play scheming with me, hehe, don’t think about it in this life.” I saw another group of children who were still sitting peacefully and said, “As for you children who are only studying, you will also practice martial arts with them in the future. They will learn some defense techniques to strengthen the body. When the time comes, people say they have no hands. The power of binding chickens, and some of the children of a big family, they didn’t start to practice martial arts since they were young, so if you want to make great achievements in the future, you must practice martial arts.”

He said to the group of children who were ready to practice martial arts: “As for you, although you can relax in the cultural class, you still have to follow it. In the future, you will only be a reckless man who was designed to give away his surname for nothing.” A group of children nodded and said yes, Zhang Shiyang saw that a group of little guys were almost fooled, so he started today’s new course.

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