Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 151 151:Night Raid

Chapter 151 151:Night Raid

Far away from the camp,a huge bulky Orc took in a deep breath. A chilly smile appeared on his lips.

He stared up at the starless sky and then at embers of flames lighting the dark space ahead.

'It's a good day to kill.'

His sight then moved to the foot of the plains where hundreds of big and small barracks were surrounded by wooden fences.

The defense looked unreliable with a few soldiers loitering around but it didn't matter because their eyes were tightly shut as they supported themselves against the spear.

'Liege has sacrificed a great number of troops and all of them ought to be dead tired. Today, we will wipe them out and I will offer the heads of their leaders to my liege.'

Saliva started dripping down from his lips as he thought about winning and slaughtering the humans.

"We have finished the preparation?"

At the goblin's report, Looner smiled faintly and nodded.

After indulging in a brief fantasy, he waved his hand signaling to commence the attack.

Unlike humans, they can see quite well at night with no source of external light from stars and the moon, everything was dark so they had a clear advantage.

By the time all humans can be alert, they would have already finished the job.

He went towards the entrance where 3000 troops consisting of Orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins sat on four-legged Lamas.

A monster with the body of a horse but a head like a goat. The Lamas had their mouth covered with gags and the hoops on their toes were covered with cloths filled with grass.

Looner raised his right arm high up pointing towards the sky.

"Let's show the strength of our Liege to the human bastards."


A low reply came from them.


Looner grabbed the reins and took the lead. He pulled the lamas to make it walk slowly to not make any sounds.

It wasn't an ordinary force but 3000 cavalrymen.

A suitable number for the night raid.

He planned to retreat quickly after messing them up if things become difficult and light up the stocks of food.'

Even so, it wasn't going to end with one night as this was just the beginning of hell's nightmare until the other side was annihilated.


On the other side, the patrolling soldiers yawned heavily. They were finding it hard to keep their eyes wide open.

Few were already taking short naps by leaning here and there.

At that time a soldier woke up and saw other snoring soundly.

"AAAH! I am so unlucky. While others are sleeping, I have to guard here."The soldier mumbled yawning heavily.

"Hey, asshole, wake up, "He shouted, nudging the one beside him but just as he touched his shoulder, a soft wind caressed him, and a hot liquid splattered his face waking him up.


As the man screamed, an arrow flew past and struck his neck. With foam of blood emerging from his lip, he falls to the ground with a thud.

A rain of arrows first shot down the one at the guards.

Under the cover of darkness, the orc along with goblins and hobgoblins raiding party crept through the dense shrubs, their movements silent as shadows. Their shining eyes cast an eerie glow upon the scene, illuminating their savage faces twisted into snarls of anticipation. With crude weapons clenched tightly in their gnarled hands, they approached the unalerted human camp.

Looner and the other Orcs laughed sinister seeing this.

The lamas carried hobgoblins and orcs fiercely charged and then jumped over the fence nimbly.

"Don't run amok and kill as silently as possible."

"Kill them before these bastards could even scream."

The Orcs and goblins behind charged forward.

As they breached the perimeter, the air was pierced by the sudden shriek of a sentry, swiftly silenced by a brutal blow. The camp erupted into chaos as shouts of alarm echoed through the night air, mingling with the anguished cries of the fallen.

"Orcs! Orcs are upon us!" a voice cried out, barely audible over the din of battle.

In the flickering light of the campfires, the orcs moved with deadly precision, their movements swift and merciless. With guttural grunts, they launched themselves at their human foes, their weapons gleaming with bloodlust.

"Defend yourselves! Stand firm!" a human voice bellowed, drowned out by the clash of metal against metal and the agonized screams of the wounded.

Amidst the chaos, the sounds of battle grew more frenzied, along with the desperate pleas for mercy and the sickening thud of bodies hitting the ground. The night air became thick with the scent of blood and fear, as the orcs pressed their advantage with savage ferocity.

In just few minutes, they killed the patrol guards and moved deeper

After taking care of patrolling cards, as they stepped in they noticed an unusual sight.

In the heart of the melee, they noticed a human warrior fighting with sinister determination, his sword flashing in the darkness as he faced the onslaught of his monstrous Orcs.

"Die, human scum!" a snarling orc spat, swinging its weapon with deadly intent.

But even as the orc's blade descended, the human warrior struck back with a swift and decisive blow, his eyes blazing upwards.

The night was suddenly set alive with the sounds of carnage and chaos, as the orc raiding party unleashed their wrath upon the unsuspecting human, leaving behind a trail of death and destruction in their wake.

But a single human braced through them forming a resistance.

Looner ordered following which a rain of fire arrows shot forth but before they could touch the tents, a strong wind blew, and a shockwave spread deflecting the arrows.

"Huh!" Looner's eyes narrowed.

They were startled for a moment.

However, the shock didn't last long until they noticed a faint presence emerging from the taints.



The goblins and Orcs who ran forward were struck by a dark mass of ghostly likely figures.



Screams and agony started to ring aloud but it wasn't from humans.


It was then that everyone's attention went toward the same man who slaughtered the front and now emerged from the thick shadowy figures while stepping over the corpses of the orcs. freeweb .co m

Then raising his hand that held a horn he blew it creating a loud sound signaling the beginning of war.

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