Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 167 167:Provocation

Chapter 167 167:Provocation

Soldiers started running in the plains and extended from left to right.

"Bear in mind! Simply holding your spear and charging to the front isn't battling. We need to move taking into account the current position of our troops to others so that we don't hamper their movements."

Peter's voice flowed through the wind.

"Always keep an eye on the situation of the allies so that we can grasp what the situation is and provide them with help."


A strong reply came from those below.

It had been a month since they had entered the place. They were late on the schedule and in terms of losses, it was also heavier than expected.

However, this brutal experience had toughened up everyone.

Even a Martial Lord without proper skills isn't as useful as any random arrow from anywhere can kill you if you aren't careful.

The troop members of the 31st regiment who were running fast lowered their speed and completely stopped at Peter's sign.

Since all the Commander and Vice Commanders were in the meeting, it was Captain's duty to lead the troops. For now, instead of a single central command, all of them decided to coordinate and defend...

Soon, a plain appeared in front of their eyes, and amidst the tall grasses, a stirring sound echoed as faint movements were noticed

As the soldiers stood in formation on the plains, their eyes scanned the horizon, the tension rose in the air as they saw dust getting stirred by the movements.

Suddenly, a rustling stirred amidst the tall grasses, and hulking masses emerged on the horizon.

The soldiers stood in formation on the plains, their ranks braced their weapons for the impending onslaught, but their expressions started to falter as more and more enemy troops poured in.


From the depths of the grassy expanse emerged a monstrous formation of goblins, ogres, and orcs.

The goblins rushed forward with devious intent, their frail thin body blending seamlessly with the tall grass.

The monster army moved with an eerie stance, their movements synchronized yet there was roughness, as if each creature was a part of a terrifying soldier of death.

Crimson and yellow eyes glinted in the dim light as they advanced, their approach was reflected by the rumbling of ground that transmitted, bending under the weight.

Towering behind them, the brutish ogres lumbered forward, riding over a camel-like creature.

Their massive fists clenched the cold menacing weapons gleaming in the sunlight.

Together, the whole army seemed like a relentless tide, whose end wasn't even in sight.

"What the?"



"Damn! It's huge."

"Are we here to fight or due"

The soldiers swallowed their saliva and fought their anxiousness witnessing their number.

Leon who stood beside Peter and Garrison could already see the expression we are fucked up from their faces.

"What's up with this monster? Even after we killed so many they still have so many? Half of our troops are resting and acting as reserves. Can we keep that at bay?"Garrison shouted.

"We have to," Peter muttered with a cold expression.

Garrison's eyes swam toward the greenish swarm that popped out of nowhere. If looked at from above it looked like a huge greenish cloud covering the mass of land.

Leon turned his eyes toward his newbie friends with a solemn gaze.

As their expressions met, Leon saw their determined eyes.

Ian, Sander, and Vikram put forward a confident smile.

''Leon, we will have your back. So just go forward and slaughter.''

He could read their thoughts but he knew that from inside they were quite panicked and put up a brave front.

'But aren't these bastards pushing me too much?'

He then looked towards Rose's troops consisting of females. Though he couldn't spot Su Lin, the fact that she left being a teacher and entered here to extend her sphere of influence so that she could search for him didn't bode well with him.

Leon couldn't help but smile bitterly at their kindness. These were the types of people who were motivated to go forward and kill the scum in his previous life.

"SOLDIERS!"Peter shouted as the monster army drew close.



Frightening war crimes shot up from the monster's throat.

They charged toward the soldiers who seemed to be weaker beings.

The sword and shield troops and guards were at the front lines. They used shields in their hands to shield their comrades using spears beside them.

Then soon, two armies met with a devastating sound.

Dust and debris rose, and blood started splattering as an army of monsters crashed onto the army like a surge of waves striking the shores relentlessly.


In a tent adorned with maps and battle plans, the commanders gathered, their faces etched with solemn expressions.

Many well-known figures stood there, however in terms of actual merit, most of them weren't good enough and mostly relied on the family names.

"We need to select a head to lead us and bind the chain of commands as too many cooks spoil the broth."Mac, a seasoned veteran, spoke , eyeing around.

Among them, two figures stood out the most.

Cameron, who was known for his tactical brilliance, and Snow Witch Irina.

However, due to her past year's actions, Irina had lost the fear she had crafted over everyone as everyone thought she had softened up and became a bit famine after the new marriage but seeing her standing coldly with a blank stoic expression gave everyone chills.

A heated discussion arose amongst themselves. Amidst this someone's eyes flickered and he looked at Irina with a hateful gaze.

'Few are voicing their thoughts in favor of her. I can't let this happen otherwise she might suppress us. I need to break the flow.'

The man walked towards Irina amidst the crowd and whisperers.

"I heard Lady Irina broke the chains and conversed with soldiers."Milano, a member from Rothschild, spoke with a grin.

"What's the matter Lady Irina,"

Irina's expression turned icy"Do you want to die, Milano? I still haven't acted on what your family did to my child."

"Child, the one that you abandoned. I think you did good to get rid of that tras.."


Before Milano could finish her speech, a fierce aura froze his entire body as a gigantic pressure erupted from Irina.

"If you dare call my son trash again. I swear on my name that I won't hesitate to pull that venomous tongue of yours.''

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