Protagonist Knows Everything

Chapter 3: Friend and Social Life

It’s been a month since I joined the Hagnut Guild.

“Mr. Tay. I’m back.”


The adventurer put the loot from his quest on the counter with a proud face. It seems that he had easily completed the quest I entrusted to him and returned.

“Successful as always. Good work.”

“Mr.Tay suggested that quest, there’s no way I could fail. By the way, What’s my name?”

‘Let’s see. It must be in the register.’

I found the adventurer’s name in the personnel register and laughed.

“Thank you for telling me nicely. Mr. Dark.”


“Why did you do that, though?”

“Mr. Tay. You know what? I didn’t fail a single quest this month.”

Of course, I knew that, but I showed a slightly surprised expression, saying that I didn’t know.

“Is that so? You must’ve improved a lot.”

“No, no. It’s just that Mr.Tay entrusted me quests with the highest chance of success.”


“It might not look like it, but until recently I was a low tier adventurer who couldn’t even afford proper equipment. But now, people are looking at me differently, it’s all because of you Mr.Tay.”

Dark was rubbing his head while wearing a grateful expression.

His words were true. I’ve been evaluating every single of the adventurer’s parameters and handing them quests with the highest rate of success.

Since my early days, I’ve been confident in my ability to assess people’s abilities.

Then Dark suddenly spoke up.

“Uh. I wanted to pay back, so I told the people around me to visit Mr. Taylord of the Hagnut Guild.”

“So that’s why the number of adventurers visiting me suddenly surged.”

“Isn’t that good? If the guild receives more adventurers thanks to Mr. Tay, you’ll receive a promotion right?”

I shrugged that off.

“I’ll take my leave now. Let’s grab a drink sometime Mr.Tay”

“Yeah. Thank you for your hard work.”

Dark disappeared while humming a song along with the quest rewards.

While Dark was leaving I muttered…

“Human Resources.”

The holographic window appeared.

[Level: Trainee/Next level: 1st-year employee.]

[Personnel points required until promotion: 45/100]

“45 huh…?”

As I was staring at the personnel records, I heard Sain’s voice.

“So even Mr.Tay can look dumb.”


“Sometimes you just stare off into the distance. Is something on your mind?”


She must’ve noticed me looking at the personnel records. I must be careful.

I answered calmly.

“Yeah. I was just wondering what to eat for lunch.”

“Huh. Lies.”


“I heard what Mr. Dark said earlier. Certainly, the number of adventurers visiting the Hagnut Guild has increased a lot these days. Many of them are looking for Mr. Tay.”

“Would you like to take an incentive?”

Sain said in a soft voice.

“Not only Mr. Dark but all the adventurers Mr.Tay is in charge of have a high success rate. No, if I’m not mistaken… I think everyone succeeded. For this month.”

“Because all the tasks I gave were for D-class adventurers. Instead of having a low risk, they usually have a high success rate.”

“Is that the case?”


“Mr.Tay. Next time, deal with a C-class adventurer. I will hand over some of my clients to you.”

Well, that was to be expected.

Actually, I was waiting for this to happen.

I laughed on the inside, but on the outside, I tried to act a little bit stern.

“Why me? It’s only been a month since I came here.”

“The order in which they come in doesn’t matter. People don’t rise up the rankings just because of the time they’ve spent with the guild .”

She deliberately glanced at Hans.

Poor Hans just smiled when Sain and his eyes met.

She looked back at me and said.

“If you have a good success rate even for the C-class, it will simply mean that your recent success wasn’t just luck.”

It would be better to accept it at this point. Although from experience, this seemed a bit troublesome.

“Yeah. I’ll try.”

“That’s a good answer. Don’t worry. I will assist you with a few of the first ones.”

“Thank you.”

Sain nodded and went back.

I looked at her back and opened the personnel register.

It is difficult to determine a specific pattern because the allotments of personnel evaluation were a bit random. However, they had one thing in common. It happens every time I outperform other receptionists. That means…

‘If I succeed with the C-class adventurers, a lot of points will come in.’

What happens when I am promoted to 1st-year employee?

My heart was pounding. Just like I did while receiving my first paycheck.

After lunch break that day, Hans confronted me.

“Hey. I heard rumors.”


“What okay?”

“How are you performing so well?”

“Ha! Are you getting jealous? So me being successful angered you?”

Hans. There was a guy like him in my company. For reasons I couldn’t understand, he would fight whenever he saw me. Well, after only 6 months, he left the company with tears. Why do you think he left?

Suddenly, thinking of the old days, I heard Hans’ voice.

“Hey, that’s it. You said you were going to deal with C-class adventurers?”

“I think so.”

“Fuck. Adventurers looking for the Hagnut Guild are mostly C-class. It’s the best source of income.”


“How did you manage to do that within a single month?!”

I tried to shrug it off, but he was persistent.

“I didn’t ask for it, but Ms.Sain handed it over to me herself.”


“If there is a problem, do not fight with the employee, but bring it to the team leader instead.”

“Employee? Team Leader?”

Hans tilted his head as if he understood.

You don’t have to think about it, your head will start hurting.

I could hear footsteps outside the door. That sound was obviously Sain.

I said in a slightly loud voice, so that she could listen, “Let’s stop. We’re still in working hours.”

“What? Are working hours more important than this?!!”

So this guy didn’t notice the footsteps. This was a great opportunity.

The footsteps stopped right in front of the door. She must be listening to the conversation from outside.

I responded with a strong tone, “I think that’s the most important thing.”


“It’s one of the most basic rules. I don’t want to be someone who can’t follow the basics.”

It wasn’t because Sain was listening, but it was my motto.

However, Hans became more angry, and spoke in a rather harsh voice.

“Ha! I work all day, a small break won’t matter! If you’re scared, just say it.”

He’s the kind of guy who digs their own grave

“Anyway, I am going.”

“Hey! We’re not done yet!”

I turned around. Hans grabbed my shoulder roughly. And at that moment, the lounge door opened. Sain was looking at us with a stiff face.

“Please stop it. Mr.Hans.”


“Mr.Tay is right. respecting the working hours is the most basic rule.”

She looked at me.

Unlike when she saw Hans, she had a soft smile on her face.

“Mr. Tay, go back to your desk. I’m going to have a brief talk with Mr. Hans.”


As I moved, Hans’s arm fell off my shoulders.

[I got 3 HR evaluation points from ‘Sain’.]

Two birds with one stone

From that day onwards, Sain started giving me one or two of her C-class adventurers.

Well, technically speaking, it is better to say that the person in charge of them is absent.

However, regular customers… No, adventurers tended to consult the receptionists that they liked.

Among them, Sain was the most popular receptionist.

On the excuse that she was too busy, she politely guided some adventurers to me.

‘The best way to reciprocate to high expectations was to perform well.’

After a week like that, my HR evaluation points rose to 80.

And that moment a new message popped up.

[New information available: Potential]

What is this?

This personnel record won’t let me get bored.

I heard Sain’s voice while looking at the record.

“Mr. Tay. Did you do the same kind of job before joining the Hagnut Guild?”


“Just luck can’t explain your high success rate. Even my clients fail quests once in a while.”

“That’s because you are dealing with B-class adventurers too. The difficulty would be dramatically higher, of course.”

Sain laughed.

I knew very well why she laughed, something about B-class adventurers not being prepared…blah blah.

“Just call me Sain when we’re in private.”

“But it feels good to call by position within the guild.”

“Because there is something cool about it…but nobody thinks about it that way.”

“Just call me Sain when we’re alone.”

Sain folded her arms, and kept insisting that I call her Sain.

She was only giving me advice until recently, which is very natural, but this sudden development worried me a bit.

This woman is usually very clever and stays composed.

“Well. I’ll think about it.”

‘There’s nothing more pointless than explaining to a boss who isn’t ready to listen.’

At that time, Hans glanced over and our eyes met. He looked at me, and Sain’s affectionate behaviour towards me, and bit his lips. It seems like he’s holding a grudge against me.

Sain also looked at him and asked in a soft voice.

“Mr. Tay is friends with Mr. Hans, right?”

‘No. It’s worse than that.’

I just swallowed the answer.

“How did you two get to know each other and Why are you two friends?”

“Friends usually have some sort of similarity between them… but the two of you have completely different personalities.”

This situation was a bit familiar to me. I am not simply referring to the difference in personality.

It wasn’t long after I joined the company in my previous life, and I remember what my boss said about his motive for joining the company.

His motives and mine were completely different.

At that time, I still didn’t notice it because I had little social experience, but now I knew it. That it was a comparison between his and my motives. That realization made me smile a bit.

It was then.

The guild door opened and two women entered. Among them, the tall woman stood in front and opened her mouth with high spirits.

“Sain. Is she here!!?”

“Welcome. Seems like you finished early this time.”

“Haha. Not exactly though.”

The woman said so, and looked back at her party.

At the end of my gaze I saw a small woman standing behind her.

She looked young. Is she a teenager?

‘A world without the Labor Laws sure is scary.’

I looked at the small woman with appreciation.

She suddenly became depressed, and then put her hood over her head.


Then the woman in front grabbed her shoulder.

“What are you so depressed about? Everyone makes mistakes.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry.”, she said again in a trembling voice.

Her speech and expression were very soft. The young woman in the back seemed to have made a mistake on the quest. The woman in the front is a leader who embraces such mistakes without revealing them.

‘I think I have seen this picture somewhere?’

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