Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 32: Reserve Clan Leader's School Life

Meanwhile, at Wang Shouzhe's residence, two young and beautiful women sat in the pavilion, skillfully sewing clothes for the men of the household.

After a spring rain, the courtyard seemed to have been cleansed, shedding its dust and becoming fresher. The grass was greener, and the flowers on the branches were more delicate.

Yet, none of this spring beauty could compare to the women in the pavilion.

The leading lady, dressed in a water-blue gown with a graceful figure and a gentle temperament that transcended the mundane, was none other than Wang's Clan's senior wife, Liu Ruolan.

As a Lingtai realm cultivator, she appeared to be in her early twenties despite nearing forty, with her demeanor unchanged.

Fresh fruits lay on the stone table in front of her.

As they sewed and chatted about household matters, they occasionally reached for some fruit, truly enjoying themselves.

In the yard, two four or five-year-old children were chasing butterflies.

A toddler in split-pants toddled after the "big kids," occasionally falling but quickly getting up, calling out, "Sister~~ wait for me."

The older children, a boy and a girl, were Wang Shouzhe's legitimate second daughter, Wang Liyue, and the slightly younger boy, the second of the "Zong" generation, Wang Zongchang's son—Wang Shicheng.

The toddler in split-pants was Wang Shouzhe's second son, Wang Zongrui.

The three children played joyously together, creating a scene full of life's vibrancy, truly embodying the phrase "peaceful times."

"Feifei, Shicheng is four years old now, right?" Liu Ruolan said with a smile, glancing at the beautiful woman beside her, "You and Zongchang should work harder to have a couple more, to add to our Wang's Clan."

"Auntie~" The beautiful woman blushed and lowered her head, "Such matters, how, how can one simply 'work harder'?"

This beautiful woman, named Liu Feifei, was born into the direct line of Shanyin Liu's Clan.

She married the then thirty-year-old Wang Zongchang at eighteen and had been married for over four years, with her child now able to run around. By relation, Liu Ruolan was her clan aunt, and naturally, she was treated with a bit more affection than others.

"What's there to be shy about?" Liu Ruolan glanced at her and said, "Your child is four years old, why act like a bashful maiden?"

"Auntie, no, it's not that…" Liu Feifei's face turned red, "Zongchang has been busy expanding territories outside and is engrossed in cultivation when he returns… He's not very proactive about that sort of thing…"

"If he's not proactive, can't you be?" Liu Ruolan spoke like an experienced hand, "You need to make him addicted to you. Listen, when he comes back from his mission, leave the child with me. Prepare some dishes and wine, and enjoy a world of just the two of you. Here, let me teach you some ways to charm your husband…"

She then whispered a series of tips into Liu Feifei's ear.

"Yes, Auntie…" Liu Feifei bit her lip, her cheeks burning.

She never imagined there were so many intricacies between husband and wife. The techniques her aunt mentioned were… embarrassingly intimate.

As they were talking, Liu Ruolan's brows suddenly raised in delight, "Eh? My husband is back."

With her profound cultivation and powerful spiritual sense, she could sense Wang Shouzhe's approach from afar.

Sure enough, shortly after, a series of footsteps approached, and Wang Shouzhe entered the courtyard with a group of children.

Liu Ruolan and Liu Feifei put down their sewing and went to greet him.

"Husband, you must be tired from your journey~" Liu Ruolan greeted him with a woman's courtesy.

Wang Shouzhe quickly returned the gesture, "It's more tiring for my wife to manage the home."

After the couple exchanged greetings, the younger ones followed suit. Daughter Wang Liyue and son Wang Zongrui both rushed to Wang Shouzhe, hugging his legs and acting coquettishly.

Liu Ruolan hurriedly instructed the kitchen to prepare a feast with good food and wine to welcome her husband back and reward him for his hard work.

During this time, Wang Shouzhe set up in the courtyard to test the children's studies.

Soon, he nodded frequently, his expression becoming much kinder.

The children had been diligent in their studies, showing that the clan's education efforts over the years had not been in vain. Unlike before, when Wang Shouzhe would become frustrated after testing his siblings and nieces.

Even so, the little ones were all on edge, walking on thin ice. After all, this was Fourth Uncle/Fourth Grandfather, who wouldn't be afraid in his presence?

"Zongcai, you performed the best," Wang Shouzhe praised warmly, "You should set an example for the younger ones."

"Yes, Fourth Uncle."

Wang Zongcai bowed respectfully, very well-behaved.

After a moment's hesitation, he asked, "Fourth Uncle, what's the Commandery like? Can I apply to help my father there? I want to gain some experience."

Wang Shouzhe glanced at him and smiled, "It's not impossible. You'll be sixteen after the New Year, and it's time to contribute to the clan. Spend a couple of years in the Commandery for some experience. After spring next year, you can go to the Commandery with your father."

Wang Zongcai's face lit up with joy, "Thank you, Fourth Uncle, for your approval."

As they spoke, the feast in the side hall was ready.

Wang Shouzhe led everyone to the side hall to dine together.

The meal was quite silent. After finishing, Wang Shouzhe put down his chopsticks and said, "Alright, go about your business~ Make sure to practice your studies and cultivation diligently; I'll be checking again next time."

"Yes, Fourth Uncle/Fourth Grandfather~"

The children, as if pardoned, politely excused themselves.

Once they were a little away from the courtyard, they immediately ran off. Eating with Fourth Uncle/Fourth Grandfather was too much pressure.

"Auntie, Fourth Uncle," Liu Feifei, holding Wang Shicheng's hand, bowed respectfully, "Shicheng and I will take our leave now."

"Don't rush, Feifei," Liu Ruolan said, "Take Shicheng and stay in my courtyard for a couple of days, and help look after Liyue and Zongrui. Your Fourth Uncle and I need to step out for some important matters."

"Yes, Auntie."

Liu Feifei was somewhat puzzled but obediently did as instructed.

Wang Liyue and Wang Zongrui, however, widened their eyes at their mother. Why was she in such a hurry to go out on important matters as soon as their father returned?

Even Wang Shouzhe was slightly taken aback.

Why was Ruolan becoming more anxious with age?

Moreover, whether it was due to her spiritual body or her increasing cultivation, Wang Shouzhe always felt her figure and temperament were improving. He hadn't noticed before, but after being away for nearly three months, the change was particularly evident.

Subsequently, on Zhuwei Lake, within Shuiyue Pavilion, Wang Shouzhe spent two pleasant days, followed by three not-so-pleasant ones.


At the same time, in the Purple Mansion Academy, in the Valley of Eternal Spring.

At the cusp of spring and summer, when the wood element's spiritual energy was at its peak and the valley was at its most beautiful, the abundance of wood element spiritual energy in the Valley of Eternal Spring, bolstered by a top-grade wood spirit vein, far exceeded other places, making it teeming with life.

Towering trees were everywhere, their lush greenery vibrant with life. The well-organized spirit fields were filled with countless spirit grains and fruits, and various spirit flowers bloomed in competition, while spirit bees buzzed and spirit butterflies fluttered, creating a picturesque spring scene.

Deep in the valley, a wooden courtyard sat quietly in a corner.

Inside the courtyard, there was a spirit spring and three parts of spirit fields.

The spirit fields were planted with fast-growing spirit vegetables and fruits.

Next to the spirit fields, a fenced area housed six first-order spirit birds—Red-bellied Golden Finches.

Though called "finches," each bird weighed over a hundred pounds, with red bellies and golden feathers, and a tail like blazing fire, making them quite attractive. However, they were all fattened to the point of being unable to fly.

At this moment, in the spirit field, a young man dressed in the ordinary disciple uniform of the Valley of Eternal Spring was hoeing weeds with his head down.

The young man had handsome features and an extraordinary air, and even his simple attire and mundane farm work couldn't hide his outstanding demeanor.

This young man was none other than the legitimate eldest son of Wang's Clan, Wang Zong'an.

After hoeing for a while, clearing the weeds competing with the spirit vegetables and fruits for nutrients, he put down the hoe and went to fetch feed to feed the six Red-bellied Golden Finches.

They were picky eaters, requiring steamed spirit rice mixed with a fixed amount of spirit fruits and vegetables, and occasionally a few dozen pounds of meat to spice things up.

As for the Red-bellied Golden Finches, aside from their somewhat valuable feathers, their main purpose was to lay eggs. The eggs were as big as melons, delicious whether steamed, boiled, or fried.

Right, the Golden Finch eggs were for eating, with each credit only exchanging for three! Ordinary students couldn't afford them, and only core disciples would occasionally exchange a few to taste.

According to his senior brothers and sisters, the one in the Valley of Eternal Spring who loved Golden Finch eggs the most was the favored Green Veil junior sister of the venerable Elder Changchun.

However, Elder Changchun and Green Veil junior sister had gone out on business some days ago, and the Valley of Eternal Spring was currently managed by the highly respected senior brother Jinshan.

Wang Zong'an was placed in the Valley of Eternal Spring by Wang Shouzhe not to follow the academy path, but to experience life, get a taste of the world, and cultivate the comprehensive abilities of the clan's heir.

In his father's words, a boy must endure hardship, as he is the future leader of Wang's Clan.

Therefore, he concealed his identity from the start, entered the academy low-key, and wore a high-grade concealment jade pendant that could even deceive the spiritual senses of Lingtai realm cultivators.

Except for Elder Changchun and Green Veil junior sister, everyone in the Valley of Eternal Spring thought he was just an ordinary disciple, so no one made any special arrangements for him, and he was treated like any other student.

As a result, in addition to the work in the courtyard, he had to take care of about three acres of spirit fields every day.

After completing all his assigned tasks, he had about half a day to himself, which he could use for cultivation, missions, or socializing.

Additionally, every ten days, a senior brother would hold a large class in the Dao Hall, where they could learn techniques and listen to insights.

At first, Wang Zong'an found it refreshing to be free from his parents' control. But the novelty lasted only a month before he grew somewhat impatient.

The daily work and cultivation here were too monotonous. Aside from his neighbor senior sister and senior brother who occasionally visited him, he had almost no notable social activities.

As the legitimate young master and the young clan leader of Wang's Clan, Wang Zong'an had always lived in the spotlight. How could he endure such a life?

It made him feel as if he had fallen to the bottom of society.

So much so that while feeding the Red-bellied Golden Finches, he couldn't help but doubt whether his parents sending him to the Valley of Eternal Spring was just an excuse.

Ultimately, they probably found him a nuisance now that he was grown up.

"Ah~ It's tough being me with such parents," Wang Zong'an sighed.


Just as Wang Zong'an was sighing, a senior sister with an average appearance and somewhat older (twenty-three years old) called out his name and barged into his courtyard.

She also carried a basket of "strange mushrooms," consoling Wang Zong'an, "Zong'an, you seem a bit down. Are you homesick? It's normal to miss home; you'll get used to it in a year or two. Look, this rainy season has been abundant, and the spirit mushrooms under the Changchun spirit trees are thriving, all plump and tender. I managed to pick a basketful, let's taste them together."

"These mushrooms…" Wang Zong'an felt dizzy at the sight of the mushrooms' shape; they were embarrassingly… suggestive!

"Are they all very big?" Senior sister Bailin boasted, "I queued up at midnight, and as soon as the ban was lifted in the early morning, I picked the biggest ones. These spirit mushrooms are delicious and greatly enhance blood vitality. It's a cultivation resource that we ordinary disciples can get for free. Other branches and peaks don't have this benefit."

"Bailin junior sister, Zong'an junior brother." A warm voice sounded, and the tall, dark senior brother Yuanmo entered, "You're eating spirit mushrooms without inviting me? We're all neighbors, after all. I brought a spirit fish, perfect for making soup with the mushrooms."

Wang Zong'an's eyelids twitched. Every time Bailin senior sister appeared, Yuanmo senior brother would inevitably show up, as if he was always watching.

But as soon as Bailin senior sister saw Yuanmo senior brother, her expression soured, "The spirit mushrooms I painstakingly picked, I'd rather feed to dogs and pigs than let you eat."

"Uh…" Wang Zong'an's expression stiffened. Bailin senior sister, is it appropriate for you to say that?

Then, Bailin senior sister ran into Wang Zong'an's kitchen as if she owned the place, and began to busy herself, exclaiming with surprise, "Zong'an junior brother, you have third-grade spirit cured meat? That's perfect to stew with the spirit mushrooms. But you should save your new student credits, don't waste them."

This is fourth-grade spirit cured meat!

Wang Zong'an silently corrected her in his mind. This was left by Aunt Luoqiu when she secretly visited him. The secrecy was undoubtedly to avoid openly defying the commands of the fearsome father.

Unable to argue with Bailin senior sister, he let her be and busied himself with work in the courtyard.

As for Yuanmo senior brother, once he heard there was third-grade spirit cured meat to eat, he refused to leave. He was older and had thicker skin, so he helped Wang Zong'an with some chores and prepared to stay for the meal as if it were his right.

In less than half an hour.

Bailin senior sister quickly cooked the spirit rice, sliced the spirit cured meat very thinly, and made a big pot of spirit mushroom and cured meat soup, thick and white as jade, with a fragrant aroma.

Aside from everything else, Bailin senior sister's cooking skills were indeed good.

Under Bailin senior sister's disdainful gaze, Yuanmo senior brother sat down carelessly to eat.

This meal turned out to be quite satisfying for Wang Zong'an. Despite their strange appearance, the spirit mushrooms were first-rate in taste, greatly improving his mood.

He pondered how to preserve these spirit mushrooms to share with his parents and family. Although he often complained about them, he still respected and loved them.

"By the way, have you heard?" Yuanmo senior brother put on an all-knowing air, "I heard that the legendary reclusive academy head has personally come out of seclusion to take on a disciple. They say it's a rare prodigy, only nineteen years old and already at the second level of the Lingtai realm. With combat power that can contend with ordinary Tianren realm cultivators."

"Nineteen years old and at the second level of the Lingtai realm? Contending with the Tianren realm, such an unparalleled prodigy exists in this world!" Bailin senior sister exclaimed in amazement, then glanced at Yuanmo, "Yuanmo senior brother, you're already thirty years old and only at the eighth level of the Qi refining stage! Compared to that, you're really a waste."

Yuanmo senior brother remained silent. At his age, he would be considered a seedling of the Lingtai realm in any outside clan, even a decent one. But compared to that mysterious prodigy, he did feel like a waste.

However, after Bailin senior sister spoke, she also felt depressed. She was also an ordinary disciple, so how much better could she be than Yuanmo senior brother?

"Let's not think about those high and mighty prodigies anymore; the more we compare, the sadder we get," Bailin senior sister turned her gaze to Wang Zong'an, "Zong'an junior brother, we're just ordinary disciples, let's just do our duties diligently. Once we reach the Lingtai realm, we'll work for the academy for decades, accumulate enough credits, and then return to our clans."

The academy didn't require these ordinary disciples to stay for life; they could return to their clans once certain conditions were met.

Wang Zong'an was speechless. The treatment of siblings born of the same mother was worlds apart. His sister became the academy head's favored student, while he could only mingle with ordinary disciples of the Valley of Eternal Spring.

However, he also felt the intentions of his parents placing him here. He was always in high circles, and his daily treatment was too good.

So much so that he couldn't see the hardships of "lower-class cultivators." Experiencing the life of ordinary people was indeed beneficial for his growth. As for his sister Wang Liyao, she was on a different path.

He, Wang Zong'an, was the young clan leader, and he would bear the responsibility of Wang's Clan's future!


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