Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 37: Master's fault! I'll take the blame for it~

An aerial cold chain transportation system!?

This name was utterly foreign to the members of the Alliance of In-Laws. They could understand each word individually, but strung together, it made no sense to them. They looked at each other, all wearing faces of clueless bewilderment.

"Clap clap!" Wang Shouzhe, who had come prepared, clapped his hands twice.

A servant of the Wang's Clan stepped forward and moved aside a large screen. Behind the conference table, there was a meticulously drawn large map.

The map was more than a zhang wide and less than two zhang long, covering Longzuo Commandery, its bordering areas, some territories beyond, and the East Sea maritime region.

It was a detailed map with clear mountains, rivers, and known islands in the sea. Especially noteworthy were the dozens of small and large garrisons, all marked with precision.

Intelligence was something every clan paid attention to.

However, most clans, due to their limited scope, only focused on intelligence and maps of their surrounding areas, remaining ignorant of distant clans.

But Wang Shouzhe was different. After all, he was a transmigrator, with broader vision and perspective, looking at things from a different angle. Led by Wang Mei, the intelligence network had already secretly spread throughout the southern six garrisons and was gradually extending towards Longzuo Commandery.

In terms of intelligence gathering and map integration, he was always generous with his investments, having dispatched people to compile the map of Longzuo Commandery long ago.

With this map unveiled.

It was as if Longzuo Commandery was already within his grasp.

"What a detailed map…" Lei Yangyu from the Tianren Lei Clan exclaimed, "My Lei Clan also has a map of Longzuo Commandery, but compared to this one, it's ten times more rudimentary."

Wang Shouzhe just smiled without responding. This map had taken a great deal of his effort and time. For instance, the topography of the East Sea was partly contributed by the Chen Clan of Donggang, and both Dantai and Yu had also helped a lot.

Moreover, both the Longzuo Wang's Clan and Luo Jing Luo Qiu had gone out of their way to contribute to this map. Especially Luo Jing Luo Qiu, being direct disciples of the Purple Mansion Academy, had taken advantage of their missions to slowly and secretly copy some of the academy's maps.

This complete map of Longzuo Commandery was just the surface. Wang Shouzhe also had a secret room, where an entire bookshelf was filled with various intelligence reports, including information on the garrisons' clans, important figures, specialties, and even some historical legacies and personal connections.

In the realm of intelligence collection, Wang Shouzhe spared no effort. At the same time, he was also recording all this information into the clan's "Spirit Artifact."

"There are a total of thirty-eight garrison cities in Longzuo Commandery," Wang Shouzhe pointed out, "For example, this Northwest Garrison is the furthest west and north in Longzuo Commandery. Due to its vast territory, the livestock industry is very developed. But the people living there, most of them have never tasted the fresh seafood from the Hundred Islands Garrison. To travel from there to the East Sea Garrison or the Hundred Islands Garrison by horse carriage, taking all the twists and turns, would normally require fifty days!"

"If they were to take a flying carriage, they could reach Longzuo Commandery City in one day, and from there, it would only take a day and a half to reach the East Sea Garrison, and then another half day to the Hundred Islands Garrison."

"If we use the Commandery City as a central hub, and strategically plan and open multiple transportation-oriented flying carriages, we can connect all thirty-eight garrison cities of Longzuo Commandery. This would not only transport people but also expedite the delivery of cold-chain delicacies."

"As for cold-chain delicacies, we could collaborate with the Yuwen Clan. Yuwen's Hundred Flavors Residence is spread throughout Longzuo Commandery, catering to high-end customers with a huge demand for various fresh ingredients. However, due to regional differences, the ingredients at each Hundred Flavors Residence vary greatly. For example, our Changning Garrison and Zhenze Garrison are known for their fresh fish, spiritual fish, and exotic meats from beyond our borders."

"But if you want to taste fresh seafood or some delicacies that only grow on the grasslands of the Northwest Garrison, like fresh spirit grass mushrooms or the highly acclaimed Northwest Spirit Snow Sheep, it's extremely difficult. Transporting Spirit Snow Sheep by traditional land routes not only causes the cost to skyrocket, but the main issue is the long duration. The sheep often perish en route, and even if they arrive alive, they're often skin and bones, with the meat quality altered."

Wang Shouzhe continued, "I'm just giving one example. There are many valuable high-end ingredients and spiritual foods that, through the aerial cold-chain transportation system, can be quickly distributed throughout Longzuo Commandery. The commercial value is self-evident."

"Additionally, there's a demand for passenger transport. People used to avoid traveling because the journeys were difficult and distant, consuming a lot of resources along the way. If there were affordable flying carriages available, one could reach any garrison city in Longzuo Commandery within three days, increasing the flow of people. The entire Longzuo Commandery would become more vibrant~"

"And then there's the mail and courier system," Wang Shouzhe said, "Previously, when I wanted to write a letter or send something to my sister in the Chen Clan of Donggang, I had to send a family guard directly. But if I wanted to send a letter or a small item to the Longzuo Wang's Clan or Luo Jing Luo Qiu in the academy, I could either rely on Wang Yong to make the trip once a year, or use the Qian Clan's transportation system, which would take a month or two to deliver."

"Such efficiency is really too low. If we could connect the thirty-eight garrison cities with flying carriages and set up rider stations in each town, we could achieve mail and courier delivery in a very short time."

Wang Shouzhe's series of novel concepts left his allies wide-eyed and stunned, needing a good while to digest it all.

No wonder.

On Earth, where Wang Shouzhe's previous self lived, cold-chain systems, postal services, and couriers were already highly developed. Although Wang Shouzhe had not specifically studied those, the information was so advanced that he had been exposed to many forward-thinking concepts.

"Cousin, I understood most of what you said," Gongsun Yan, a young man with quick reactions and strong adaptability, questioned, "There are two issues, first, can the academy's flying carriages be contracted out? Second, is the Yuwen Clan's Hundred Flavors Residence willing to cooperate with us?"

"The first issue can be resolved by Liyao Luo Jing and the others, with their abilities and status it shouldn't be a problem. I've already informed them," Wang Shouzhe had already planned this in his mind, "Besides, renting the flying carriages is just a temporary measure, our Alliance of In-Laws intends to breed and build our own spiritual bird flying carriages."

"As for the second, we can negotiate with the Yuwen Clan's Hundred Flavors Residence. If the talks fail, it's no big deal. With our hands on fresh ingredients from various places, if we were to operate high-end restaurants similar to Hundred Flavors Residence ourselves, we could quickly gain an advantage. Cooperating with Hundred Flavors Residence is just because I don't want to make too many enemies; I hope everyone can make money together. Don't be fooled by Lady Bilian's appearance; in reality, she's very shrewd and far-sighted."

After everyone had digested Wang Shouzhe's ideas, they truly realized the power of this strategic deployment. Although it couldn't replace the Qian Clan's advantage in transporting large volumes of goods, it would take a big bite out of their traditional industry in transporting high-value small goods.

Suddenly, everyone was excited.

"Additionally, the grain produced by our Changning Garrison is transported inland by the Qian Clan to some high-yield areas. If we were to open up this trade route by land, it would be extremely difficult. Instead of that, why not bypass the Qian Clan's main battleground?" Wang Shouzhe added, "Please look at this sea route. Starting from the East Sea Garrison, we travel along the coast, passing through five garrisons, and establish good relations with them, consuming some of our products. Moving forward, we can reach the distant Liaoyuan Commandery."

"Liaoyuan Commandery is rich in iron mines, timber, and has vast fertile lands. Most importantly, there is a strong sixth-rank clan in Liaoyuan Commandery, the Liaoyuan Fang's Clan! Our brother Fang You'an from the Purple Mansion Academy is an extremely important member of the Liaoyuan Fang's Clan. In the future, he is a genius destined for the Purple Mansion path, a crucial pillar and support for the Fang's Clan."

"As far as I know, the Liaoyuan Fang's Clan also has ambitions to strike at the fifth-rank clans. If we collaborate with them in Liaoyuan Commandery to promote our grains and other products, it would be a win-win situation. And brother You'an, for the benefit and rise of his clan, would surely be willing to work behind the scenes to facilitate this."

"Through cooperation with the Liaoyuan Fang's Clan, we can significantly consume our current grain output and other products, so we won't suffer too much from cutting ties with the Qian Clan."

"Cousin, what a brilliant strategy," Lu Xiaoxiao praised with bright eyes, "Those clans that bought grain from the Qian Clan will also have a hard time. I remember you once said, 'It's easy to go from frugality to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality.' Those clans that have significantly increased their family income with our grains will find it very hard to adjust once cut off. I believe they will also become strongly dissatisfied with the Qian Clan!"

"Qian Xuerui is still too young after all, only knowing the dominance of the Qian Clan's business channels, but not realizing that when the products are extremely powerful, channels are only an enhancement, not a deciding factor," Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, "In that case, all products under the Alliance of In-Laws will cease any business cooperation with the Qian Clan. Let them taste what it's like to be sanctioned in return."

Wang Shouzhe spoke with ease and confidence. If this had been twenty years ago, the Wang's Clan and the Alliance of In-Laws would have been too weak, holding gold bricks but not daring to show off. But what was the situation of the Wang's Clan now?

In Changning Garrison, they were almost the undisputed overlords, and their influence in the entire southern six garrisons was also immense. Moreover, they had a strong backing in the academy.

Even the powerful Qian Clan would only dare to suppress the Wang's Clan with "legitimate" business methods. As for military suppression, that was a joke. Wang Liyao of the Wang's Clan was a direct disciple of the head of the Purple Mansion Academy!

If she were to confront the Qian Clan, even if the head of the academy abstained from involvement, who would dare to harm her? Among the Qian Clan's peers, who could be Wang Liyao's opponent? Even ordinary elders of the Tianren Realm might not be able to handle Wang Liyao.

Just Wang Liyao alone could make life difficult for the entire Qian Clan.

With the situation having reached this stage, Wang Shouzhe's business tactics could now be fully deployed. Under the premise of "fair competition," with the vision and thoughts of two lifetimes, what did he have to fear?

While Wang Shouzhe and the Alliance of In-Laws were formulating plans and beginning their deployment.

In the Purple Mansion Academy.

Yuanshui Ascetic, Lady Huandie, and Xuan Yao Ascetic, along with several others, gathered together. Also seated with them was Wang Liyao, the treasured direct disciple recently taken in by the head of the academy.

Due to her special status, although she was only a direct disciple of the Lingtai Realm, she was qualified to sit with the ascetics. Even if it was just a seat of honor at the end of the table, her status was different.

At this moment, Yuanshui Ascetic spoke with a gentle tone, "Junior Sister Liyao, you've invited us to gather here, may I ask what this is about?" He looked at Wang Liyao, his heart filled with countless emotions and complex feelings. A great genius disciple had suddenly become a junior sister, a psychological gap that might take decades to digest.

At this time, Wang Liyao had removed her "plain and unremarkable" disguise, revealing her stunning beauty.

Lady Huandie and Xuan Yao Ascetic, although both were ascetics, looked at Wang Liyao with eyes full of admiration and indulgence. Despite her young age, she had boundless potential, a future pillar of the Purple Mansion Academy. Moreover, she was so beautiful, embodying both grace and elegance, like a goddess descended to earth.

"Brother Yuanshui, Sister Huandie, Brother Xuan Yao," Wang Liyao stood up and courteously saluted, "I have a business proposal here, and I would like to ask the three ascetics to review it." With that, she respectfully handed over the proposals to the three ascetics.

She explained, "According to my statistics and investigation, our academy has thirty spiritual bird flying carriages. The maintenance of the Lingtai Realm disciples who pilot them, the feeding of the spiritual birds, the care of the wooden flying carriage cabins, and the upkeep of the weight-reduction formations, etc., cost about 450,000 Top Gold a year."

"However, at the same time, the usage rate of the spiritual bird flying carriages is very low, and after converting to academy credits, they only bring in an average of 200,000 Top Gold a year. As a result, the academy loses 250,000 Top Gold on the spiritual bird flying carriages every year."

Xuan Yao Ascetic and Lady Huandie, having already been privately briefed by Wang Luoqiu and Wang Luojing, were aware of the Wang's Clan's thoughts and plans. However, it was still necessary to pretend to be surprised at this moment.

"Eh? This lady had never looked into it before, but the spiritual bird flying carriages lose so much every year?" Lady Huandie feigned surprise, "It's truly heartbreaking."

"Indeed, even if our academy is wealthy, we can't be so wasteful," Xuan Yao Ascetic also expressed his distress, "250,000 Top Gold a year, that's 2.5 million in ten years! A billion in a thousand years, that's enough to bankrupt an entire Purple Mansion Clan."

Now acting as the head of the academy in the absence of the head, Yuanshui Ascetic's face darkened. These people seemed to be accusing him?

Was this system set by him, Yuanshui? Those spiritual bird flying carriages were left behind by his master for the sake of prestige and face...

Alright, alright!

A disciple should not speak ill of his master's mistakes, but he, Yuanshui Ascetic, had to carry the burden that was passed down to him, no matter how awkward it felt. After coughing twice to clear his throat, he said, "Let's not exaggerate about a thousand years. I've glanced at the proposal, and the Changning Wang's Clan wants to 'contract' these spiritual bird flying carriages?"

"Brother Yuanshui," Wang Liyao said with a gentle smile, enchanting in her demeanor, "My father's intention is for our Wang's Clan to contract the thirty spiritual bird flying carriages for 600,000 Top Gold a year. In this way, not only will the academy not lose that 250,000 Top Gold, but it will also earn an extra 150,000. The difference is 400,000 Top Gold every year."

"This..." Yuanshui Ascetic, though accustomed to grand scenes, was taken aback by a seventh-rank clan that could easily spend 600,000 Top Gold every year, truly a sign of immense wealth.

"Brother Yuanshui, this is our Wang's Clan's business secret," Wang Liyao, having been exposed to such matters from a young age, was naturally not a naive little girl, "Also, the core disciples of the academy can still use the flying carriages, and the prices will be much cheaper than before."

"Yuanshui, where else can you find such a good deal?" Xuan Yao Ascetic chimed in, "With the Wang's Clan taking care of these flying carriages, our extra 400,000 Top Gold can train how many core disciples?"

As Yuanshui Ascetic was still slightly hesitant, suddenly, the voice of the head of the academy rang out, "Good, good, good, truly a good disciple I've taken in. Just after joining, she's already earning money for the academy. Ah, Yuanshui, you really need to learn from your junior sister. Don't be wasteful anymore~"

Yuanshui Ascetic was stunned; he was almost in tears.

Ever since his master had taken in a little junior sister, he had stopped secluding himself and was always wandering around outside. That would have been fine, but the spiritual bird flying carriages were a burden left by his master!

But no matter how bitter he felt inside, he could only swallow his tears back down. If he, Yuanshui Ascetic, didn't carry his master's burden, who would?

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