Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 39: The Wrath of Seven-Tailed Spirit Fox


Upon hearing these words, the head of the Qian Clan revealed a cold smirk on his dignified face: "To be able to complete all preparations in such a short time, without even needing trial and error, and to present a complete marketing plan, this 'aerial cold chain transport' must have been a plan Wang's Clan had in place for a long time."

"However, without that reckless brat's blind actions, would Wang's Clan dare to act alone without us? This matter has a huge impact, it could even be said to shake the very foundation of our family's industry. Many elders in the clan have raised objections. Uncle Zhong, there's no need to persuade me further. With such a grave mistake made by that brat, if we don't punish him severely, how can we quell the public's anger?"

The butler Qian Zhong's lips moved slightly, but in the end, he said nothing more.

At that moment, outside the main hall, a furious shout suddenly erupted: "Qian Qinhong, how dare you!"

Right after the shout, a woman dressed in splendid attire, followed by a group of maids and servants, marched grandly through the entrance.

She was a dazzling beauty.

With phoenix eyes, a delicate nose, cherry lips, skin as white as snow, and a graceful figure... Every part of her body seemed to be crafted to the standards of beauty, but her overwhelming aura was domineering and sharp, carrying a sense of haughty superiority.

This woman was none other than the current great lady of the Qian Clan—Cao Lina.

She was also the biological mother of Qian Xuerui.

Born into the direct lineage of the fifth-ranked Purple Mansion Clan from Longyuan Commandery, her background was extremely distinguished. Now in her early forties, her strength had reached the early stages of the Lingtai Realm. Even after having a child, she still looked as radiant as a woman in her early twenties.

"Nana, why have you come?" Upon seeing her, Qian Qinhong, the head of the Qian Clan, couldn't help but frown ever so slightly, "This matter is of great importance, do not act rashly."

"How am I acting rashly?" Cao Lina's pretty eyebrows shot up as she retorted angrily, "As your second wife, the son I bore could never be the legitimate heir, his prospects limited. But Xuerui has been ambitious since childhood, diligently studying and practicing cultivation, even the Ancestor took a liking to him."

"Xuerui went south this time, acting entirely for the sake of the clan's development. Even if there were mistakes, it was only due to youthful recklessness, not enough caution. And now, you actually want to punish him for such a trivial error! Do you still consider him your own son?! Or is it that only Qian Xuehan, whom you had with your deceased wife, is your true son, and Qian Xuerui is some bastard I had with another man?"


Qian Qinhong, the head of the Qian Clan, was so angry his face turned iron blue.

"Nana, don't talk nonsense. Xuerui is of course my son. It's just that his reckless actions this time have ruined a great opportunity for our Qian Clan. You probably don't know yet, but several clans friendly to our Qian Clan have come to complain, saying that now they've lost access to high-quality grain seeds, their family businesses have suffered a huge loss in profits. The clan's elders also have a lot of complaints about Xuerui. If we don't punish him severely, how can we appease the public's anger?"

"Public anger? What public anger?!" Cao Lina scoffed angrily, "This time it's clearly Wang's Clan's fault! A mere seventh-ranked clan, relying on some connections with the academy, dares to think they can ride roughshod over us. Back in the day, when Wang's Clan was so poor they couldn't even afford food, wasn't it by clinging to our Qian Clan that they got to where they are today? Now that they've grown wings, they dare to turn against us over mere profits. If we let them reach the sixth or even fifth rank, where would there be a place for our Qian Clan?"

Meanwhile, the butler Qian Zhong also advised: "The Clan Leader is kind-hearted and wants to use this opportunity to mend fences with Wang's Clan. However, if we show goodwill too easily, Wang's Clan might think we are weak, and in the future, they will only become more arrogant and unruly. Even if the Clan Leader intends to win over Wang's Clan, we must first show the strength of our Qian Clan, to prevent Wang's Clan from looking down on us."

Qian Zhong was an elder of the Qian Clan, having served diligently for over three hundred years, and had served three Clan Leaders. His advice and opinions, even the current Clan Leader Qian Qinhong, had to consider carefully.

"Uncle Zhong speaks wisely." Qian Qinhong, the Clan Leader, pondered for a moment and felt there was reason in his words, "In that case, let's show some of our Qian Clan's methods, so they don't really think we are weak and can be bullied."

After all, Qian Xuerui was his son, and he had his mother Cao Lina's support. In the end, he had to save some face for him.

Seeing him say this, Cao Lina immediately turned from anger to joy, and began to speak sweetly and softly to Qian Qinhong, her arm entwined with his.

As the direct daughter of the Purple Mansion Clan, she was indeed proud, but she also knew how to manipulate people's hearts. She knew that being overly arrogant and domineering would only cause Qian Qinhong's displeasure, and by softening her attitude at the right time, she could make the man completely submissive to her.


A few days later.

In Longzuo Commandery City, at the Shouda Trade Firm.

The carriage driver Hui Qisi was meticulously cleaning his thousand-mile mirror and celestial compass, his movements extremely careful and cautious.

These two items were his livelihood. The celestial compass was a low-grade spiritual device provided by the academy, specifically for determining directions, while the thousand-mile mirror was given by Changning Wang's Clan and could be used for long-distance observation.

Navigating a flying carriage through the vast skies was a technical job, and it was only with these two "treasures" that he could avoid losing his way.

Hui Qisi was already over ninety years old and had once been an ordinary disciple of the Purple Mansion Academy.

According to the rules, after ordinary disciples of the academy graduate, they need to serve the academy for fifty years as a return for their cultivation. After the fifty-year service period is over, they can choose to return to their clan to enjoy their remaining years, or they can choose to stay at the academy to earn more.

Last year, his fifty-year service period had actually already ended, but he wanted to earn a bit more, so he chose to continue staying at the academy as a flying carriage driver.

The job of a flying carriage driver at the academy was actually quite leisurely, because the academy's disciples rarely needed to use the flying carriage, and generally only the personal disciples and important core disciples were willing to spend academy points to hire a flying carriage. On a regular day, he just needed to take care of his flying carriage and the Zhu Ding immortal crane.

Because of this, the flying carriage driver didn't actually earn much, but it was enough to support his own living and cultivation needs, which was better than returning to his clan and having the clan squeeze out their limited surplus money to support him.

However, even he didn't expect that one day, the job of a flying carriage driver would become a hot and sought-after position.

During his time at the Shouda Trade Firm, he had earned almost ten times more Qianjin than before, not only more than enough to support himself, but also able to contribute back to his clan.

Moreover, as the news of Wang's Clan's generous salaries spread in the academy, many ordinary disciples who were about to graduate had their eyes on this opportunity. In just the past few days, he had already rejected several disciples who wanted to learn how to drive a flying carriage from him.

What a joke—there were only so many flying carriages, and if he taught his apprentices, what would he do?

After cleaning the celestial compass and securing it properly on the flying carriage, Hui Qisi looked up and saw a familiar old man.

He couldn't help but laugh: "Yo, isn't this Brother Chunyu? Have you returned from your travels?"

The visitor was Chunyu Andong, whom he had met once before.

After traveling through Yunwei Garrison, Bai Island Garrison, Changning Garrison, and Zhenze Garrison, Chunyu Andong was clearly in a good mood, with a satisfied smile on his face: "Hahaha~ Brother Hui, your flying carriage is really convenient~ On this trip, I didn't have to worry about the route at all, just freely enjoyed myself at each destination, and when it was time, I went to the trade firm to take the flying carriage to the next stop, it's really worry-free. Whoever came up with this idea is a genius~"

He couldn't stop praising his experience along the way.

The trade firm even thought ahead about his accommodation. When he arrived at the inn, he just showed the document issued by the Shouda Trade Firm to check in.

He had never had such a carefree and enjoyable time in his life~

"That's for sure." Hui Qisi smiled, "Our trade firm's manager is the Clan Leader of Changning Wang's Clan, known for his deep planning and numerous strategies. This travel package plan was proposed by him, and not just you, everyone who has experienced it has nothing but praise."

He was specifically responsible for the route from Longzuo Commandery City to the Northwest Garrison City, flying from Longzuo Commandery City to the Northwest Garrison City every morning, and then flying back.

The sun hadn't set yet, and there was still some time before departure, so he wasn't in a hurry and casually chatted with Chunyu Andong.

"Brother Chunyu, didn't you say you were going to Yunwei Garrison to find someone? How did it go, did you find her?"

"Thanks for remembering." Chunyu Andong sat down next to Hui Qisi, filled with emotion, "I thought after so many years, she would have long forgotten me. But to my surprise, she never married and became a Lingtai Ancestor, presiding over the clan."

"To be able to see her again in this way, in this lifetime, I, Chunyu Andong, can say I have no regrets."

Hearing him say this, Hui Qisi was also filled with emotion.

Who hasn't had a moment of youthful infatuation? Back in his younger days, he too had someone he admired, but as life is unpredictable, it all ended up as nothing but regrets~

He naturally understood this kind of sentiment.

However, before he could even finish feeling moved, Chunyu Andong suddenly changed the subject: "By the way~ I heard you can get some kind of membership, like annual or monthly passes, how can I get one? How much cheaper would it be for me to go to Yunwei Garrison in the future?"

Hui Qisi's expression froze, and he looked at Chunyu Andong with a strange expression. Didn't he just say he had no regrets in this life? Why was he now ready to sign up for an annual pass?

Chunyu Andong's old face turned red, and he felt unusually uncomfortable: "Hehehe~ Now that there's a flying carriage, it's convenient to come and go. I was thinking of getting a membership, so I can save some money with frequent visits."

Alright, alright, as long as you're happy.

Speechless, Hui Qisi put away the half-cleaned thousand-mile mirror and turned to lead him into the trade firm: "Membership isn't my responsibility, I'll take you to the trade firm's manager."

Chunyu Andong immediately followed happily, his mind unconsciously filled with the happy scenario of meeting his old flame under the moonlight from time to time.

And similar events were happening frequently in various places in the southern six garrisons of Longzuo Commandery.

The opening of the flying carriage routes and the emergence of aerial cold chain transport can be said to be epoch-making innovations. They directly changed people's concept of distance, and with it, the consumption habits, thoughts, and life rhythms of the people in the southern six garrisons' clans, even leading to many new industries and lifestyles.

And such changes were just the beginning.


New City Garrison.

Yuwen Clan.

Due to the successful advancement of the clan's guardian spirit beast, the Six-Tailed Spirit Fox, to the seventh rank, the Yuwen Clan's momentum had surged recently, and the number of major clans coming to visit had increased day by day.

However, today, the Yuwen Clan welcomed a special distinguished guest.

A guest from the Qian Clan of Longzuo.

In the main courtyard of the Yuwen Clan, where guests were entertained, an old man in a dark blue brocade robe with a stern face sat drinking wine by the table.

This elder looked very old, with white hair and many wrinkles on his face, but he exuded an invisible pressure unique to a powerful being, clearly a Tianren Realm powerhouse.

This Tianren Realm elder was one of the most respected elders of the Purple Mansion Qian Clan, a late-stage Tianren Realm powerhouse, Qian Jinghuan.

Although he did not have the title of Clan Leader, he wielded the power of one. The Lady Bilian, who had no official title but wielded real power, was personally receiving him with two highly regarded clan elders.

"Giggle~ Elder Qian, your relationship with our Yuwen Clan is so close." Lady Bilian giggled charmingly, flattering him, "During the most difficult times for our clan, Elder Qian did not hesitate to lend a helping hand. Come, come, let me toast you once more."

The Yuwen Clan and the Qian Clan had been dealing with each other for many years, and their relationship was neither particularly good nor particularly bad.

Both being merchant clans, they inevitably had to cooperate with each other, but also inevitably competed and had grievances.

During the period when the Yuwen Clan's Purple Mansion Ancestor had passed away, the Yuwen Clan often came out worse in any competition between the two clans.

After all these years, it was impossible for Lady Bilian not to harbor any resentment in her heart.

Moreover, she was not one to be broad-minded. Her cooperation with Shouda Trade Firm might not have been without the intention to give the Qian Clan a hard time.

She knew that the Qian Clan's visit was not with good intentions.

However, on the surface, she did not show any signs of this, still maintaining a pleasant demeanor.

After several rounds of toasting and drinking.

Elder Qian Jinghuan finally could not hold back any longer: "Lady Bilian, you are a smart person. I believe you have already guessed our intention, so I will not beat around the bush. After the decision of our Qian Clan's council of elders, we are willing to give up a ten percent profit on all projects cooperating with the Yuwen Clan."

Give up ten percent profit?

The two Yuwen Clan elders immediately narrowed their eyes, seemingly very interested.

However, Lady Bilian was not so easily fooled.

Her eyes flashed slightly, and her smile became even more radiant: "The precondition, I'm afraid, is that we must sever ties with Shouda Trade Firm, right?"

"You really are worthy of being the lady, you see right through it." Elder Qian Jinghuan of the Qian Clan smiled, "This would be beneficial for both our clans."

According to the Qian Clan's understanding, Lady Bilian was always clear-headed. That ten percent profit concession was definitely very advantageous for the Yuwen Clan. Conversely, if they refused and offended the Qian Clan, the Yuwen Clan would become very passive.

"It sounds very sincere." Lady Bilian said seriously, "However, the cooperation with Shouda Trade Firm was not my idea."

"It wasn't the lady's idea?" Elder Qian Jinghuan was slightly taken aback, "Could it be the idea of another elder of the Yuwen Clan? No matter, I can go and communicate with them."

"No, it was the idea of our Fire Fox Ancestor." Lady Bilian replied indifferently.

"The Fire Fox Ancestor?" Elder Qian Jinghuan's face changed, he had not expected that this matter would involve the Fire Fox Ancestor.

At that moment.

A haughty girl's voice exploded in the banquet hall: "That's right, it was indeed this old ancestor's idea. You old coot, do you have a problem with me?"

In the banquet hall, flames blazed.

A small and exquisite seven-tailed spirit fox suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and before Elder Qian Jinghuan could respond, it swelled in size, transforming into a fierce flaming beast, and without hesitation, it slammed down a paw: "Old fellow, you dare to sow discord between me and Brother Shouzhe, I will beat you to death."

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