Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 43: Save me Xue An ! Save me Shou Zhe!

Some days later.

At Changning Garrison, in the outskirts of the garrison town.

Here, numerous mature farms and private estates abound.

Most of the noble families of Changning Garrison own farms and estates both inside and outside the town, serving not only as business ventures but also as fixed investments to expand the family's foundation.

Should the family urgently need funds, these investment properties can be sold or mortgaged to raise capital and tide over difficulties.

The renowned Qian Clan of Longzuo Commandery boasts substantial assets.

Just within the Changning Garrison area, they possess a significant number of fixed assets, including a vast estate known as "Gathering Wealth Manor."

This "Gathering Wealth Manor" is the largest property of Qian's Trading Company in Changning Garrison.

Spanning a vast area, Gathering Wealth Manor serves not only as one of Qian's Trading Company's private estates in Changning Garrison but also plays a role in logistics and storage. It is, in itself, a colossal warehouse.

Back then, it was from Gathering Wealth Manor that Wang Shouzhe and Qian Xue'an conspired to swindle a shipment of grain from the Qian Clan.

That sum of money became the capital for Wang Shouzhe's rise to wealth, a memory he cherishes to this day.

The profound foundation of the Qian Clan of Longzuo Commandery is evident from this.

Throughout the entire Longzuo Commandery and even in some garrison towns beyond the commandery, they have similar large-scale storage facilities, coupled with their massive land transport teams, forming an immense trade network. These are the true foundations of the Qian Clan's behemoth trading empire.

On this day.

Inside Gathering Wealth Manor, the workers were busy as usual.

Having been established for many years, the Qian Clan had developed a mature internal system, with everyone performing their duties in an orderly and busy manner.

Two managers of the trading company were conducting their routine inventory checks in the warehouse.

When they found themselves alone, they couldn't help but discuss in hushed tones.

"Old Zhang~" Manager Liu sighed softly, "Our Changning branch has really been troubled lately. The arrival of the twenty-third young master caused chaos and disorder, leaving everyone on edge. And just as he left, the fourteenth young master arrived... Sigh~ When will these anxious days end?"

"The most unfortunate has to be the chief manager," Manager Zhang said helplessly. "It took him twenty years to make the branch prosper, and he even managed all the branches in the southern six garrisons. But as soon as the fourteenth young master arrived, he used the family head's order to dismiss him, which was truly disheartening. Now that the fourteenth young master has left, the family has asked him to return and clean up the mess... Sigh~ If the chief manager wasn't born of a concubine, he wouldn't be treated like this..."

"Cough cough!"

Before they could finish, a deliberately emphasized cough sounded from behind them.

A plump figure had appeared behind them at some point, warning, "Old Zhang, Old Liu. In these troubled times, be careful with your words."

This person was none other than Qian Xue'an, who had been urgently recalled not long ago.

"The chief manager!" The two managers were startled and quickly bowed in greeting, "We were just grumbling a bit, feeling indignant on your behalf."

"I'm no longer the chief manager, just temporarily managing things. Don't gossip, focus on your duties," Qian Xue'an said with an authoritative face. "The fourteenth young master will arrive soon and will take care of the current situation. Don't leave him with a bad impression."


The two managers bowed their heads in acknowledgment.

Despite their inner discontent, they were ultimately small figures, unable to influence any changes in the situation.

After a busy morning, time passed quickly.

At noon.

Suddenly, a crane's cry echoed in the sky.

Everyone in Gathering Wealth Manor looked up to see a flying carriage pulled by a vermilion-crowned crane spiraling down from the sky.

Under the clear sky and bright sun.

The majestic vermilion-crowned crane flapped its wings gracefully, and the carriage's cabin reflected streaks of light in the sunlight, truly magnificent and noble.

Upon closer inspection, one could see that this flying carriage was different from those at the academy. The spiritual wood cabin of this carriage bore the conspicuous emblem of Qian's Trading Company.

The curtains hanging from the carriage were also made of prestigious black gold fabric, distinct from the academy's style.

Clearly, this flying carriage belonged to the Purple Mansion Qian Clan.

It is known that flying carriages are extremely luxurious modes of transport, not only expensive to purchase but also costly to maintain annually, beyond the means of ordinary noble families.

In Longzuo Commandery, only the Purple Mansion Academy has the ability to breed and raise fourth-order vermilion-crowned cranes.

Therefore, some of the top noble families in Longzuo Commandery would purchase some spiritual bird flying carriages from the academy for their own use. Firstly, there was a genuine need, and secondly, it was to showcase their strength.

The Qian Clan of Longzuo owned two such spiritual bird flying carriages.

However, usually, only the family head and the ancestors, or some elders at critical moments, are qualified to ride in a spiritual bird flying carriage. Direct descendants generally do not have this privilege.

This time, Qian Xuehan's journey south in a spiritual bird flying carriage must have been arranged by the family head Qian Qinhong, indicating a certain intention.

Soon, the spiritual bird flying carriage landed directly in the "Gathering Wealth Manor" inner square.

Qian Xuehan and several others disembarked. Aside from the attendants, an impressive elder following Qian Xuehan caught everyone's attention.

Qian Xue'an, who had come to greet them, felt a chill in his heart.

At a glance, he recognized the elder as one of the Qian Clan's—Qian Jingde.

Once upon a time, Qian Jingde was also born a direct descendant, but as is customary in noble families, only the eldest son's lineage continues. Subsequent descendants born to direct descendants are considered collateral lines.

Nevertheless, Qian Jingde was still of direct descent, closely related to the current direct line, and held a slightly higher status than the average collateral elder.

Moreover, it was said that among the "Xue" generation of Qian Jingde's lineage, there was an outstanding young alchemist. However, Qian Xue'an, who was often away, had little interaction with Qian Xuefu.

The spiritual bird flying carriage, the direct eldest son, and the accompaniment of Elder Qian Jingde were an uncommonly high-standard configuration, usually reserved for old six-rank noble families. This showed the Qian Clan Elders' strong desire to mend relations with the Wang Clan.

Qian Xue'an's mind raced with thoughts, quickly speculating on many things, but his actions were not delayed.

As Qian Xuehan and the others disembarked, he had already led the group to greet them: "Qian Xue'an pays respects to the fourteenth young master and greets Elder Jingde."

Qian Xuehan hurriedly stepped forward to support Qian Xue'an, humbly saying, "Eighth Brother Xue'an, we are brothers of the same generation, please don't be so formal."

Though they were of the same generation, one was the direct eldest son and the other a collateral son of a concubine, with a vast difference in status.

If not for Qian Xue'an's excellent management of the Changning branch, creating substantial wealth for the Qian Clan and catching the attention of the family head and even the ancestors, his status as a collateral son of a concubine would not have earned him a second glance from the likes of Qian Xuehan, let alone direct descendants like Qian Xuefu.

Even Elder Qian Jingde showed a nod of appreciation towards Qian Xue'an.

As a member of the Elders' Council, he had a deep impression of Qian Xue'an.

When Qian Xue'an was promoted to manage the southern six garrison branches, Qian Jingde had cast a vote in favor. After all, for a collateral son of a concubine to achieve such merit was truly remarkable, a testament to his exceptional abilities.

The subsequent interactions were naturally filled with pleasantries and the customary welcoming gestures.

Until the evening.

Under the pretext of reviewing the accounts, Qian Xuehan summoned Qian Xue'an to the study.

Qian Xue'an had anticipated this moment since his urgent recall and was fully prepared. As soon as he entered, he was on high alert, ready to respond to Qian Xuehan's inquiries.

Unexpectedly, before he could react, Qian Xuehan pounced on him, embracing him and bursting into tears: "Eighth Brother Xue'an, save me~~"

Qian Xue'an stiffened, petrified.

The solemn expression that had been unflappable on his face shattered in that moment, leaving only utter astonishment.


Several days later.

On this day, the weather was pleasant, and the sky was cloudless.

Due to the arrival of distinguished guests, the Changning and Dingpu ferry ports were closed for half a day. The usually bustling ports became exceptionally quiet, with only Wang Clan personnel allowed within the ferry area.

Qian Xuehan's mission to the Changning Wang Clan was not conducted with the brashness of arriving directly at Ping'an Town by flying carriage. Instead, he followed proper etiquette, presented a visiting card, and took the official route.

The Changning Wang Clan also followed proper etiquette, with family elder Wang Xiaohan personally steering the ferry to welcome Qian Xuehan.

As the family head, Wang Shouzhe would receive Qian Xuehan in the main hall of the family estate.

If Wang Shouzhe's direct eldest son, Wang Zong'an, were in the main estate, he would have welcomed Qian Xuehan at the Dingpu ferry port. However, since Zong'an was currently studying at the Purple Mansion Academy, Wang Shouye, the fifth of the "Shou" generation, replaced him in the welcoming party.

Both parties had previously exchanged documents and agreed upon the detailed procedures without objection.

Normally, as the Qian Clan was a fifth-rank noble family and the Changning Wang Clan only a seventh-rank, the head of an ordinary seventh-rank family would personally go to welcome them, showing deference to the higher-ranked Purple Mansion Clan.

But who was Wang Shouzhe? His Shouda Trading Company had dealt a heavy blow to the Qian Clan, proving his worth as a rival to the Qian Clan. Why would he demean himself before them?

Moreover, since the Qian Clan had shown an attitude of wanting to negotiate, they naturally needed to lower their stance. Even if Qian Clan family head Qian Qinhong himself came, Wang Shouzhe would at most welcome him at the entrance of the main estate.

This welcoming procedure, once leaked, excited the noble families of Changning Garrison and even the commoners, who felt honored by association.

The Changning Wang Clan was truly domineering, not only daring to stand up to a fifth-rank noble family but also presenting an attitude of equal status. This inexplicably gave everyone a sense of exhilaration.

After picking up the guests, the ferry quickly left Changning port and headed towards Dingpu port.

The river was vast and endless, and even on a calm and sunny day, the waves were relentless, and the currents were swift.

Elder Wang Xiaohan, responsible for the reception, explained to Qian Xuehan: "Fourteenth Young Master, the upper reaches of An River connect to the Great Swamp. During high water, some of the swamp's spiritual fish and fierce beasts flow down into the An River basin. Therefore, we occasionally encounter third-order aquatic fierce beasts on this stretch of the river."

"See that shadowy mountain pass over there? That's 'Broken Dragon Gorge.' The gorge narrows and tightens, causing the downstream section of An River near Ping'an Town to have rapid and dangerous currents. Before the area was developed, Ping'an Town was often flooded. My ancestor Zhou Xuan's first act when he started developing the area was to eradicate the aquatic fierce beasts along the river and to construct strong embankments and dredge the riverbed."

"A decade ago, under the decision of our family head, we used cement mixed with soil to reinforce the embankments, greatly improved irrigation, and built large-scale terraced fields along the banks. Only then did Ping'an Town become an increasingly important granary."

Wang Xiaohan spoke with pride.

The Wang Clan's management of Ping'an Town was a testament to generations of tireless and costly efforts. Without such persistent dedication, there would be no Ping'an Town today.

"It's because of families like the Wang Clan, with a pioneering spirit and willing to work hard generation after generation, that our Longzuo Commandery can continue to expand, and our human race's habitat can grow," Qian Xuehan said, admiring the vast and spectacular terraced fields in the distance, his round face full of emotion and admiration. "Your noble ancestor Zhou Xuan and family head Wang Shouzhe are both leaders of great talent and strategy, truly admirable."

Qian Xuehan was very modest and low-key, always placing himself in the position of a junior and a late learner. In reality, he was only about a decade younger than Qian Xue'an and about the same age as Wang Shouzhe.

In higher-ranking families, direct and collateral male descendants often marry and have children later in life. After all, born into such families, as long as their aptitude isn't problematic, reaching the Lingtai Realm is almost guaranteed, and many direct and some collateral descendants aim to reach the Heavenly Man Realm.

Qian Xuehan's father, Qian Qinhong, was focused on cultivation in his youth and only began to marry and have children at the age of sixty when he officially took over the family.

Now, Qian Qinhong is just over a hundred years old and has already stepped into the Heavenly Man Realm, appearing only middle-aged. This is because he, as the family head, deliberately aged himself to seem mature and stable. If he chose to look younger, he wouldn't be much different from the "young talents" in the academy.

"Family head Wang Shouzhe is indeed extraordinary," Elder Qian Jingde praised Wang Shouzhe, "I once met him at the Tianyuan Danfang in Longzuo Commandery. He was profound and towering, with an impressive demeanor. His future achievements are boundless~"

His descendant, Qian Xuefu, had a close friendship with Wang Shouye of the Wang Clan. For various reasons, he had a deeper understanding of Wang Shouzhe and was one of the elders who was friendly towards the Wang Clan.

This was also why the Qian Clan Elders' Council and the family head sent him on this mission.

As they talked and admired the scenery, the ferry had already sailed halfway to the center of An River.

On both sides, the water stretched boundlessly, with no shore in sight, only the distant mountains rising like barriers.

From afar, the mountain range seemed like a hazy ink painting, blending into the sky at the horizon.


Within the surging upstream currents, an abrupt dark shape appeared.

It was a small black-canopied boat, speeding down the river like an arrow straight towards the ferry.

There were two people on the boat.

One was a boatman in a straw raincoat and bamboo hat.

The other was a graceful woman standing at the bow of the boat.

Her face was veiled, obscuring her true appearance.

The river wind howled, but her ethereal gown remained untouched by the breeze, her ribbons and pleats naturally hanging as if she were in a still room, without a hint of movement.

The rolling river could not conceal her otherworldly charm.

"Everyone, be careful!"

In just an instant, Elder Qian Jingde, whose cultivation had reached the mid-stage of the Heavenly Man Realm, felt a sudden surge of danger.

His expression changed dramatically: "Something's not right."

As soon as he spoke, the boatman on the boat made his move.

With a jolt, his straw raincoat burst into countless pieces, flying away.

At the same time, his body swelled rapidly, transforming into a "Vajra Giant" over three meters tall in the blink of an eye.

Despite his large size, the "Vajra Giant" moved with the agility of a bird.

Amidst the howling river wind, he stepped on the water as if on flat ground, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the ferry.

The next moment.

He soared into the air like a roc and fiercely punched towards the ferry.

The forceful wind and explosive energy were overwhelming.

In that moment, he was like a war god descending upon the mortal world, commanding respect and invincibility.

"Unmovable Vajra Battle Art!?"

Elder Qian Jingde's gaze turned grave.

As he activated his cultivation technique, a surge of purple profound energy burst forth from his body without hesitation.

He took to the air, and as the purple energy boiled around him, he became like a blazing purple sun, awe-inspiring and terrifying.

He practiced the Qian Clan's ancestral technique, "Purple Sun Extreme Yang Art," a rare and profound cultivation method.

Legend has it that when "Purple Sun Extreme Yang Art" is cultivated to its extreme, one's profound energy becomes as solid as a mountain. The first ancestor of the Qian Clan once used "Purple Sun Extreme Yang Art" to face three Zifu Realm experts alone, holding them off for a full hour before being defeated.

Of course, the legend might be exaggerated, but the Qian Clan's enduring legacy owes much to this "Purple Sun Extreme Yang Art."

Its combat power is formidable, even among superior cultivation methods.

The surging purple profound energy condensed into a palm imprint, which Elder Qian Jingde struck out with a backhand slap.


Fist and palm collided, sending a violent shockwave in all directions, shaking the ferry incessantly, and the water around it exploded into waves.

The shockwave also blew away the boatman's bamboo hat, revealing the true face of the boatman—a bald monk with a fierce expression.

"It's you... the renegade 'Evil Vajra' from the Bore Temple?!" Elder Qian Jingde's expression changed drastically, "You have some nerve, daring to attack our Qian Clan in public!"

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