Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 52: Clash! The Wang's Clan and the Flood Dragon Gang's Struggle


Changning Garrison, Ping'an Town, Dingpu Ferry.

The cement-hardened ferry road looked especially clean after the spring rain.

All the buildings at the port had gradually been replaced by cement brick structures, with rows of neatly arranged houses, making it feel like a modern port town on Earth.

After several expansions and renovations, today's Dingpu Ferry was more of an inland port than just a "ferry."

Numerous cargo ships docked at the port, transporting various mid-to-high-end living supplies needed by the Wang's Clan, such as salt, crude iron, refined copper, porcelain, cooking oil, and some special materials.

Nowadays, the small Ping'an Town had a permanent population of 110,000 and a floating population of no less than 20,000, with a high degree of land development and population density.

Moreover, the people of Ping'an Town were quite wealthy, with high purchasing power. This attracted various large and small trading firms and traveling merchants to frequent the town.

Compared to over twenty years ago, when Wang Shouzhe first took charge of the Ping'an Wang's Clan, the atmosphere was completely different.

In addition, many rogue cultivators came to Ping'an Town every day to try their luck, either taking on tasks contracted out by the Wang's Clan or forming groups to venture into the outer regions.

The area within several hundred miles outside the Zhouxuan Pass had been cleared by the Wang's Clan and some allied families, making fierce beasts a "rare commodity." As a result, the danger level for rogue cultivators became very low.

They scavenged for anything of value in the outer regions, such as ores, herbs, beast bones, spirit bee honey, beehives, or some rare insects and plants. In the end, with enough people and exploration, someone would always get lucky and find something valuable.

All items obtained from outside the Zhouxuan Pass would be screened upon entry. Items useful to the Wang's Clan would be purchased at high prices, while those not useful would be released to the market in Ping'an Town.

This was a rule established by the Changning Wang's Clan.

All rogue cultivators heading to the outer regions through the Zhouxuan Pass needed to sign a contract with the Wang's Clan to obtain the qualification to leave the pass.

This was not the Wang's Clan forcing a sale but a right explicitly granted by Daqian law. It was one of the benefits bestowed by the state to pioneering families.

Unless one day the outer regions were reclaimed by another family and the Zhouxuan Pass ceased to be the gateway to the outer regions, this priority purchasing right would always belong to the Wang's Clan.

Back then, the Wang's Clan had declined and lacked the strength to control the Zhouxuan Pass, which was forcibly turned into a public pass. Now that the Wang's Clan had regained its strength, the honor that rightfully belonged to them naturally returned.

Of course, the Wang's Clan only had the priority purchasing right, and the prices still had to be based on market rates.

Thanks to the long-term efforts of the rogue cultivators, the Wang's Clan had acquired many good things over the years.

This time, the two-man rogue cultivator team of Dongfang Cangqiong and Ximen Buqun struck it rich.

Taking advantage of the low number of people before the New Year, the two ventured out of the Zhouxuan Pass together.

In just two months, they returned with a bountiful harvest, including a wild spirit ginseng, many valuable herbs, and even a beast claw of unknown age that could easily pierce through rock.

All the miscellaneous items combined fetched several hundred Top Gold from the Wang's Clan.

The two brothers split the Top Gold, bought some specialties from Ping'an Town, and were preparing to return to their hometown to settle down. They were now queuing at Dingpu Ferry, waiting to board the ferry.

Dongfang Cangqiong, a middle-aged man in his forties with a scruffy beard, glanced around as they queued and couldn't help but feel puzzled, "Brother Ximen, doesn't this ferry look different from when we came? Look at those two rows, are those statues covered with red cloth?"

"Brother Dongfang," Ximen Buqun, a man in his fifties with sharp eyes, replied, "I heard some people talking when I was buying white jade spirit rice at the Wang's Clan's rice shop. They said those things are called 'Divine Might Cannons,' used by the Wang's Clan to welcome distinguished guests."

"Divine Might Cannons? Never heard of such a thing. Could it be some kind of firework or ceremonial cannon?" Dongfang Cangqiong frowned, marveling, "Brother Ximen, I've traveled all over Longzuo Commandery for years and considered myself quite knowledgeable. But here in Ping'an Town, I realize how shallow my knowledge is. This place is truly full of wonders and marvels. If it weren't for my family back home, I'd want to stay in Ping'an Town forever."

"Unfortunately, the housing and land prices in Ping'an Town are too high. Even some commoners are wealthier than us rogue cultivators," Ximen Buqun lamented, "Moreover, the household registration in Ping'an Town is quite strict, making it very difficult for rogue cultivators to settle down..."

"Brothers, you don't know?" A traveling merchant in his thirties or forties said from the nearby merchant queue, "The Wang's Clan has already announced plans to pioneer the outer regions and build a city. Rogue cultivators can also sign up to participate and can purchase farmland and houses with their merits."

Pioneering the outer regions?

Ximen Buqun and Dongfang Cangqiong's hearts both skipped a beat.

They had rich adventure experience and strong survival skills in the wild. If they joined the Wang's Clan's pioneering team, they might earn considerable merits.

They exchanged a glance and made a silent decision. After returning home this time, they would bring their families to Ping'an Town and join the Wang's Clan's pioneering team.

The Wang's Clan was very powerful. Although there were many rules in their territory, their reputation was excellent, and their people always acted according to the rules. Over time, the Wang's Clan's prestige naturally increased day by day.

After some bustling, the ferry was finally full and began to set sail slowly towards the center of the river.

On the boat, many rogue cultivators and traveling merchants were enthusiastically discussing the Wang's Clan's plans to develop the outer regions.

Many showed great interest. After all, the Wang's Clan had a good reputation, valued credibility, and was very generous. Normally, it was not easy for rogue cultivators to join the Wang's Clan, so this was an opportunity to attach themselves to the Wang's Clan.

As for the risks... What doesn't have risks? Even if something unfortunate happened, the Wang's Clan's compensation was said to be very high...

Just as everyone was discussing fervently.


Someone on the side of the ferry shouted, "Look, look, what a massive fleet!"

The crowd fell silent, and everyone instinctively turned to look.

They saw a vast fleet appearing on the river not far away. Dozens of large and small warships were spread out in a dense formation, exuding a majestic aura.

At the forefront of the fleet was an exceptionally large, dark-colored giant tower ship.

This tower ship was imposing, with mottled knife and sword marks on its hull, exuding an invisible aura of menace, like a prehistoric beast, with a terrifying oppressive force.

Such a massive and awe-inspiring fleet was extremely rare.

"That's... that's the Flood Dragon Gang's fleet!" Some experienced old hands exclaimed in shock.

Flood Dragon Gang?

Exclamations of surprise echoed continuously on the ferry.

"Brother Ximen, something seems amiss," Dongfang Cangqiong, who had decided to join the Wang's Clan, instinctively regarded the Wang's Clan as his own and his face turned serious, "The Flood Dragon Gang's massive fleet seems to be heading towards the Wang's Clan's Dingpu Ferry..."


Ximen Buqun, who had traveled extensively despite only being at the sixth level of the Qi Refining Realm, had accumulated considerable knowledge.

His heart skipped a beat, "The fleet's flag signals have changed, it seems they're turning towards us."

Before they could think further.

A commanding voice suddenly rang out from the Flood Dragon Gang's fleet, "I am Du Tiangang, the Third Leader of the Flood Dragon Gang, here to visit the Changning Wang's Clan as agreed."

As the voice fell, a majestic Celestial Realm pressure suddenly rose from the Flood Dragon Gang's fleet, domineering and chilling, gripping the hearts of all.

It spread like a thunderclap, causing the sky to churn and the river waves to surge even more violently, with the sound of the waves becoming increasingly intense.

Several people standing close to the ship's side were splashed by the river water.

"Du Tiangang?" Dongfang Cangqiong's body trembled, and he exclaimed, "The one known as the 'Spirit Slayer'? It seems the visitors are not friendly~~"

The Flood Dragon Gang had dominated the An River for hundreds of years, and their reputation far surpassed that of the Changning Wang's Clan.

The current Third Leader, "Spirit Slayer" Du Tiangang, was extremely famous and was said to have reached the later stages of the Celestial Realm. His signature move, "Spirit Slayer Hand," had already killed several Celestial Realm cultivators.

Most terrifyingly, Du Tiangang was extremely difficult to deal with and ruthless. Even a seventh-grade family would tremble in fear if they offended him.

Had the Wang's Clan offended the Flood Dragon Gang? Was the Flood Dragon Gang here to demonstrate their power and demand accountability?

For a moment, many on the ferry who were sympathetic to the Wang's Clan couldn't help but worry for them. Although the Wang's Clan had risen quickly and was quite powerful, they were not on the same level as the Flood Dragon Gang.

Some who secretly harbored resentment towards the Wang's Clan showed schadenfreude. They wanted to see if the Wang's Clan, known for their strict rules and unyielding nature, would still be as tough under the Flood Dragon Gang's pressure.


Suddenly, a deep horn sounded, shaking everyone's hearts.

At the same time.

A slightly aged but extremely powerful voice came from Dingpu Ferry, "Honored guests from the Flood Dragon Gang, welcome. Fire the salute."

"Welcome? Fire the salute?"

Hearing this voice, many of the fierce members on the leading Anger Flood Dragon warship showed disdain.

The warship's commander, Ma Junxiong, a burly man in the mid-stage of the Lingtai Realm, spat disdainfully, "What Changning Wang's Clan, a seventh-grade family? Just one word, coward!"

"Heh, in front of our Flood Dragon Gang, a mere seventh-grade family is nothing."

"Even if we didn't bring our entire fleet, just Commander Ma with one warship could make the Wang's Clan cower."


Laughter erupted from the Anger Flood Dragon warship.

The mocking laughter, carried by the river wind, reached the ferry.

Many on the ferry had close ties with the Wang's Clan, and upon hearing this, they showed anger. But the disparity in strength was too great, and despite their dissatisfaction, they could only swallow their resentment.


The red cloth covering the Divine Might Cannons on both sides of Dingpu Ferry was pulled away, revealing the imposing black cannon barrels.

"Light the fire, fire the salute!"

Boom boom boom!

The Divine Might Cannons roared with thunderous explosions.

Solid cannonballs shot out, tracing invisible arcs in the air, fiercely heading towards the Flood Dragon Gang's fleet.

The cannonballs moved so fast that the Flood Dragon Gang members had no idea what was happening, only seeing flashes of fire at the ferry.

Several seconds later, the thunderous explosions reached their ears.

At the same time, huge splashes erupted on the river in front of their fleet!

The speed of the cannonballs was no less than that of sound!

One cannonball, due to a miscalculated angle and gunpowder amount, directly pierced through the cabin of Ma Junxiong's Anger Flood Dragon warship with a "boom."

The massive impact sent splinters flying and the ship rocking.


The gang members on the Anger Flood Dragon warship turned pale with fright.

Was this some kind of lightning attack array? If anyone had been standing closer to that hole, they would have been blown to pieces.

In an instant.

The mocking laughter from the Flood Dragon Gang ceased abruptly.

The entire fleet fell into an eerie silence, with only the howling river wind continuing, sounding particularly grating.

The rogue cultivators and traveling merchants on the ferry were also startled, but the next moment, they reacted and began to cheer loudly.

The Changning Wang's Clan was truly impressive! This wasn't a salute to welcome guests; it was a grand show of force!

The Changning Wang's Clan was so domineering! They dared to directly retaliate against the Flood Dragon Gang! Was this a prelude to war?



On the massive tower ship, Long Wuji's half-closed eyes opened slightly.

He leaned lazily in a luxurious chair, still exuding a natural air of grandeur and banditry, filled with an indescribable sense of powerful oppression.

But at this moment, his face showed some surprise.

Clearly, the power and impact of the Divine Might Cannons had exceeded his expectations.

"It seems these are the Divine Might Cannons that appeared in the Donggang naval battle," Jiang Yusong, dressed as a scholar, frowned slightly, "They seem quite powerful. If these cannons were deployed in large numbers, their power would be formidable."

"It's just a weaker version of the spirit array cannons popular in Tianji State," Long Wuji's eyes narrowed again, seemingly indifferent, "These things are cumbersome and slow to reload. Any Celestial Realm cultivator could easily destroy them."

"The Wang's Clan's actions are just a desperate struggle," Jiang Yusong advised, "I suggest having the Third Leader provoke them further to test their response."

"Approved," Long Wuji laughed heartily, "Old Third, go and see what the Wang's Clan is capable of."

The Flood Dragon Gang's Third Leader, Du Tiangang, was a burly man standing eight feet tall, with muscles bulging all over his body. Only his hands were white and jade-like, looking completely out of place with the rest of him.

This was the result of his cultivation of the special profound technique "Spirit Slayer Hand."

Du Tiangang acknowledged with a grunt, then let out a cold laugh and continued, "I am Du Tiangang, the Third Leader of the Flood Dragon Gang. Since the Wang's Clan has fired a salute, why hasn't Wang Shouzhe come to greet me?"

His voice boomed like thunder, spreading far and wide.

Hearing this, the crowd on the ferry and at the ferry terminal, especially those sympathetic to the Wang's Clan, showed anger.

No matter how powerful Du Tiangang was, he was just the Third Leader of the Flood Dragon Gang.

Between forces, it was customary to receive guests of equal status.

Du Tiangang's rebuke of Wang Shouzhe for not coming to greet him was a blatant display of arrogance, looking down on the Wang's Clan. Moreover, his words were highly provocative.

After Du Tiangang finished speaking, he laughed arrogantly, "The Wang's Clan is just a newly promoted seventh-grade family, with only Wang Long Yan said to have some skills. Heh, I'd like to see how capable she really is."

"Haha, with our Third Leader stepping in, the Wang's Clan would need to bring out their Ancestor to barely cope," the commanders mocked, "A seventh-grade family is still just a seventh-grade family, they can't even muster two Celestial Realm cultivators."

However, just when they thought the Wang's Clan would send out Wang Long Yan in response to the insult.

The deep voice of the elder rang out again, "How dare a mere 'Spirit Slayer' point fingers at our Wang's Clan Patriarch? Du Tiangang, if you want a fight, let this old servant entertain you!"

As the voice fell, an old man suddenly flew up from Dingpu Ferry, stepping through the air to stand above the An River.

This old man, dressed in plain black clothes, looked like an ordinary servant, but his aura was as vast as the ocean. Even just standing there, doing nothing, he gave off an unfathomable feeling.

This old man was none other than Shang Jiping, an elder of the Purple Mansion Academy, personally assigned by Tianhe Zhenren to serve Wang Liyao!

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