Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 56: Zhi Shouzhe! The passing youth

In the blink of an eye, it was already early May.

The weather was gradually heating up, and the wheat was entering the grain-filling stage. Whether this season's wheat crop would yield a good harvest depended on this month.

It had been three months since the confrontation between the Wang's Clan and the Flood Dragon Gang at the Dingpu Ferry. Thanks to the establishment of the flying carriage system, the discussion about this event had spread from Changning Garrison to the entire Longzuo Commandery, significantly boosting the Wang's Clan's prestige.

As Wang Shouzhe would say on Earth, the Changning Wang's Clan had become a trending topic in Longzuo Commandery.

However, the buzz would eventually die down.

A few months had passed, and the Wang's Clan had already returned to its peaceful routine, continuing its rapid development.

"System Spirit Artifact."

In the side hall of Wang Shouzhe's courtyard.

As the weather grew hotter, the curtains in the room had been replaced with gauze drapes. The sky-blue gauze swayed with the wind, adding a touch of coolness to the room.

Over the years, Wang Shouzhe's courtyard hadn't changed much, except for some valuable decorations added at Ancestor Long Yan's strong insistence, but comfort remained the priority.

Wang Shouzhe sat in a comfortable lounge chair made of spiritual wood, his eyes half-closed, fingers tapping on the armrest as if deep in thought.

"Ding-dong~ Spirit Artifact Xiaoxue, at your service, Master."

A projection of a two-dimensional anime girl appeared before Wang Shouzhe. She had long, slender legs, an exaggerated figure, big eyes, snow-white hair, and cat ears...

As for why she was named Xiaoxue? Because her original form was the Blood Nest Spirit Artifact, and "Xiaoxue" sounded better than "blood."

Wang Shouzhe was quite satisfied with her appearance and voice, having spent considerable time modeling her through the system's panel.

Every time he saw Spirit Artifact Xiaoxue, Wang Shouzhe felt as if he had recaptured his lost youth.

"How much cash can our Wang's Clan mobilize?" Wang Shouzhe asked casually.

"Ding-dong, reporting to Master, we can mobilize five million Qian gold." Xiaoxue's voice was particularly sweet and pleasant to Wang Shouzhe.

"Only five million Qian gold?" Wang Shouzhe frowned slightly, "I remember last year, the clan's net annual income reached over three million."

"Ding-dong~~ Reporting to Master, the clan's expenses are too high. The living expenses, cultivation resources, and spiritual food for all clan members, family guards, and servants alone amount to 1.2 million. We invested 600,000 Qian gold in Shouda Trading Company, which has yet to return. The land development, water conservancy projects, and road planning in Ping'an Town cost over 200,000, plus intelligence group expenses, employment costs, social interactions..." Xiaoxue explained.

"Alright, I know the expenses are high," Wang Shouzhe waved his hand to silence her, "Show the main system interface." The Wang's Clan was indeed making a lot of money, but because many clan members were being heavily nurtured, the expenses were enormous.

Especially for Ancestor Long Yan, who was being lavishly supplied with resources to cultivate a Purple Mansion Realm cultivator for the clan as soon as possible. Third and fourth-grade spiritual meat were freely provided, and occasionally, even fifth-grade spiritual beast meat was purchased at a high price to replenish her energy.

The Dajuling Dan, worth three to four thousand Qian gold each, was consumed by Ancestor Long Yan every ten days! This alone cost over 100,000 Qian gold. Additionally, one to two spiritual stones were consumed daily, adding another 50,000 to 60,000 Qian gold in expenses.

Plus other miscellaneous expenses.

In total, Ancestor Long Yan, who was only in the early Celestial Realm, consumed over 200,000 Qian gold annually for her cultivation. This far exceeded the expenses of an ordinary Celestial Realm cultivator and was even higher than the specifications for great prodigies in the academy, an extravagance that would make Fang You'an cry...

The benefit was that Ancestor Long Yan's cultivation was rapidly advancing, and it was estimated that she would reach the mid-Celestial Realm within fifteen years.

Wang Shouzhe naturally wanted to speed up Ancestor Long Yan's advancement, but the current level of consumption had already reached the extreme of diminishing returns, and more resources wouldn't speed it up.

Putting aside idle talk for now.

As Wang Shouzhe's voice fell.

The main system interface was projected cleanly in front of him.

[Clan Name]: Changning Wang's Clan of Longzuo

[Clan Grade]: Seventh-grade

[Clan Prestige]: [Local Prestige (100) Dominant] [County Prestige (100) Dominant] [Commandery Prestige (51) Rising Fame] [National Prestige (03) Unknown]

[Clan Industries]: 38 items (click to view details)

[Clan Members]: [Internal (59)] [Married Out (13)] (click to view details)

[Clan Marriages]: 7 (click to view details)

[Clan Guards]: [Adults (98)] [Minors (238)] (click to view details)

[Clan Servants]: [Adults (1027)] [Minors (827)] (click to view details)

[Growth Facilities]: [Scripture Repository] [Treasure Pavilion] [Spiritual Material Pavilion] [Spiritual Pill Pavilion] [Clan School] [Martial Training Ground] [Spirit Testing Platform]

[Secret Treasure Lands]: [Outer Domain Training Ground] [Xisui Cave] [Fire Cloud Cave (Medium-grade Fire Vein Spiritual Field) (Medium)] [Spiritual Medicine Cave (Medium-grade Spiritual Medicine Field) (Small)] [Qinglian Fire Valley (Top-grade Fire Element Spiritual Field, Refining, Fire Lotus)] [Pasture Volcano Secret Realm (Top-grade Fire Element Spiritual Field)] (click to view details)

[Income and Expenditure List]: (click to view details)

Compared to the last statistical list, the Changning Wang's Clan's county prestige had reached a dominant level, making them almost unchallenged within the Changning Garrison.

Even within the entire Longzuo Commandery, the Wang's Clan's fame was rising, reaching a level of rising fame. Additionally, the system had opened the national prestige project, but the data was rather dismal.

In the entire Great Qian, the Changning Wang's Clan was still relatively unknown.

The number of industry projects hadn't increased much, but the existing industries were gradually gaining momentum, bringing the Wang's Clan massive wealth.

In fact, the Wang's Clan had developed to the point where the once-pillar industries of cement, glass, and paper were gradually being overtaken by agriculture.

As the Wang's Clan's strength grew, their once-secretive grain production methods had become more transparent.

Wang's Clan's No. 19 rice variety and No. 23 wheat variety had been widely planted in Ping'an Town. The number of fertile fields in Ping'an Town had surged to 110,000 acres, thanks to reclamation and extensive terracing.

Just this alone, after deducting city, commandery, and national taxes, a 10% channel fee to the Qian Clan, and other expenses, the net annual income reached 340,000 Qian gold.

The total fertile fields of the subordinate civilians had also gradually increased to 120,000 acres, helping the Wang's Clan plant grain varieties, with a total output reaching 600,000 to 700,000 Qian gold. The Wang's Clan could earn 70,000 to 80,000 Qian gold in family taxes and about 170,000 to 180,000 Qian gold in grain variety royalties.

This alone brought in a net income of over 200,000 Qian gold.

The subordinate civilians, benefiting from helping the Wang's Clan plant high-quality grain varieties, had incomes several times higher than before. As a result, the civilians under the Wang's Clan's jurisdiction were quite wealthy, making outsiders envious.

The only drawback was that after years of extensive development, Ping'an Town had reached a saturation point, making it difficult to significantly increase the total number of fertile fields.

Therefore, as the Wang's Clan grew stronger, they set their sights on the farmland of marriage alliance families and other eighth and ninth-grade clans. They planted Wang's Clan's high-yield grain varieties on their fertile fields, with unified purchasing and sales.

This earned less money. Each 10,000 acres of grain variety planting brought about 8,000 Qian gold in income for the Wang's Clan. Although the income seemed modest, the sheer volume made up for it.

In the Changning Garrison and surrounding areas, the total number of acres under planting agreements with the Wang's Clan had exceeded 500,000 acres! This allowed the Wang's Clan to earn a fortune every year.

Additionally, the planting and contracting of white jade spiritual rice and red crystal spiritual rice also brought substantial income to the Wang's Clan.

Currently, the Wang's Clan's grain varieties were in high demand, and the total of 700,000 to 800,000 acres of grain varieties was far from meeting the consumption needs of the entire Longzuo Commandery. Therefore, the market saturation was still a long way off.

As a result, Wang Shouzhe set his sights on the outer domain.

Outer domain reclamation had always been a grand plan for the Wang's Clan, with vast fertile lands waiting to be reclaimed. Incorporating those lands would exponentially increase the Wang's Clan's wealth accumulation speed.

Outer domain reclamation was a massive system project, requiring a substantial amount of funds.

Five million Qian gold! It was enough for the initial phase.

However, another significant expense awaited Wang Shouzhe. It was a pill called "Wuji Baodan," a sixth-grade treasure pill more advanced than the fifth-grade Xisui Dan!

This pill was extremely rare and precious, even coveted by Purple Mansion Clans. Its greatest function was to allow a small prodigy with a single bloodline in the Qi Refining Realm to defy fate and become a prodigy with a second bloodline.

Based on Wang Shouzhe's intelligence and deductions, its effectiveness far surpassed that of the Xisui Dan and should be even more potent than the "Primary Bloodline Improvement Elixir," though it couldn't match the Blood Gu King's effectiveness.

Logically, Wang Shouzhe, already at the third bloodline, would see minimal improvement from taking the Wuji Baodan.

However, don't forget that he had already enhanced his bloodline with a Blood Gu King and had undergone a cleansing and marrow-washing opportunity after helping the Fire Fox through its tribulation.

These factors had pushed his bloodline to the peak of the third level, just a hair's breadth away from breaking through to the fourth level.

If Wang Shouzhe had never used the Primary Bloodline Improvement Elixir, taking it once might have given him a slim chance to reach the fourth bloodline. Unfortunately, his body had developed resistance to the Primary Bloodline Improvement Elixir, and he couldn't monopolize the opportunity for his younger clan members to become prodigies.

Therefore, Wang Shouzhe had been searching for suitable treasures or pills to break through that tiny barrier and become a great prodigy.

He had no choice.

Wang Shouzhe was under immense pressure.

Ancestor Long Yan was a great prodigy, his wife was a great prodigy, and his eldest daughter and son were both great prodigies...

If he couldn't awaken the fourth bloodline before advancing to the Celestial Realm, it would be even harder to become a great prodigy later.

This time, the opportunity had come.

According to information from the Baibao Pavilion, the Monan Commandery branch had obtained a sixth-grade Wuji Baodan, which would be auctioned in three months in the Monan Commandery's capital.

Normally, auctions featuring items like the Wuji Baodan were high-level auctions. Ordinary seventh-grade and even regular sixth-grade clans were not qualified to participate.

Fortunately, the Wang's Clan's spending power at the Baibao Pavilion in the Southern Six Garrisons was top-notch. They had spent a lot of money over time and had long enjoyed VIP treatment. Therefore, the Baibao Pavilion in the Southern Six Garrisons was willing to recommend Wang Shouzhe to participate in the high-level auction in Monan Commandery, provided the total bid was not less than two million Qian gold!

A single Wuji Baodan typically auctioned for around two to three million Qian gold. Usually, only powerful sixth-grade or fifth-grade clans could afford it.

Two to three million Qian gold was affordable for the Wang's Clan.

But Wang Shouzhe was always cautious. If he missed this Wuji Baodan, he couldn't be sure if he would have another chance before advancing to the Celestial Realm.

Therefore, he was determined to get this Wuji Baodan.

His biggest worry was that if another clan with a "just need" also aimed to win it, would five million Qian gold be enough?

"Sigh, we're still too poor," Wang Shouzhe sighed inwardly, "It's not easy to save money."

The Shouda Trading Company had a large sum of money temporarily deposited. However, that money was for expanding the Shouda Trading Company, and even Wang Shouzhe had no authority to use it for other purposes.

"Forget it, I'll first raise two million in emergency funds from the marriage alliance families," Wang Shouzhe frowned slightly, "To be safe, I'll also raise three million Qian gold from the Qian Clan. If even ten million can't secure it... then we'll have to wait."


A few days later.

In the "Purple Mansion Palace" hotel in Longzuo Commandery's capital, Wang Shouzhe met with Qian Xuehan, the new clan leader of the Qian Clan, in secret.


As soon as Wang Shouzhe saw Qian Xuehan, he noticed a significant change in his demeanor. Not only was he brimming with confidence, but his entire aura had transformed, exuding an unstoppable sharpness.

"Junior greets Master Wang Shouzhe." Qian Xuehan first bowed deeply to show his respect and gratitude to Wang Shouzhe, then smiled, "It seems Master Wang has noticed. Thanks to your care, I have repeatedly made great contributions, and the Ancestor was pleased. This time, the opportunity to enter the clan's heritage site was given to me, and I did not disappoint the Ancestor's expectations, successfully becoming a Zifu seed."

A Zifu seed?

That meant he was a prodigy! The Qian Clan also had a way to produce prodigies?

"Congratulations, Clan Leader Xuehan, please don't refer to yourself as a junior anymore." Wang Shouzhe felt a bit embarrassed while secretly thinking that the Qian Clan was indeed impressive. A Purple Mansion Clan that had endured for over a thousand years truly had deep foundations.

However, Wang Shouzhe speculated that the Qian Clan's secret heritage was probably far inferior to the Shenwu Royal Dynasty's trial site. Otherwise, the Qian Clan wouldn't be what it was today.

An opportunity to become a prodigy was undoubtedly very rare and precious for the Qian Clan.

"Master Wang has a great debt of gratitude to me," Qian Xuehan insisted, "The Ancestor gave me the opportunity to become a Zifu seed because of my good relationship with the Wang's Clan."

"By the way, Master Wang, did you summon me to discuss the business of the Shouda Trading Company? I have already dispatched various elders to expedite the acquisition or leasing of spirit bird flying carriages, ensuring that we meet the deadline of 120 units~"

"It's not about that." Wang Shouzhe shook his head and then explained his purpose.


Qian Xuehan, who was drinking spiritual tea, spat out a mouthful of tea, looking at Wang Shouzhe with a horrified expression, "Master Wang, you plan to spend ten million Qian gold to bid for the Wuji Baodan? Although it is rare and precious, it rarely exceeds three million Qian gold in transactions."

"It's just urgent," Wang Shouzhe said honestly, "If I miss this chance, who knows when the next opportunity will come?"

Qian Xuehan almost cried. The Qian Clan also wanted to participate in the auction to buy the Wuji Baodan as a family treasure. However, the clan elders had set a budget of 2.5 million. After all, the Qian Clan was currently betting on the Shouda Trading Company, and funds were extremely tight.

Master Wang, your move is too ruthless. Are you leaving any hope for other clans?

Truly, having money makes one reckless.

Sigh, as a clan leader, Qian Xuehan realized that his authority was not even a tenth of Master Wang's. As the Qian Clan leader, he was not only constrained by the elders but also had a Purple Mansion Realm Ancestor overseeing major family affairs.

It's different, truly different.

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