
Chapter 1

A thin young man stood by a huge black pool, his eyebrows drooping, his expression indifferent, but his mind echoed like a storm: “Van Galo, I still prefer the way you are when you are quiet.”

“Quiet? Oh, when was my Van Gogh quiet?” The young man gritted his teeth and spit out a word, his hands clenched into fists slowly, as if trying to suppress some emotion.

Yes, Van Gogh is suffering from mania. When he was sick for the first time since he was seven years old and strangled a kitten in his home with his bare hands, he knew very well that he could never stay quietly for even ten minutes in his life. His body is like an active volcano, facing an eruption at any time. No matter who he is, if he irritates him a little, he will make him manic and lose control.

Fighting, fighting, drag racing, yelling, dancing wildly … this is his normal state. He could pick up the wine bottle and open the scoop for others last second, or he could laugh inexplicably the next second. His emotions are like a magma pool, always tumbling violently, smoking hot poisonous smoke, when there is no silence.

In the face of that man alone, he could conquer violentness and pride, willing to bow his head willingly. But even so, he is noisy, trying to use all his strength to attract the attention of the other party, how could it be quiet?

“I know, the person you said is not me at all, but the idiots, right?” Van Gogh continued to ponder: “You like me when you are quiet, okay, I will change for you, I will become what you like appearance……”

Van Gogh finally raised his low eyebrows, revealing a twisted and crazy face. No one knows that, in addition to mania, he is also a patient with multiple personality, with twenty hidden in his body? thirty? Or forty personalities?

In fact, even he himself can’t count how many of these personalities, but as the main personality, he extremely hates the feeling that the body is controlled by these unknown personalities, so he plays crazy day and night to minimize sleep. Time is to suppress these deputy personalities. He is the master of this body, and the rest is rubbish!

However, even if he is energetic again, there are always times when he is exhausted. Occasionally for a little while, when he falls into a lethargy uncontrollably, these secondary personalities will come out and explore the outside world unscrupulously. There are several deputy personalities as crazy as him, but there are also so few dear ones who like to be quiet.

Fangallo didn’t know which personality caused the person to say that sentence, but it didn’t matter, did the other party like quietness? When he devours all the deputy personalities and completely integrates their memories, skills and personality, he can pretend to be quiet.

So this night, Fangallo received deep hypnotism from the psychological counselor and entered the palace hidden in his body to prepare for blood washing. He doesn’t know the exact number of these deputy personalities, but it doesn’t matter, as long as he consumes most of them, he has the power to dominate this inner world. By then, he only needs to destroy the palace, and he can kill all the “rats” in hiding.

When he came to this black pool, he had killed twenty-four secondary personalities, and there was a voice in his heart telling him-swallow the last one, and you would have the power to destroy this world. He originally wanted to bypass the black pool to find the next prey, but accidentally found that at the bottom of the black pool, a jade-white, slender, naked figure was sleeping peacefully.

There are many deputy personalities in Vangallo. These personalities include men, women, old people, and children. Their faces are exquisite, ordinary, or ugly, but there is no one that can give Vangalodino a glance or arouse. His compassion.

But now, his eyes can’t move away from the faces of the people at the bottom of the pool for a long time. The other party was asleep, his expression was very calm, his eyebrows were as gentle as running water, and his red **** lips were as warm as flames. His skin is white to transparent, half-length hair is pure black, water waves rippling around him, reflecting the mottled light spots, the extreme collision of colors and the unpredictable changes of light and shadow render him like a devil.

If it weren’t for the inner world built by Van Gogh, if he didn’t communicate with the outside world, he would have thought that this man was a strange monster. The other party looks too perfect and unreal, like a dream.

Van Gogh stood for a long time by the pool before slowly exhaling a breath, then extended his arms, opened five fingers, and made a gesture of grasping in the void. Having swallowed so many pairs of personality, even if he does not have the ability to destroy the world, he can control everything here at will.

The pool water was pumped into the air under his grip, and the shadow of the jade man lying on the bottom of the pool slowly floated up and was sucked forward.

Looking closer, this man’s face is flawless. If he can have such a face, why not worry about Zhao Wenyan’s attention? Van Goghro was filled with violence, jealousy, and mania. With five fingers closed, he pinched the neck of the person suspended in front of him.

The other party’s neck is very slender and the lines are beautiful. When it is broken, the twisted angle must be more beautiful. Thinking this way, Van Gogh smiled slightly at the corner of his lips, and the strength of his fingertips increased instantly.

Just at the moment when the neck bone was about to break, the sleeping young man suddenly woke up and looked straight at Fangallo. He has a pair of pure black eyes, no half-silk, and is as deep as a sea of ​​ocean. The round pupil suddenly shrinks when he sees the face of Van Gogh, and eventually turns into two thin lines, which become a vertical pupil. . Even if his neck was clamped with great force and faced with the threat of death at any time, his expression was still as serene as when he was asleep, and there was no trace of pain. He even looked at Van Gogh up and down, as if evaluating an item.

Being watched by this man for a moment, Fangallo’s fingers began to tremble, and it was obvious that as long as he applied another force, he could kill the other party, but he couldn’t do it anyway. His body froze in the man’s eyes.

The man looked at Fangallo quietly, his expression light, but his deep eyes showed a hint of interest, as if the person who was pinched by his neck was not him. It seemed to have been a long time, but it was only for a moment. He stretched out his hands, held Van Goro’s face, and gently asked, “How many have you swallowed?”

The man’s fingertips were slender and soft, but with a hint of coolness, Fangaro couldn’t help shivering when he touched his face. He didn’t use any force at all, but Van Gaal felt his head was fixed by the man’s hands, not to mention turning, even blinking began to become laborious. His voice is also very beautiful, like a mountain stream, clear and gentle, faintly revealing a magical power. The person he asked would open his mouth involuntarily even if he resisted, answering the question honestly.

This feeling is very strange, and this vice personality is even more strange.

Fangallo panicked, thinking that he already had the power to dominate the world, and clenched his teeth, and said: “I have swallowed twenty-four secondary personalities. Are you the twenty-fifth. Do you know? , I already have the power to build here and dominate it. As long as I eat you again, I can completely destroy this place! “

So I’m not afraid of you!

Feeling that everything around him was still under his control, Fangallo’s trembling heart quickly settled down. Yeah, he has absolute power, and he doesn’t have to fear this inexplicable vice personality at all. In fact, there is no need to use his hands at all, as long as he moves his thoughts, his will can crush this vice personality!

Fangallo’s thin lips squeezed slowly, revealing a malicious smile, then opened his consciousness and surrounded the man without traces.

The moment he awakened his consciousness to devour the opponent, he heard the man chuckling: “Secondary personality? Are you sure what you eat is the so-called secondary personality?”

The man was holding Van Gogh’s face, approaching bit by bit, stopping between the inches, and then forced to stare at each other, his bright red lips slightly tickled, his smile meaning unclear. His pure black eyes were like an abyss, and he could not see the bottom. There were countless emotions in it, but none of them belonged to fear, not even the slightest fear. What does Van Gogh count in his eyes? Nothing counts.

In this view, not only the body of Van Gogh, but also the consciousness began to freeze.

“You, what do you mean? What is it not a deputy personality?” Van Gogh asked involuntarily.

The man chuckled twice, his flawless face was still so gentle, but he showed 120,000 extreme evil: “You know, your body never belongs to you, but a container I made. Those deputy personalities, Including you, it’s just the lone soul ghosts sucked into this container. You coexist and grow in this container, and then start fighting, when one of you has enough powerful power, it will become my food, I wake up, offer sacrifices for me, and fill me … “

As he said these words, the man’s face kept coming close to Van Gaal’s pinna, and then extended his crimson tongue and gently licked him. This faithful spitting out like a viper is cold and sticky and frightening.

Van Gogharo’s eyes opened a bloodline because he opened too much, he couldn’t believe what he heard! Didn’t he grow up in this body? How can it become a lonely ghost? How could those secondary personalities devoured by him also be ghosts? How can there be such a ridiculous thing in the world!

At this moment, all of Van Gogh ’s two decades of cognition and meaning of existence have been negated. Fear is like a giant beast, tearing his trembling heart fiercely. His face was held by the man, his body was suppressed by the man, and even his consciousness was firmly imprisoned by the man.

He couldn’t move, and the body with great power turned into a black mist in the palm of the man, and was sucked into the man’s nasal cavity with a trace of light. The man smiled casually, then raised his head, slightly opened his red lips, and uttered a deep whisper of enjoyment. He looked very satisfied, and his soft and delicate eyebrows became very evil at this moment.

Fangalo’s body gradually became transparent, and in the moment of complete disappearance, he was shocked to find that this huge palace shrouded in mist was also collapsing little by little, and those deputy personalities running away from the palace in panic Screaming into black mist, the man was inhaled into his nasal cavity, nourishing his newly awakened body.

The man is right, he has been sleeping at the bottom of the pool for twenty years, and this is what he waited for. All of them are his sacrifice!

The emotions of remorse came violently and disappeared in an instant …

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