
Chapter 111

It is naturally impossible not to shoot. Song Nuan took out the pre-signed contract and pointed to the one that ruined the contract, and Liang Lao silently retreated. Ten million, I can’t afford it, sincerely!

Song Rui took out a form and said in a calm tone: “Because everyone raised strong doubts about Fangallo’s performance, we ranked him as the last one to appear today, so that all of you can see him clearly. Is there no opinion for this performance? “

“No opinion.” The “Harry Potter” answered the first. He was afraid that the program team would rank Van Gogh as the first. What is the difference between this and closed shooting?

“At the end of the Van Gogh Row, then He Jinglian is second from the bottom. He Jinglian, don’t you have any opinion?”

“I have no opinion. I must be lined up with Mr. Fan.” He Jinglian was very relieved.

“Then I will arrange the appearance order for the rest of the people, shouldn’t I have any opinions?”

“No opinion.” The people shook their heads one after another.

“The number one is …” Song Rui read down one by one according to the form. The group of people who had been fierce before did not respond. Ding Puhang had raised his hand, the smile was very bad, and the volume was deliberately increased: ” Dr. Song, according to what order do you rank us? “

Song Rui glanced at him and ticked the corner of his mouth: “Naturally, it is ranked first in terms of strength, weak strength in the front, and strong strength in the back. Why, is there a problem? As far as I know, this is the convention of programming.”

Ding Puhang smiled and shook his head: “No opinion, the strength should have been the finale.”

The four most violent people were placed on the first, second, third, and fourth, and they flushed with anger. They knew the camera was filming, and Song Rui did so in the face of millions of viewers, slap them hard, and ironically they didn’t do it!

“You …” Harry Potter just wanted to protest, and the words were stopped lightly by Song Rui: “If you want to prove yourself, one mouth is useless, I will always stand by and watch, I look forward to Your outstanding performance. “

“Noisy, noisy people, the more violent, the louder the laughter of the audience will only be. For the ratings of the program, you are also very hard, I have to thank you!” Song Wenwen said with a smile .

The Harry Potter Quartet finally calmed down, and then clenched their fists, determined to fight hard.

Seeing their slightly distorted expressions, there was a bit of bitterness in Lao Liang’s heart. He was really confused, why did he bring this group of people into the Ziwei Palace? Is this help or destruction? After a while, we must keep up with the whole process, lest these people demolish the palace that stood for thousands of years!

Without those dissonant voices, the test finally began. Song Wenneng made other players wait in place, and led No. 1 player to a step that was almost invisible and piled with flawless white jade. After climbing for about five or six minutes, a group of people came breathlessly to a flat open space. Song Nuan slightly adjusted his breath, and after pointing to a plaque with gold paint hanging above his head, said: “This is our test site , You feel it, and then tell us the information you got. “The plaque has four words written on it-Huang Jian You Ji.

The No. 1 player “Harry Potter” was neglected to exercise on weekdays, panting with his hands on his knees for a while before he could relax. He has never climbed such a high level of stairs, so it is speculated that this place should be very vast, but the conjecture is only conjecture, and the help for him is extremely limited. If you want to stand out, you must fan the slap back just now, you still have to rely on strength!

Thinking about this, he stretched his arms, slowly turned around, and began to try his best to sense everything around him.

Everyone was panting, but Song Rui stood aside with a steady breath and a calm expression. In order to become the top predator in nature, he has exercised his physique in a very demanding way, so his endurance far exceeds the average person.

He seemed to be bored, so he took the lead in entering this palace, which was banned for thousands of years, and came with a very strong smell of wood and mildew, and there was a **** smell after the metal was corroded. After hearing it for a long time, I will feel dizzy.

But he didn’t feel any discomfort at all, taking a light pace, and slowly walked to the high throne, gazing at him. He had no intention of stepping on it, because he was not interested in power at all, but at this moment, he suddenly turned around and looked around, his eyes blocked by the lens radiating a sharp light.

Just like someone was staring at him just now, it was a look full of evil thoughts and killing intent!

“What’s wrong with Dr. Song?” Mr. Liang, who walked in, took him a little and whispered, “Don’t stay here for too long, be careful of being stunned by malaria.” No psychics, he has automatically put several colleagues The illness came down to the inhalation of malaria.

“It’s okay, I’ll take a look.” Song Rui followed Mr. Liang to a ventilated place. Once he left the throne, the feeling of being monitored disappeared. This palace is really interesting!

At the same time, “Harry Potter” has finished sensing, and is slowly opening: “This is a very old building made of wood.”

Lao Liang demolished the platform in a low voice: “It’s not that, the smell of wood is so strong that the fool can’t smell it.”

Harry Potter: “It’s huge!”

Mr. Liang continued to dismantle the stage: “It’s not big enough to climb such long stairs?”

“It has a long history, I think it should be a palace.”

“It’s large, old, and made of wood, with a few hundred meters of stairs, not a palace? What is the logical reasoning?”

Standing in the middle of the two, Song Wennuan, who heard this back and forth clearly: ……

Cooperating with Mr. Liang, you not only demolished my platform, but also demolished everyone’s platform? Then I call you a demolition expert, do you have any comments?

Song Rui nodded with a smile, indicating that he fully agreed with Mr. Liang’s words.

“Harry Potter” couldn’t get off the stage, and could only **** in with his eyes closed. Crossing the high threshold, he gradually approached the throne and whispered: “There is a strong force field here, from a long time ago, I sensed that I am getting closer and closer to it, what is this? Steps? There are steps in the room? “He climbed up one level at a time, and finally touched the throne that has not been decayed for thousands of years, so he was stunned:” A stool? A stool on the high platform? Palace? ” “

He seemed to think of something, but he hadn’t said it before, and a very strong tingling sensation hit his temple, making him scream. He clutched his head and rolled off the throne. His voice was full of fear and helplessness: “I, my head seems to be exploding! Quickly, help me out quickly! Let me leave here!”

He didn’t have time to pull the blindfold at all. Instead, he climbed out wholeheartedly, his legs clinging to the ground, and his hands were scratching around, like a lizard who was seriously injured and dying but couldn’t find a way to live. The staff hurried forward to help, and just dragged him outside the hall, he lay on the ground and vomited dimly. The appearance was embarrassed and exactly the same as the sick repairers before.

Liang Lao, who has been busy dismantling the station, opened his mouth this time, but he was dumb!

“What’s wrong with you, are you okay? Where are the doctors and nurses? Call them!” Song Nuan screamed loudly. Since He Jinglian accidentally happened, she hired a medical team with high salary.

A group of medical staff ran up the stairs with the first-aid kit. Before breathing, they began to help “Harry Potter” remove the eye mask, measure blood pressure, test the pulse, and asked him about the situation. Although he had recovered his light, he had no intention to look at his surroundings. He just vomited blindly and even spit out bile, and the person was almost fainted. He said vaguely: “There are many needles stuck in my brain. ! In a flash, I felt my head exploding! “

“Send him to the hospital, hurry!” Song Nuan urged sharply.

“No, I’m not going away. It’s much better to spit it out. I want to stay and watch Van Gogh’s performance.” Harry Potter seemed to be on Van Gogh’s bar, and they didn’t know what hatred they had in the dark.

Medical staff reported: “His pulse and blood pressure have stabilized, and it seems that the situation is okay. We lifted him aside and put on an ice pack to see if it could be relieved.”

“Is it really okay? You have to check him carefully!” Song Nuan repeatedly confirmed.

“At present, his physical condition is normal, but since he has a headache, we still recommend him to go to a big hospital for a brain CT, but he is vomiting very badly now, we can wait for him to ease a little before moving he.”

“Then take him to the side, be careful!” Song Wenwen said frowningly. “Someone had an accident just starting the test, or should we stop recording?”

Fearing that something bigger might happen, Mr. Liang naturally nodded his head and said yes. As a result, he walked to the next stage and asked, all the players disagreed. Yuan Zhongzhou and others knew that they had come to a great place, so they did n’t want to miss it; the other three players firmly believed that this was an excuse the program crew had made to prevent Van Gogh ’s stuffing: no accident, no accident. It’s too coincident to wait until something happens when the recording is not closed? Who said it?

“We are willing to sign the life and death, the show must be recorded!” The second player’s decisive words won everyone’s approval, except that Van Gogh was free from the crowd, and no sound was heard. His toes pointed at Jin Luan Temple from beginning to end. The direction seems to be drawn by something.

“Damn, you have to fight against me today, right?” Song Nuan pinched the headset and shouted angrily, “Come here with the blame!” As a profiteer who entertains to death, how could she not be like this? Ready?

The hands of everyone were led to Party A by the staff, and they signed their names, and pressed the red fingerprints, so the second player climbed the stairs and entered the Jin Luan Temple. Five minutes later, he was lifted out by the staff, he rolled over and vomited as soon as he put it on the stretcher, and then shouted his head in pain. But the strange thing is that no matter how the medical staff measures, his physical data is normal.

Lao Liang was so scared that his face was white, and he sat on the steps and said in a trance: “How can this be, how can it be? Isn’t it a malaise?” He also followed in several times, and he was the oldest, and his physique was The weakest, even if something goes wrong, it should be his first accident.

Song Rui wanted to sit down next to him, and his eyes touched Van Gogh, who was far below the steps, and then looked at his elaborate dressing, and could only choose to stand. He whispered: “Lao Liang, it should be a fallacy to speak of melasma.”

His voice just fell, and the two photographers responsible for shooting “Harry Potter” and No. 2 player also lay down. His head suddenly burst into pain, nausea and vomiting. More serious symptoms have not yet appeared. At this point of view, the melancholy said that it was tenable again.

After so many people lying down, Song Nuan also panicked, took a mobile phone and made a call to a secluded corner. After returning, he gritted his teeth and said, “Continue to shoot!”

Okay, there are orders above, then continue to shoot! The busy staff had to take the No. 3 player to the front of the hall. As usual, they went in and out horizontally, without vomiting or fainting, but with sweating, as if they had just been taken out of the water.

“There is a force field covering here, the energy is very violent, like countless steel knives, which can crush the people who are close to it! It is not to crush the flesh, it is to crush the soul! Do n’t shoot again, it will kill you!” Hold the hand of the medical staff, and use the last trace of strength to shout.

Lao Liang and all the professors looked at him with a pale face. The original admiration and belief in science was now somewhat shaky. After going in and out for several times, in fact, they can gradually feel the feeling of being pierced by the brain with a needle. The closer to the throne, the stronger the feeling, which is not the effect of malaria and poison gas.

However, this kind of pain was too pediatric for Song Rui, who was torn apart every moment. When everyone sat down and gasped like a dead dog, he was standing with his hands in his pockets, his face standing quietly at the tuyere, looking away This majestic imperial city. Van Gogh under the steps showed exactly the same posture as he did. Although blindfolded, he seemed to be able to enjoy the magnificence of this magnificent view.

The fourth player was stronger. He was also attracted to the throne, but fell down in embarrassment. He didn’t vomit, but he was dizzy. He stumbled out, pulled off his blindfold, and looked at everything around him in disbelief.

The fifth player, Ding Puhang, walked slowly to the front of the hall and spit out the most eloquent sentence in the most calm manner: “I am afraid of death, so I will not go in. This is the Golden Palace of Ziwei Palace, am I right? “Don’t wait for Song Nuan to respond, he took off his blindfold and quickly backed away.

Through reading his mind, he already knew what the people who stepped into this palace ended up. In heavy cases, he was unconscious, and in the slightest headache, he would not dare to try it again.

Ah Huo sniffed in front of the temple, trembling: “This is the smell of death, very thick and thick, even stronger than when I was six years old! Countless people have been buried here!”

Lao Liang did not demolish the platform this time, but nodded his head infrequently. He attached to Song Nuan’s ear and said, “Yes, a lot of people died here! More than a hundred people died in Huidi’s time alone. . “

Ahuo waved his hand and said: “I don’t want to go in. This is the first time I have heard such a strong breath of death. I’m afraid **** is no different.”

“You can’t go in. This is your freedom.” Song Rui glanced at Lao Liang and analyzed slowly: “The stronger the player is, the stronger the perception of danger is, just as the ants can’t see the abyss in close proximity, and Humans know at a glance. “

The Harry Potter Quartet that he likened to an ant: …

mmp, we are still there, can you speak quietly?

Zhu Xiya knocked her head in front of the temple, and refused to enter after finishing. She bluntly said: “This is a curse, and for thousands of years, no one can undo it! I can’t even find its source! Once in contact with it, I will be stared at by it, no matter how far it is I’m going to kill my life! All the people who have entered the palace have been cursed, and madness to death is their destiny! I advise you to go home quickly, eat something, play well, and cherish this as much as possible. Not much time. “

“She, isn’t she serious?” The demolition expert Liang Lao even said nothing at the moment.

“Probably … be serious.” Song Rui’s panting made the other scholars sweat.

Instead, the most calm person is Lu Lao, who has the weakest heart. He looked at the three people who were still waiting under the stairs and appeased: “Don’t panic, Mr. Fan will have a solution. When Mr. Fan comes to see what he says.” After his daughter’s quotation, he knew how this person was. The magical existence.

Song Nuan’s bursting head recovered to clarity instantly and shouted: “Hurry, bring the next player over.” She had to speed up and let Teacher Fan appear, because the program group seemed to ignite a wildfire and provoke A catastrophe! I hope Mr. Fan is tall enough to stand up!

Yuan Zhongzhou didn’t even dare to shake the bell this time. He went to the plaque and stood still, pondering, “This is a curse.”

His words were exactly the same as Zhu Xiya, so the people who were still lucky had sinking in their hearts and felt desperate because they gradually felt their heads start to swell, and hundreds of thousands of brain cells burst every second. That crackling popping sound and continuous tingling can drive people crazy!

The sturdy photographer couldn’t even carry the food guy, his knees bent slowly, and he knelt down to shoot, and the rest of them covered their heads and showed pain. The entire program group suffered a devastating blow unconsciously!

Yuan Zhongzhou sighed: “She sacrificed the curse on the soul, and the soul dissipated, and the curse would have no solution. I gave up this test.” He lay prone on the ground, his head stuck to the ground for a long time, to show the wrong soul. In awe, while the rest fell into **** because of his assertion!

The fear of extinction shrouded everyone’s heart …

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