
Chapter 150

When Song Rui conducted the analysis, the murderer’s heart was still undulating, but he could maintain the apparent calm, because he knew that the other party was only guessing, and there was no evidence at all. But when Van Gogh spoke, his psychological defense line collapsed instantly. He wished to cut off the man’s throat so that the other party could not spit out half a word!

“I didn’t kill anyone! Fake, everything you said is fake!” He was tortured on his chair and couldn’t move. He could only scream at Vangallo in anger, and the blood vessels on the side of the neck swelled one by one, seeming to burst. After more than 20 hours of confrontation with the police, he showed the state of the trapped beast for the first time, which is enough to prove that Van Gogh’s words have great credibility.

The Nanshi police then consciously searched for evidence, and even connected to a confirmation call from a colleague in the field: the body was found, indeed in the locations provided by Vanguard, this is not a single murder case, and It’s a serial murder case!

The predictions of Fangalo and Song Rui were verified one by one, and the Nanshi police who were still suspicious of them couldn’t even speak.

“How is the situation? Have you found new evidence?” Yang Shengfei’s eager voice called back the captain of the Nanshi Criminal Police. He nodded and his voice was very complicated: “At present, four bodies have been found, all provided by Vanguard. Location. As analyzed by Dr. Song, the murderer is indeed a serial murderer, and his targets are indeed middle-aged women and minor girls. The forensic doctor in the burial site is still dissecting the body, and more evidence may be found. . “

“What about the prosecution period?” Yang Shengfei continued to ask.

“Once the case is merged, there will be no prosecution period, as long as he is still alive, he will be severely punished by the law!”

“Will you be sentenced to death?”

“With so many victims, the death penalty is definitely not going to run.”

Hearing this, Yang Shengfei, who was holding his colleague’s arm tightly, slumped on the ground and cried with his head in his arms. These days he is too tired, too tired, too afraid, too afraid! When he learned that all his efforts would be lost, and the murderer could swing out of the police station without any punishment, he almost pulled out his gun and collapsed the opponent, and then collapsed himself!

He cried loudly and wiped his nose and tears on his sleeves indiscriminately, but none of the people around him laughed at his embarrassment, nor tried to comfort him and persuade him. Because everyone knows that he is just pure vent, his heart is actually happy.

Sure enough, after crying for a long time, he slowly calmed down, took out his mobile phone with his hands covered with tears, and called his mother: “Mom, the murderer caught it, yes, the death penalty! It must be the death penalty! You go to the court to see the scene. Well, you tell your sister, let her feel at ease, Fei Fei promised her to do, Fei Fei did not wear this police uniform! “

Yang Shengfei spoke and began to cry, then took out his police card and kissed passionately. At this moment, he really understands what this police uniform represents, that is to eliminate violence and protect the people! It is to dispel darkness and bring light! It is perseverance and safeguard justice!

Seeing his actions, the people around him couldn’t help but red their eyes, and then took out their police card and looked at it, full of pride.

The good news came one after another, and the new DNA evidence also pointed to the murderer. When Vangallo and Song Rui left the interrogation room, the other party had collapsed and shouted in full excitement: “Liars, people on the Internet are all liars ! They say you are just a magic stick! You ca n’t know! How could you know! ”

“Honestly, now you can’t do anything. Anyway, we have evidence.” The reporter clapped the desktop hard and raised his eyebrows. After more than 20 hours of wheel wars, this man came through, but he didn’t hold it for an hour under the joint attack of Teacher Fan and Dr. Song! This world is still a mountain higher than a mountain!

“Thank you Fan, thank you!” Seeing the handsome young man approaching, Yang Shengfei quickly hung up his mother’s phone and spread his arms to the other party.

Fangalo also extended his hand, preparing to give Yang Shengfei a hug, but saw that Dr. Song suddenly slanted over from his side, blocked him, and then hugged with Yang Shengfei.

“I said, the law will not let a criminal off.” Song Rui whispered comfort while patting the other’s back.

Yang Shengfei didn’t notice anything strange, but nodded in tears. The person who helped him the most was Mr. Fan, one was the captain, and then Dr. Song. Without the three of them, his sister ’s case would definitely be unbreakable, and he was so grateful to them.

He tried to withdraw from Dr. Song ’s arms and talk to Mr. Fan, but was once again squeezed back by the other party, consoling and saying: “Your complexion is very poor. Have you not rested in the past few months? Let your captain hurry you Go back and get a good night’s sleep, the case has just gotten a glance, there are still many follow-up things, you may have to stay here for a long time, how can you do not have enough energy? Did you call your mother? She must be very Worrying about you. Everything you can do for your sister has already been done, and look after your mother more in the future. Taking good care of yourself is the best reward for her. “

These words simply say that Yang Shengfei has gone to his heart, and his sister’s last wish is gone. His most important task in the future is filial piety to his mother. How can he collapse first? He nodded and agreed quickly, thinking that he would go back to the hotel and get a good night’s sleep.

Zhuang Zhen has always loved the team members and immediately said: “It’s already okay here, why don’t I take you back to rest first?”

“Go away, hurry back!” Song Rui naturally supported Yang Shengfei’s shoulder, turned him half a circle, and pushed towards the door.

Zhuang Zhen took their coats and followed them out. The four of them separated when they reached the parking lot. Fangalo was not a talkative person, but was silent all the way. Yang Shengfei kept thanking him, but he had forgotten that unsuccessful hug.

Seeing Zhuang Zhen’s car leaving, the gentle smile on Song Rui’s face was immediately replaced by Leng Su, and then opened the door of a car that was temporarily borrowed from the police station, took out a pack of sterilized tissue brought by him, put Hands, neck, coat all wiped.

“What are you doing?” Fangallo looked at him puzzled.

“Disinfect.” Song Rui’s voice was dull.

Van Gogh thought for a moment that he understood what he meant, and could not help laughing lightly: “You are asking for trouble.”

Song Rui suddenly turned his head to look at him, his eyes gleamed with strange light, and then threw the disinfected paper towels into the car trash, took off his coat, and forced the youth into his arms. He sighed and knocked his jaw on his shoulder, and sniffed his hair with warm water vapor until he was completely taken away by his cold body.

Van Gaal did not struggle, nor did he try to push away Dr. Song, still with a confused expression on his face, “What are you doing?”

Song Rui still answered: “Disinfect.”

Fangalo could not help but say: “Do I have the function of disinfection?”

“You can not only disinfect, but also desensitize, but also cure stubborn illness.” Song Rui was all comfortable, pushed the youth into the car, and said warmly: “Go back to the hotel, Xu Yiyang is in a hurry.”

Fangalo was immediately distracted, supporting Dr. Song’s shoulders and boarding the SUV. Song Rui didn’t rush to drive, but instead fastened his seat belt and asked slowly: “When you read your mind just now, the situation seems to be different from before. That person didn’t even notice your invasion.”

Song Rui will never miss any details about the youth: when he tried to read a person in the past, the person would feel a strong threat, and then be firmly controlled, then the body was infiltrated and turned into a chopping board A fish struggling in vain. But this time, the murderer was taken away from memory without feeling at all, and the whole process was silent.

Mentioning this, Vanguard said bluntly: “Because I have you this time, Dr. Song.”

This sentence did not give any information, but it was enough to make Song Rui’s lips curl up, “How do you say this?” His dull voice suddenly became brisk and erratic, with one hand resting on the open door On the top, one hand was supported on the seat of the youth, showing a restrained posture.

Fangallo looked at him sideways, and said slowly: “When I try to ingest a person, I must first lock his consciousness, cut the shell of his defense, invade his memory, find his weakness, and then attack. This There is no difference between the process and the fight. You have to suppress your opponent so that he ca n’t move, and then find his life door to throw a fist hard. Is the fight tired or tired? Then I can tell you that fighting with your mind is more Tired, it takes a lot of my mental energy. If I meet a strong enough opponent, my soul is likely to be hurt. “

Fangallo looked up at Dr. Song with an unconscious smile on his face: “However, this time, because of you, I don’t have to do anything. I don’t have to suppress my opponent, because your aura is enough to do This; I do n’t have to break through his defenses, because you ’re best at finding the weaknesses of the human heart; I do n’t even have to ignite the mind to invade the opponent ’s consciousness and capture their souls. If you are sharp, you can make them confused . All I have to do is piece together the memory fragments you dug out of the murderer ’s brain into a complete picture, nothing more. ”

Fangallo leaned slightly closer to see Dr. Song ’s handsome and extraordinary face, and said with a chuckle: “I finally understand what the best partner means, Dr. Song, I like working with you very much, you are my best Good partner. “

Song Rui also leaned over slowly, looking into his shining double pupils, smiling at the corner of his mouth without saying a word. A wonderful tension spread in the eyes of the two, something seems to have undergone a qualitative change.

Fangallo suddenly fell back on the back of the chair, confused: “I didn’t feel your heart just now, in fact, I never did that to my friends. But it made a sound of its own that made me inadvertently hear Now. “

“What’s the voice?” Song Rui pressed his strong chest and his voice was erratic by the evening breeze.

“The sound of the seed breaking through the soil grows upright, stretches the leaves, and brings the fragrance of the earth.” Van Gaal said as he started, and sighed: “Dr. Song, it’s not about taking in someone else’s heart What a good ability, in addition to all kinds of evil twisted sounds, I can smell the smell of their souls. Some people are light, some are fragrant, and others are foul. For example, just now That person, his soul carried a suffocating odor. “

Song Rui smiled silently, holding his forehead. When he was still immersed in the shock of the seeds and the soil, this person’s thoughts were already off course. If he didn’t fully understand his straightforward personality, he would think he was intentional!

“Then what do I smell?” Song Rui had no choice but to follow him.

“In the beginning, you were covered with rust, and I knew it was from the blood.” Van Gogh looked at him with support, and his eyes were full of memories. “But your scent has changed now, and there is a faint vapor. , There is a faint woody smell, and the smell of mud and the coldness unique to the dark valley. Your scent has become complicated, but it is very good. I do n’t hate the past you, but I prefer the current you. “

Song Rui’s heart was suddenly tossed up and down by this man, and he was up and down. But fortunately, the young man did not play with the bad hobbies of the human heart. Every word he spit out allowed Song Rui to taste a touch of sweetness, and he knew nothing about it. He did n’t even understand these words. What it means to a man who is suspicious.

Song Rui smiled low on his forehead, feeling a little more happy than when he left Beijing. He had long known that traveling with youth must be happy and fulfilling. He was opening his heart to him, mentioning his mysterious abilities and unknown feelings, which is really a better phenomenon. Their relationship seems to have taken another big step.


When Fangallo and Song Rui returned to Beijing, the serial murder case had made a major breakthrough. At present, the DNA evidence of eight corpses has pointed to the murderer, and more than a dozen corpses are still undergoing intensive autopsy. jobs. After the murder of Sister Yang Shengfei, the murderer moved to the field, but he did not stop the killing, and the killer was more skillful and cautious. In fact, if it weren’t for a sudden heavy rain that day, and there was a roar of mudslides on the mountain, the murderer originally intended to bury Yang Shengfei’s sister.

If he really did that, if the body was not found, the police would only characterize the case as missing, Yang Shengfei would not make an oath to pursue the murder, and nothing would happen later. This is probably the so-called Skynet’s recovery and leak-free.

The major media soon reported the mega-homicide case. The general public did not have much enthusiasm for this kind of social incident, and they forgot to forget it after only a few days of discussion. But when the fourth episode of The World of Strange People broadcasted, they were shocked to find out-weren’t the two people who asked for help from the psychics the police who detected the serial murder case not long ago? So the clues provided by Van Gogh are true? It didn’t take long for this episode to be recorded, and the case was solved. Is there any inevitable connection in it?

The curious viewer quickly found out the news report at that time and then was shocked! The details of the crime described by the dead soul on TV are exactly the same as reported by the media! The case was revealed again because the little policeman on the show asking for help provided a lot of clues to the police to help them find the red dress that was worn away. The blood on the skirt was really the little policeman. Sister’s! This clue is the key to solving the case!

[God! Now who dares to say that teacher Fan is a liar? 】

[My three views have been strongly impacted. The program was recorded first, and the case was resolved later. There is no way to explain this! 】

[So do n’t struggle, choose to believe, there are too many unknowns in the world. 】

The audience had a lively discussion on the Internet. The group of people who used to like to come out and yell at Fangalo as a liar, a swindler, and a magic stick seemed exceptionally quiet today. The police even issued a briefing on the case, and all the details are consistent with the description of the soul of the dead. They can’t say that the police station is cooperating with the Fangallo hype?

[Maybe this little policeman is cooperating with the Van Goghro acting. In fact, he already knew who the murderer was. He deliberately pretended to be a ghost in front of the camera, because he took a lot of the show team’s appearance fees! ] A skeptic said.

A loyal audience immediately jumped out and stepped on him: [You can pull it down! Your sister and sister were killed. Can you run a TV show without knowing who the murderer is and where the important clues are? Is your brain okay? Oh, I’m wrong, you think that you will do the same. The life of your loved ones is not as good as a few bad money in your eyes, and you are not worthy of being a human being! Come on, beast! 】

Then a group of people scolded the beasts and fled the skeptics in awkwardness.

Others wrote with tears: [This mother and son are crying, and the most superb acting movie emperor film ca n’t show such pain in the bone marrow! I believe that “in the spirit of the sky” is real. Those who have done bad things will take a good look at this episode. Maybe someone above you is watching you! 】

I do n’t know how many people were scared by this sentence, and I could n’t sleep all night.

In any case, Fangallo once again used his power to circle a wave of powder, and also successfully turned the pheasant show of “The World of Strange People” into the hottest this year.

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