
Chapter 156

Liu Zhao’s skin has been picked up by Fangallo, but no matter what other people say, how to see it, Gao Qianqian is still firmly in front of him, safeguarding him. If you change the scene in front of you to any situation, it is not the case now. Her actions are enough to be worthy of the word “good wife”.

The truth is already obvious. Even outsiders such as Song Nuanwen and Sister tears can see Liu Zhao’s anomaly. How could her insider, who has been married for seven years, not notice? So the question is, what is she protecting, her husband or her wealth and status?

In this way, everyone’s eyes became very subtle when she looked at her.

But Gao Qianqian’s psychological quality is very good, only to pack things all the way, and after holding the inferior man who has been terrified and trembling, he sneered while walking: “Song Dao, your ability to compose stories is really strong. It ’s here. We ’re not going to shoot this show. Whatever you like, we will accompany you at any time. My family Liu Zhao has been in the entertainment industry for so long, and he is not vegetarian. “

The real Liu Zhao looked at his wife’s back in disbelief, and wanted to ask her a sentence: already at this point, why don’t you believe me? Do you really see the difference between me and him?

However, he did not dare to ask, because the answer was vaguely known and he could not bear it, so his subconscious chose to escape.

Dong Qin shouted at Gao Qianqian’s back and shattered the other’s mind: “When I first saw Liu Zhao, I knew this person was fake. You lived with him for seven years. How could you not see it? Gao Qianqian, what exactly do you love? Is it the added value of Liu Zhao himself or his identity? Without that pair of skins, can you abandon him without hesitation? Is it in your heart that his soul is the same? Is money worthless? “

“Gao Qianqian, you look back. Since he came, you dare not look at him!” Dong Qin dragged the strange man to his side and asked in a loud voice: “Gao Qianqian, are you guilty, are you? Everyone knows who this person is! When he asked you for help, you already knew! But you dare not admit it, and you do n’t want to admit it, so you drove him away! Do you know what it means to do this? You are murdering! Your drive and negation are killing the former Liu Zhao! Gao Qianqian, have you ever loved him? Gao Qianqian, you look back! “

Gao Qianqian never looked back, stepping on the slender high-heeled shoes, stepping out steadily and firmly. Liu Zhao, who was held by her in her hands, was so weak as an unweaned child, and she was at her disposal.

Instead, the strange man suddenly shook off Dong Qin’s hand and screamed in a dumb voice: “Enough is enough, stop talking!”

Dong Qin was pushed down by him, his knees slammed on the ground, and his skin was torn. If Song Nuan didn’t help him in time, she would barely stand up. With tears in her eyes, she looked at the man in disbelief and murmured: “Are you still maintaining her? Liu Zhao, at this point, are you still maintaining her?”

“I’m not defending her.” The man stretched out his hands, seeming to help, but also to hug, but he was at a loss as to how to approach the woman who was full of resistance. He bowed his head in embarrassment and yelled, “Dong Qin, I’m sorry.”

These three words have already become the most common words men say to Dong Qin: when he refused her confession, he said sorry; when he announced the marriage with Gao Qianqin, he said sorry; when he was unwilling to take up work, he said sorry. He left the best years and the deepest feelings to Gao Qianqian, but threw bitterness, disappointment and indifference to Dong Qin.

Now that they have met each other now, they have traveled together for 16 years, experienced ups and downs, looked at the most beautiful scenes, have also struggled in the trough, and have cheered together on the top of the mountain. Bit by bit precious memories, but not as awkward as Gao Qianqian’s words-I don’t like you and Dong Qin walking too close.

So he began to alienate her and remove her from his life, so that when he was in a desperate situation, he would rather wait hard for the trust that Gao Qianqian would never give, rather than ask for help from the closest friend.

Dong Qin wept while smiling lowly: “I understand, you are not defending her, you are escaping. Gao Qianqian does not want to believe that you are not you, and you do not want to believe that she does not love you. Hahaha You are a perfect match, Liu Zhao, you are right to marry her, you are a perfect match! “

Dong Qin also started to pack things, and then walked away in an embarrassing manner. When she stepped out of the recording room, her feet kicked, but she just took off her high heels and continued walking forward without ever looking back.

The man chased a few steps subconsciously, but did not dare to step forward, his face filled with regret, sadness and daze. He really didn’t want to hurt Dong Qin, but no matter what he did or said, it seemed to cause a kind of harm to her. He happened to be standing under a beam of light, the top of his head was pale, but the surroundings were dim and terrible, and he seemed to have fallen into the original state of isolation and despair.

Fangallo looked at his back and said slowly, “Mr. Liu, how about we find a place to talk alone?”

“Is it okay?” The man immediately recovered, although his mood was urgent, his attitude was still gentle and polite. His self-cultivation was carved into his bones.

Fan Jialuo looked at Song Nuan, and Song Nuan quickly nodded, “You guys talk, I happen to have a pair of processes with the next group of guests. If you talk for a long time, I will let Yuan Zhongzhou start shooting. Anyway, every time you It ’s all the finale, and it ’s okay to play the last one. “

Fangallo reached out and invited the man: “Mr. Liu, please.”

“Do you mind adding me one?” Song Rui asked in a low voice.

“You come too.” Fangallo naturally grasped Dr. Song’s wrist.

When the three entered the lounge, they sat down separately. Van Gogh and Song Rui were next to each other, and their arms could touch each other ’s arms on one side. The men sat across from them and asked blankly, “Teacher Van, I ca n’t return. Did you go? “

“Not necessarily, you stretch out your hand.” Van Gaal commanded.

The man followed his words, and Van Gogh placed a fish-shaped micro-carving in his palm and continued: “Hold it tight, make a wish in your heart, and let yourself go back.”

“What?” The man was stunned.

“This is the culprit that caused your life to be stolen. It can sense the desires in people’s hearts, and then turn the desires into reality.” Fangalo put the five fingers of the man together and explained patiently: “This thing is me Take it out of the thief, make a wish to it, and if your desire is strong enough, it will help you back, just as the person becomes you. “

“Really?” The man was still half-trusted, and was surprised to see that the jade carving was glowing. He clenched it tightly and murmured with closed eyes: “I want to change back, I am Liu Zhao, I want to take back my life, you Can you hear it? “Every cell in his brain exudes a strong wish, but the shimmering light from the jade wearer slowly disperses, and in the end nothing happens.

Fan Jialuo showed an unexpected expression, but Song Rui shook his head at him, indicating that he had expected it.

The man prayed for five or six minutes before releasing the jade pendant, and then looked at the makeup mirror opposite, but found that his face was still so strange. Hope bursts like a sudden fall from the sky, more painful than complete despair. The man’s expression twisted for a moment, and he asked in amazement: “I didn’t change back, why? Is it fake?”

Because he was too hard, he gripped his palm with four blood marks while gripping the jade carving, which shows how urgent his wish was. But even so, he still failed to awaken the jade carving, which simply exceeded his expectations.

“Try again.” Fangallo picked up the jade carving and looked at it, so a gray light flashed and jumped at his fingertips, moving like a living creature.

The man realized that there was no problem with the jade carving. The problem was with himself, and he nodded immediately: “Okay, I will try again.”

Song Rui, sitting quietly on the side, took off his glasses and slowly rubbed his eyebrows. Obviously, he does not think men can succeed.

More than ten minutes later, the man ended his prayers. The face in the mirror was still unfamiliar, but his appearance was much more disgraceful than before.

“Are you still trying?” Van Galo asked calmly.

“Try.” The man seemed to be on the jade carving bar, holding it tightly with both hands, closing his eyes and meditating on his wish repeatedly. Even if Van Gogh had never let go of the mind, he could hear the cry from his mind. His whole body was shaking with a wish. His efforts, urgency, and desire were clearly written on his slightly twisted face.

As a lost man who had stolen all his life and then fell into the abyss of despair, his voice for prayer of salvation should have been so strong that it could be heard all over the world. But in fact he failed to do it, and he couldn’t even get a little bit gray.

After the third trial, the man’s forehead had a thin sweat, and his cheeks also turned red, but he still held the jade carving tightly and did not want to let go, as if the person hanging on the cliff firmly held his life. That rope.

Van Gaal did not stop the man, nor did he show an impatient look. It seemed that as long as the other party was willing, he could sit here and wait until the man’s wish was successful, because he knew better than anyone what despair meant.

“Enough.” Song Rui interrupted the man ruthlessly and broke apart the other’s five fingers hard, taking out the jade carving.

The man’s entire energy was consumed in prayer, so that he was weak and unable to resist. He flicked his fingertips a few times, seemingly struggling, but didn’t say a wagging begging pity, but bowed his head embarrassedly, making a hoarse and desperate voice: “Why? Why can’t it hear my wishes?”

Song Rui returned the gleaming jade carving to Van Gogh, and said slowly: “Don’t you understand? Your wish is just to restore everything to its original state, and his wish is to make the impossible possible. Whether it is volume It ’s still quality, and your desires ca n’t be compared with him. You lost early on. I know your willpower is definitely stronger than him, but willpower and desire are completely different concepts. ”

Song Rui put on his glasses and revealed the cruel truth: “You can control and restrain your desires, so your willpower is stronger than desires, but he has indulged desires all his life, he himself is a torrent of desires, which is unstoppable On the battlefield of desire, you ca n’t compete with him because he ’s despicable enough. You should understand the truth of the three drums. If you do n’t succeed the first time, disappointment will accumulate in your heart and weaken your beliefs. Second The third and third times will certainly not succeed. No matter how many times you try, the result will only be failure, and you will never go back. “

Van Goro’s fingertips merged the jade carving into his body slightly, and the look of Dr. Song was full of admiration. This man’s ability to foresee is no less than that of a psychic. From the beginning, he knows what the result of the prayer is, so he has been watching with cold eyes.

The man shook his head frequently at first, and later became silent. He gradually realized that Song Rui was right: than perseverance, he may be much stronger than that person, but than desire, how could he be an opponent who has been making a fortune all his life. He really can’t go back.

“What should I do, teacher Brahma?” The man murmured helplessly, filling the wind in the hollow of his heart, screaming in despair.

“Living well with this identity.” Van Gogh gave the only unchangeable answer.

“How to live?” The man clenched his fists and wept bitterly.

How to live? Naturally go out and live slowly. Fangallo frowned, thinking about more euphemism, but Song Rui asked: “Do you remember how you came when you were the most difficult?”

The man ’s thinking was biased, and he replied in a dumb voice without recollection: “Of course I remember, when I first came to Beijing, I rented a five-square-meter basement with no windows, no toilets, and no kitchen. I have to get a wire bed. The air is so stuffy that I can block my nostrils. The feeling of depression and suffocation almost made me claustrophobic. I slept in that wire bed for more than a year, and there was only one for all. Backpack. At that time, my meal cost was fifteen yuan a day. Once I sat at the wrong station and spent a lot more money on the fare. When I got out of the car, I picked up my empty pockets and squatted on the side of the road, crying. . “

Speaking of such a tragic experience, the despair in the eyes of men actually reduced a lot.

Song Rui asked again: “Later? How did you hold it up?”

“I grew up well, and others introduced me to a group show in the film and television city. Although I don’t have a job every day, I can earn hundreds of dollars when I’m good. I don’t need to hunger myself twice to save money. I met Dong Qin, moved to a spacious and bright place, and had everything … “At this point, the man suddenly froze, and countless memories flooded his heart like a torrent, washing away the confusion and helplessness. It turned out that the hardest and most difficult time was that Dong Qin had been with him all the time, took him one audition after another, rehearsed round by round, thirsty to give him water, cold to add clothes to him, for his benefit Arguing loudly with directors and investors, never retreating.

At that time she often said to him: “You just have to perform your play, don’t worry about it, I will handle it. You are born to eat this line of food, this is the way you should go.”

So he really only focused on acting, nothing else. For a long time, he even forgot how many cumbersome and annoying things were carried off her shoulder when she was addicted to the performance; when she climbed the peak step by step, how many steps did she lay for him? Each of his achievements, every trophy, has condensed her much effort?

The man thought about how he started to cry, and many sorrows stuck in his narrow throat that could not be vented. It turned out that when he was enjoying the good times, Dong Qin had been carrying weight for him. Why did he forget her existence? How can he forget?

Seeing that he seemed to be touched, Song Rui continued: “Are you able to act at that time? Do you know foreign languages? Do you have a diploma? Is your knowledge broad? Can you cope with intricate interpersonal relationships?”

“At that time, I just dropped out of school at the age of nineteen. I knew almost nothing. Dong Qin was helping me take care of everything …” The man was completely lost in memory.

Song Rui nodded and said: “At that time, you didn’t understand anything and you can step up to today’s status. Now you have superb acting skills, profound knowledge, broad knowledge, excellent ability, and all kinds of survival skills. Why can’t you survive? No matter how difficult it is now, can it be more difficult than when you first came to Beijing? What do you think is the most valuable thing for you? Is it really just the identity of a film emperor? “

The man was asked, and he didn’t speak for a long time.

Song Rui pointed to his head and answered for him: “Your most valuable things are here, you think that person stole your life, but in fact your life is always stored here, no one can steal it The nineteen-year-old can reach the summit without anything, and the thirty-five-year-old you have such amazing wealth, “Song Rui pointed to his head again and asked,” Why can’t you survive? “

The expression of the man gradually changed from stunned to Mingwu, and then stood up violently and ran away with a stride. In fact, the lack of self-identity is the most important factor leading to his depression. Song Rui repeatedly told him that his memory and life experience always followed his soul, and its role was to enhance his self-identity because Only by accepting this completely strange self can he have the courage to take the next step, which is the basis for his reinvention of life.

Van Gogh looked at the man ’s powerful back and could n’t help but praise: “Dr. Song, the people who ask me for help always take a long time to find the direction of life. I ca n’t tell you except to tell them to learn to save themselves. To be more specific. But you only need three words to make him understand how to cheer up. In terms of reasoning, I ’m still not as good as you. I always thought I knew human nature very well, because that ’s something I can see through at a glance, but Now I realize that it ’s not. What I see is only the surface, and there are deeper philosophies that require me to think in order to have more understanding of human nature. Because I can see the bottom at a glance, I gave up thinking. This is a kind of inertia, and I have always been dominated by this kind of inertia. Dr. Song, you are really good. Can I learn psychology with you? “

Song Rui shook his index finger: “No, I won’t teach you.”

“Why?” The first time Dr. Song refused, Fangallo was surprised.

“Church apprentice, starve to death master. After teaching you, you should leave me running.” Song Rui said seriously.

Fan Jialuo opened his eyes unexpectedly, and then even said no, Song Rui held his cold fingertips, even did not teach. The two stared at each other, then pursed their lips together, laughing, seemingly endless joy and tacit understanding.

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