
Chapter 162

When Fangallo signaled the guests to return to their original positions, the staff of the program team also quickly restored the furnishings in the recording room. Several lighting engineers picked up the scattered light stands, adjusted the angle and distance of the light source, and tried to enable the photographer to shoot a clear enough picture.

The two brightest lamps were placed next to Fangallo and Shen Tu, reflecting their faces perfectly. A few minutes ago, Shen Tu’s posture was lazy, arrogant, disdainful, and also leisurely, relaxed, and pleasant. He didn’t care what other people thought of him. He just wanted to have fun.

But now, when the bright light came, he actually reached out and blocked his face, and the facial features twisted into a painful shape, especially when he heard Van Gogh ’s negation, his body was trembling and sweating.

“Genius? You have never been!”

This sentence also defeated the pride of Shen and Shen, and made them shout protest: “What are you talking about! Our journey is a genius, others say he is a rare genius in a hundred years! He is going to take the Q test in the future B big, he will become a great scientist like Hawking! You ordinary people like you know how fart! “

Fan Jialuo didn’t even give alms to the Shen and Shen mothers, Song Wenneng sneered first, his eyes and brows covered with sneer.

“What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at? What expression do you have!” Shen Shen is a person with strong self-esteem, pointing at Song Wen’s nose without asking.

“I’m sorry, I just thought your words were funny.” Song Wennuan brushed her fingers away, saying one by one: “If Mr. Fan is an ordinary person, what are you? Paramecium?”

“You, what kind of attitude are you!” Shen mother was asked to be speechless, but she was still agitated and refused to give up. The son is her greatest pride, she does not allow anyone to slander!

But Van Gogh ’s mouth is obviously not under her control. He is slowly saying to the following: “Before twelve, you are just a very ordinary child. You are not smart, powerful, or even extraordinary. You even It ’s a bit stupid. I ’m still awkward when I ’m two or three years old; I ca n’t express anything in my heart, but I ’m a little duller than all children. ”He closed his eyes, searching among the vast fragments of memory Pick up the picture you need: “You are always distressed for your academic achievements. The knowledge points that others can learn after reading it several times. You need to memorize, recite, and copy over and over again. But it ’s just an unsatisfactory result. You live in torment almost every day, born mediocre but unwilling to be your biggest pain. You never knew you were not strong, on the contrary, you were poor and weak. At fifty-six In the human class, you are always the one that is the most obscure and the least popular. The most common word your parents, teachers and classmates say to you is-why are you so stupid? “

“You nonsense! I am a genius, I can get full marks every time I take an exam!” Shen Tu struggled desperately, his hands straight, trying to scratch Van Gogh, but was always fixed in place by Song Rui’s strong and powerful hands.

Shen Shen and Shen Mother showed a horrified expression, and seemed to be poked into the dead by these words.

“Yes, you did become a genius later,” Van Gogh nodded slightly, but the tone was more cold: “Your attention is focused, your understanding is improved, and the knowledge points that you did not understand before are sorted out a little later. Fan will be able to get through. Your grades are instantly raised to the point of crushing everyone, and you start to jump. This is not out of future considerations, but a way of showing off. Your mediocre and humble life suddenly ushered in Turn around, so you want everyone to see it-you are extraordinary, you are beyond everything, you are above the ordinary people. Because the real you are too weak, you need the protection of this shell to survive , How contradictory you are to be inferior but proud. “

Van Ghalo picked Shen Tu’s skin in three words, making the other party avoid the bright lights, covering his face in the shadow of his hands, and making a sharp hiss. He tried to use noise to stop the youth from telling. He, who once made a gamble with arrogance and let others feel his heart, now is embarrassed to disappear.

Fangalo regarded his scream as a soundtrack, still analyzing it with his own rhythm: “In fact, you also understand in your heart that this smart mind, extraordinary willpower, novel and unique insights, even not The title of world genius never belongs to you, you borrowed it. You have always been you, never changed, and you are the mediocre, cowardly, dull, stupid child. “

Speaking of which, Fangallo took out the oil-paper bag wrapped in the evidence bag and lightly tapped it.

Shen Tu looked at him through his fingers, his eyes widened to the limit. When others were still unclear what Van Gogh was talking about, his deepest secret had been pierced by the youth, so the scream suddenly rose several times, piercing everyone’s mind.

This child is crazy!

“Tu Tu, Tu Tu, don’t stop calling, mother hug, mother hug just fine.” Shen Shen cried anxiously, Father Shen patted the table and roared: “Don’t say it, my son doesn’t want to listen! Did n’t you see that he could n’t stand it anymore? ”

“But, isn’t this what you asked for? It’s too late to say that you don’t want to listen now. Gambling is impossible.” Fangallo chuckled, and the sharp edge hidden beneath the gentle appearance burst into a chill. Lethality. He has never been an object that can be arbitrarily provoked, and Shen Tu picked the wrong person.

“The gambling contract is invalid, and the gambling contract is invalid! Don’t talk about it!” Father Shen red eyes, shouting again and again.

However, Van Gogh did not listen to him or look at him, just as these people had treated others.

“Extreme inferiority and extreme self-esteem are intertwined in your heart, causing you to fall into extreme panic and anxiety. But these are only your most insignificant worries. As you said, you have a problem, and it is very serious. You start to hear an unfamiliar voice screaming in your ears-kill, kill, kill, and eliminate all heretics! “

The struggling Shen Tu was instantly paralyzed, his trembling hands lightly covered his face, but he couldn’t conceal his heavy gasps. Another of his secrets was revealed, just like the corpse placed on the dissecting table, the skin was first peeled off, then the meat was removed, the internal organs were dismantled, and finally the bones were separated.

He turned out to be completely transparent in this person’s eyes, and he had previously defiantly devalued each other, teased each other proudly, and provoked the other unscrupulously. He was looking for death! The man who was always holding him tightly gave a slight smile on top of his head, which made him shake like an electric shock.

Song Wenneng and others have been dumbfounded, filled with only the word “lie trough”. The omnipotent Brahma teacher is back, he knows! Just give him a little time or an opportunity, he can sense everything!

Van Gogh slowly opened the layers of oil paper and continued: “This voice echoes in your ears every day, telling you how humble and small those stupid people are, they have no need to exist at all, they are smart You are not a species at all, you can kill them all. So you really believe that your parents are more and more disgusting in your eyes; your classmates are getting more and more annoying in your eyes, all ordinary Everyone is classified as superfluous by you and must be removed. You simply ca n’t survive in a world full of low-level garbage, you have to create a new world. ”

“You have been brainwashed, you started talking to that voice, and gladly accepted all of its views, calling it a wise man, always taking it with you and seeing it as a best friend. But do you really know what it is ? “

Shen Tu slumped on his chair and didn’t move, only panting one after another.

Fang Cai also tried his best to stop the father of Shen Jia, who was told by Fangalore, to be dumbfounded at this moment, and was impatiently asked by the horror and worry: “What is it! What is it! My son has a headache. Because of it? “

Song Nuan et al. Also glared their eyes and looked at Teacher Fan without blinking.

Fangallo didn’t speak, but slowly removed the last layer of oiled paper, and pushed the baby’s fisted thing under the light.

“What’s this!” Song Nuanwen rushed over quickly, using his fingertips to gently pluck out the messy clew, carefully inspect the dark brown spherical body hidden under it, and then issued a terrible scream: “Ahhhhhhh Ah! It is, it is a human head! “

Shen and Shen, who had been close together, immediately leaned back and then fell heavily on the ground. The staff standing outside the shooting site were both horrified and horrified. They stretched their necks and looked at the table, but they dared not get close. A daring photographer took a close-up shot of this spherical object wrapped in chaos. Through the broadcast and magnification of the monitor, the crowd found that the ball was actually a human head. The chaos is not chaos, but dry. Hair, spheres have noses, eyes, mouths, ears, like a man with a twisted face and a stern expression.

How can a human head be the size of a baby’s fist? Is he from the villain? Or is it a monster?

When everyone was thinking about it, Song Rui, who had been imprisoned for a long time, slowly gave the answer: “This is a very old and lost secret technique called head reduction. He is not a monster, but a normal person, just The head was cut off and soaked in special herbal water, so the skull shrank and retained its original appearance. “

Fangalo was completely uninterested in Shen Tu. He hung his palm over his head and closed his eyes. He felt: “He lived in a long time, and he was born to know that he was destined to be extraordinary. No one could understand what he said, what he did. No one can understand the matter. He is a heresy that has not been understood throughout his life. There is blood flowing under his feet, and there is a palace rising up behind him. He brought the smoke and brought it. For peace, he is a wise man, a king, and a lonely person. “

Van Gogh paused for a long time before saying in a hoarse voice: “The world can’t understand him, he can’t understand the world either. This is an irreconcilable conflict and contradiction. Many of his practices are too far ahead of the times and make ordinary people feel afraid So they pushed him on the gallows and tried to kill him. He knew he would die uniquely, but his greatest fear was not death, but the dissipation of faith, so he cut off his own head and kept the most. A powerful obsession. He also regards mortals who see himself as heretics as heretics, and destruction is his mission. “

Van Gogh opened his eyes and looked at Shen Tu, with sharp words: “It gives you wisdom, you have to water it with blood, you have already guided it to destruction under the guidance of it. Shen Tu, your strength is borrowed Coming, one day they will have to pay it back twice. Born mediocrity is not a mistake, nor a pain, it ’s just ordinary. Is n’t ordinary bad? “

He showed a puzzled expression, but actually felt that “ordinary” was not bad. An extraordinary person like him has never produced the arrogant mentality of “I am superior” and “I override all living beings”.

How to define ordinary and great? Some people think that the ordinary is great, and some people think that the ordinary is great. The two states of mind are higher and lower, only one is embarrassed, one head is self-sufficient, and the other is quiet and safe. The answer is already clear.

Being unwilling to be ordinary is a positive mentality, but once it exceeds a certain limit, it will evolve into contempt for the indifference and arrogance of all beings, and the final result will either be extraordinary or go to destruction. Birth is a realm, but from birth to re-entry, and then regard life as equality, it is another higher realm. Counting history books, how many people can do it?

“Ordinary is also a kind of happiness!” Song Nuan patted the table gently and sighed for a long time.

Song Rui then let go of Shen Shen, and walked back to Fangallo. Before he sat down, the youth had opened a pack of disinfectant tissues, pulled out one of them flattened, folded it into a suitable shape, and laughed lightly: “Wipe your hands, I will also carry tissues with me in the future.”

Song Rui’s tense face softened in an instant, and he grinned softly while wiping his hands.

Shen Shen and Shen Mother apparently did not have this kind of leisurely feelings. They embraced the son who was paralyzed into mud and asked with a trembling: “The way is affected by this ghost thing, will you have a headache? Can he get better? He will later Would n’t sleepwalking, disappearance, head collision, hysteria be anymore? His IQ would n’t fall, would he still be that little genius? “

Song Nuan was very helpless to the parents of these bears, knocking on the table and saying: “Is your focus a bit biased? The point is his IQ will not fall? The point is the bombs he made! What does he want to do? Explode the school ? Kill classmates and teachers? He has been destroyed, do you know? “

“No, he wouldn’t do that kind of thing!” Shen Shen and Shen Mother shook their heads frantically, not daring to face reality at all.

They regretted it, not because they did not take good care of their children, or failed to find his anomaly and stop it in time, but they regretted bringing him to the show. If there is no psychic of Van Gogh, the son is still a genius that everyone praises, and his future will be very bright!

They apparently left those bombs behind. Even if they do n’t come to participate in the program or psychic, their sons will not become masters, but will become criminals, terrorists! He was only waiting for his future to be ruined and his reputation was broken.

“You are all liars! You are editing stories, we won’t believe you! On the way, let’s go home!” Shen mother pushed her husband and ordered: “You come to bear your son!”

Seeing that the three of them wanted to run, the staff immediately surrounded and intercepted. At this moment, the door of the recording room was pushed open. Zhuang Zhen ran in with a group of heavily armed police officers, looked around quickly, and finally locked the sweaty The teenager then took out a pair of handcuffs and said sharply: “Shen Tu, we found a lot of bomb-making tools in your bedroom, you were arrested!”

Shen Shen and Shen were stunned for a while, and then screamed tragically.

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