
Chapter 174

Wan Lao pressed Zhang Yang’s hand and said firmly: “Yang Yang, give Grandpa Wan a face and let me say a few words with him.”

The Zhang family still asks for tens of thousands, and Zhang Yang naturally dare not tear his face away from the elders. He can only put down his gun and nod in a somber expression.

“It is said that you are the strongest psychic in the world?” The old turbid eyes locked Van Gogh, and his voice was hoarse and slow, like the sediment deposited by the years: “I know you people, you can catch ghosts, psychic , But it is very different from monks and priests. Monks and priests rely on acquired training to achieve strong strength, and you are born with special abilities. You also have a name called a spirit who is born with a spirit. .Your strength can also be enhanced through acquired cultivation, but more depends on talent. Others will look down upon you at a young age and will despise you and underestimate you, but I will not. I know that people in your industry never rely on Age to accumulate experience and strength, whether you are strong or weak, are born to be doomed. “

Fangallo looked at him silently, his pale face not showing any slight waves.

Wan Lao smiled indifferently and warmly said: “Can you see where my problem is?”

As soon as Fangalo’s right forearm moved, Zhang Yang suddenly raised his gun and pointed at him, as if facing a great enemy. The magnetic field of the psychic is their most powerful weapon, and naturally he is afraid of this action similar to the release of the magnetic field.

Fangallo hooked the corner of his lips, but there was no smile in his eyes. His right hand was raised slowly, and his palm was suspended in front of Wan Lao’s face.

Wan Lao patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder, with a hoarse laugh: “Yang Yang, don’t be nervous, let Van Gogh take a good look.” At the end, she looked at Van Gogh, and the tone was suddenly somber: “Thank Van Gogh, take it easy. Old bones, but you can’t stand your toss. “It seems that he really understands the psychic medium, knowing that they can also attack silently while reading the mind.

But just because he held Xu Yiyang, he was not worried. Don’t look at the psychic medium seems to be born and powerful, but their ideas no matter how fast they are, after all, they can’t be bullets. Fangallo may be able to walk out of the Green River all by himself, but if he adds Song Rui, Meng Zhong, and Xu Yiyang, he may be dragged to death.

Van Gaalo ignored the warning from the elders, but his palms were suspended and he felt slowly. His magnetic field can be sharp like a knife, violent like a tide, or it can be gentle and soft like a spring breeze. As a result, Wan Lao quickly put down his guard and showed a comfortable expression, even Zhang Yang and the young woman sitting on both sides of him relaxed unconsciously.

After about seven or eight minutes of induction, Fangallo shook his head: “I can’t help you.”

The flesh of Wan Cheong’s cheeks pulled down, pulling his face long, “Oh? What do you say?”

“You were dead many years ago, and now you are sitting here with a corpse that is barely maintaining a ray of vitality.” Van Gaal withdrew his dangling right hand and pressed it against the back of his left hand. Squeeze those fish-shaped jade pieces strictly, and continue: “I don’t know what method you used, but I can tell you clearly that except for the outer skin sac, your internal organs have rotted, and your soul has been If you can’t take this stiff body, you remind me of someone. “

The dry lips of the old man shivered: “Who?” The young woman snuggling beside him had quietly let go of his arm, showing an expression of fear.

“Su Fengxi.” Fangalo’s thin red lips spit out three words.

The pistol that Zhang Yanggang put down quickly lifted up again, aiming at Vanguard’s eyebrows, the muscles of his entire face were stretched into hard stones, and his pupils were filled with uncontrollable murderous intentions. It seems that the reason why he hated Fangalore into the bone marrow has a great relationship with Su Fengxi. The two have quite a connection.

Wan Lao’s eyes flickered, so he tried to be puzzled: “Are you saying that Su Fengxi’s situation is the same as mine?”

“Yes, you and she are monsters that are about to die, but your situation is worse than hers, and it is almost unsustainable.” Fangaluo twisted a sesame-sized fish bead, aiming With the light above her head, her voice was like a cloud of fog: “And she has this thing to support it, and she can still live. Your previous method hasn’t worked anymore? To a certain extent, God will stare at you.”

Wan Lao stared at the slightly shimmering fish bead, and his turbid pupil burst into a hot light: “You mean, this kind of bead can keep me alive?” As long as he can live, he doesn’t care what God!

Van Gogh pressed the fish beads back into his palm again, and his voice was more open: “But it is just alive, there will be no strong body, young face, just like the old and decaying now, every time you open your mouth, you will spit out The rotten smell of internal organs endures the pain of maggots eating the body every night. “

Fangallo sighed and defined: “It would be better to die than living.”

Elder Wan ’s emotions were finally stirred up and shouted: “What do you know! You have never experienced death, do you know how it feels? I want to live, I want to live for a long time, because I live only Hope! Since Su Fengxi is the same as mine, why can she have a healthy body and a young face? Are these beads? Swallowing these beads, can I be like her? “

“Who knows this?” The more Van Gogh replied positively, the more sure Wanao was of his guess. His thin body trembled slightly because of his excitement, as if he would fall down at any time, but his original turbid eyes radiated an unusually sharp light, which contained greed, viciousness and calculation, and was now firmly locked Fangalo’s overlapping hands, more precisely, were pressed by these hands.

He was not interested in these beads, but now he wants them all! Because he wants to live hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years! He wants to live forever!

Fangallo stared at him for a while, and slowly debunked his ultimate goal: “You come to me for immortality.”

Wan Lao lowered his breath and determinedly: “You have a way to keep me alive forever, I know! I have investigated you, including this child. You do n’t need to eat, drink, or sleep. Can you live forever? Your body Is there such a kind of beads in here? “His eyes were getting hotter and hotter, as if he had burned only the remaining vitality at this moment.

Fangallo shook his head and smiled: “I can tell you clearly that no one can live forever in this world.”

“Isn’t it even the gods?” Wan Lao tried to refute him.

“There are no spirits in this world.” Van Gaalo decisively denied that the original winding eyes had become dark. He hated these two words extremely.

Wan Lao sneered. “You are still too young to be proud of yourself, but you are ignorant. You don’t know how big the world is outside. I’ve seen the gods, with my own eyes!”

Van Gogh’s words with eyes drooping suddenly condensed his eyes, and looked at him instantly.

Zhang Yang was also attracted attention and forgot his previous anger.

Wan Lao narrowed his eyes and recalled that there was awe in his voice: “That was when I was very young, and I couldn’t remember exactly what time it was. I only knew that there was a flood and there were people who were infected with the plague. Everyone is waiting for death, either starved to death, sick to death, or killed by someone to eat. That is a place where even evil spirits can’t survive. Suddenly one day, a woman came in the village, you can’t even imagine How beautiful is she, how does it feel? “

Wan Lao leaned back on the back of the chair, his expression on his face was trance, but his smile was full of longing: “At the first sight of her, your soul will be taken away by her, and she is willing. You can’t wait for her Her eyes kept looking at you, but she felt that it was a blasphemy. She was pure as if she did not belong to the world, and it was transformed from the most beautiful things in the world, such as sunlight, rain dew, flowers, Yun Xia … Among the people infected with the plague, but these people who had madly wanted to drag others to **** in the past, took the initiative to retreat when she was approaching, knelt down, and could not bear to let her get a little unclean. Everyone was there Looking at her, she burst into tears without realizing it, but she didn’t understand why she was crying. I also cried, but just looking at her from a distance, I felt very moved, untouchable, moved by this world. There is such a beautiful person. No no no, then I realized that she is definitely not a person, she is a god! “

Van Gogh stared at the elders intently, but his pupils had already lost focus.

Song Rui glanced at him, and suddenly realized that he was recalling, but still a deep memory. Who is he thinking of? Does the goddess in the mouth of Wan Lao also know?

Due to the particularity of the psychic medium, Van Gogh will never let his consciousness leak out of the body, and there is very little thinking in his mind. But now, he is indulging his thoughts and allowing them to gallop through the long memory of the past. This is obviously abnormal.

Song Rui stared at the youth for a long time, but the other party never noticed.

Elder Wan ’s story continues: “It turns out that my guess is right. She really is a god. She came to save us suffering mortals. She walks in the grass shed where critical patients are placed, caressing one by one. The patient ’s forehead, chanting scriptures for them. The miracle happened, all the people she touched came to life, and all of them lived in an instant! Can you imagine the scene? Everyone was stunned and knelt together He gave her a kowtow, but she left with a smile, without any payment, or a word. Then I heard the adult said that she had been active in the Zezhou area where the epidemic was most severe, and she was rescued. There are more than one or two people, but tens of thousands. We all call her the Holy Lady of Zezhou. When the flood subsided, she also left. After many years, I grew up, but I saw it again. She. Can you believe it, she is still as young as I was when I was young, nothing changed, good health, smooth skin, bright eyes! The years are completely stagnant on her! She just needs to gently touch your forehead , Even people who are already dead can live. I saw it with my own eyes, I ca n’t be wrong! “

Elder stared at Van Gogh with a fanatical expression: “Can you tell me what kind of existence she is? If it is not a god, what is she? If it were not because I couldn’t find her, you thought Will I come to you? You are a spiritual person, you are born and strong, but have you ever thought that there is a stronger presence in the world, they are the peaks that you can’t reach in your life, they are gods, they are detached from the world The existence of you! You think that you are a little capable and above all others, this is not saved, that is not helpful, it seems that you are particularly authoritative. But the truly powerful spirit is not like you, her kindness will spread all over the world, her The light will illuminate her life, and she is willing to redeem everyone! If I can find her, she will save me! What are you doing? Ah? You **** a fart! “

The elder beat the cane with a strong pestle and scolded it with great disdain. The nostalgia and longing in his eyes could be turned into flames, burning away the little soul he had left. Only on the two sides, he fell into the dream of chasing the gods. If it were not for this dream, he would not drag the rotten corpse for years and years. Immortality is never his ultimate goal, he wants to become a god!

Van Gogh was called back to his mind by his hoarse roar, only to realize the sharp gaze that Dr. Song focused on his face. He gently patted the back of his hand, indicating that he was okay. At the end, he said coldly: “It’s not a coincidence, I happen to know what the Holy Lady of Zezhou in your mouth is, do you want to know?”

Mr. Wan, who was coughing violently, immediately raised his head, his eyes eager. Zhang Yang was also attracted by this story. He knew that Elder had not lied, this old thing had a strange worship and fanaticism to the gods, and he would never make a joke about it.

Van Gogharo’s eyes are empty, as if looking at everyone, and as if looking at the distant past, with no emotion in her tone: “She is by no means a secular deity, but attached to the world. The mange is no more despicable. “As the words fell, he finally had light in his eyes, but it was dark and cold.

He is very good at controlling emotions. This is the first time Song Rui has seen his emotions exposed, and they are so strong and negative. Is that so-called goddess related to him? He seems to know her well?

Wan Lao thought he would hear a rapturous compliment or a more legendary story, but he didn’t expect the youth to use “scabies” to describe the goddess.

Zhang Yang plucked his ear and confirmed, “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t you understand scabies? A type of mite caused by the perforation of scabies in the skin of pierced scabies. People with this disease have red, swollen, itchy, and ulcerated skin with pus. “Van Gallo hooked his lips without emotion:” Birth, sickness, and death are people’s natural feelings. When the time comes, **** people will die naturally, return to the dust, and leave no traces, leaving a clean and multiplying energy for the world . And someone like her, or someone like you, “Van Gogh lifted his jaw slightly, looking at the elders, ironically:” Like those scabies, and the world is the skin parasitized by you. You die Put the mouthparts into the skin to absorb nourishment to fertilize yourself, but don’t care whether the skin will leave redness, ulcers and pus. Every living being will experience the process from life to death, they continue to consume the world’s energy, and because It is a kind of balance to give energy back to the world by death. It is an immutable law. But you try to break this law and stay in the secular world for a long time. The longer you live, the more energy you consume, but stingy Without giving back to the ground, how can the world maintain balance? “

Van Gogh pressed the jade pendants hard, saying one by one: “The way to keep the balance in the world is to ingest the energy consumed by you from others. That is to say, your time and life are stolen, not yours. Yes! The longer you live, the more lives and sins you bear, and you have become the focus of this world. “

This sentence was like a thunder, and the eyes of the old man were stunned and the heart was shaken.

Zhang Yang’s eyes also flashed, his face like gold paper.

Their guilty appearance caused Fangallo to shake his head and whisper: “What kind of **** is nothing more than scabies parasitic on the blood of other people. You have escaped the cycle of life and death and stole the anger and life of others, making The world is becoming chaotic. You are demons that are parasitic in the dark but are trying to devour the light. They are the persistent diseases of the world and you have to be cured! “This is the first time he has shown such a hostility to a person that his magnetic field has become countless arrows. , Densely arranged in the air.

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