
Chapter 176

Man is the product of desire, and life is the continuation of desire. Everyone will have desires, and if they have desires, they will find ways to realize them, and then promote the development of the entire society. A person who has no desire at all does not exist. If it exists, then he has long since destroyed himself, because he will find that living in this world has no meaning at all.

At this moment, a group of desire animals face a treasure that can fulfill all desires, what will they do? The answer is obvious without thinking-snatch! Snatch frantically! She robbed her life forever!

The fish-shaped jade scroll rolled on the table at a slow speed, but it had stirred up all the greed of everyone. In their eyes, the shape of Yu Pei was magnified indefinitely, just as their inner desire was uncontrollable. Each of its nicks seemed to be filled with brilliance and dazzled brightly!

Wan Lao first rushed over and extended his hand towards this glory. He dragged this decaying corpse to live for ten, twenty, thirty years … Enduring the ultimate weakness and the pain of the maggots eating the internal organs, isn’t this the moment waiting? If anyone hinders his path to becoming a god, who is his enemy, he will encounter the Buddha to kill the Buddha, the evil will kill the evil!

The young woman pounced on her, her eyes shining brightly. She would rather endure torture and trampling endlessly to accompany the smelly old monster, for the sake of unparalleled beauty? But now someone tells her that in addition to her beauty, she can remain young forever. What is the concept? That means she will always be as young, healthy and beautiful as she is now! This is simply the ultimate dream of all women! Faced with this temptation, how could she not be tempted? What’s more, in addition to her beauty, she can also become extremely powerful. It is not a problem to leave here safely! She is about to fix this fish ball!

A group of special attackers standing against the wall also threw over. They were not originally soldiers selected by regular troops, but Zhang Yang ’s mercenaries hired from abroad, wandering all major terrorist bases all year round to create killings and wars. For money, they dare to do anything, not to mention fighting against Ge? Each of them has a dream of a rich country. Now, this dream is close at hand. What is more beautiful is that in addition to being rich, they will become extremely powerful and even dominate the world! This is the temptation that every man with ambition can’t resist, and they lack everything but ambition alone!

A group of people greedily rushed to the jade pendant, while Fangalo spread a magnetic field to envelop the four of them, so that everyone’s figure was instantly hidden.

Although Wan Lao was nearest to Yu Pei, his movements were very slow. Instead, he was succeeded by the young woman beside him. She held Yu Pei tightly and watched it shine brightly, melting into her palms, inevitably showing a smile of ecstasy.

With a loud bang, the smile froze on her face, allowing her to fully realize her dream of staying young forever, because Mr. Wan picked up the pistol on the table, penetrated her temple, and let her life stay forever At this moment. He said that if anyone blocked his way to becoming a god, he would kill without forgiveness!

Yu Pei fell into the hands of the old man and shined brilliantly, but the next moment, his head was burst with a few bullets at the same time. Before he fell down, a saber quickly cut off his wrist and cut his The palm was taken away with the jade piece.

One of the most powerful armies lifted the steel conference table, blocked the bullets shot by his companions, and then used the knife to cut off the stiff fingers of the elders to save the jade pendant. Just a moment, a bright gray light blended into his skin, and his already muscular body grew to more than two meters high, and the muscles of the knots were like a steel plate, indicating his unparalleled strength. .

He laughed loudly, jumping out of the cover of the conference table without thinking, facing the dense bullets.

The loud noise slammed in the formidable meeting room, and the walls, LED screens, vases, table boards, and sofas were all penetrated and broken by bullets, but the strong man more than two meters high was safe. His flesh was comparable to bulletproof steel armor. This scene shocked everyone with wide eyes and ignited their blood and ambition.

Song Rui’s words were not deceptive, he didn’t even exaggerate! Whoever owns this jadeite will have the power to dominate the world!

“Kill him! Get the things back!” Several separate mercenaries quickly chose to join forces, and the mercenary mercilessly shouted in excitement. When they started a dogfight, Fangallo had long protected Xu Yiyang, Dr. Song and Meng Zhong from the conference room, entered the previous monitoring room, and closed the heavy pressure doors tightly.

“What now?” Meng Zhong asked breathlessly.

“Wait.” Fangallo and Song Rui answered in unison, looking at the monitor screen together.

When Xu Yiyang ran the road, he didn’t forget his little schoolbag. He was holding it tightly now, like a big koala holding a small koala. As long as there is a brother, he is not afraid of anything.

“How long to wait?” Meng Zhong was anxious. He never thought that the Special Security Department he had established himself would one day become a ghost gate for his own life.

“After they kill each other, is this not Zhang Yang’s favorite game.” Song Rui opened all the communication channels and said quickly: “Please pay attention to each unit, please note that each unit has been snatched, please immediately Go to Room 1 for reinforcements. “

“Who are you?” Some people questioned, but the continuous explosion quickly disturbed their thoughts, and saw that the mercenary mercenary rushed out of the meeting room with blood and ran towards the exit. On the way, he met several pressure doors that required fingerprint verification to pass, but he was smashed with several punches and kicked.

He has completely changed his appearance. The energy released by Yu Pei makes his muscles swell several times, and each muscle contains a huge force that ordinary people can’t imagine. He is like a tank, ruthlessly crushing everyone who is blocking his way, and his thick skin is like a steel plate, blocking all bullets. Now he has left the category of human beings and has become another species!

The special attack team sent by Song Rui to see the intelligence turned out to be true. They quickly took out the intercom and called other team members, so they called one by one and passed one by one, and quickly concentrated all their forces around the mercenaries.

Countless barrels aimed at the mercenary mercenaries, but the other party smiled more excitedly. For the first time to get this weird power, he was looking for a place to test it out. Isn’t the person who came to the door the best tester? Thinking this way, he actually killed his red eyes, tore the explosion-proof shield with his bare hands, and pulled the special attackers who were hiding behind him desperately shooting, and they were hammered.

The scene of minced meat flying and blood splattering is really unsuitable for children. Fangalo had to turn Xu Yiyang’s chair half a circle, let him turn his back to the monitor screen, and commanded: “Yangyang did his homework first, see It looks like we have to wait a long time. “

“Oh.” Xu Yiyang quickly opened the small school bag, took out the workbook, and bit the pen to examine the question seriously. The sound of guns roared in his ears, but he couldn’t completely disturb his problem-solving ideas. He began to scribble and write, how cute and clever it was.

Meng Zhong, who was originally staring at the monitor screen, almost knelt down to the two men, but at the same time, his inner tension and anxiety reduced a lot. Mr. Fan is not in a hurry, it seems to be well-known.

Fangallo really knew what he was doing, so he didn’t even look at the monitor screen, just held his arms, closed his eyes, and waited silently. Screams, laughter, explosions, gunshots echoed in his ears, but he never let him give alms even with a horrified look. When he threw Yu Pei away, he knew what would happen next, but there was only one killing left.

Song Rui commented leisurely: “His strength is already very strong, otherwise he will not be selected as a personal bodyguard by Zhang Yang. Now that he has the jade pendant, he is even more powerful. People like him who have been trained from the battlefield are even more powerful. Believe in the power of the flesh, so his inspired ability is first and foremost the power of King Kong ’s indestructible body and the power of the mountain, not the power of Xiao Yanling ’s words. His ability is more suitable for the battlefield, these people are definitely not his opponent.”

“Will he have the power of words and spirits?” Meng Zhong stared at the red-eyed giant on the screen, his expression worried.

“Yes, all the desires that have been stimulated will accumulate on the next host.” Fangallo said lightly.

Meng Zhong fell into his chair in shock and shook his head in a trance: “The undead body, the indestructible body, the power of the spirit, devouring vitality to grow oneself, the power is infinite, and the invincible in the world, can such a person be considered a human? Has it become a god? Who can kill the gods? Once he left the institute today, will the ordinary people outside still have a way to live? Teacher Brahma, will the end of the world really come? We ordinary people will become such strangers food!”

Fanjaro opened his cold eyes and refuted carefully: “There are no gods in the world, and there is no power without restraint!”

Meng Zhong whispered in fear: “But I only saw uncontrollable power in Xiao Yanling and this mercenary. This kind of beads was passed from generation to generation, superimposed with various desires, inspiring various Such a powerful ability, one day, this ability will reach a certain limit. What is that limit? It is above all sentient beings, it is unmatched, it is the world domination, the world is destroyed! Teacher Brahma, you did not predict that The future? And you told me that this power will be controlled, and your words are inconsistent. “

The extreme worry actually caused Meng Zhong to have a deep doubt on Van Gogh.

Song Rui glanced at him, determinedly: “It will be fine.”

Fangallo said quietly: “I foresee the future, so I will try my best to stop it. This is temperance. In addition to me, there will be more people who work hard to save the world. This is temperance.”

Meng Zhong’s tremor twitched, and then he could not lift his head because of the surging shame. Does the restraint in the teacher’s mouth refer to himself? What is the difference between such words and “martyrdom in one’s own life”? Teacher Fan thought this way and did so, but what did the public report back to him? It is doubt, criticism, suppression, use and even murder!

What’s wrong with this world? What’s wrong with people’s hearts? Will anyone really want to work as hard as the teacher Fan to stop the world? If yes, why is Vatican teacher always a lone traveler? In this world, he is so helpless!

Meng Zhong covered his eyes and let tears quietly wet his palm. It would be a pity that he did not allow the Ministry of Security to reach a cooperation with the Vatican teacher. The Vatican teacher is definitely the most trusted comrade in arms.

Song Rui also had a surge of emotion, but did not show it on the face, but just calmly analyzed: “The battle is almost over.”

Yes, the battle is coming to an end, and the mutant mercenaries have killed more than two hundred people on their own, and these people are all mercenaries hired by the Zhang family. The Zhang family is in business and runs private research institutes and security companies. It is impossible to support the army. These well-trained mercenaries are probably the biggest trump card in their hands, enough to deter most ambitions in the same circle. But now, this trump card has been torn in one fell swoop, and the result will inevitably lead to Zhang Jia’s vitality.

Walking on the ground with blood and stumps, the mutant mercenary ran to the last pressure door with a laugh, and Van Gogh stood up and said: “You help me take care of the ocean, and I will come when I go.”

“Teacher Vatican, are you sure? Your magnetic field is very strong, but if his body is enough to resist your magnetic field, what should you do? He is a mercenary, and his specialty is fighting and shooting. The idea of ​​the duel, but will do everything possible to confront you physically and positively, and this is precisely your weakness. You have to think clearly! “Meng Zhong is worthy of experience as a fighter, will consider many tactical issues.

Fangallo’s footsteps were a little bit.

At this time, Song Rui pressed a few control buttons to let the ejector at the top of the corridor spray a cloud of anesthetic.

Meng Zhong’s eyes lit up, but in the next instant he showed a disappointed expression. He saw that the mercenary rushed out of the corridor covered by the anesthetics at a constant speed, punching open the pressure door with a few punches and stepping into the outside world. This world has green trees and flowers, vast sky and skyscrapers, and a round of residual sun sinking into the horizon, sprinkling the bright red **** clouds all over the sky.

That Yun Xia reflected in the mercenary’s eyes, stained his pupils, made him grin, and showed a cheerful but strange smile. He took a deep breath and sighed, “It’s beautiful!”

The outside world is so beautiful, it belongs to me! Meng Zhong heard the ambition of this person’s volcano eruption from this simple sigh! The answer he has made to the world is obvious. He is a mercenary, creating war and terror and profiting from it is his strong point. He will go back to his old business and let everyone live in dire straits! He will rule the world with violent dictatorship!

“Teacher Fan, I’m going out with you. Such a person must die!” Meng Zhong resolutely stood up.

At this time, Song Rui said nonchalantly: “Wait a second.” I don’t know when, he actually held the smelly head in his palm.

Fangallo turned his face and looked deeply into Dr. Song’s dark and turbulent eyes, and finally smiled, “Okay, wait again.”

Meng Zhong did not know what dumb puzzles they were playing, and clearly wanted to rush out immediately, using all means to kill the mercenary, but he could only suppress the urgency in his heart. Mr. Fan has the determination to die in martyrdom. How can he fall behind him? The day he joined the army, when he swore to the national flag, he was ready to die.

However, his faith to die abruptly was blocked by a violent explosion. I saw that the mercenaries on the display had just walked out a few steps, and every muscle on the body surface showed a cobweb-like **** crack, which then exploded into a pile of broken bones and minced meat. A dark gray two-inch jade pendant was hidden in the thick **** water, flashing slightly and then silent.

No one is needed at all, he has somehow destroyed himself!

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