
Chapter 180

Everything was absolutely done, and Liu Zhao had become the meat on the chopping board at the moment. He cut his way as he wanted, and Gao Qianqin’s attitude became tough. He nodded with fear and fear: “Yes, I always knew. When you grabbed my wrist and begged me to believe you, I looked into your eyes and immediately knew that the soul in this body was you. “

“But you still drove me away, so what do you love, is it really me?” Liu Zhao’s hands in shackles were held together tightly, and his eyes were covered with tears and red unconsciously Bloodshot.

“Don’t you already know? If you don’t have that aura, why should I look at you?” Gao Qianqian took out a cigarette-inlaid cigarette case and a lighter from his bag and fiddled with it slowly.

Just a few hours away, her dress and behavior changed dramatically. In the past, she always had elegant makeup, simple dress, almost all dresses were conservative, and the colors were not bright; but now, she has a very strong makeup, painted bright red lip glaze, wearing a tight black dress, pedaling Wearing a pair of red patent leather high-heeled shoes more flamboyant than lip glaze, using a long fingernail with black nail polish to pinch a cigarette, dangling into the mouth, and then gently stroke the lighter, every move is both **** and enchanting. Cold and indifferent.

Liu Zhao looked at his completely strange wife, and suddenly a word Dong Qin once said to him repeatedly said: “Don’t believe her, she is not what you saw! She is pretending!”

Liu Zhao ca n’t remember how many quarrels caused by this sentence. He once accused Dong Qin of malicious insult again and again, and said to her again and again: “I am very disappointed, I think you are not A narrow-minded person. Why were you so magnificent, but now you can’t even accommodate an assistant? “

But now, in the face of Gao Qianqian’s true face, he finally realized how stupid he was at that time, and how sad and distressed Dong Qin who was not understood and trusted.

Thinking of thinking, Liu Zhao lowered his head and covered his face, desperately suppressing his inner regret and pain.

Gao Qianqin lifted Erlang’s legs and shook his red high-heeled shoes, his cold expression even added a bit of pride. She failed to ignite the lighter, but took a deep breath, as if sucking Liu Zhao’s pain, in order to obtain spiritual happiness and satisfaction.

The guard at the door suddenly shouted: “No smoking in the reception room!”

The pleasure in Gao Qianqian’s face was broken, and the cigarette case was closed tightly, and the lighter was re-slapped on the table to show his dissatisfaction. She glared at the policeman with her eyes squinted, and then looked at the embarrassed Liu Zhao with her lips closed.

Liu Zhao was awakened by the police, scolded his face quickly, and looked up: “Gao Qianqian, I didn’t expect you to be so vanity, money worship, and viciousness. I was blind before. It’s hard for you to pretend to be so many years, Do n’t you feel tired? ”

Gao Qianqin supported the table with both hands and sneered: “Yes, you are indeed blind, and you don’t want to think about where I came from. That’s the orphanage, a place where you can’t even eat a full meal. , Escape from it is like escape from hell! I climbed up from the bottom step by step, do you know how much I have suffered and how much sin? I know you like simple people, but simple people in that environment You will understand if you are going to die! “

Liu Zhao sneered indifferently: “Can you eat more bitterly than me? Is it easier for me to climb up all the way? Admit it, you are not forced to look like today by the environment, you are bad by nature!” Cognition he did not want to understand until today.

Gao Qianqin sneered at him: “You are not afraid to laugh at others’ teeth when you say this. How much hardship have you had under Dong Qin’s protection? Ah? You have no money to rent a house, she lent her her large flat, It ’s been several years since I lived; you did n’t work, she used her family ’s relationship to pull resources everywhere; you were troubled by others, and she tried hard to give you gas behind her; your company ’s capital chain was about to break, and she took it without saying a word. All of my savings for decades have been lent to you, and I do n’t need you to pay a penny of interest. Where are you suffering? Have you not eaten enough soft rice? You walked smoothly and smoothly along her, what are you qualified to say to me ? “

These words poked the deepest pain in Liu Zhao’s hidden place, leaving him stunned on the spot.

Gao Qianqian knew him too well, so he laughed happily: “Acknowledge, you can rely on Dong Qin today. You said that my vanity worship money, how much better can you be than me? Yes, I am close to you really for Money, but I also paid my feelings, body, and time. In the end, I married you to do housework for you. But you, how much did you pay for Dong Qin? Only because of a few rumors outside, you Indifferent to her, alienating her, and even trying to get rid of her from your life. How ungrateful are you, how much better are you than me? “

The last sentence was like a heavy hammer that smashed Liu Zhao’s heart so hard that he almost fainted in pain. He thought that his alienation from Dong Qin was only due to the suspicion of married men against single women, but he turned out to be ungrateful?

No, no, Gao Qianqin changed the concept! He did not forget Dong Qin’s contribution. On the contrary, after he became famous, he paid her back hundreds of times. He gave her company shares and a high commission for her, paving the way for her career and supporting her entertainers everywhere. In addition to feelings, he can dedicate everything to Dong Qin, he is by no means ungrateful!

“Gao Qianqian, you are quibbling. Isn’t it because of you that I alienated Dong Qin?” Liu Zhao’s voice trembled when he said this.

“Because of me? Ha ha ha, you laughed to death! You are so opinionated, can I just coax a few words and follow suit? You are afraid to face Dong Qin yourself, do n’t throw everything to On my head! Do you think how good you have been to me in these years? I want to buy a package of more than one hundred thousand, you said to me that it would be better to donate for charity; if I dress more luxuriously, you accuse me of not being frugal; I If you want to buy jewellery, you put your money to build Hope Primary School. I am already a high-class person, but I am not as good as a small star of the eighteenth line. I am trying to figure out with you! You even have company shares Don’t want to give it to me! “

Gao Qianqin thought more and more angry, so he took out all the truths: “You know, it’s really easy to hang you, you hate others that you eat soft rice, and pull you and Dong Qin together , So as long as I show the completely opposite traits to Dong Qin, I can get you. She is strong, I am weak; she is capable, I am confused; she can be alone, I need your protection everywhere, so your eyes will come The more I stay with me. You think you are in love with me and want to marry me. Hahaha, you are so stupid, you ca n’t even understand your own heart, you do n’t love me at all, you are from beginning to end Dong Qin loves everything! “

Liu Zhao was stunned, and his eyes widened in silence.

Gao Qianqin sneered with his mouth closed: “I always knew you loved her, but I wouldn’t tell you! I just want to watch your pain!”

Liu Zhao woke up suddenly and asked in horror, “What are you talking about?” He couldn’t believe his ears!

As long as Liu Zhao can be hit and make him suffer, Gao Qianqian is satisfied, so she repeated: “I said that the person you love from beginning to end is Dong Qin, not me!”

“No, no, it’s impossible. If I love her, why should I marry you?” Liu Zhao asked impassively, ten fingers clinging to the desktop.

Gao Qianqian leaned back on the back of the chair, gently shaking his high legs, and sneered: “Because you don’t want others to scold you for soft meals! Because you want to prove to everyone that your success depends on yourself, and Dong Qin has nothing to do. “

Liu Zhao shook his head, but his ever-tightening throat couldn’t say any rebuttal.

Gao Qianqin’s tone became more and more contemptuous: “You are stupid, and gave up the happiness of your life for the sake of others’ gossip. On the day of our engagement, Dong Qin was drunk and pulled you out to confess, you firmly rejected her , I turned my eyes and burst into tears, so sad that I cried. I was standing in the corner looking at you, I saw Dong Qin’s expression of pain and despair, and I saw your despair as if abandoned by the whole world. I refused her personally The person is obviously yourself, but you are embarrassed like a homeless stray dog. You wander around in the hotel corridor dizzy and you ca n’t find the way back to the banquet hall. You think you are drunk, The brain is not clear, but it ’s not. You are too sad. You are so sad that the whole world is spinning! “

Liu Zhao followed her words into the memories of the time, and suddenly felt another whirlwind.

Gao Qianqin smiled happily with her mouth covered: “I peeked at you for a long time, and only appeared when you were covering your chest before falling down. I pretended to help you with worry. You told me you drank too much and wanted to find a room to rest Resting, I kept nodding, but I almost laughed to death. I have never seen anyone who is more confused than you. I have no idea what I want. At that time, I used various means to drive away the female assistants around you, and then Have you accused Dong Qin of being stolen? Did you even mention those people in front of her? I used her name to do all the evil that ruled out dissidents, you were all forgiving, never sent In a fire, in addition to not dare to face Dong Qin, you wish to give her everything. Money, resources, contacts, and even company shares, you are willing to give them all. You can tolerate her selfishness, viciousness, vanity, superficiality, but Change to me, but you can’t stand it anymore, pointing at my nose and scolding, you are really a double label. “

Gao Qianqin shook his head, “So, don’t blame me for betraying you, you never loved me or gave me anything. We came here today and it’s clear. You call Dong Qin later, Let her close it quickly, I can consider not letting you go to jail, or you will be ruined in your life. Think about it. “

Liu Zhao collapsed, not only his body but also his spirit. The most hated person is in front of him, but Dong Qin is all in his mind: she took his hand and pushed open the door of the room, and led him into a spacious and bright home; she looked for him to know the most acting Teacher, leading him to a vast new world; she pulled his sleeve tightly and cried and said, “Liu Zhao I like you”, but was pushed away by him indifferently, tears trembling in the eyes, but stubbornly not Ken dropped; she sat in the first row of the church, looked back and watched him take another woman’s hand to the sacred marriage, with a smile on her face, the light in her pupils slowly dissipated, and finally to a dead silence … …

Her smiling face, crying face, indifferent face, angry face … appeared and disappeared one by one, causing him a headache.

“Dong Qin, where are you? I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.” He murmured in a dumb throat, punching the desktop fiercely with his fists, and then began to beat his head again. He had never hated himself so much, and he had never been so desperate. Gao Qianqian was right, he ca n’t blame anyone today, he can only blame himself for being stupid!

“Don’t stop calling, she is very busy outside, you call her, she will definitely come to see you right away. You should be thankful that you are single now, and you can be with Dong Qin Guangming. Oh no, You will go to jail in the future, and you will not be worthy of her if you become a prisoner of labor reform, so you should quickly persuade her to close it! “Gao Qianqian stimulated Liu Zhao again, and then left on high heels. If Dong Qinla had blacked her, she would not want to interview her, and she would not come to this ghost place.

The policemen standing at the door listened dumbfounded. What did they do with anything? Have the two men been married? Liu Yingdi’s wife turned out to be second marriage? Isn’t this person clinking imprisoned in prison? Where did the company’s shares come from? However, he is strange, but he has no power to ask more. After all, these things are the privacy of others. They only involve moral issues and have nothing to do with the case.

It was found that Liu Zhao thrashed his head with a sudden shock, and had a tendency to self-harm. The police quickly ran over to stop.

“Me, can I make a phone call?” Liu Zhao raised his head, revealing an extremely painful face.

“You must submit your application first. Only after the application is approved can you hit it.” The police handed him a tissue with pity in his eyes.

Liu Zhao is only detained now, confiscated and put in prison. According to regulations, he can call relatives and friends, but there will be police officers listening to prevent him from confessing or mentioning things related to the case, and the maximum time is only ten minutes .

Gao Qianqian seems to have helped him, so he just submitted the application and approved it above. The policeman responsible for monitoring him was still the same policeman, but his attitude was not very strict, as if he still had some sympathy for him.

Liu Zhao sat in front of the telephone, but did not touch the microphone for a long time. He had never thought of dissuading Dong Qin, but just desperately wanted to hear her voice. After calming down, he felt that Gao Qianqian’s attitude was a bit wrong. She seemed to be demonstrating, but she was very anxious and repeatedly asked him to stop Dong Qin. Did Dong Qin do anything to her?

“Comrade police, can you tell me what happened to Gao Qianqian?” He asked tentatively.

“How do I know about her.” The policeman shook his head funny.

“I mean, has she made any news recently?” Liu Zhao changed the question.

The police responded immediately, took out her phone and turned it over, gossip and said, “She went on a hot search. Someone put the surveillance video of you entangled with her on the Internet, saying that you are not forcing her, but that she has a personal relationship with you. .look.”

The police turned the phone so that Liu Zhao could see clearly. The scene on the screen was a living room with a simple decoration. A middle-aged man wore a set of pajamas and ran downstairs, facing the glass. The wall was photographed again and again, constantly touching his face, then ran upstairs again, changed to a set of casual clothes, and sat on the sofa blankly. The video line marked the time. At 5:30 in the morning, most people had not gotten up.

The playback speed of the video was accelerated. The man sat for more than half an hour, and then walked upstairs in a muddled manner. After a few minutes, Gao Qianqian was pushed down again, pointing at the door and expressing something coldly. The man tried to touch her arm, but was thrown away by her fiercely and had to walk away. Although the pixels are relatively blurry, the staggering back of the man makes people look at the nose for a while, and anyone can feel his heartbreak from his subtle body language that cannot be concealed.

The video fast-forwarded for a while, and Emperor Liu Ying hesitantly stepped into the living room, looking around left and right. Gao Qianqian, who was just a bit mean, just changed a diligent face and quickly greeted him. She looked like a guilty conscience in the eyes of others.

The blogger who posted this video added: [From the time point of view, Gao Qianqian left this strange man for one night, and he was wearing a suspender nightdress to pull with the other party the next morning, and hurried to the door. Outside, is this look really forced? Don’t you steal it with your husband? 】

Liu Zhao’s fan base is very large, and 80% or 90% are iron fans and loyal fans, who can win any battle of public opinion for him. They were not very satisfied with Gao Qianqian originally. They felt that she had to look undressed, and had no academic qualifications, and was not worthy of her idol. Now this video suddenly appeared, pointing directly to Gao Qianqin cheating, these fans exploded on the spot, Almost all the artillery fire was directed at her.

Faced with this kind of thing, women often have to bear more blame. Look at the current status of the entertainment industry. If the male celebrity is derailed, as long as his wife says forgiveness, the acting career can continue; if the female celebrity is derailed, that feeling Well, the name of modern Pan Jinlian is none other than you. How far can you roll me!

So, this knife called public opinion, in fact, the cruelty of the persecution of women was severely cut on Gao Qianqian, so that she did not dare to show her face. If netizens continue to make trouble, she is afraid that she will lose her reputation.

Liu Zhao ’s fans are now issuing blood books to force idols to divorce. Others say that the man in the video is likely to be framed by Gao Qianqin. He did n’t do anything bad at all. Gao Qianqin thief called out to catch the thief! They no longer paid attention to the facts, and no longer demanded that the court repudiate Liu Zhao. Instead, they put all the charges on Gao Qianqian’s head.

In this patriarchal society, the blame that women have to bear is so terrible, you are dressed too **** for being abused; you do n’t know how to hold a house when you are divorced; you are not checked for life, and you go out most of the night … … The victim’s guilt theory is such that it is illogical and unreasonable.

Dong Qin originally did not want to use such a public relations method for a woman, but she had no choice, because her patience had reached the limit. Isn’t Gao Qianqian ruining Liu Zhao? Then she will destroy her first! See who is more ruthless!

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