
Chapter 193

Su Fengxi was nailed to the ground by Fangallo’s crutches, and gradually stopped struggling. The few scorched hairs that had been left had all fallen off at this time. The shriveled cheeks were more recessed, and his lips were completely shrunken, revealing a black gum. It looks like a skeleton.

The police standing around it is hard to imagine that she still chanted beautiful songs on the stage four or fifty minutes ago.

She can tear the explosion-proof nets freely, can make a bewitching song, and can disguise herself with beautiful skin. What kind of monster is she?

“What are you still doing? Take her to the car!” Meng Zhong ordered, these talents woke up, and then went up and down Su Fengxi, but found that the cane pierced her body. And nail her tightly to the floor.

Someone tried to pull the cane, but was stopped by Fangallo: “Nothing can move the cane, otherwise she will be able to recover her strength.”

Upon hearing this, the policeman, who had already held the cane in his hand, jumped out all the way. Fangallo stepped forward, gently twisting the tip of the stick out of the floor, and whispered, “Take it away.”

A group of policemen rushed up and took the people away, and dozens of policemen surrounded them with live ammunition, just in case the group of people from the Special Ministry suddenly rushed out and robbed Su Fengxi. It was at this time that Zhang Yang hurried to the news, but was blocked by rows of explosion-proof shields tens of meters away, and could only blush and his neck shouted roughly: “Meng Zhong, you will hand me over!”

“Did you make a mistake? Which unit are you from, dare to rob people with our police? Do you have any government approval?” Meng Zhong shrugged, all mocking.

Zhang Yang came too quickly. Where was there any approval? He was originally a rather suffocating person, and he would naturally not fight with the police on the spot, so he could turn around and run away with a low curse. A group of strong and strong bodyguards chased behind him, but they couldn’t keep up with his speed. It can be seen that he is not bad in terms of force. The so-called dandy cream beam has always been his protective color.

Meng Zhong stared at Zhang Yang’s back for a few seconds, but couldn’t help urging loudly: “Let’s go quickly and get back to the game!”

The police in the Seongnam branch were all gone, and the police in the remaining branches left behind. If nothing else, it is important to send the paralyzed superstars back first. They are all trembling at the moment, and some people still spit white foam, fearing that they might not be scared.

Meng Zhong and his entourage hurried back to the police station and threw the half-dead Su Fengxi into a cell. The sharp cane was still stuck in her chest, the crystal skull on the top was dyed pink, and the two eyes were red as blood, and she had almost dried up her strength.

“Teacher Fan, when will she die?” The monster in Meng Zhongchong’s jail raised his jaw, his tone slightly anxious.

“I have to observe it for a while. It stands to reason that she should have been damned at this time.” Fangallo shook his head, his expression very confused.

“Do you want her to die?” Song Rui glanced at Meng Zhong and said ironically: “Don’t you like to keep these monsters before? For you, they are excellent experimental subjects.”

“Before was before, now is now. After experiencing Xiao Yanling, I have realized that this kind of monster should not exist at all, and it is not worth studying!” Meng Zhong looked at Fangalo and firmly said: “Mr. Fan , My philosophy has been completely changed, I want to destroy these monsters, all will be eliminated, none will stay! “

Fangalo took a deep look at him, and finally nodded, “Director Meng, it seems that this time we are expected to reach cooperation.” He took the initiative to reach out, and Meng Zhong could not wait to hold his hand, with gratitude in his eyes. trust.

“So when can she die?” Meng Zhong explained immediately: “Zhang Yang will prepare an approval document when he returns, and we must hand over the person to the Ministry of Security.”

Van Goro had not answered yet, and Liu Tao, who stood beside Zhuang Zhen, scolded: “The special security department that **** his mother, the thing they like to do most is cut off! The last time was Xiao Yanling, this time it was Su Fengxi, they What the **** is it? Is it really the security department that defends the people? “

Meng Zhong blushed, and Song Rui explained with a smile: “They are now just a private company, no longer an institution to defend the people.”

Zhuang Zhen firmly said: “Then it is not possible to give people to them. I heard that the person standing behind Su Fengxi is Zhang Yang, and he may be desperate for why.”

“Naturally is to save her.” Fangallo said slowly: “Do you know what it will cost to save her? Like Xiao Yanling, life for life. She used to push her strength too high, and even her soul was fueled. Most of the time, in order for her to recover completely, even to repair her soul, it must be filled with the lives of hundreds or even thousands of people. “

Speaking of which, his tone turned cold: “So my opinion is consistent with Director Meng, she must die here today.” Is it to put one person and kill thousands of people; or kill one person and save thousands of people, this way The multiple choice question hardly requires him to think. For those who have committed capital crimes, there is no such thing as fairness in the world, and you have to pay the price for doing the wrong thing.

Su Fengxi, who was dying, heard the words of Van Gogh and suddenly laughed at the broken trachea: “I will not die, hahaha, Van Gogh, you can’t kill me! In this world, no one can kill Die me, because I am immortal, hahaha … “She has lost all her strength and can only twist like a worm, but her voice is full of pleasure in her hoarse voice.

“Zhang Yang will surely come to my rescue. Fangallo, I’ll spend it with you. Let’s see who swallows at the end! No one can live longer than me, hahaha!” She was crawling with bloodshot eyes Locking the figure of the youth firmly, there is crazy hate in the pupils and strong belief.

“Open the prison door.” Van Gaal was never a person who could easily be threatened. He was used to controlling everything.

Liu Tao quickly opened the door to let him in.

Fangallo paced slowly to Su Fengxi, his palm covering the crystal skull that was close to red, and pressed down hard.

“Ahhhhh!” Su Fengxi uttered a series of screams, and then laughed intermittently: “Haha, I, I can’t die, ha, you, you can’t kill, die me! Hahaha, you, Van Gogh Luo, no matter how powerful, absolutely, will not kill me! “

“Anyway, let’s try it first.” Van Gogh crouched half beside her, talking to her in a negotiated tone, but the movement was extremely cruel. He injected his fierce magnetic field into the heart of Su Fengxi through a cane to break a big hole, and then urged them to spin quickly, forming a blade like a vacuum.

In just a moment, these sharp blades cut Su Fengxi’s still beating heart into fragments, but the next second, these fragments stuck together again to form a new heart. Although it was pierced, it was always full. A vast vitality, and thumping.

Su Fengxi twitched in pain, and his sharp teeth were crushed several times, which shows how terrible damage Van Gogh caused to her. When she looked at the quiet-looking young man again, she had no pride and hatred in her eyes, only fear.

Van Gogh said very gently: “We will try again.”

Su Fengxi :! ! !

A strong magnetic field pierced her body like an ice cone, scrabbled in her thick blood vessels, stirred in her shrivelled flesh, and then wrapped her in a gray cluster of light hidden in the abdomen, pulling it out of the body.

“No, no, no! You can’t take it away!” Su Fengxi struggled with his last effort.

Van Gaal suspended one hand in the air, while the other hand pressed the skull crutches at will, and suppressed the Su Fengxi, who had just raised his upper body. The light group was still in his hand, and another fish-shaped jade, one inch square, dark gray, full of spirit, was still struggling for a while, and seemed to be escaping.

Fangalo put the light group into her body and went to see Su Fengxi. She was still alive, but the light in her eyes had been wiped out, the fluctuations in her chest gradually became weak, and most of the vitality in the body had been Lost, but somehow kept the last strand.

The color of Fangalo’s eyes darkened, as if the magnetic field had been poured into Su Fengxi’s heart as before, and it shattered it again. Because she was so weak that she closed her eyes without humming, and passed away. There was no sound in the cell for a long time, as if everything was still at this moment.

The people outside the cell waited and waited, and the frontal horns could not help exuding fine sweat. Is Su Fengxi dead? It should be dead!

Tick, tick, tick, this is the second hand of the wall clock walking on its own, one circle, two circles, three circles, so the minute hand also follows. When everyone’s heart fell heavily because of Su Fengxi’s gradual cool body, she suddenly opened her eyes and let out a long hiss! She is alive again!

Seeing the stunned eyes in Fangallo’s eyes, Su Fengxi grinned happily but proudly: “Ha ha ha, ha, me, as I said earlier, I can’t die! I am immortal! Ha ha ha!”

Van Gaal found out that her heart was beginning to be alive again, although only a ray, but not much, just to maintain her heartbeat and breath, no one else could take it away. He tried to ingest it a few times, and he still failed to take this last ray of life away, so he shook his head at the few people outside the cell.

Meng Zhong was very disappointed and said anxiously, “So what shall we do now? If she doesn’t die, Zhang Yang will always have a way to save her! Don’t underestimate the Zhang family, their background is very deep, I suspect that Su Fengxi is the Zhang family Deliberately cultivated. “

“Did they have to make friends as soon as they came? Can’t they refuse?” Zhuang Zhen didn’t like these horrible things.

“If they hold the approval, are you ready to hard-top with them? The result will only be that you are dismissed on the spot!” After so many twists and turns, Meng Zhong’s concept has changed, he knows that there are too many people in the world Helplessness.

Zhuang Zhen and Liu Tao clenched their teeth secretly, seeming to be making up for that irritating scene.

Fangalo was kneeling on his knees at this time, one hand was still covered with a skull, and the other hand was suspended in front of Su Fengxi’s face, whispering softly: “Let me take a look at your memory, find you Weakness, how? “

His attitude was enough to be described as gentle and amiable, but the words he spoke made Su Fengxi’s eyes wide open and his heart trembled, so the crutch trembled.

“Are you resisting?” Fangallo chuckled. “This is a good phenomenon. The more you resist, the more valuable your memory is. Sorry, I want to start.”

Su Fengxi closed his eyes desperately, and for some reason he showed a giant whale, dark blue, with a pair of dark eyes, exactly the same as Van Galo’s eyes. It flicked its tail and skimmed across the dark deep sea, stirring up layers of waves, and many foams followed the waves slowly to form a large pile of snow on the sea surface.

A beam of bright sun illuminates the snow pile composed of many tiny bubbles to reflect the colorful light, showing 120,000 beautiful. Su Fengxi’s thoughts looked at these glowing bubbles involuntarily, and then he was horrified to find that they were wrapped in sections of images, each of which was taken from her life.

In other words, this is not a foam pile at all, but Su Fengxi’s memory. They are hidden in the deepest part of her heart, which is the most difficult for her to face or even fear in the past, so her thoughts swooped over and tried to crush them.

At this time, a giant whale sprang from the bottom of the sea, opened a large mouth of the blood basin, and swallowed all these memories. Its double fins covering the sky and sun set off huge waves on the surface of the sea, and Su Fengxi’s thoughts bumped and bumped in this huge wave, as if it would be broken at any time. Unable to support her, she suddenly opened her eyes and gave a horrified and broken hiss.

Fangalo’s eyes were still closed, and Yin Hong’s lips opened slightly, as if to taste those memories.

Once again controlled by his magnetic field, and once again facing his strength, Su Fengxi finally realized that no matter how she struggled, this person could always break her. He is Van Gogh, and he is the giant whale who always stays in her heart and brings her endless fear!

Step on him? This wish, which seemed to her soon to be realized, now seemed so ridiculous, so the corners of her mouth were really curled up, but it was frozen in the Van Gogh’s chant.

“You want to be a god?”

He could even sense a delusion that she occasionally flashed!

“This ray of vitality was lent to you by someone else. If that person doesn’t die, you won’t die. No wonder.”

Su Fengxi :! ! !

“You call him an old monster, hate him but can’t live without him, he is controlled by him, like a bird with broken wings. He forces you to work among many men, use your beauty to create wealth for him, extradite people, really Humble. Let me take a look at his face … “The young man’s whisper suddenly stopped, a line bulging in the middle of his eyebrows, and the muscles on his cheeks were tight.

Su Fengxi stared nervously at him, wondering if he could see the appearance of the old monster. It should not be possible, that man is a monster who has lived for hundreds of years!

“It really is you …” Van Gogh opened his eyes at this moment, and there was a layer of mist in his pupils, and there was an unpredictable light flowing under the mist. He withdrew his hand and stood up slowly, his eyelids still drooping, as if looking at Su Fengxi, but his eyes penetrated her and looked at the unknown void.

Su Fengxi is familiar with this kind of look, because the old monster often lay on the soft chair and looked into the distance with the same blank eyes.

This is the look that talents who have lived for hundreds of years will have, because their lives are too long, so that their memories are like the fine sand deposited in the river of time, which must be patiently salvaged and washed to restore the original face.

At this moment, a lightning thought penetrated Su Fengxi’s mind, making her suddenly realize that Van Gogh may not be Van Gogh!

“You, you, old monster, you …” Su Fengxi pointed at him tremblingly, but could not fully express his meaning. She was frightened by the guess and her heart was twitching.

However, when she was most horrified, Van Gogh suddenly hovered her hands in front of her face, wrapped her in the deepest heart defense, and engulfed the secrets that could not open the double fins of the giant whale. The terrible scenes that ordinary people can’t imagine poured into his mind, so that he couldn’t help but see the most weird things in the world.

“Go to her house.” He immediately withdrew his hand and strode away.

“Ah?” Meng Zhong’s reaction was half a beat slow.

Song Rui guessed: “You can find a way to eliminate her by going to her house?”

“Yes, she is also self-inflicted.” Van Gogh did not explain, because there was not enough time. As soon as he walked to the door of the police station, Sun Zhengqi rushed down from the second floor and shouted: “Mr. Fan, please move quickly! I just overheard the director’s call. It seems that the Ministry of Security has obtained the approval. The child is already on the way! “

“Okay, I know, thank you.” Van Gogh nodded politely, and then speeded up.

Sun Zhengqi slapped the railing hard and secretly scolded the Ministry of Security. Oh, he almost forgot. This department now seems to be called Longtu Security Company. It is a semi-scientific research institution. It seems that he still has several major research projects in his hand.

Damn, what a pheasant company, dare to come and pick the peach from our police station! You wait! Teacher Fan will definitely be able to catch up with you! However, just when Sun Zhengqi thought of this, Hu Wenwen hurriedly came over and shouted: “It’s not good! Su Fengxi’s strength seems to be recovering! She’s starting to struggle again! Go and find the teacher Vatican!”

The words on her side had just dropped, and Meng Zhong and Zhuang Zhen’s cars had hurriedly drove out of the parking lot over there, very fast. It is definitely not possible to call people back, Zhang Yang is also on the road, and both sides are racing against time!

“Go, let’s press first!” Unbelievably, Sun Zhengqi could only stand on top of his scalp.

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