
Chapter 215

After leaving the cemetery, Song Rui sat in the car for a long time, and his forehead and hands were covered with gray, and there was some grass scraps on his hair, which looked very embarrassed.

Fangallo didn’t say a word, just sat silently and waited. He knows that Dr. Song is now seriously feeling the painful feeling, and looking for the meaning of life from this pain. Those who have never experienced suffering will not understand the weight of happiness; in the same way, those who have not faced death directly will not understand the meaning of life.

Parents are a wall for us to stop death. We are born as human beings, we always blindly pursue the ease and happiness of living, but never think about how to face death. For each of us, death seems to be a very distant thing, and it wo n’t wake up suddenly until the parents suddenly die—it turns out that death is so close to us!

When a person understands the meaning of death and prepares for it, his understanding of living will only be deeper, and the world in his eyes will only be broader.

Song Rui always thought he was a wise man, but it was not until this moment that he understood how silly it was to say “I will never change” to his parents in the past. Apart from death, there is no constant in the world.

If at that time, he could say “I’m sorry I was wrong”, even if it was just disguise, his life would be very different from now. Feelings of self-blame overflowed little by little, and poured out into the wet eyes, and after more than ten years, he was able to bring these bitter liquids to his parents ’tombstone.

But at the same time, the hot light in his eyes is also tending to cool down, and the emotions in his heart are dissipating a trace. The ability to empathize does not belong to him, after all, he still has to return it. When his heart sank into the dark abyss again, he suddenly felt that his forehead was cold. Turning his head, he saw that Van Gogh was holding a sterile tissue to wipe his face, and gently removed him Grass clippings above the head.

The almost extinct light in his eyes began to flash slightly again, and then became hotter and hotter. After all, the door of the complete world was closed, but he left a window for him. Through this window, the scenery he saw was also magnificent.

“Have you recovered?” Van Gaalo asked with a smile when she noticed that Dr. Song’s loose pupils were starting to focus.

Song Rui nodded, and also pulled out a disinfectant tissue to help the youth wipe the forehead. When he knelt down, this man also knelt down, and he read excessive scriptures for his parents. There is nothing like the best friend in the world.

“How does it feel?” Vangallo asked expectantly.

“It’s painful.” Song Rui held his heart, as if there was still a feeling of knife cutting, but suddenly raised his mouth and returned the taste: “But it’s very real.”

“How are you feeling now, will there be a psychological gap?” Van Gaal gazed at him with concern.

“I won’t see you.” Song Rui didn’t know what to expect, and suddenly asked a question: “Do you know the two wishes of Panda?”

“What?” The topic jumped so much that Van Gogh failed to keep up with Dr. Song’s thinking.

Song Rui threw the dirty sterilized tissue into the car trash, said slowly: “Panda’s first wish is to remove dark circles; the second wish is to take a black and white photo.”

Fangallo looked at him dumbfounded, and it took a while before he laughed with his palm clasped. He occasionally reads some jokes on Baidu push, and also brushes the paragraphs on Weibo, but in reality it is the first time to listen to others tell jokes, and the person who tells jokes is actually Dr. Song, so the degree of funny Doubled immediately.

Seeing him smile so brightly, Song Rui couldn’t help but chuckled a few times, and finally said seriously: “Dark eye circles and black and white fur are all innate things for pandas and cannot be changed, so its Two wishes can never be fulfilled. Van Galo, I used to fantasize that if I could, I would come to my parents ’cemetery, sincerely confess to their photos, grieve and shed tears, and return all the emotions that owe them. My two wishes are just like the two wishes of a panda. They can never be fulfilled, because I am born with no emotion, so there is no possibility of confession and sorrow. “

“They have been buried here for more than ten years, but as a son, I have never come to worship once, not because I don’t want it, but I don’t deserve it.” He shook his head and said calmly: “I don’t know how to confess, I’ll never deserve to step here. .. I thought that until the day of my death, we would not meet again, but Van Gogh, you fulfilled my wish, you left me with the only color photo that can be kept in memory. Yes today It ’s really important to me, thank you. ”He reached out and put the young man in his arms.

Fangallo patted his back gently to show comfort.

“I still have a wish.” Song Rui looked at him sideways, his eyes full of anticipation.

“What wish?” Fangallo was teased. Dr. Song’s expression is really like a child asking for candy, a little childish.

“Let’s take a photo together.” Song Rui took out his phone.

Van Gogh froze for a moment, then shook his head and smiled. He leaned over, and his head was next to Dr. Song’s, and he twitched his lips at the camera. They have known each other for a while, but it was the first time they took a picture together. After the shooting, they were a little dazed, and then they looked at each other and smiled in a funny way.

“Send a circle of friends.” This proposal is so groundbreaking for Song Rui. His circle of friends never sends out these “vulgar” things.

“Okay.” Van Gogh is more trendy than him, and soon uploaded the photo, but the text was stale, and he directly marked the sentence [Dr. Song and I].

Song Rui first praised his friends, and after a long time of making troubles, he finished the photos, but it was stuck in the accompanying text. His fingertips clicked and deleted on the keyboard, and deleted and then clicked, and finally wrote: [My dearest friend].

Seeing that Dr. Song ’s circle of friends was similar to his own, Fangallo could n’t help but hook his lips.

Friends who were familiar with the two began to like crazy, and rainbow farts popped out one by one. What are “the most handsome faces of this century are finally the same frame”, “the beauty of the prosperous world”, “I come to lick the screen”, etc. Wait. Fan Jialuo responded one by one, with a serious attitude like a pupil, but Song Rui’s eyes were fixed on a message from Song Nuan.

She said with a grin: [Brother, you and Mr. Vatican just match each other, you just group CP. 】

The old scholar Dr. Song immediately searched for the meaning of CP, turned around and gave his cousin a big red envelope of 9999.

Song Wenwen 😕 ? ?

The two of them spent a long time on the circle of friends and Weibo, and it took more than three o’clock to realize that it was time to pick up Xu Yiyang from school. When they drove the car back on the road, the two of them felt amused as they thought about it, and the unclear feelings of the mood cleared the beginning at the same time and secretly hooked the corners of the lips against each other.

Song Rui sent Xu Yiyang and Fangalo back to Moon Bay Community, and helped them to move the last thing left to the car, and took them to the old house of Fanjia, watching them settle down with their own eyes, and patiently tutoring Xu Yiyang on his math homework. This is home.

Like his people, his home is cold, simple, and empty, and his eyes are all black and white, and there are no other colors. The housekeeping seems to have just left, the smell of disinfectant remains in the air, the floors, tabletops, and furniture are all clean and dust-free, and the whole house looks very delicate and luxurious, but it is not popular.

Song Rui’s favorite thing was the lack of popularity and coldness, but now, he feels that his heart is empty, as if he is missing a piece. He walked into the study and sat in a comfortable soft chair for a while. The pupil without focus scanned around, and then stopped at the place where he was most relaxed and happy.

He stood up and pressed down the mechanism. The smooth metal wall opened, revealing a secret room. The wall of the secret room was covered with photos. In each photo was a tragic death, some with a cut throat. , Some were dismembered, some were ripped … The picture was extremely **** and cruel.

If ordinary people walk in here, they will surely feel that they have entered hell. Apart from fear and nausea, there will never be a second emotion. However, these photos are pleasing to the eyes for Song Rui. He will keep a copy of the victim’s photos every time he detects a tragedy and take it home to enjoy slowly. When he has no inspiration for writing papers or analyzing cases, he can even find inexhaustible inspiration in this room.

But now, he uncovered these photos one by one, threw them into the burning fireplace, and then connected the printer to his mobile phone, and began to print the photo taken with Van Gogh today. Neither of them is a character who loves smelly beauty. Only four photos were taken, and they were printed and posted on a wide wall, which seemed empty. But it does n’t matter because they will take more photos and create more memories in the future

Song Rui stepped back a few steps, staring at the photos for a long time, and finally smiled.

Fangalo completely left the Moon Bay community and returned to the Fanjia old house. The storm on the Internet has long since subsided. He has now retired, and the number of fans has exceeded 100 million. The high popularity is simply staggering.

Without him, without Jane Ya and Liu Zhao, Xinghui Entertainment not only did not collapse, but also its stock price went up sharply. Now it has cultivated several newcomers with strong momentum and is still the industry leader. The entertainment company co-founded by Zhang Jia and Su Fengxi still failed to survive the initial turmoil, and collapsed very quickly. The artists who signed in to them were now looking for a home, causing chaos in the entertainment industry.

Jian Ya stayed at Longyin Temple for a while. He heard that his face was so rotten that he could no longer be seen as a humanoid figure. Several photos taken by paparazzi were posted on the Internet, which caused an uproar. Her fans either left silently, or turned back to black and stepped back on them. Only a few of them showed compassion and read the “Tibetan Classics” for her for a few days, but they didn’t play much role.

The ratings of two dance variety shows broke the table, and several popular stars have become popular. The program team pulled out Wen Siyu and speculated that they had also invited her, but they were rejected. If Wen Siyu believed in Mr. Fan’s prophecy, she might not be able to fly into the sky.

Another piece of news is also related to Van Gogh, and following his advice, Zhao Xiaoxing, who made the small-cost movie, even won a gold medalist award abroad. The news spread back to China, and the online public opinion exploded instantly.

How accurate was the teacher’s prediction? Everyone counted them down, and then they were shocked on the spot. The post opened a bet on how high the accuracy rate of Fangalo’s predictions was turned over and worshiped by netizens. The predictions that used to be filled with bright red question marks are now marked with green ticks. Every sentence of him has now become a reality.

Every day, celebrities, tycoons, and politicians try to ask Van Gogh to come out to meet and discuss with each other, but all return without success. He didn’t answer the phone, and sent him a private letter. He didn’t reply, and his mansion occupies a mountain alone. There are thick iron gates and sentry boxes under the mountain, and it is impossible to enter without the permission of the owner.

The people of Xuanmen squatted under the mountain every day, but the strange thing is that Fangalo clearly knew that the ancestors of the Tianshui school were coming to Beijing to capture themselves, but showed no signs of escaping.

The calm days seemed to be moving very fast, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye. When Fangaluo pinched his fingers to calculate when Master could get out of the border, Meng Zhong suddenly made a phone call, and the tone was very anxious: “Hey, Mr. Fan , Are you free now? “

“I’m free, what happened?”

“Can you come to our branch office? There is a very weird case here. I can’t tell you clearly on the phone. You can see it in person.”

“Okay, I’ll come right away.” Van Gogh will not let go of any opportunity to collect jade pendants, and naturally went down the mountain without saying a word. More than an hour later, he was introduced into an office by Liao Fang. The room was very quiet, and a group of policemen were looking at something with all their heart around a computer.

Sun Zheng screamed with a squeezed neck, as if shocked by the picture on the computer, only to find a person standing at the door when he turned his head, suddenly shouted in surprise: “Teacher Vatican is here!”

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads around, and then swarmed around to talk about the case, but no one could make it clear. Meng Zhong, sitting in front of the computer, immediately gave up his position and hurriedly said: “Mr. Fan, this is a surveillance video. Come over and have a look. We really can’t explain the case to you because we are also confused.”

Hu Wenwen whispered: “We watched the surveillance for more than four hours in a row, and it’s still a mess until now! It should be a murder case, but the way the body appeared is too weird.”

Fangallo nodded and walked to the computer.

Xiao Li has already rewinded the half-viewed video and played it from the beginning.

An elevator room appears in the picture. Six people stand in the elevator. Four men and two women, one of whom is a couple, stand side by side closest to the door; a short, chubby man stands on the left side of the couple; A young man in a red sweater stands on the back right of the couple; a middle-aged woman carrying a designer bag stands directly behind the couple; and a tall man stands on the right hand side of the chunky man. It is the innermost side of the elevator room.

The couple was biting each other’s ears and the other four were all looking at it with their cell phones. In this small space, everyone’s movements are unobstructed.

The time went from one second to one second. When it was almost 24 seconds, Xiao Li clicked the pause button and reminded hoarsely with his voice: “Teacher Fan, the key point is here, you look carefully.”

Fangallo nodded, not speaking.

Xiao Li again pressed the play button, and the progress bar continued to push forward. The six of them each installed a corner without disturbing each other. When the progress bar reached 30 seconds, the computer screen flashed. Then, behind the tall man, the body of a young woman sitting on the ground suddenly appeared, and the small space was still on the floor. There is no exit, no entrance, and no stopovers.

The female corpse’s legs were wide open, and it touched the middle-aged woman’s ankle. The man looked sideways and suddenly screamed …

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