
Chapter 224

After leaving the apartment building, Changsheng and Changzhen helped Lin Nianci to board an SUV. Lin Nianen hurriedly climbed into the driver’s seat and used navigation to search for the nearest hospital. Seeing the figure of the police running in the rearview mirror, he thought angrily: In addition to his white hair and a lot of old faces, the sister seemed to have suffered a very serious internal injury. She paid such a heavy price, why do these people accuse her!

But at the same time, his heart was occupied by a lingering concern.

Chang Zhen thought of something with him, and asked anxiously, “Brother, what if the murderer really opened the ring?”

“After I went back, I let Xuanmen’s people catch him.” Chang Sheng patted the front seat and urged: “Hurry up and do nothing!”

“Oh,” Lin Nianen started the car, holding a word in his stomach, but he didn’t dare to ask, but Chang Zhen asked him for him: “If you can’t catch it?”

In fact, this possibility is the greatest. With such a parallel space, the murderer can survive in any corner of the world. Unless his brain picks up and jumps out, he is less than 0.1% likely to be caught.

Longevity was made dark by this problem, and he said angrily: “Then wait until later.”

Lin Nianen became more and more uncomfortable and asked, “Brother, if the murderer really killed a lot of people, will we bear the sin for him? Does it mean to go to **** after death?”

Longevity was stunned for a long time without talking. Chang Zhen rubbed his temples and said: “The cause and effect planted by ordinary people will be settled after death, but we are cultivators, and the cause and effect planted by us will have feedback in this world because our practice is against the sky. , Heaven will impose restrictions on us. The cause and effect on us will be strengthened and amplified. Do you know the five disadvantages and three shortcomings? “

Lin Nianen was cold all over, and said dumbly: “I know, the widow is lonely and disabled.”

Chang Zhen sighed: “We Taoists emphasize causality, as the so-called cause must have results, and the results must have causes. The heaven and the earth show Zhao, the cause and effect cycle. Once the cause and effect we contaminate start to run, they will be worse than those fortune tellers. When we are alive, we may become stagnant or retrograde. So many talents in Taoism will not escape the world, because avoiding the world can avoid the cause and effect to the greatest extent. “

Lin Nianen’s throat even said unfavorably: “Then, what will happen to us if the cause and effect between us and the murderer starts to work?”

“Our practice may not be able to survive forever, unless we can use virtues to offset these sins.” Chang really is a rectum, what to say.

But Longevity couldn’t hear it anymore. While patting Lin Nianci, who was shaking, he reprimanded: “What are you talking about, who knows what Van Gogh said today is true or false. I suspect he didn’t find the murderer at all, just to shirk Responsibility and robbing Qiankun will move us to deliberately make things difficult for us. Whether the cause and effect have been settled, we have to say two things.

Lin Nianen smiled and said: “I think he must have blamed us. How could the murderer be so good! He is a lot of miscellaneous, not just to put the blame on us! I almost believed his evil.”

Changsheng originally wanted to appease his brothers and sisters, but he didn’t expect to convince himself, and his tone eased down: “Well, whoever believes in him is a fool! He is also willing to talk about our rules in Tianshui. , And scolded us for being unworthy of the water man of the day. He killed Shi Shuzu and Uncle Kin, and he had long been unworthy of the water man of the day! “

“Also, people like him who have no bottom line can’t believe anything.” Chang Zhen patted his head and his mind calmed down.

When Lin Nian Ciqiang heard this, he fainted in peace.

But they obviously forgot that since Van Gogh appeared in this world, every sentence he said was being verified, and everything he foretold happened really. The reason why they ignored his warning again and again, in the rush to save people or to sing back against him?

Longevity and others did not realize that their mentality was wrong, but after they left, Fangallo said sharply: “Their heart of monasticism is a narrow heart, which can’t hold a vast world at all. Realize the Tao. That’s how they lived in this life. The Tianshui School is really better than the next generation. “

Song Rui waved his hand and said: “You don’t have to worry about them, everyone has their own fate.”

“Yes, each person has his own fate.” This sentence touched a certain heartstring of Fangallo, causing him to fall into a long silence.

Minister Yan stood up and promised: “Mr. Fan, if things really develop to an irreparable point, our government will put pressure on Tianshui Palace to hand over the formation. Tianshui Palace has been in full bloom in recent years and has been seeking expansion. It’s still pressed on my desk, I can put a neck on their neck. Teacher Brahma, I’m really trouble you today, please take care of anything in the future. I will go back and report the situation to my superiors now, no Sorry, I’ll say goodbye first. “

“You please.” Fangallo stood up and gave away, and finally looked at Dr. Song, sighing: “The murderer did not catch, we will not go home today, continue to investigate the case?”

Song Rui said naturally: “You go back to the game with them and take a break. I will go to school to meet the foreigners.”

“I’m with you.” Fangallo put his hand on Dr. Song’s shoulder.

The two left together, and Meng Zhong’s eyelids jumped. I don’t know why, the backs of these two people seem to be very close together.

More than an hour later, Fangallo took Xu Yiyang’s little hand, and Song Rui carried a colorful schoolbag and pushed the door into the office.

“Write your homework here.” Van Galo picked the cleanest desk.

Song Rui took out disinfected paper towels to clean the table, and put the things on the table neatly. Only then patted Xu Yiyang’s head, and gently praised “good”.

Xu Yiyang smiled and took out the workbook sweetly, and began to immerse himself in writing.

These three people clearly have no relationship at all, and they are not bound by blood, but they are more happy and harmonious than ordinary family of three.

Meng Zhong stared at them for a long time and almost forgot to solve the case. Just when he was stunned, Xiao Li suddenly slammed the desktop, and scolded indignantly: “Grass mother’s horse tour, he is crazy!”

“What’s the situation?” Meng Zhong immediately recovered.

Song Rui put a noise-reducing headset on Xu Yiyang’s head and played soothing music. This was when he walked with Van Gogh to Xiao Li’s desk and looked at his computer screen.

“Ma You’s mobile phone number is bound to a few social software. I checked his movements on the Internet and found that he just published a lot of words. Come and see, is he crazy?” Xiao Li has used red The frame circled Ma You’s remarks, so that everyone can understand at a glance.

As the influence of the case continued to ferment, some unscrupulous reporters obtained surveillance videos of the bodies when they were found and posted them on the Internet, causing panic among the public. Many netizens believe that these cases were made by Li Gui, and they also fabricated the origins of Li Gui.

As long as Ma You sees similar comments, she will leave a message below-[It ’s not the ghost that killed them, but the god! 】

[How can a ghost possess the ability to dominate space? 】

[Only God will. 】

[Heaven and Earth are benevolent and regard everything as a ruminant dog, they are ruminant dogs. 】

[You are also ruminant dogs. 】

[People around the world are toys in the hands of God. 】

[The value of your existence is for God to have fun and strength. 】

[I am God, I will dominate the world! 】

[I will pick some servants and sacrifices, are you ready? 】

His message was submerged in all kinds of strange remarks. Even if someone saw it, he would at most laugh at the phrase “Secondary Disease”, which would not attract more attention. But his words were shocking in the eyes of the ad hoc group.

“Once gaining incredible power, mankind will always call himself a god.” Fangallo said in a deep voice: “What gave them such an illusion?” His aversion to the word “formed into God” is increasing day by day, and the facts also prove that What a terrible destructive power these two words have.

He paused for a moment, and his tone became more aloof: “What is the mindset of God? It is contempt for life, and the contempt for the four words of contempt for all living beings, you must not have imagined. It actually has a synonym called Insensitive. Ma You is now walking in a direction that defies all beings and is insensitive. “

Song Rui insisted: “He will definitely open the killing ring. He will arrest the people arbitrarily, leave them as slaves with good eyes, and kill them without seeing the eyes to enhance their strength. This is what he said is a **** servant and sacrifice. . He was not kidding. “

The people in the task force heard their faces pale.

Xiao Li was still retrieving Ma You’s remarks, but he didn’t know what to see, and suddenly made a frightened pumping sound. When he marked the latest remark with a red circle, everyone also distorted his face.

I saw that he tweeted the news of Wang Wan’s rescue on Weibo, and declared: “God’s sacrifice does not allow anyone to take it away, this woman is dead!” 】

“Go to the hospital, Wang Wan is in danger!” Song Rui immediately reacted.

Although he knew it was futile, Meng Zhong immediately pulled out his mobile phone to call his colleagues in the hospital. No one can stop Ma You, he regards himself as a god, and his ability can indeed make him easily take away the life of anyone like a god.

The members of the task force rushed to the door, and Song Rui and Fangalo only had time to explain Xu Yiyang and hurriedly left.

Xiao Li kept typing on the keyboard and scolded in a hoarse voice: “Gou Ri, I must grab you!” He tried to track Ma You’s cell phone, but failed. Ma You ’s crazy remarks appeared one by one on the Internet, but he could n’t show the specific location at all. His space could even shield the signal.


At the same time, Changsheng, Changzheng, and Lin Nianen were standing beside Lin Nianci’s bed. She really suffered an internal injury and needed to be hospitalized for observation.

Seeing everyone’s expressions dignified one by one, she smiled and comforted: “Brother and brother, don’t worry, wait for my spiritual strength to recover a little, I can make myself better soon.”

“Can the hair turn black?” Chang Sheng touched the sister’s white hair worriedly.

“Of course.”

“These wrinkles …”

“Wrinkles will surely disappear. Just meditate for ten days and a half months. Don’t worry about it.” Lin Nianci waved her hand in disapproval.

Chang Zhen shook his head and said: “What I am most afraid of is that the murderer is killing people outside. If he kills someone, we will be tainted with evil, and it will definitely affect Xiu Wei. In case Xiu Shi’s Xiu is stagnant, her spiritual power will not increase What should I do?”

Lin Nianci’s smile froze in his face.

Longevity immediately scolded: “What nonsense you have! The murderer’s killing people outside has nothing to do with us, and it’s not that we let him go!”

“Brother, are you really sure?” Chang Zhen took out his mobile phone: “I still feel a little worried. I’m going to find someone from Xuan Men to discuss and see how to catch the murderer.”

Although Longevity was dissatisfied with his doubts, he also felt that catching the murderer was a once and for all solution, so he waved his hand and said: “You go outside to call and don’t annoy the teacher and sister.”

Chang Zhen went outside and walked in with a basket of bananas a few minutes later: “Brother, Wang Wan is also in this hospital. I met her parents just now, and they gave gifts to my sister.”

Both were internal organs damaged, and were hospitalized for observation. Wang Wan and Lin Nianci naturally lived in the same department and on the same floor. Thinking of this fate, Changsheng took a carton of milk from the cupboard and said, “Come on, let’s go and see. Anyway, we are the ones who saved us, and we have to start from the end.”

“I will go too.” Lin Nianci lifted the quilt.

“What are you doing, rest.” Lin Nianen pressed her shoulder.

“You are not in my panic.” Lin Nianci did not know why she felt very uneasy.

Seeing her pale and panic-stricken, Changsheng knew that she must have received a lot of excitement today, so she agreed to let her follow. In fact, she was so badly hurt not only because of the reluctance to start the formation, but also because of the words that Fangalo slandered her mother.

“Don’t go to your heart today, every sentence in Van Gogh’s mouth can’t be believed. He just deceived the uncle of the master’s ancestors with rhetoric.” Changsheng gently patted the sister’s shoulder.

Lin Nianci nodded, his face slightly dizzy.

As soon as the four came to the door of the ward, they saw several policemen rushing out and shouted, “Let’s let, let’s let it go!”

The four immediately ran into the door and hid aside to make way for these policemen. When the police rushed into the ward, Wang Wan was lying on the bed and watching the tablet. Wang Wan’s parents wondered: “What’s wrong with you?”

“Ma You made threatening remarks on the Internet, saying that she would come to catch Miss Wang. Let’s come and have a look.” Several policemen pulled out their guns while talking and watched the situation around them vigilantly.

Wang Wan was so frightened that her mother hugged her quickly and said unkindly: “Come on, please pay attention to what you can do? My Pan Wan has just been rescued and his emotions are still very fragile. This time the murderer should be Let ’s kill someone else, my family is so unlucky! I hold her, and I see who can take her away from my arms! “

For Wang Wan’s parents, the life of others is not life at all. Only his own daughter is alive. But this is also human nature. Although the police are uncomfortable, they cannot blame her.

Lin Nianci asked with fear, “The murderer will still kill?”

“He is a serial killer, and he will surely kill people before he is caught.” A policeman answered her question with a very dissatisfied expression. If these people did not care about the overall situation, the police would not fall into such a terrible situation now.

“Come again, your police are very alarmist! Is it fun to scare my sister?” Lin Nianen walked to Wang Wan’s bed and sat down, sneered: “I’m here to stay, to see if he dares to come! Can save Wang Wan once, and save her a second time. “

Both Changsheng and Changzhen walked silently to the hospital bed, and each took out Fulu and the magic weapon and waited in strict array.

Surrounded by these outsiders, Wang Wan and his parents immediately regained their composure, and then spoke gratefully. They now feel extremely safe, even if they are caught, they can be rescued quickly, afraid of anything!

However, the smile on the corners of their mouths just opened, and Wang Wan, who was guarded in the center, disappeared, so it was unexpected and unpredictable! The queen mother who held her tightly just felt her arms empty, and then screamed in horror.

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