
Chapter 229

Regardless of any doubts about Lin Niancicun, after Xiao Shami brought the luggage, Master Chang Jing still followed the eternal life down the mountain. Although their monks at Longyin Temple would not be able to hide in the world during the day and concentrate on repairing the Buddha, if the world is in chaos, they will definitely be willing to contribute.

With the exception of a few young Sami who were young, all the monks in the temple brought their luggage and lined up in front of the helicopter.

Minister Yan completely did not expect that the monk of Longyin Temple would be moved out of the nest, and his expression was slightly stunned. However, he was particularly moved when he was stunned. Against the backdrop of the Xuanmen School, these stunned monks looked so cute. They will not be unaware of the cost of starting the formation, but they still choose their lives. They all have the skills to practice today, but they did not have the idea of ​​self-respect or selfishness.

They regarded “Saving people’s lives and making seven-level floats” as a god, willing to die for the world.

Minister Yan folded his hands together and said gratefully: “Thank you masters, thank you! A helicopter can’t carry so many people. I will send another helicopter to the top. Please wait a moment.”

Master Chang Jing bowed back and said that they could wait.

Looking at these solemn, solemn and orderly monks, and with their eyes firmly showing the compassionate monks, Longevity was simply ashamed. In a trance, he inexplicably recalled a saying by Fangallo: The Tianshui School has fallen to this point, is it necessary to exist?

Before this, Changsheng never felt that the sect was degenerate, but thought that it was the cleanest holy place in his mind and a supreme place beyond the world. There are secluded dense forests, steep mountains, palaces above the sky, and altars in dense fog. It is not like a fairyland. The people there are also the most talented and talented people in the world.

But now, after experiencing the baptism of blood and water, seeing through the cowardice and indifference of the same class, and then reminiscent of his previous wanton behavior and stupid selfishness, Changsheng has a subtle sense of identity with Van Gogh’s words.

The depravity of the Tianshui School stems from the numbness of contempt for all beings. In fact, their mentality is no different from that of Ma You. The only difference is that the Tianshui School only treats mortals as ants, and does not take the initiative to kill them. Fiddling.

This kind of depravity is from top to bottom, and you can get a glimpse of only one or two from the attitude of Zhifei Daozhi towards Minister Yan. The apprentice provokes such a big mess, when he was on the phone, he was even lazy to see the crime scene with his own eyes. So many people died, and so much blood shed, in his heart, it was only equivalent to a few dead ants, not worth mentioning.

Imagine that when you walked through a path and found a group of ants lying in the dirt beside the road, would you deliberately stop to check? How boring?

This subconscious contempt and indifference, Minister Yan must have noticed it, so he would treat the people of Tianshui with such a bad attitude. Looking back at Master Changjing and Longyin Temple, how did they do it? Compared with their profound understanding, the Tianshui School has become an unbearable existence!

Thinking of this, Changsheng edited a detailed WeChat and sent it to Zhifei Tao. He feels that the current Tianshui school is necessary to rectify the door, otherwise everyone’s path will only get narrower and narrower.

But Zhifei Tao replied: [These customs do not need you to worry about, you just have to practice hard. Our Tianshui school is originally a hidden world, and its connection with the world has long been cut off. They are not in the same world as us. 】

Seeing this message, Changsheng had mixed tastes and mixed feelings. The disciples on the mountain and the people under the mountain are all human beings and all live on the earth. Does n’t this phrase “not in the same world” deceive oneself? The monks who practiced and entered the world are all experienced. How is it possible to degrade the secular world to this point? In fact, there is no such thing as a secular world and a holy place? People’s hearts are similar, they will be selfish, timid and indifferent, who is more noble than anyone?

After experiencing so many things, Changsheng’s world outlook, outlook on life, and values ​​have been shaken to varying degrees. The more the dark side I saw, the deeper the reflection, the higher his sense of identity with Van Gogh. He knew that this was a blasphemy and betrayal of Shimen, but he couldn’t control his thoughts. He witnessed it with his own eyes, so he has this cognition.

When he was thinking wildly, Minister Yan pointed to the slightly worn gate of Longyin Temple and said: “The incense in your temple is not too strong?”

Master Chang Jing smiled with satisfaction: “Xiaomen Xiaomiao, the food and clothing are not abundant, the incense is not good, but it is really a good place to clean up.”

Minister Yan sighed: “You are not subject to the incense of the world, but you are able to resolutely and generously help you when you are in trouble. I really admire the realm of the masters!” His eyes turned and his tone was contemptuous: “Not like The incense of Taoism is enshrined all year round, and it is rich in oil, but it has no sense of social responsibility. When it is okay, it is high on the shelf, and when it is in trouble, it runs faster than anyone. “

Master Chang Jing heard his implied meaning, nodded, not nodded, and only smiled awkwardly.

Longevity, Changzheng, Lin Nianci and Lin Nianen were all blushing and ashamed of death. They did not expect that Xuanmen would leave the responsibility so clean, nor did they think that the power of the Tianshui faction could not clean up this mess. Now they have lost all their faces, and at this time they are wrong to say that even Tianshui Palace seems to have become a thorn in the government’s eyes.

Longevity was in distress, and he always wanted to save something for Zongmen, but he couldn’t help knowing that the Taoist did not take the worldly people in his eyes, nor care about their perceptions and attitudes.

Half an hour later, the two helicopters flew away from Longyin Temple and stopped in front of a square.

Minister Yan came up with a list and said: “We arrange the order of saving people according to the length of time they are imprisoned. The earliest imprisoned people save first, so is it okay?”

Master Chang Jing nodded, and then led the monks to sit in the open space and read the sutras for the innocent victims. The nine disciples of the Tianshui school were responsible for painting. These nine people are very weak. It takes a long time just to draw a formation, and there are many mistakes, wasting a lot of rune paper and cinnabar.

Longevity looked straight inhaled, feeling that sooner or later it would explode in place.

Lin Nian Ci’an sat quietly, and his face was old every minute and every second. Every time Ma You kills a person, a wrinkle will be added to her face. Such a backlash is simply unreasonable. She and Ma You are both bloodless and unselfish. Why is his sin counted on her head?

When Master Chang Jing closed his eyes and thought about this problem, and silently waited for the formation of the Tianshui School, Fangalo and Song Rui were making an in-depth analysis of Ma You. His words, deeds, and actions were seen by them with a magnifying glass.

The woman owner who was trapped in the elevator at the earliest, and the only survivor survived, came to record the confession under the police’s call. I heard that the ghost who was madly killing outside was the stranger who had had a brief communication with her in the elevator. She was suddenly terrified.

“Don’t be afraid, this is a master hired by our police. With him in, Ma You can’t get close to you.” Liao Fang said softly, pointing at Fangalo.

The female owner who buried herself in the sofa settled down and began to talk about the situation that day: “I was also lazy and wanted to save those few steps. I clearly saw the warning sign and went into the elevator. The house I bought was in On the eleventh floor, but the elevator stuck between the fifth and sixth floors, I immediately pressed the emergency intercom, but there was no response for a long time. I tried to call the number on the warning sign with my mobile phone, and no one Pick up. “

The voice of the female owner started to be hoarse: “I called my husband immediately, but the signal in the elevator was very poor, but I could not hear the sound when I connected it. When I dialed it again, the signal was completely gone. And even more unfortunate, my My phone is almost dead. I called my husband over and over again, and after a toss of more than ten minutes, the phone turned off automatically. This time, my hope fell to the emergency intercom. “

The female owner hugged herself with pain: “I desperately pressed the intercom and yelled at the door, but no one responded. The time passed slowly and slowly, but it seemed to pass quickly and quickly, I do n’t know how long I have been in the elevator. I ca n’t open the elevator door, I ca n’t reach the vent, and the feeling of nowhere to escape makes me collapse. ”

“I was crying and crying for help. The whole person was tired, hungry and thirsty.” Tears burst into the eyes of the female owner, and she paused for a long time before trembling: “When I was most desperate, it came from the emergency intercom. With a voice, he asked me why I always ring the alarm bell. “

The female owner’s eyes were red, and she said angrily: “From what he said, I immediately analyzed that he has always heard me ringing the alarm. He just didn’t bother to listen to me. I was awake for a moment. I realized that there was monitoring in the elevator! In addition to hearing the alarm bell, the person who responded to me might also see my struggle in the elevator. “

“I was mad at the time,” when it came to this paragraph, two angers burst into the eyes of the female owner, but they were extinguished by the greater fear in the next second, “I yelled at the sound hole and scolded for a while. I realized there was no more voice over there, and the man hung up the phone. He no longer ignored my help, but still watching me silently, I could feel his sight. I looked up at the surveillance camera, suddenly I thought it turned into a ghost eye, staring at me. “

The female owner covered her face and began to cry in a low voice. Liao Fang quickly patted her spine, hoping she would be better. Her husband hugged her and comforted her softly.

After crying for a while, the female owner sullenly said: “I counseled, pressed the intercom again, and prepared to apologize to him. But there was no connection there, I could only kneel under the monitor and give him a kowtow. , Speaking of begging for mercy with an exaggerated mouth shape. My clothing seems to be working. When I stood up and went to press the intercom, it was connected there. I was almost happy and mad and said a lot of good things , And promised to pay a lot of money, the price has been increased to 5,000 yuan. I thought he should come to save me now, after all, I am also a living person, no matter how bad he is, he can’t watch me sleepy. In the elevator. “

The female owner raised her head and said with a smile: “But I underestimated the terrible heart of a person, a life is really worthless in the eyes of some people. The phone is indeed connected, but he just does not speak, just quiet Silently listen to me singing a unicorn here. I cried, begged, splashed, threatened, he did n’t respond, I thought he hung up the phone at first, so I put my ear close to the sound hole Listen. Guess what I heard? “

The female owner ’s arms were instantly covered with goose bumps and her face was twisted with fear: “I heard his gasp, very very heavy, very very excited. I was shocked, the whole person fell backwards and fell down. On the ground. Seeing me fall, his gasp increased, and there was a crackling sound in his throat, as if he had reached some kind of climax in an instant. Can you imagine the feeling of being surrounded by that sound? “

The female owner unconsciously stabbed her arm and trembling: “It feels like your skin is covered with snakes, cold, sticky, and disgusting, but you can’t get rid of it. I screamed in fear, he was there That gasp, this situation lasted for a long time. He has been monitoring me and listening to my voice, my soul is almost scared. I do n’t know how long I cried, how long I cried, probably more than one Hour, anyway, I can’t support it anymore, and my eyelids have become very heavy, as if I’m going to faint. “

The female owner clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth: “At this time he finally spoke. He said: Are you dying?”

Speaking of which, the female owner ’s flushed eyes almost oozed out: “At that time, there was another glimmer of hope in my heart. I think I ’m dying, should he save me? He ca n’t be cold-blooded to this point. So I looked up at the intercom and said intermittently: Yes, I am dying, please rescue me quickly. “

The female owner pointed her bloodshot eyes, and the hatred in her voice was terrifying: “I stare at the intercom, stare at it, I do n’t believe there will be people in this world that are so bad. But I ’m still naive. He was silent for a long, long time before he chuckled and then hung up the phone. I can still clearly recall his laughter until now. That kind of laugh is very pleasant, very light, and it seems like I met him. An extremely joyful thing. He even regarded the disappearance of a human life as fun! “

The female owner began to tremble violently, and after a while, she said with a cry: “I can dream of his gasps and laughter for more than a month, and then screamed and woke up from the dream. He was not human at all, yes Ghost! It’s the worst and most evil ghost in the world! You said that all the people on the street were killed by him. I wasn’t surprised at all. The police also investigated at the time, and only said that the phone line was connected. People, but I know that the evil spirit is one of those security guards, and the phone is not connected at all! “

Speaking of which, the female owner’s emotions finally collapsed and she hugged herself and wept bitterly.

Fangalo wrapped her with a gentle magnetic field, gently stroked her spine, and said softly: “It’s okay, you have a good night’s sleep. When you wake up again, these nightmares will go away from you. “

A good-looking female owner who has not slept for several months in a row fell asleep under his patting, but only ten seconds before and after. Her husband stared at Van Gogh in amazement, immediately thanked him, and made a request in a hurry, saying that he wanted to stay in the police station overnight, and it was enough to hit the ground. The psychological shadow left by Ma You is too heavy.

Zhuang Zhen saw that the female owner was sleeping snoring, and it was not easy to drive people away. She had to bring two quilts so that they would spend the night.

After leaving the reception room, Fangallo and Song Rui went into the office again to check the latest progress of the case.

Xiao Li opened a webpage to explain: “Ma You is still killing people. The list of deceased people has not yet been counted, but the number is definitely not less than one hundred. The people imprisoned by him are all young and beautiful women. Forty of them, this is still reported to the police. I do n’t know how many people did not report the alarm. One of the women is Du Shasha, who is an Internet celebrity. She was arrested during the live broadcast. Two hundred thousand netizens watched the whole process online. Unable to hold back. Things are getting bigger and bigger, the whole city of Beijing is martial law, and it is like fighting. The supplies in the supermarket are robbed, the shops are smashed, and everyone is at home and dare not to go out. This scene is comparable to the world. end.”

Xiao Li opened Ma You’s social page and resented: “You see his latest Weibo.”

Fangallo and Song Rui bent down and saw Ma You put a line of text-are you ready to meet your gods? Only surrender can die.

“Are all those who do not surrender deserve to die? Is he ready to destroy the world?” Song Rui’s tone was cold: “Even if the surrendered people are alive, they will be more uncomfortable than death, because Ma You will not treat them as people.”

Fangallo shook his head silently.

Xiao Li dragged out a long page and said: “I also found a new situation. Ma You seems to be a fan of Du Shasha. She has rewarded her with more than one hundred thousand before and after. His monthly salary is only three or four thousand. These hundreds of thousands may be his entire savings. Do you say he will pay special attention to Du Shasha, and then personally go to the space where Du Shasha is imprisoned to see her? “

As soon as Meng Zhong’s eyes lit up, he said, “We can ambush where Dusha was missing! In case he comes back!”

Song Rui shook his head and said: “He will not go to see Dusha.”

“Why? Spend all your salary on Du Shasha. Ma You should really love Du Shasha and will definitely visit her. Teacher Fan, you can definitely block him there.” Xiao Li said excitedly.

Song Rui still shook his head: “Ma You has been reborn, and his personality has gained the power of space as the dividing point, and has gradually split. He used to be a mortal in the past, will be inferior, and will enthusiastically pursue a so-called goddess. He is a god, a high-level being, and how can he possibly see a mortal? People all over the world are his toys. A Tusha is worthless because he can find countless more beautiful and refined toys than Tusha. What’s more, he will abuse Dossa even more, so as to break away from himself in the past. He will not go. “

Dr. Song ’s analysis has never gone wrong. Xiao Li ’s emotions suddenly fell to the bottom and could not help wailing: “As you say, ca n’t we catch him for a lifetime?”

Fangaro stared at Ma You’s Weibo for a long time and pondered: “I know how to catch him. He doesn’t show up, neither of us knows where he is hiding, but we can let him take the initiative.”

“How to make him appear?” Meng Zhong immediately asked.

Fangallo looked at Dr. Song and asked slowly: “What is the existence that can let the gods take the initiative to come down from the altar?”

Song Rui thought for a moment and couldn’t help but understand: “It’s another god.”

Fanjaro nodded: “Yes, only the other **** can keep the gods in line. And I am that god.”

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