
Chapter 239

Ma You’s hands stiffly and slowly lifted up, and delivered to the open palm of Fangalo, but his head leaned back as if he wanted to escape. His soul is still there, but his body is split into diametrically opposite halves.

Not only was he resisting, Van Goghro also frowned, as if suppressing some unbearable emotions. When Ma You’s fingertips were about to touch his palm, he couldn’t help shrinking, and then glanced at Dr. Song.

His movements and expressions were very subtle, but he was restrained for a moment, but Song Rui, who was sitting beside him, bowed his head and quietly hooked his lips. Under his influence, this man also became infected with cleanliness, and began to dislike Ma You’s **** hands and filthy soul. He was not like this before. It is said that those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to Mexico are black, and they have developed to the point of being assimilated to each other.

Thinking of this, Song Rui raised his hand to cover his lips so that the camera wouldn’t shoot his happy expression.

Contrary to him, Fangallo’s brows grew tighter and tighter. When Ma You’s hands clasped his palms, he even exhaled a turbid breath from his teeth, feeling more and more disgusted.

“Others are hell, this sentence doesn’t seem to be applicable to you.” Vanguardo said Ma You’s hands slowly, “For you, others are tools for making happiness, and cats that can be killed at will.” Dog. You do n’t feel the pain from others, and you do n’t regret your sins. You are a hell. ”

Ma You, who was unable to resist, quickly calmed down, her stiff body softened, and she sat comfortably in a chair, her nose blowing, her mouth slanting, as if she was laughing at Vangaro’s inexplicable actions and words. He is not afraid of death, how can he be afraid of such a small scene? The fear at the beginning was just a stress response.

Seeing him fearless, unknowingly repenting, and even arrogant gestures of pleasure, the audience in front of the TV was angry and hated, but felt more fearful and powerless. If a person has neither empathy nor guilt, he is almost invincible. Even if he was arrested, sent to court, and sentenced to death, he just smiled disapprovingly, and never made an apology.

Faced with such a person, what can you do? You can only hold your breath, feel uncomfortable, hate yourself, and then suffer in this unwilling mood day and night.

The audience standing in front of the TV set had red eyes, or screamed, or shivered, and some people picked up something and smashed it against the wall, and even more fell down on their knees and wept. The pain and fear that Ma You brought to them is far from over. What’s more, this is just the beginning.

Father Zhou pointed his trembling fingertips to the grinning ghost in the TV set. The curse was stuck in his throat, but he couldn’t spit it out. He was already deprived of oxygen. Zhou He and his wife were also dizzy and dizzy, and their bodies became soft, so they could only hold the heart with their hands to prevent it from bursting.

The only person who has not been affected by Ma You’s cruelty is Fangallo. He lowered his eyelids, not looking at this evil-looking face, and continued: “Now, I want to teach you empathy, I want you to experience the pain and fear of others, and then deeply confess for his crimes, are you ready?”

Ma You raised her eyebrows, her lips slanted, her expression very rampant, and then she burst out a snort from her nose.

Minister Yan, who was watching this scene in front of the perspective mirror, was so nervous that his palms were sweating. If Teacher Fan cannot achieve what he said, the impact of this live broadcast on the whole society will be extremely bad. The boss’s calls came one after another and asked him what he was doing. The people on the Internet also left messages full of fear, resentment, and helplessness.

It can be said that if Mr. Fan failed in this move, then he would bear the fingertips of thousands of people, and he would also face disrepair. Even if he seized Ma You and rescued Beijing, this achievement would be cancelled.

A person who always does perfect things can be blamed with only a stain, and a wicked person can be praised by doing only a trivial good thing. The logic of this world has never been this weird.

In the nervous waiting of Minister Yan and the unclear sight of the audience, Fangallo slowly put the dying memories confined in the magnetic field into Ma You’s mind. Ma You doesn’t understand empathy, so he gave him this ability.

Ma You, who smirked wildly in the last second, showed a frightened expression in the next second. The shattered memories in his mind began to drill into his consciousness in an orderly manner, rotating like a slide, and then staged to life.

His eyes gradually bulged out, his cheeks slowly sag, and he became haggard at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the tip of his tongue licked his lips as if he was thirsty.

His change was so obvious that the audience in front of the TV noticed it at a glance.

In order to more intuitively understand the emotional response of the masses, Minister Yan is holding a tablet computer to watch the webcast. Netizens continue to send barrage on the screen, asking what happened to Ma You and why he has grown so much in an instant.

As expected by Song Rui, once Ma You showed an embarrassed posture, even if it was only a little, people’s emotions will be greatly appeased. In the past, there were frequent protests that demanded that the government immediately shut down the live broadcasts and TV channels of netizens, but now they never say anything about this matter. Instead, they call on those timid people to have a look. They had a hunch that there would be big moves by the teacher.

But Fangallo’s move was beyond everyone’s expectations. He even let go of Ma You, took a disinfectant paper towel from Dr. Song’s hand, and began to wipe his fingertips slowly and slowly, his expression quiet and his gesture free, as if he had stopped psychic.

Seeing his posture, the audience was very disappointed. The barrage in the live room was all questioning Van Gogh, and Father Zhou pressed his heart, trembling: “He, why didn’t he continue to psychic?” Can’t he deal with Ma You? Continue, continue! “

Zhou He supported his father’s crumbling body and looked at the screen with his teeth gritted. How he hoped that Van Gogh could bring Ma You more pain, but the other party seemed to punish Ma You briefly and then lost his hand. Is his ability only so little?

When everyone’s dissatisfaction was climbing rapidly, Ma You suddenly slid down the back of the chair, his knees slammed on the ground, and made a muffled sound, and then grasped his throat with both hands, hurriedly shouted: “Water Drink water for me! “

Fangallo took up a glass of water that was placed at his hand, and sipped it with the extremely longing gaze of Ma You.

Ma You’s eyes were reddened by this scene, and she almost shouted desperately: “Leave a sip on me! Please keep a sip on me!”

Fanjaro turned the empty glass upside down and responded to his plea with merciless indifference.

Ma You stared at the empty glass that couldn’t drop a drop of water, and screamed angrily in his throat. His madness, his despair, his begging, looked at everyone. The barrage in the live broadcast room disappeared completely at this moment, and the father Zhou who excitedly wanted to smash the TV set sat back to his original position, greedily watching the distraught horse tour, and the eyes appeared cheerful and enjoyable Emotions.

It took a while for some netizens to tentatively issue a barrage: [What happened just now? Why did Ma You suddenly want to drink water and go crazy without giving it? 】

【I do not know! Is n’t the Sanskrit teacher ’s psychics over? 】

In the eyes of these people, as long as you let go of your hand, it means the end of psychics, but the fact is completely contrary to their guess. This is just the beginning.

Fangalo gently put the glass back in place, and Wen Wen said: “Remove the table.”

The policeman standing by immediately moved the interrogation table and let Ma You face Fangalo. Looking at it from the camera, it seems that instead of falling down because of pain, he is more like kowtowing Van Gogh for mercy. This picture greatly pleased the audience.

Just now I said that the netizens who wanted to report the live broadcast had issued a blood-red, “big” word “cool”.

Minister Yan looked at the tablet computer, and then at the teacher Fan, who was strategizing. Gao Xuan’s heart finally dropped, and the calls that kept calling to question him ceased. It is not difficult to imagine how many people will watch this intently at this moment.

Under the attention of many people, Fangallo slowly said: “This is your first hell, and the first death experience of the first person you killed.” He tapped the temple with his slender fingertips, his voice Low like a gurgling stream, it brought endless deep cold and terror. “She was older, and she couldn’t wait until the feeling of hunger climbed to the top to die of a heart attack.”

Following his account, Ma You pinched his throat with his hands and closed his chest tightly. He lay down completely, curled up on the floor, and began to twitch. Without the obstruction of the table, more than a dozen cameras can shoot his painful gesture clearly and comprehensively.

Fanjaro’s eyes closed slightly, continuing to describe: “When a heart attack occurs, your body will feel a sharp tingling, your nose and mouth will not breathe, your body will become numb, and your mind will be in a vague state. You know You are about to die, you want to cry for help, but in fact you ca n’t make a sound at all; you want to crawl out to find someone, but you ca n’t even move your fingertips, you can only lie on the ground and wait for death alone. “

Each of his words was confirmed by Ma You’s actions.

Ma You covered her chest with severe pain, a large sweat on her forehead, a cry for help in her mouth, but no sound in her throat, her fingertips pulled the floor, but her body could not move. He rolled his eyes to the ceiling, his face showing a desperate, lonely, unwilling expression passively waiting for death.

One of the cameras took a close-up shot of him. Under the high-definition lens, the numb face that his near-death talent would possess actually brought great comfort to all the audience. Such a cruel and ruthless scene did not receive a complaint, the whole network gave warm praise, the number of likes rose sharply, and reached an alarming number in an instant.

Finally, Ma You twitched violently, and then lay still.

The unsatisfactory audience subconsciously asked: [Is it over? 】

Fangallo said slowly: “The next is your second hell, which comes from the dying feeling of the second deceased Jiang Keke. She was killed by your thirst for life.”

Ma You, who was still lying still, suddenly regained her vitality, and then scrambled up, trying to escape from here. He finally understood what Van Gollo called the 256th hell. Is human! It is the painful memories brought by those victims killed by him! It is death again and again!

The first one is already extremely painful, and what will be the feeling of those behind? Ma You dare not even think about it! He, who never felt the pain of others, only finally understood what he had done until then.

He ran hurriedly towards the door, but suddenly fell down after taking his steps, and gave out an overwhelming gasp.

Fangalo described his feelings with a soft voice: “Does it feel that the mouth is dry and the throat is hot, as if it is about to smoke?”

Ma You pinched his throat and looked back at Van Gogh, his mouth wide open, making a hoarse noise.

Seeing his painful expression, the audience couldn’t help swallowing a spit, and suddenly had a deeper and more intuitive understanding of the word “smoked tongue”.

Fangallo said lightly: “Don’t worry, this is just the beginning. Later you will feel a little dizzy and your skin becomes dry due to lack of water.”

Ma You’s head began to shake back and forth, left and right, and she started to be dizzy, and her skin became dry at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

This magical scene watched the audience in front of the TV and the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Fangalo’s description continues: “Lack of water will cause your blood to thicken and stop delivering blood to irrelevant organs. The first organ to be discarded is the stomach and intestines, so you will feel sick and vomiting.”

Ma You knelt down on her knees, her hands were supporting her body, her head was buried very low, and she made retching sounds after another.

Fangalo closed his eyes and his voice was low: “After the gastrointestinal tract, your kidneys will also fall into a halt. Since urine cannot be secreted, you will feel the urethra and bladder pain like burning.”

Ma You curled up on the ground, clutching her abdomen with a painful expression. He began to cry for help, and humbly prayed for a chance to live like everyone who was trapped by him, but the people in the interrogation room just stood quietly, admiring his despair and struggle with indifferent eyes.

What kind of pain he once caused to others, what kind of reward he will get now. He reluctantly turned over and banged Van Gogh bang, looking miserable to the extreme.

Vanguard’s shoe tip pointed to his head, shaking gently, seeming so casual. In the face of this fierce and wicked man, he never had a little pity. The so-called putting down the butcher’s knife and standing up to become a Buddha is just a joke here. If even people like Ma You can become Buddhas by stopping the killing, then there is no need for the world to survive. Thousands of creatures in the world are nothing but the dead souls under the sword of the Buddha.

He stared at Ma You’s trembling head and whispered: “After your kidneys stop, your mouth and nose will dry out due to lack of water, and blood will flow out.”

Ma You reached out and touched the sticky blood of the tip of her nose, suddenly showing a terrified expression of extreme fear. What is this person? Why can he be thrown into hell?

The audience was shocked by the simultaneous description of the **** Fangalo and lost the ability to speak. It turns out that the **** in his mouth is the memory of death again and again, the end-of-life experience of the victim, the ultimate pain and despair! He only briefly touched Ma You to do so. He is really just a spiritual medium, isn’t he a god?

Everyone ’s eyes were focused on Van Gogh, and he lived up to the final judgment: “Your brain will shrink due to lack of water, your eyes will sink into your eyes, your consciousness will start to blur, you The throat will make a weird sound, which indicates the coming of death. “

Ma You, who was kowtowing and begging for mercy, slowly collapsed with his account, revealing a positive face, and the originally protruding eyeballs really fell deeply into the eye sockets, becoming dry and turbid; the mouth was wide open, making a grunting noise It is caused by the body secreting mucus automatically due to lack of water. Once this voice appears, it indicates that this person’s life has come to an end.

Ma You twitched a few times, and finally lost his life.

The audience couldn’t help holding their breath because of his swallowing.

At this moment, the cold voice of Fangallo came again: “The third **** has begun, are you ready?”

Ma You suddenly opened her eyes and ran towards the door with her hands and feet. Fearless, unrepentant, and empathetic, he finally knew that he was afraid.

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