
Chapter 245

In the field of auction houses, Allure Spring and Autumn can only be regarded as a rising star. It took many years of hard work to go online with the Central Museum and jointly hosted this antique auction conference. Led by the cultural relics department, the antiques collected at this auction are naturally not mundane. There are seven or eight pieces of auction items priced at up to 50 million, and each piece can be regarded as a treasure to pass on.

The piece of Songfeng Tingqin, which was pointed out by Fangallo alone, is one of them. It was made by the painting of Shengyuan Qingzi in the Song Dynasty. It has delicate brushstrokes, vulgar style, elegant rhyme and calmness. People can easily comment on the extraordinary artistic conception when they see it.

To collect such a lot, Su Zhenrong also spent a lot of energy, so he placed it in the most conspicuous place, and sent a lot of security personnel to patrol nearby to make them stare with good eyes.

Therefore, when Fangallo asked him to hang the painting elsewhere and predicted that it might be damaged, Su Zhenrong was killed and did not believe it. But no matter how hard he is, he can’t stand Van Gogh’s mouthpiece. No, the prediction didn’t take long before the heat was dissipated. “Songfeng Tingqintu” has already suffered misfortune.

Hearing the staff’s words, Su Zhenrong couldn’t believe it for a moment, and several experts also showed a skeptical expression of “Are you kidding?”

The staff members were so anxious that their eyes were red, and they said with a trembling voice: “President Su, please go over and have a look first. I will elaborate with you on the way.”

“Go!” Su Zhenrong’s movements were so violent when he stood up that his head was stunned for a few seconds, his eyes were white and almost fell. He took the staff member’s hand and stumbled toward the painting and calligraphy hall.

Several experts look at me, I look at you, and they all keep up with it.

Before the group entered the painting and calligraphy hall, they heard a clamor and tears from the heart-breaking cry of children. Sometimes they were mixed with “Don’t go too far, we are not deliberate, the children are not sensible” and other dodge words. After entering, several people figured out the truth, and his head was dizzy again.

This matter is evil.

The painting and calligraphy hall arranged by Su Zhenrong allows guests who come to participate in the auction to visit freely. They can appreciate their favorite auctions up close, and they will have more confidence when bidding later. This arrangement can be said to be very intimate, and the security measures are also very tightly arranged.

Bad is bad because Su Zhenrong forgot the most important point. Guests who participated in the auction can bring their family members, so one of the guests brought his five-year-old son. After entering the hall, he looked too addicted and forgot to take care of it. The child actually asked him to rush into the “Songfeng Tingqin”.

The security guards in the hall only focused on the adult guests, lest they be mixed with suspicious characters, and they were not very prepared for a child. Unexpectedly, the child’s motor nerves were very developed. At first, he stood far away and watched. I didn’t know what went crazy. He rushed up like a calf, and tore the painting in two or three times. foot.

At that time, a security guard discovered the child’s anomaly, but it was a pity to stand too far, and it was too late to rush to stop.

Can be invited to participate in the auction, the child’s father also has a few assets, but it is not just a gimmick who can take out tens of millions to buy a painting. He originally said in a word that he would compensate, and when he saw the price of the painting, he suddenly changed his mind. At this time, he was entangled with the security guard.

Entering the hall, Su Zhenrong’s head exploded with a buzz when he saw torn ancient paintings that had been torn in half and filled with footprints. This painting is not an asset of the auction house. It was commissioned by an internationally renowned collector to auction them. Now that this matter has happened, they have to give the collector an explanation.

Compensation cannot solve the problem. The value of this painting is not in how much it can sell, but in the inheritance of the Chinese civilization, the accumulation of beauty, the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients, the only thing in the world that cannot be copied Unique. If it is destroyed, it is completely destroyed, no matter how much it costs.

Su Zhenrong is also a person who especially cherishes paintings and calligraphy. After seeing this scene, tears came down. I remembered that the collector was more precious than himself. At first, he was reluctant to consign, but he still used some means to barely agree. Now he How to explain to others?

This incident broke out, and the credibility of the Allure Spring and Autumn Auction House will plummet. I am afraid it will be difficult to gain a foothold in this field in the future.

Su Zhenrong thought more and more confused, walked over to push away the entangled father and son, shouted hoarsely: “Alarm! Let the police handle it! I don’t care how old your child is, I don’t understand, this picture is your damage Yes, you have to take responsibility! I ’m too lazy to talk to you nonsense, report the police, we go directly to the court to see the lawsuit, and see how the court judges. ”

The exhibition hall is full of cameras, and it is very easy to obtain evidence. The parent also knew that he was losing his case and would lose 100% of the lawsuits. This was no longer troublesome, but he just embraced the child and pleaded.

Su Zhenrong couldn’t hear a word, and looked at the painting with bloodshot eyes, and his brain repeated the prophecy of Mr. Fan-you hang the painting to the highest place … you just move it, if the auction is over , This picture can be preserved intact, I would never mention the bronze turtle.

If at that time he did not disapproval or just stunned himself, but immediately listened to the opinions of Mr. Fan and moved the painting to the highest place, wouldn’t this happen now? The prophecies that Mr. Fan once published have also been seen online, one by one, one by one, all have been verified. It’s a pity that things didn’t happen to him, he didn’t understand the power of it, and he made the same mistakes as those idiots, and took the warning of Teacher Fan as a deaf ear.

This matter must be held accountable, and as the organizer of this event, the best result is to be dismissed, and the worst result may have to bear part of the compensation. He is a grassroots, and it is easy to be mixed up with today’s status. Where can he pay so much? How should I pay for car loans, home loans, and children’s tuition in the future?

Everything that happens in life is actually related to each other, and often a sudden storm will cause a lot of trouble. Su Zhenrong thought more and more flustered, and the more flustered, the more regretful, the big man in his forties actually shed tears on the spot.

The security guards who failed to protect the ancient paintings were also panicked and uneasy.

The father and son were even more terrified, and now they hugged into a corner.

This matter had nothing to do with a few experts, but their looks at this moment were even uglier than Su Zhenrong, because Van Gogh already said that if the painting could be preserved, he would never mention the bronze turtle. On the contrary, if the painting is eventually destroyed, the bronze turtle mentioned by him before is false, and the probability is true.

Several experts have never believed in evil, but things have happened without warning under their eyelids, and they have to believe if they do not believe.

The so-called iron mouth is straight, nothing more than that. Van Gogh is not inflated, but has real skills!

“Vice curator Liu, look at this …” one of the experts opened his face pale.

“A few of us will take a closer look at the bronze turtle, but not now, and wait back to talk about it.” The leading expert is the deputy director of the Central Museum. If something happens to lead the team this time, he will have to take full responsibility. . In private, he is naturally unwilling.

“How could the things stored in the museum be fake.” He said with increased tone.

Several experts understood their heads and nodded, and the shocks on their faces were all settled. In order to clear their responsibilities, they understand that even if the bronze turtle is fake, it must be said to be true in their mouth. Anyway, they are the authority in this regard, and they have knowledge that ordinary people can’t understand. Is a cultural relic true or false?

This is the benefit of knowledge monopoly.

In this way, the disorganized hearts of several people were settled down and became stable.

In the end, they were still worried about the bronze tortoise, and impatiently listening to Su Zhenrong and the pair of father and son, they went to the inheritance hall, but they saw Fangallo standing in front of the glass cabinet with the ivory sitting Buddha, and his white palms pressed against the cabinet. On both sides, the eyes are sensing.

Song Rui stood aside to observe the sitting Buddha carefully, and did not know if he could see why.

Hearing the footsteps, Van Gogh turned to look over and said lightly: “This sitting Buddha is also fake.”

Several experts :! ! !

Fangallo slowly paced to the glass cabinet where a bronze sword was stored, shaking his head: “This is also fake.”

“Fake, fake, fake, fake.” He walked slowly along the glass showcase, and several slender fingertips continuously pointed out several artifacts, including a gold-shaped human-shaped palace lantern, a goddess flying map, and The pastel old birthday star porcelain bottles and a bronze beast tripod are all treasures with long history and great value.

Several experts simply wanted to grab him by the collar and shouted: You have never finished!

“We will invite experts to appraise these cultural relics after we go back. Mr. Fan, you are not an authority in this respect. It is difficult for us to believe your words.” Deputy Curator Liu opened his mouth and squeezed a ugly smile.

“You don’t need to bring it back to ask an expert to appraise it. I have called the police. The police will send someone over to investigate.” Song Ruiyang raised his cell phone with a smile-like expression that deeply hurt the eyes of several experts.

“Why didn’t you call the police without first consulting with us …” Deputy Curator Liu snarled angrily.

Song Rui interrupted him lightly: “Everyone has a responsibility to protect the cultural relics. These treasures were transferred in your museum, and then you brought them back for identification. Isn’t the procedure inside not legal?”

Deputy curator Liu understood that Song Rui was suspecting that they were guarding against theft. He first felt annoyed, and then realized that if these cultural relics are really fake, then the experts who can easily access the cultural relics on weekdays are the biggest suspects, and they may not be as guilty as possible.

Thinking this way, his knees became soft and he almost stood unsteady. Several other experts were also terrified and pale.

“These cultural relics can’t be fake. We will do a detailed inspection every once in a while, and there are still video materials left. If you don’t believe it, you can go to check the information!” Deputy Curator Liu seemed to grab the help straw .

“Yes, yes, we have monitoring records in the museum and information files of cultural relics, whether they are true or false, you will know if you check them. These cultural relics must be true!” The other experts immediately echoed, and the panicked mind slowly stabilized Down.

After all, they still don’t want to believe in Van Gogh’s words, even if his reputation outside can already be described in the sky.

Song Rui nodded with a smile, and said warmly: “The police will investigate clearly. Now anyone can’t say what they say.”

Fangallo didn’t have time to take care of these people, but just walked slowly along the booth. His white palms were suspended above the glass cabinets, one by one. Every time he stopped, carefully observing one of the exhibits, the hearts of several experts would jump for a moment, lest he would say something terrifying again.

Fortunately, he didn’t speak again before the police arrived.

Meng Zhong hurried to the Progress Hall with several national treasure experts, followed by a series of policemen. Seeing this battle, Deputy Director Liu was frightened with cold sweat. He thought that the police would take a look at most, take pictures, and then they had to contact the experts of their museum for identification. Where did they know that they even invited the big bosses directly?

This shows how much the police attach importance to the words of Van Gogh! However, it is not surprising that Ma You ’s case has not passed long before. As the biggest hero, Van Goro has the closest relationship with the police.

Deputy curator Liu hurried up, reaching out after Lao Yuan, and said very shamefully: “Lao Liang, Lao Lu, I didn’t expect the police to find you both.”

The two gray-haired, spirited old men shook hands with him at random, and then walked straight to Van Gogh, shaking hands with him in turn, narrating the old with enthusiasm.

After listening to a few words, Deputy Curator Liu realized that Van Gaal was actually involved in the reconstruction of Ziwei Palace, and he had lost his friendship with the two big brothers.

Seeing that the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to oneself, Deputy Director Liu’s mind is shaking, and in the cold weather, the sweat on the forehead can’t be wiped away. Several other experts also felt terrible, and they all showed a frightened expression.

But the two senior gangsters opened the glass cabinet and carefully identified the bronze tortoise, determinedly: “This relic is authentic. Teacher Vatican, do you look away?”

Vice curator Liu loosened his heart and almost fell to the ground. He hurriedly supported the person next to him, grinning, showing a smile that was both cheerful and gloating. This is a false alarm, and their museum can hold Fangalo accountable!

He was waiting for a few words to stop Van Gogh from coming to Taiwan, but he saw the other person wearing white gloves, picked up the bronze turtle, turned it over, bent his knuckles, and struck hard at the weakest part of the carapace.

Lao Liang and Lu Lao looked terrified, and hurried to stop, but it was too late. Only a crisp sound was heard. The belly of the bronze turtle was knocked out of the hole by the finger of Fangalo, and the palm was slightly skewed. There was a lot of fine sand and a few copper beads.

The copper beads fell on the ground and rolled around, and the surface was polished very rounded, like gold shining brightly. Obviously, it was a new thing that took less than five years to make.

Song Rui put on the gloves, picked up a copper bead, and twisted a touch of sand. The tone was faint: “Bronze wares of the Western Zhou Dynasty and modern bronze wares are different in composition. Take these beads and identify them. The result should be very good. It will come out soon. The composition of the sand can also be identified, and the origin is not difficult to find. “

He gave the evidence bag to the technician of the forensics department and ordered the other party to get the result as soon as possible. But in fact, everyone knows that this is just smashing the evidence, and it is not necessary. Everyone on the scene knew that the real bronze turtle could not contain sand. When the excavation was carried out, the Cultural Relics Bureau had done X-ray scans, and it was determined that it was semi-solid and hollow.

There is no doubt that the real bronze turtle has been replaced by a fake!

Deputy curator Liu looked at the yellow sands of the ground, and then at the other artifacts pointed out by Fangalo, and his head couldn’t help but dizzy.

This time, things really get bigger!

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