
Chapter 251

Everyone in the laboratory was stunned by the magical operation of Van Gaal. He just put his hands on top of this new piece of copper, and turned it into the rusty look now. How did he do it? This is too incredible!

However, the facts are happening in front of us. Even if the heart is shocked and unbelievable, no one can deny it.

Curator Sun and deputy curator Liu immediately snatched the turquoise piece of rusty copper and inspected it inch by inch with a magnifying glass. Everyone knows what they are panicking about and what they are afraid of. In fact, it’s not just them. The atmosphere of the whole laboratory has changed subtly because of the birth of this piece of rusty copper.

Those uplifting, relaxing, and pleasant atmosphere have dissipated completely at this moment, leaving only suffocating silence.

The two technicians responsible for testing the pastel old Shouxing porcelain bottle immediately returned to their worktables, stepping up the work of sampling and measurement, while the technician responsible for testing the two bronze tripods suspended their hands above the electronic scales, imitating The movement of the Van Gogh psychic.

He tried to understand the principle, but the clutter in his head could not find any scientific theory to explain what happened just now. He has read the books for so many years and seems to have read them in vain! It turns out that some people’s abilities are beyond the conventional and imagination. Ordinary people will find it difficult to understand for the rest of their lives unless they see it in person.

These technicians all knew that Van Gaal had helped the police solve the Ma You case, and knew that he had some real skills, but did not know that his ability would be so strange. Is he really just a psychic? Even if it is a psychic medium, I am afraid that this cannot be done?

And Van Gaalor also said that people who started with these antiques can achieve this degree, so what will this world look like because of the existence of people like them?

A deep sense of crisis suddenly rushed into everyone’s heart, causing them to tighten their throats and hang their hearts high, trembling with fear.

The young scholar who had ridiculed Van Gogh before and censured and derogated him, did not know when it had shrunk to the end of the crowd, daring not to say a word with his lips. The rest of the experts also chose to be silent in the face of hard facts, and they never said anything about joint names.

Curator Sun and deputy curator Liu did not give up after carefully inspecting the piece of rusty copper, and asked: “Is this piece really new copper? Isn’t your laboratory cooperating with Vanguard? What is the technology now? The means are so well developed, the ghost knows what is mixed with you in this thing! “

They knew that if Fangallo could not be suppressed now, then Minister Yan would continue to test the two statues. If the test results confirm that they are fake, all the responsibility falls on the Central Museum. And they are the managers of these national treasures, even if they catch the hands behind the scenes, they will be jailed for dereliction of duty.

To what extent these treasures of the town and country are valuable, no one knows better than them. If this term is used to measure the sentence, they may spend the rest of their lives in prison. They cannot bear this responsibility, nor can they bear it!

So they refused to admit what they saw with their own eyes, and even splashed dirty water on the head of the laboratory.

At the same time, the two scholars were also very respectful, thinking that they were wronged by Fangalo and the technicians who were greatly wronged, all glared at this time.

“Lao Sun and Lao Liu, we are all ethical scientists. We may make mistakes, but we will never falsify.” The person in charge of the laboratory immediately retorted.

“Who wouldn’t say such a grandiose remark?” Curator Sun left the head, did not look at the person in charge, and was still holding the piece of rusty copper in his hand, trying to break it to prove that it was false.

But it’s a pity that it’s really true, not fake. Even if it is covered with rust, this piece of copper is still as hard as ever, and it will be broken anyway.

Deputy Curator Liu also said, “We are all scholars, and we can’t understand the things you are winding around. We only know that a piece of new copper can never be like that in a few minutes. This thing Whether it ’s made of copper or not, we do n’t have a microscope, we do n’t know. ”

Their rogue words angered the technicians and dispelled sympathy for them. When such a big thing happened, they did not want to find out the truth and find the black hand behind the scenes. Instead, they blindly escaped and shirk their responsibilities. No wonder so many treasures of the town and country were replaced, and they were unknowingly.

Things have developed to the point where they are today, and the two curators should bear the greatest responsibility!

Thinking of this, Minister Yan’s heart was full of anger, and immediately asked: “Aren’t you an expert in identification? If you can’t tell the texture of the antique, what kind of expert are you? A piece of iron and a piece of copper are put together You ca n’t tell the difference, I think your professional standards and qualifications are very problematic! “

Yeah, even basic things like bronze, gold, silver, and iron can’t be distinguished. How did these two people mix up in the world of cultural relics?

For a time, everyone looked at them with contempt.

Song Rui even inserted a sharp knife: “Lao Lu, you just said that ophthalmology can never be replaced by a machine, but you see, these two ophthalmology masters can’t even recognize the bronze. Is this you The highest level of ophthalmology? No wonder the current antique market is in chaos, and co-authors are all messed up by you guys. “

Elder Lu blushed with embarrassment and turned to curator Sun and deputy curator Liu. His eyes were full of disappointment and anger.

“Do you know what you are talking about? There is a limit to shirk responsibility and escape from reality. You have been known as an expert authority for decades, but you can’t even recognize the bronze. Are you not ashamed? It happened, can you face it and find a solution? It ’s your responsibility, it ’s not something you can push away. If you dare to stand up and put everything on your shoulders, we can still Look at you a few times. Your current attitude of being blameless and irresponsible, but let us look down upon! “Lao Lu pointed at Curator Sun and Deputy Curator Liu’s nose and scolded.

Old Lao sighed: “With a person in charge like you, no wonder such a big thing will happen to the Central Museum.”

Curator Sun and deputy curator Liu couldn’t lift their heads scoldingly, they just felt that their reputation and face they had accumulated for a lifetime were destroyed today. But they dare not recognize it, nor can they recognize it! Recognized is the calamity of a prison in a lifetime! Nothing happened to these people. Of course they can talk without pain.

The two also wanted to quibble, but Minister Yan took the lead in interrupting them: “I’m too lazy to listen to you talking about those farts. Seeing is true and hearing is false. Since Teacher Vatican has a way to make the new copper antique, then there must be people behind the scenes. By the way, the appraisal results of these two statues are now inaccurate and must be re-appraised! “

He twitched his skin for a while before scolding fiercely: “Fuck **** mystery! Our country has been feeding them for years, has their appetite been raised? Dare to start with the treasure of the town and find this behind the scenes Man, Lao Tzu is going to peel his skin! “

Liang Lao, Lu Lao, and many experts and scholars who stood with him also showed expressions of hatred and hatred. As the protectors of cultural relics, they can best feel the extreme resentment of the severance of inheritance and the destruction of civilization.

The person in charge of the laboratory is now afraid to guarantee that his identification results are 100% correct. He lowered his eyes for a moment, his lips twitched slightly, and he seemed to have something to say, but he refrained.

Everyone was secretly looking at the Vatican teacher with awesome eyes, gazing at his magical hands for a long time, only Song Rui discovered the abnormality of the person in charge, and understood the other party ’s concerns after a little thought, so he said bluntly : “If I want to make the identification result accurate and foolproof, I know there is another way.”

The person in charge blinked slightly, daring not to interface.

Minister Yan immediately asked: “What way.”

“Bronze wares of the Shang Dynasty in China contain a lead isotope composition called high-radiation genesis, and this isotope composition became extinct after the Warring States Period. The technology for configuring the lead isotope composition has not been researched all over the world at present, and the forgery is There is no way to talk about it. “

Song Rui pointed to Qingding and Yongding, and continued: “According to the textual research, these two statues are the products of the previous Shang Dynasty, then they will definitely contain lead isotopes with high radiogenic origin. We only need to do a lead isotope analysis. Can determine their authenticity. “

Minister Yan immediately decided: “What are you waiting for, do it quickly!”

Song Rui said: “But there is a problem that you want to solve for us.”

“What problem, you say.” Minister Yan urged.

“To do this analysis, we have to take samples, and the samples must destroy the integrity of the two statues. How do you see how to solve this problem?” Song Rui asked what the person in charge did not dare to ask.

If it is another cultural relic, it should be fine to take a sample, but the symbolic significance represented by these two statues is extremely significant, and no one can destroy or even profane.

Under this embarrassment, Minister Yan stood still stiffly for a long time without talking.

The person in charge of the laboratory said frankly: “Dr. Song is right. If we want to determine the dates of these two tributes, we must do destructive testing.”

Curator Sun seemed to grab a big handle, and immediately shouted: “You even want to destroy the integrity of Qingding and Yongding, and drill holes on their surfaces. How dare you dare? As long as I am there, nobody Be sure to touch them, and I will immediately report the situation to them and let them judge! “

The curator Sun knew the importance of these two tripods too. On the spot, he made a call to his direct leader, said a few words, and opened the hands-free.

The voice of the leader was full of anger: “No one is allowed to move these two princes! Whoever moves is the sinner of the nation! The results of the appraisal are out, what else do you have to do? Hurry and transport the national treasure back! Stop it, do n’t stop Anymore! “

Everyone only promised not to refute, even Minister Yan showed a hesitant look. Fan’s suspicion is only speculation, but the laboratory’s appraisal results are clear and conclusive. And the strength of Teacher Vatican is so powerful, does the black hand behind the scenes really have the ability to make the bronze rust grow? Not necessarily? This possibility is actually very small. How many people are there in the world like teacher Sanskrit?

With such thoughts, Minister Yan inevitably swayed.

Fangallo saw his thoughts, so he picked up the piece of rusty copper placed on the table and placed it in his palm, and said warmly: “Minister Yan, what is the consequence of letting the black hand behind the scenes, do you know?”

“What is it?” Yan asked subconsciously.

“It’s the constant strength of TA and the continuous destruction of you ordinary people.” Van Gaal took the piece of rusty copper and said seriously: “What is the meaning of destruction, you are optimistic.” As his voice fell, the piece The rusty copper gradually became fluffy, cracked, and scattered in his palm, and turned into a black powder, which leaked through his fingers.

This incredible scene shocked everyone.

Van Gogh ’s tone also became condensed: “Did you see that? The hands behind the scenes treated the treasures of the town and country like this. They may have all turned into dust and scattered in the wind. You can guard these fake things, rely on I wish to admire them for a lifetime. But have you ever thought that after the thousands of years of accumulation, the great spirit and atmosphere are absorbed by the hands behind the scenes, and to what extent will the strength of TA reach? “

Minister Yan’s heart is constantly tightening, and his voice is shaking: “To what extent will TA’s strength reach?”

Fangalo kissed away the dust from his palm and said, “I can tell you the truth, TA will take the glory and purple energy of China, the vast national fortune, and the spirit of heaven and earth as their own. This land will never be again.” No wise people can be nurtured, nor can we support lush forests and vast grasslands. No people, no vegetation, only a gravel, you can imagine what this country will look like. “

The muscles on Minister Yan’s cheeks swelled up, obviously afraid of the extreme, and hated the extreme.

Dozens of experts, scholars and technicians were disturbed and terrified by the description of Teacher Fan. If this matter is really suppressed, and then pretend to be deaf and dumb, then this country will gradually become Jedi? Like the new piece of copper before, she will gradually grow rust, and then gradually weathered into dust!

Who is the black hand behind the scenes? Why did TA ruin China? This approach is simply too bad!

Everyone ’s throat was severely choked with fear, but the curator Sun only screamed: “No, you must be alarmist. Where is the matter as serious as you say! What national games, purple energy, aura , Are deceiving things! “

However, in front of the black dust, his words were not persuasive.

Song Rui glanced at him and said coldly: “I guess that things may be more serious than you think. Since the black hands dare to steal the treasure of the town and the country, have museums in all parts of the country taken the TA? According to our institute I know that almost every large museum will have its own treasures of town halls. Will they also have good luck? Will they also be subcontracted? If so, then this case is a huge case that radiates the whole country and cannot be suppressed. Nor can it be pressed! “

Fangallo added: “If the black hand behind the scenes really swept the nation’s treasure of spiritual transport, then I’m sure that the purpose of TA is to become a god.”

He looked directly at Minister Yan and asked, “Do you know what price you need to pay for a land to breed a god?”

Minister Yan asked anxiously: “What kind of price will it pay?”

“Going to God is the creation of the heaven and earth, invading the mystery of the sun and the moon. A word of” seizing “and a word of” invading “have finished the dangerous and all evil of this road. Spirit Road. Think about it, this land was originally created to nurture everything, but now it is all plundered and plundered by the **** alone, then other people, other animals, other plants, and space for survival ?”

Minister Yan opened his mouth and seemed to want to speak, but his throat was very dry.

Fangallo shook his head and sighed, “No, there will be no more talented people in this land, nor will it be able to grow beautiful trees, nor will it be able to reproduce vibrant animals. Even diamonds and old in lava The jade in the pit will be extinct, leaving only a place of dust and desolation. If there is a great creation in this world at the beginning of the birth of everything, then it does not matter how to become a god. But in the end-age era when the aura is exhausted and everything is withered , God is killing people. What disappeared is only some national treasures, and tens of thousands of ordinary people who died later. The big change I said will soon begin. “

Minister Yan’s legs softened and he suddenly collapsed into a chair.

Curator Sun shouted gaspingly: “I don’t believe your words! No one knows this anyway, and it’s not up to you to make up anything! What a big change, what a god, is simply ridiculous!”

Minister Yan glared fiercely at Curator Sun, and then directly dialed the top leader’s phone. Even if only 1 in 10,000 possibilities will become reality in the future predicted by the teacher, he must report it! To appease the hands behind the scenes is to destroy this country!

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