
Chapter 255

It did n’t take long for Minister Yan ’s phone to hang up, and a large number of lively policemen surrounded the Fanjia mansion.

Fangallo did not resist, but took the initiative to reach out and let these people torture themselves, and shook his head at the anxious Dr. Song, his fingertips dropped.

Song Rui nodded and stood in suffocation, watching them leave. Since he was not a suspect, he was just living in the Fan Family. The police were not qualified to take him together, but he was asked to go to the police station to make a statement later.

In order to prevent this case from being favored by others, Minister Yan, Meng Zhong, Zhuang Zhen … Chengnan Branch, Chengxi Branch, and even several other branches in Beijing were excluded from the investigation team because they had worked with Van Gogh There has been close cooperation and the relationship is very harmonious.

If they are allowed to participate in this case, the investigation results will lose credibility.

The people in charge of detaining Van Gaalo are the elites who are directly transferred from the police department. They have received rigorous training and are very cautious.

After successfully catching Van Gogh, they locked two steel **** weighing tens of kilograms on his ankles, and locked him separately in the rear compartment with several layers of steel plates, borrowing a small window Monitor his every move and never meet him.

The investigative team holds detailed information about Van Gogh, knowing that he is as dangerous as a nuclear bomb, and a slight shaking may cause a violent explosion, so he dare not relax at all.

Seeing that the modified police car quickly drove away surrounded by dozens of police cars, Song Rui went to the basement and told Xu Yiyang to get up. He wasn’t close to the original magic circle, nor did he dare to look directly at the black dragon in the center of the magic circle. He just stood at the door and shouted a few times.

Xu Yiyang got up confused and rubbed his eyes and asked, “How about brother?”

“Brother went on a business trip and will come back in a few days. Go and wash, I will take care of you these days.” Song Rui said in a warm voice.

Xu Yiyang showed a disappointed expression, but did not cry or make trouble, but put on slippers and walked out of the circle. After sleeping all night in such a cold place, his face was not sick, but instead he felt a blush, as if he had regained the flowing, warm blood in his body.

Song Rui gestured his head, surprised: “Are you tall?”

Xu Yiyang grinned and smiled happily: “It grows so little.” He stretched out his fingers and gestured.

Growth is a matter of course for him, but in Song Rui’s eyes it is comparable to a miracle. He knew that the child was already dead. He had lost the opportunity to grow up, and it was his greatest luck to be able to maintain his present appearance all his life and live happily in the world.

However, Van Gogh seems to think that this is not enough. What he wants to give this child is not only survival, not only happiness, but also the sense of security and stability that will always accompany him to go down, and even the attribution of normal growth. sense.

He wants this child to reintegrate into this world. And he did it.

Song Rui didn’t know what method Van Gogh used, but he suddenly realized that the man said yesterday-I can save most people, not just talk.

“Are you tall, grown up, happy?” Song Rui crouched down and stared at Xu Yiyang with a wave of tide in her eyes.

“Happy! I want to grow taller than you, so as to protect the big brother.” Xu Yiyang tipped her toes and raised her hand over Song Rui’s head.

“Then you cheer.” Song Rui, who hated children so much, seemed to give all the tenderness and patience to the child in front of him. Because he is different, he is the person Van Gogh wants to protect.

Xu Yiyang waved his fist and ran upstairs in slippers, seeming to remember something and hurried back, putting the pink skull and the little yellow man on the quilt into Longkou.

Song Rui watched these two evil objects sinking into the hard ground, as if the stones were immersed in the lake water, but he was not surprised at all, and he did not rush to check the situation. Instead, he usually took Xu Yiyang’s small hand and took him. Go to wash, and sent to school when finished.

After arriving at the Confucius Elementary School, he personally sent Xu Yiyang to the class, and then asked the class teacher to have a sincere conversation, and told Van Goro that it was framed. He asked the teacher to pay more attention to Xu Yiyang today, and do n’t let him touch this aspect message.

The teachers of Confucius Elementary School have undergone rigorous training and their morals are very noble, and they agreed immediately.

After properly placing the child, Song Rui returned to the car, opened the phone, and checked today’s hot news.

Sure enough, the news of Van Gogh ’s killing has appeared on the Internet, and the three videos were made very clear. The blood and cruelty of the scene and the violence and horror of the means of murder are beyond the ordinary people ’s imagination and tolerance, and soon Aroused great social repercussions.

Although the police deleted these videos on a large scale, more people downloaded and reposted the video, so that the news spread quickly in the form of virus infection.

If a piece of white paper is stained, then everyone will see this stain, not how pure it was. Those who regarded Van Gogh as a hero seemed to be devastated in a flash, and began to make some radical comments on the Internet.

They didn’t believe these pictures at first, but the supernatural media had some way to interview the three survivors, and their madness, panic, and heartbroken reaction seemed like a Mars falling into the gunpowder depot, instantly detonating the public’s anger.

Severely punishing Van Gogh, burning him, and shooting him, he is not a good person, he lied to the world, and other words appeared frequently on social media, triggering a frenzy of followers.

It seems that just overnight, attacking and destroying Van Goghro became a political correctness. Everyone wanted to put him in a place where he could no longer survive, because once he was too noble and too powerful, which made him unable to make even the slightest mistake.

Powerful people will make ordinary people feel afraid; noble people will make ordinary people feel alienated or even excluded.

Everyone is the same, why are you different? This is the despicable human nature.

Faced with this situation, Song Rui was not surprised at all. He is a psychologist. He knows that this is a very common psychological phenomenon. The disgusting mentality formed after the splendid image is destroyed is almost irreversible. The more positive a person’s image is, the greater the malice will be after being caught and missed.

Song Rui suppressed his anxiety and opened the interview video of the three survivors.

The first survivor was a sixteen-year-old girl, her cheeks were as pale as paper, her eyes were mad and confused, her head was turned around, and she looked panic, as if she was still trapped in a horrible atmosphere of being hunted.

“It’s Fangallo, it’s him! I can see clearly! He broke into my house and killed my father and mother … He would eat people! Ah ah ah, what are you doing? Don’t touch me!” She seemed to have already Crazy, scratched by the reporter with a little touch.

Several medical staff immediately grabbed her hands and feet and hurriedly injected her with tranquilizers.

The second survivor was a middle-aged woman with blood stains on her forehead and a large bruise on her arm. Her eyes were very empty, as if she had lost her soul.

No matter what the reporter asked, she just shook her head and said nothing. However, when the reporter mentioned the name of Van Gogh, she fell with a scream, lying on the ground and twitching.

She was so scared by Van Gogh!

The reporters stepped back quickly, giving way to a large open space, and then patted her in an awkward gesture, showing her misery more and more.

The third survivor is a middle-aged male. Compared with the first two interviewees, he was the calmest, but also the most injured. His left half of the body was stained with blood, and his cheek was also marked with a sharp bone wound.

When he was sent to the ambulance by the medical staff, he looked directly at the camera and shouted: “The murderer is Van Gogh! He dug up the heart of my wife and son and swallowed it alive! It must be him, no one except him That weird power! Like Ma You, he is a murderous man, you are deceived by him! “

His shouting cry was isolated in the ambulance. A group of reporters chased the car and asked a lot of miscellaneous questions aloud, but was eventually left behind.

Song Rui turned off these three videos, and carefully reviewed the video of the crime scene sent by Meng Zhong, and finally understood why the middle-aged man kept saying that the murderer was Van Galo.

I saw that the middle-aged man was holding his wife in one hand and the young son in the other, and slowly walked home. Their figures were illuminated by one street lamp after another. Therefore, when a man jumped out of the green belt, his face was clearly captured.

He was so thin that he was almost human-shaped, leaving only a skeleton, wrapped in a layer of burnt skin sac, which looked as scary as a ghost, and two long and slender hands danced in the night. In only one face, the throats of women and young children were cut, and their lives were taken.

The middle-aged man was so frightened that he left his wife and children, turned around, and ran away quickly, quickly escaping from what the monitor could capture.

The skeleton-thin ghost figure stumbled to the two bodies, and the hands with sharp nails were inserted into their chests unexpectedly, digging out two beating hearts, and gulped into the mouth.

He ate so eagerly, so hurriedly, as if he was dying of hunger. This horrible scene can only be described as tragic.

The middle-aged man who had escaped earlier ran back at this time, holding a kitchen knife in his hand and slashing fiercely against the back of the ghost.

At first, the man could cut into the ghost’s flesh, causing the other party to burst out of blood, but after a few counts, the ghost’s body became plump at a rate visible to the naked eye, and the original fragile skin also seemed to become copper skin , Is actually invulnerable.

The middle-aged man didn’t cut the other side, but instead broke his cheek with a broken kitchen knife, cut his shoulder, and was seriously injured.

After smelling the **** smell coming behind him, the ghost with a lot of richness slowly turned around and looked straight at the middle-aged man.

Under the street light, a handsome and abnormal face was exposed. Although his cheeks were deeply sunken, it was not difficult to see who he was. After all, people who have grown into such a vulgar posture are rare throughout the country.

The man looked at the ghost with amazement, and then his throat was pinched by the other person, and he was lifted into the air. Fortunately, his act of carrying the kitchen knife across the street attracted many passers-by. Hearing noisy footsteps, ghosts dropped him, jumped into the green belt, disappeared into the dark night, leaving two corpses with hollowed-out chests.

Since this case, the ghost has attacked the girl ’s home and the middle-aged woman ’s home successively, killing their family members, digging up the heart of the body, and devouring it on the spot. He seemed to be able to gain strength from these beating, **** hearts, and every time he ate, his face became a little fuller, until he finally completely regained the usual appearance of Van Galo.

In the last shot, he looked at a camera mounted on the ceiling of the living room and grinned to reveal two rows of teeth covered with blood and minced meat. His eyes were completely cruel and crazy.

Compared with Ma You, his killing method is more strange and evil.

Song Rui tapped the screen to freeze the picture, then stared at the face exactly like Van Gogh for a long time. He knows that these videos can be called hard evidence and have caused extremely bad social impact. Under such circumstances, no one would believe that Van Gogh is innocent.

It is precisely because these videos are full of details that are difficult to explain scientifically, so the public will become more convinced that the perpetrator is Van Galo. Apart from him, who has this ability? Aliens are evil, and Van Gogh has always belonged to the group of aliens. This is a consensus shared by everyone.

Song Rui turned off the video and turned through the major news pages. Sure enough, he saw a lot of comments that convicted Van Gogh.

A netizen thought that he had learned the truth and wrote eloquently: [Why is Van Gaal so powerful? Because like Ma You, he also gained power by killing people! His source of strength is the living heart! Comrades, if you think about it, he is the most powerful psychic in China. If his power is taken from the heart of a living person, how many people did he kill? Do n’t you feel terrified? 】

This message was put on the first floor. Van Gaalo is a murderous demon, and this recognition has already been accepted by most people.

No matter who this person is behind, his goal is achieved. Perhaps he did not have the power to dare to compete with Van Gogh, but the path he chose was the fastest and most labor-saving.

He first used public opinion to destroy Van Gogh ’s positive image, and then used the state machine to imprison Van Gogh ’s freedom. When public opinion fermented, public indignation expanded and eventually could not be suppressed. Luo was imprisoned or executed for life.

The end of Ma You is the end of Van Gogh.

Realizing what kind of game this person is behind the scenes, Song Rui also quickly thought about the way to break the game in his mind.

He could not find a way to overthrow the three surveillance videos for the time being, but he also held Van Gogh’s absence certificate.

The first case happened at 9:30 in the night, which happened to be a coincidence, when he and Van Gogh were chatting in the living room, and their images were still in the security system.

With this alone, he will be able to buy Van Gollo a little time. As for how to break the case and how to find the murderer, when he sees Van Gole later, the two of them will be together and they will naturally think of a way.

Song Rui called up the surveillance video of the Fanjia old house, saved it on his mobile phone, and drove to the police station.

I heard that he was here to prove Van Gogh ’s absence. The person in charge of the investigation team immediately sneered: “We learned through interviews that you seem to have an improper relationship with Van Gogh. We cannot believe your testimony.

Song Rui immediately realized that this person had a deep hostility to himself and Van Gogh. His purpose in participating in this case did not seem to be to find the truth, but to fully implement Van Gogh ’s charges.

This is probably also a game of black hand cloth behind the scenes. TA is linking Van Gogh into desperation because of that antique transfer case?

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