
Chapter 259

Zhang Yang, who was not too thin, looked at first glance, it was really similar to the ghost image of the murderer that night, but it does not mean anything. After all, there are more people with similar postures in the world. went.

However, Zhang Yang’s changes still attracted the attention of many netizens, and the news spread quickly through social tools such as Weibo or WeChat.

If a live broadcast lasts too long and there is no new and interesting content, the audience will soon leave one after another. This is the case in the live broadcast room of Vanguard, and the number of viewers has plummeted from the initial tens of millions to the current 20,000 or 30,000.

However, when Zhang Yang stood up and exposed his skull-like body to the light, the number of people in the live broadcast room was skyrocketing.

Zhang Yang always knew that he could not die, so when Van Gogh was imprisoned in this quirky space, he did not feel anxious, but instead raised arrogant thoughts with him. He is actually the same kind as the old monster. If the old monster can live for decades without eating or drinking, he can naturally.

However, after five days, the cruel reality tells him that his strength is simply not enough to compete with Van Gogh, and even the oldest despised monster can’t compare. People can live freely for decades without eating or drinking, but he can’t hold on for even a week.

His body is becoming weak and thin, and he is getting faster and faster. He can’t die, but he can evolve into a living dead person. The result is the most terrible.

Prior to this, Zhang Yang had never experienced the taste of fasting, and there was no need to experience it. He would want to live alive and comfortably. Why bother with himself? So until now, he was slow to realize that there was a big problem with his body! but why? When did this happen?

He slumped in a chair, sweating thickly on his body, covering his cramped abdomen with both hands, and looked at the person sitting opposite with horrified and unbelievable eyes.

Fangalo held out his white palm, hovered in front of his face, and said lightly: “Does it feel strange? You shouldn’t be so weak.”

Feeling more and more severe cramps in the abdomen and the constant loss of energy in his body, Zhang Yang opened his eyes wide and showed unprecedented panic in his eyes. He knew that Van Gogh was sensing himself, but he didn’t have the strength to escape.

“This is the effect of the potion on you.” Fangalo said slowly: “It makes your body like a high-speed engine, relying on constant heating and burning to obtain powerful power. Your cells are your fuel, And that agent will promote the rapid division and reproduction of cells, allowing you to gain strength in this process of continuous regeneration. But now, you have interrupted the intake of the agent, so your body will only burn and will not regenerate. “

Fangalor withdrew his hand and sighed long, “Now you are like a burning coal, which will eventually turn to ashes. The weaker you are, the faster your body will be burned. The faster you take What costs me? “

Zhang Yang tried to refute sternly, but his voice was fluttering because of his weakness, like a kitten crying: “You bullshit.”

Fangallo tickled the corner of his lips, his tone softly: “Am I talking nonsense, you know best yourself. Does your stomach hurt?”

Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and shook his hand covering his abdomen. He wanted to cover his pain, but his body didn’t listen.

Van Gogh looked at a point behind him, and the dark pupil lost focus: “Do you know what your body is doing?”

Zhang Yang squeezed his lips tightly, but cold sweat rushed out, and soon wet his hair and clothes, so that he showed an embarrassment of 120,000.

Van Gaal focused his eyes on him, and said with a smile: “Your body is eating yourself.”

This sentence is really a bit scary, so that Zhang Yang’s eyes were involuntarily split.

“Your stomach is empty for too long and needs food, but you ca n’t meet its needs, so it starts to digest itself. It is now secreting stomach acid quickly, dissolving itself and drawing nutrients from it. You see, your enemy is not Me, but yourself. You ca n’t even control your own body, how powerful is it? “

Fangallo smiled lightly at the bright lights. Compared with Zhang Yang’s embarrassment, he is now as handsome as a man. Also for five days and five nights without eating or drinking, Zhang Yang was so weak that even the stomach pouches began to dissolve, but he was still like nothing.

His control of his body was terribly powerful.

The audience in the live room was dumbfounded.

Minister Yan and Meng Zhong also more intuitively realized that there is only one Van Gogh in the world, and people like him will never have it again.

However, Song Rui knew better than anyone that Van Gogh could not only control his own body, but also his own consciousness, thoughts, and even his soul. In order to become as strong as possible, he gave up his sense of taste and a lot of unnecessary emotions. He treats himself like an enemy and is extremely harsh.

Zhang Yang lost to him, really not wronged.

As soon as Van Gogh’s words fell, Zhang Yang sat down on the chair kneeling on the ground, his hands covered his abdomen and began to retort. He showed all the symptoms of severe dehydration and severe hunger. He could not die, but he had to endure these pains alive.

After retching, he raised his head, revealing a cold, sweaty face. In just ten minutes or so, he lost a large circle.

As Fangallo predicted, his burning rate is accelerating.

Seeing his miserable and helpless appearance, the netizens in the live broadcast room couldn’t take it anymore, and they all condemned:

[Forget it, let go of Zhang Yang! He is just an ordinary person, how can he compare with Van Gogh! You shut him up in this room, and do n’t give him food or drink for five days and five nights. This is murder! 】

【Yes! This is really a blatant murder! Fangalo accused Zhang Yang of being a murderer and there was no evidence. What is the difference between his approach and the severe punishment? 】

[I reported it! This live broadcast room should be renamed as Murder Live! Did such a cruel thing happen, don’t you care? 】

[Free my husband! I called the police! 】

[Release Zhang Yang! Van Gogh, you really are a cold-blooded animal! 】

[Being able to do such a cruel thing to an ordinary person, I now think that Van Gogh is the real murderer! 】

Netizens who were still curious and watched were stimulated by Zhang Yang’s tragic condition to sensitive and fragile nerves, and they stood up in solidarity. They are not abnormal, how can they like this terrible scene? If a person is hungry like this, what is the difference between Van Gogh and Ma You?

In this way, did he really do the three murders? Did he find Zhang Yang to frame it?

The public opinion, which had been slightly reversed, is now inclined to Zhang Yang. In the minds of the public, “who is weak is reasonable” is a correct logic, they do not see others in a pitiful and helpless situation.

Minister Yan has been paying attention to the remarks in the live broadcast room, and found that netizens are very disgusted with the practice of Teacher Fan, and many media have begun to condemn this inhumane behavior. At this time, his immediate supervisor made a phone call personally, which made him more than enough.

He gritted his teeth to refute a few words, and bought some time for the teacher Fan, but after hanging up the phone, he embarrassed his expression.

“It’s time, I will go there.” Song Ruixin walked to the next door, pushed open the door of the interrogation room, came to the back of the vending machine, opened the door, put two blue medicaments, and locked it again. Then he smiled at Fangallo and strode away.

Only then did Zhang Yang discover that the vending machine was half exposed and half stuck in the space. People outside can put things in the retrieval compartment, and through this passage, people inside can get the things in the compartment.

Zhang Yang was attracted by the blue liquid in the transparent storage compartment, his eyes widened for a moment, and then he crawled over with his hands and feet, staring at them, breathing continuously.

“Do you feel familiar? That’s right, this is exactly what you need most.” Fangallo said lightly.

Zhang Yang tried to break the hatch and got these two tubes of medicine, but he couldn’t do it. This transparent glass was as fragile as a piece of paper to him once, and was broken with a light poke, but now it is like a steel plate, indestructible.

He slapped with his hands, kicked with his feet, and even hit with his head, but failed to shake this thin and bright baffle. For a moment, he felt deep despair.

It was at this time that Van Gogh used his impenetrable magnetic field to shatter one of the potions. So the slightly volatile potion soaked into this small space, making every air particle with an extremely sweet taste. This taste will not affect ordinary people, but it will have a fatal appeal to those who have tasted it.

The saliva at the corner of Zhang Yang’s mouth rushed out, thick yellow, sticky, and smelly. The ticking tickled a long line and hung on the jaw.

The audience in the live room felt great discomfort, and then reported, criticized, and complained more and more fiercely, asking this inhumane game to stop immediately.

At this moment, Fangallo said, “There is only one last potion left. Do you want to drink it? Brush your face if you want to drink it.”

The sweet and delicious way in the air has driven Zhang Yang into madness. If it wasn’t for Fangallo to use the magnetic field to pour his voice directly into his mind, he might not hear anything. He seemed to be bewitched by the devil, and he stood up on the fuselage, pointed his shaking head at the imaginary frame on the screen, and pressed the identification key.

“Identification failed, please continue to try.” There was a hollow voice from the vending machine.

Fangallo walked slowly to Zhang Yang, and Wen Sheng said, “Failed, change your face.”

Zhang Yang’s body is burning rapidly, first the stomach, then the intestines, then the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and then the brain. His reason and thinking ability have all been lost to humanity’s original and most powerful instinct-eating. He was hungry and thirsty and needed huge energy to support this decaying body. He could not care about everything else.

He changed his face without thinking.

Through the lens hanging on the vending machine, the indignant netizens witnessed this strange scene with their own eyes, and then fell into a deadly silence. Numerous abuses, warnings, and complaints all over the broadcast room disappeared in an instant, and everyone was frightened.

It took a while for someone to speak in horror and inexplicably: [This is my love bean! 】

Yes, the face Zhang Yang is painting belongs to the most popular fresh meat in the entertainment circle. Although the cheeks are sunken and the eyes are slightly dark, the facial features are exactly the same as the original owner.

[Why can Zhang Yang become my love bean? Ahhh, this is terrible too! 】

Fans of the small fresh meat collectively screamed in horror. When things didn’t happen to them, they didn’t realize how dangerous and uncontrollable Zhang Zhang’s existence is.

Only now, when he appears in the face of an idol star, these fans will suddenly understand how tremendously hurt the identity is when the identity is replaced and the ugly side is exposed.

Xiao Xianrou’s black powder was also in this live broadcast room, and immediately intercepted this saliva-like, ghost-like face and posted it on the Internet. Fans of Xiaoxianrou immediately counterattacked and pointed a clear way for passers-by to let them go to the live broadcast room to find the truth, which triggered a public opinion frenzy.

More people were attracted to the live broadcast room, and witnessed the whole process of Zhang Yang’s face being layered down by Van Gogh.

“Recognition failed, please continue to try.” Xiao Xianrou’s face is not easy to use in the vending machine.

Fangallo tempted: “Try another face.”

The muddled Zhang Yang changed a beautiful face, and this face belongs to a super shadow.

Fans behind the film :! ! !

Recognition failed again, this time without the guidance of Van Gogh, Zhang Yang could not wait to change a handsome face, is a strong star.

Star fans :! ! !

Then came a lovely and handsome face, belonging to a newly-popular kid.

Fan of niche :! ! !

In this way, Zhang Yang changed dozens of faces in a row, Zhang Zhang has full popularity and popularity, so that the audience’s heart in the live room has become numb because of too fast beating. The fans of these stars were furious and terrified, crying and scolding. The screen was full of condemning Zhang Yang’s voice, and there were people speaking for him.

He is not at all pitiful or helpless, he is a monster! The netizen who just yelled at him just now and wanted to rescue him, was scolding himself for being a fool.

Another attentive netizen found a big problem and wrote tremblingly: [Did you not find it? These faces that Zhang Yang has transformed seem to belong to the stars who signed up with his film company! Who he is familiar with, he can become who he is! 】

The huge fan base of dozens of celebrities is simply shocked by this conjecture, and then crazy @ 自己 爱 豆. So these celebrities also quietly dived in, watched the live broadcast, and all felt cold.

Then they realized that after signing with Zhang family, it seemed that instead of going up a step, they jumped out of the fire pit. There is such a boss who can become their appearance at any time. Their reputation, life, and property rights are not guaranteed. What developments are they talking about?

Isn’t this thing terrible? terrible! Is it serious? It may be ok for others, but for these celebrities who eat by their faces, it is as good as the end of the world. If it wasn’t for the Fan teacher who made this live broadcast unexpectedly, they wouldn’t expect such a monster to exist in the world!

When everyone was frozen by fear, Zhang Yang, after repeated failures and repeated attempts, suddenly turned into a beautiful and eerie face.

The vending machine made a jingle, and opened the storage compartment for him. He went down ecstatically, eagerly took out the intact potion, and swallowed his head.

Until this time, Song Rui, who had been in control of the live broadcast room, clicked a button, took Zhang Yang’s head up and shot it, cut it into a picture, and sent it to the discussion area, asking: [The three videos captured Is he the murderer? 】

Netizens took a closer look and suddenly froze.

This face turned out to be Van Gogh’s face, so thin cheeks, so stern expressions, so greedy eyes, it was a murderer who made three tragedies a week ago and eats people’s hearts! His fierce and fierce appearance has been deeply imprinted in everyone’s heart, and no one will admit his mistake!

However, not far away from this face, there was another face that looked exactly the same. Such a strange scene frightened the netizens in the live broadcast room, and finally made them realize that this live broadcast is not a joke or a cruel game played by Vanguard, but a face-to-face confrontation between him and the murderer.

Sure enough, there has never been a lie in his mouth. He is indeed innocent!

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