
Chapter 282

Lin Nianci teared the bandage on her body anxiously, but unfortunately her ten fingers were also blown away by grenades. Seeing that Van Gogh had a posture to reveal all the secrets, she could only look at the nonsense chief and prayed for his help with her eyes.

The know-how leader retreated silently and calmly turned away.

Lin Nianci looked at Changsheng and Changzhen again, and the slightly shimmering eyes were very clear and clean, like a completely innocent child.

However, Changsheng and Changzhen felt a deeper cold in such eyes. It turned out that until now, she didn’t think she was wrong, she still thought that Van Gogh had hurt her.

The two turned around and did not want to look at it again.

Lin Nianci’s tears came down in an instant, and with his hand wrapped in gauze, he made a move to Lin Nian’en, which looked helpless and fragile.

Lin Nianen, curled up in the corner, hurriedly buried her head between her arms and knees, her body shivering, “She is a demon ghost, she is a demon ghost, she is a demon ghost …” A voice full of fear kept flowing from his mouth It seems that this way you can wash away those obsessive and indifferent patrons.

Do you ask him to regret it? It must be regret, regret, regret …

However, Xuan Chengzi, who loved Song Enci and Lin Nianci the most, didn’t show any regret on his face, but spoke extremely determinedly: “This charge is unwarranted.”

Yes, he knew clearly that this crime was unwarranted. The only seven dragon veins left by Hua Guo were kept by him, and the rest of the dragon veins were destroyed by the Yin Yang master. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Xuanmen sent people to inspect the dragon veins every year, and no abnormalities were found. They are all entrenched in this land, bred outstanding creatures.

The so-called big crime of beating the dragon vein is really a big lie.

Found that Van Gogh would also lie, Xuan Chengzi was inexplicably relieved. He knew there was something wrong with his psychology, but he couldn’t control it. If there is one more stain on Fangalore, will Song Enci look innocent?

To put it bluntly, he is always reluctant to believe that the children he grew up with will be such a villain who has never been seen; while Van Gaal, who has been guarded and even hated by him, has been from the age of six to the present. , Silently guarding the world.

He is the first person in Xuanmen, and his judgment cannot be so bad.

Fortunately, although Xuanmen Zhongren hated Lin Nianci extremely, he still said pragmatically: “It is impossible to kill the dragon veins. After the dragon protection war, every year our Xuanmen sent masters to check near the dragon veins. Although they have a weaker breath and take a long time to return to their heyday, they are indeed alive. “

Fangalo put the black Yin jade and the grey Yang jade kneaded together into his palm, ingested his body, then pointed to the black dragon under his seat, and said in a deep voice: “You are sure about the seven Have you saved the dragon veins? “

“Of course! We will never admit the breath of the dragon veins!” Xuanmen everyone said firmly.

Van Gogh looked at Xuan Chengzi, who looked like a frost, and asked an unrelated question: “Master, have you ever heard of the word resentment?”

Xuan Chengzi stared at the tip of his sword that had been stained with a few drops of blood, and there was indifference between his brows. He did not want to answer this inexplicable question.

Fangaro didn’t take his attitude seriously, but said to himself: “If people die in vain, grievances can skyrocket. What do you say about Long Ruo in death? Long Ruo, who protects the National Games, is in vain, and still dies in the hands of his children What happens here? “

“I don’t want to listen to your nonsense. If you feel uncomfortable with those things, I will bring back kindness to deal with.” Xuan Chengzi said coldly.

Lin Nianci, who was busy removing the bandage, was relieved. Master is still willing to protect her, and the treatment will be dealt with, but the big deal will be shut down for decades, and the patience will pass.

Van Galo glanced at Lin Nianci, and the tone was also cold: “Master, am I really talking nonsense? You will know it by listening to the sky-dragon’s grudge.” He lowered his fingertips and sculpted at the circle. Go to the black dragon point in the center.

In just an instant, the black dragon whose eyes were lighted opened his mouth and issued a long roar through the clouds and cracked rocks.

“It’s the dragon vein, the living dragon vein!” Someone shouted, covering his stinging ears.

“How can there be a dragon vein here?”

“No, there is another formation under this Soul Eater Formation!”

“Amitabha, is a trapped dragon formation. Who actually trapped a living dragon vein here?” Master Chang Jing has the best eyesight, and at one glance broke the black emanating formation hidden under the soul eater formation. .

Xuan Chengzi looked at him, and he was horrified. That was another trapping dragon array of their Tianshui School that did not pass secret methods. Master Changjing could recognize it because he also participated in the dragon protection battle.

Xuan Chengzi used this method to save the seven remaining dragon veins.

But who painted this formation in front of me? Van Gaal had never learned any secret techniques of the Tianshui school, and he should not have known it.

“This method was painted by Uncle Shi. At that time, he did not kill the small dragon vein of Weipu Village, but transferred it here and was trapped in the method. You were placed on his head. It ’s really what you need. ”Van Gogh spoke another quiet secret in a calm tone.

Xuan Chengzi finally couldn’t stand, the sword tip dragged the ground, stepped backwards for several steps, and said in a trance: “Since he hasn’t killed the Dragon Vessel, why doesn’t he justify it?”

“This is Uncle Shi’s memory. You can take it for yourself.” Van Gogh took a near-black Yang jade from his heart and threw it towards Xuan Chengzi.

Xuan Chengzi clenched the jade piece cold as ice, and his expressionless face actually showed a sad expression.

He has two weaknesses, one is the younger brother, and the other is Song Enci. In these years, why did he hate Van Gogh into the bone marrow?

Because the two people he cares about the most are always directly or indirectly dying in the hands of Van Gogh.

But now, he vaguely felt that the order in his heart might collapse after he got this jade piece, turning into an unbearable weight.

Seeing that he was holding the jade pendant for a long time, Fangallo recalled: “Remember? Uncle Shi was seriously injured in a demon mission and was about to die. It was you who held the sect meeting and gathered all the will, I was forced to use Yu Pei’s power to rescue him. At that meeting, I raised my hand and clearly stated that there were only two people who opposed it, one was me and the other was Shishu himself. “

“You are not a spirit, you will never know the secret of that jade piece, so you don’t know what the consequences of using it to rescue Master Uncle. My firm objection, in your eyes, is merciless and unjust; Master Uncle ‘S resolute opposition, in your eyes is to accommodate me. But did you know that Uncle Shi is also a spiritual person, he should have become a spiritual son of the Tianshui School, but he has taken great effort to hide this secret. “

“He was actually a spirit!” Xuan Chengzi was completely shocked.

“Yes, he is a spiritual person, but because of curiosity, he sneaked into the Zongmen secret land and touched the jade pendant before testing the spiritual power, and thus he knew all the secrets. disciple.”

“So you let me save him, he will be so opposed. He would rather die than be a slave to desire, and would not want my soul to be swallowed by jade Pei because of this cause and effect.”

“But the more afraid people are, the more they will meet. One of us is a child, and the other is seriously injured and dying. We have no say at all. In the end, we still do what you want, my soul Because of this cause and effect, locked by the jade piece, one day it will be swallowed. The body of the uncle is planted with a demon seed, and someday it will fall into the abyss. “

“When I pressed Yu Pei on his heart and made his wound heal, we as spirits saw a terrible future together through the vast world and the time and space.”

“What’s the future?” Xuan Chengzi’s voice shivered with fragility.

“You will see through the memory of Master Uncle.” Van Gogh closed his eyes and locked the tears in his pupils.

Xuan Chengzi was at a loss, and the jade piece spontaneously merged into his palm, pulling him into a world that was constantly flashing with light and shadow, but was full of blood and darkness. Standing above the world, he saw the young Van Gogh, shaking his hand and pressing a piece of jade on his chest.

The younger brother wanted to stop, but his weak hand could only cover that little hand. Their eyes looked at the void involuntarily, as if they had foreseen something.

And Xuan Chengzi was instantly pulled into this void, and saw the terrible scene of the Chinese dragon veins being slaughtered and slaughtered one by one, and then the war was looted, the spirits were painted, and the blood flowed into the river. The beasts wearing the uniforms of the Japanese army wielded long swords, slashing civilians on the street, and making crazy laughs while killing.

Behind them are piles of corpses and blood pools stained the streets.

The whole city was shrouded in black mist formed by countless injustices. This is the consequence of the demise of the dragon’s veins, and this is the catastrophe caused by the failure of the national games.

The dying civilians and the beheaded dragon veins united into a grievance that made the country into hell.

Xuan Chengzi thought that his Dao Xin was already indestructible, but he didn’t realize it until this time. His Tao heart has been torn to pieces by this tragic scene. He couldn’t stop shed two lines of tears, and sent out a trapped beep like a beast. In a trance, he felt that it was meaningless to live in this world.

He can’t save his country or his people.

He clenched the sword in his hand and slashed at the grinning boars, but suddenly found that this **** long street had disappeared like a bubble, and he returned to the day when his brother was seriously injured.

Looking down, Brother Shi and Fangalo held hands, and their expressions were terrified. They already understood the meaning of this illusion.

From that day on, the younger brother began to search around. After two years, he finally found a small dragon vein in Weipu Village, and secretly trapped it in a deep abyss. He concealed the dragon’s qi by thick vigor. The land deprived of Longmai will become a barren land, so he spent another two years slowly transferring all the villagers in Weipu Village.

In the last two years, he will strengthen the sleepy dragon array every once in a while, but the clearness in his eyes is getting less and less, and the darkness is more and more.

He wanted to save the dragon veins, and he wanted to save the little Van Gogh from that jade pendant. Because it was his child, not his own, it was better than his own.

But what should I do? Without strong enough strength, who can break the law of cause and effect?

So he thought of becoming a god, but denied the two normal ways of collecting faith and function. His vision and courage were not comparable to Song Enci, so he quickly deduced a forbidden technique of becoming a **** by using various forbidden techniques handed down from the Tianshui School, that is, the method of sacrifice to heaven.

The so-called sacrifice of the heavens is to use tens of thousands of creatures as sacrifices, or stepping stones, to pave your own way of becoming a god. After becoming a god, you can break all the rules of the world and cut off all causes and effects.

The moment the forbidden art took shape, he began to fall. Through this memory, Xuan Chengzi can even see the **** light circling occasionally in his dark pupil. What is the difference between that look and the phantom ghost?

Xuan Chengzi’s heart was dull because of this discovery, trying to reach out to save this soul that gradually slipped into the abyss, but there was nothing he could do. That is already a thing of the past.

So, what a terrible thing is desire, and the starting point of Mingming Brother is because he loves his children, but the result becomes annihilation.

One day, the younger brother brought the tools for depicting the celestial array and walked outside the gate of Zong. He felt that it was not enough to sacrifice the people of a city, maybe he could also sacrifice the dragon vein. Anyway, he wants to become a god, he has enough strength to protect his country.

“No, don’t go, don’t do such a thing.” Xuan Chengzi fell from the air and followed him step by step, shouting at his ear.

But he could not hear, but accelerated the pace.

Suddenly, a pair of small hands held his big hand, and a faint but firm child’s voice blocked his footsteps like a spell.

“Uncle Master, don’t go. Saving you is the happiest thing that Fan’er has done. Fan’er never regrets it. If Master Uncle goes, Fan’er will let the jade piece eat me.” Little The child pulled out the jade and said vowedly.

Brother’s footsteps stopped suddenly, and the **** double pupils instantly recovered their clarity.

He squatted halfway, trembling: “You know?”

“I heard the sound made here.” The nine-year-old child put his hand on his chest. He is the strongest spirit of the Tianshui School, and he naturally can hear such a strong desire.

“Uncle Master, do you remember the story of the Great God of Pangu that you told me? You told me that even if we cultivators die, we must give back the last trace of strength in our bodies to Heaven and Earth, because it is this Heaven and Earth Raised us. Uncle Master, you stay, don’t go. “

The nine-year-old child took Xuan Yangzi’s hand and said anxiously, “Don’t be a god, don’t go.”

“Well, I’m not a god.” Xuan Yangzi shed tears, and the shame in his heart flooded into his heart like tide.

He was finally awake, but he was afraid that one day he would be dragged into the abyss by desire, so he took out an iron-cutting dagger from the rafters and explained carefully: “If one day, Uncle made an irreparable mistake , You must kill me yourself. “

The nine-year-old cried in horror, his hands behind his back, and was reluctant to take a dagger.

Xuan Yangzi put his hand on his shoulder and said in a cold tone: “If you can’t even punish my mistakes, how can you defend this land? You should now understand what kind of purgatory you will live through your life.” If you ca n’t be strong, then you can only choose to commit suicide, because you will fall into a devil if you ca n’t stand by. The weak guardians are a threat to this land, a disaster! “

The three words “Guardian”, which are extremely heavy, were placed on a nine-year-old child by Xuan Yangzi.

Xuan Chengzi, who always regarded himself as the guardian of the Tianshui School, was bent at the moment by his shame.

Looking at the nine-year-old child who slowly clenched the dagger with tears in her head, Xuan Chengzi suddenly heard a condemning voice-hate this child, how do you deserve it? Clean up the portal, how do you deserve it?

In a trance, the scene in the memory changes. Xuan Yangzi gave up the idea of ​​offering sacrifices to God, but still failed to escape the punishment of heaven. After two years, the time is too short, and the villagers in Weipu are too attached to their hometowns and are reluctant to leave, so they encountered an unprecedented earthquake after the dragon’s veins broke off.

More than a dozen people died in the village, and Xuanmen sent people to investigate, and naturally picked out the culprit Xuan Yangzi.

Xuan Chengzi watched the younger brother kneeling in front of Sanqing Hall and knocking off the leader; he watched the past himself fighting with him in anger, and watched them both wounded and unable to move.

Then, the scene that made him most unforgettable happened. The little Van Gogh came in and drew a dagger from his waist and simply pierced his brother’s heart.

Xuan Chengzi used to think of this scene in the past, and the hatred in his heart was like a flood, but when he looked at it today, he felt heartfelt regret.

Putting in the perspective of the younger brother, he saw how the little face of Van Gaal was drowned in tears, and how he bit his lips and gums, revealing a sad expression. On the face of the younger brother, there was an encouraging smile, his index finger slightly ticked, and he said silently with his lips: Do not hesitate to do the right thing.

What is the right thing?

For Van Gogh, the correct thing is to punish the fallen demon, protect this land, and protect all souls.

It is hard to imagine a 10-year-old child carrying such a heavy weight on his shoulders.

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