
Chapter 288

Lin Nianci is a spiritual person and can see things that ordinary people cannot see. Therefore, when she released the magnetic field and shrouded her double pupils, the black lake turned into a column of black mist, hovering over the entire village, like a group of evil dragons writhing in the sky.

Xuan Chengzi also opened Yin and Yang eyes, and then showed a terrified look. He has beheaded the demon for hundreds of years, and he has never seen such a huge and so strong shame. Said this is a branch of hell, I am afraid that some people will believe it.

What kind of evil in the end can make a lake gather so many sins?

Thinking of this, he looked at Van Gogh.

Lin Nianci was also terrified and was shaking his head again and again, daring not to admit that this was the small village he had blessed.

Van Gogh came to her, squatted halfway, said slowly: “You should remember its original appearance?”

Remember, how not to remember? The mountain here was once green, not gray; the people here were simple, not evil; the lake here was clear and transparent, not foul-smelling.

What is it that makes everything here unrecognizable?

Lin Nianci is a person without Huigen, otherwise she will not fall on the road of becoming a god. What she couldn’t see, Van Goghro only got through a photo of Blackwater Lake hanging on the Internet.

He looked up at the Tianzhu, which was condensed with black spirits, and slowly said: “After you leave, the people in this small village have become your most devout believers. Because the power of faith is too strong, Yangyu differentiate Their light spots were awakened by them one after another. They had all experienced the feeling of dying quickly, and so desperately wanted their health. “

“Is this wish simple?” Van Gogh asked.

Lin Nianci dared not answer.

Fangallo continued: “Those light spots condensed into little jade, helping them fulfill their wishes. The men, women, children, old and young in this village have become healthier than ordinary people, and they never get sick all year round. Seeing this As a result, their faith in you will become more religious. “

“What happens when you are in good health?” Fangallo asked again.

Lin Nianci’s eyes rolled, not understanding what was wrong with this wish.

Song Rui analyzed: “The body is healthy, the life span is extended, and the fertility rate will also increase.”

Fanjaro nodded: “Dr. Song is right, he is healthy, he will live longer, and his fertility rate will increase. So people in this village started to have a large number of children, and then expanded their population very quickly. There are not many people living here , They moved to the mountain, or the other side of the mountain, so a small village eventually turned into a town, and your believers are increasing. “

“But the good times don’t last long. The war started. Because of their strong bodies, the men here were all captured by the court as soldiers. The sword on the battlefield has no eyes, but just how healthy they are? So your believers began to crave strength and longing for That era of warfare is alive. “

“Those Yangyu once again fulfilled their wishes.”

“Only a few men who were arrested could come back alive, and the rest died on the battlefield. The town was originally a big town, and it turned into a small mountain village.”

“In the age when the creatures were painted and the people were withered, reproduction was the most important word.”

“What do you need to reproduce?” Van Gogh asked unexpectedly.

Lin Nianci’s mind couldn’t keep up with his thinking, and he could only look back blankly.

“Man and woman are needed.” Song Rui said lightly.

Fangallo nodded and said: “Yes, reproduction requires both men and women, but for people here, reproduction seems to depend only on men, and women are just a tool. In those days, such an idea seemed to be justified. So Have you foreseen it? The sins started by you have finally come to light. “

Lin Nianci’s eyes flickered frequently, but he wondered what this sentence meant.

Xuan Chengzi looked at the corpse-laden lake and his eyes were red.

“The men who can come back alive have all become strangers. Their bodies are extremely strong. The same is true of the women who can survive. They began to multiply, multiply, multiply … but the land in the battle is not so lively. Many people, so some people secretly threw the baby girl into this lake. “

“First one or two, then three or four. When the vast majority of people learn the secret and become accustomed to it, all the baby girls born here are sent here.”

Lin Nianci suddenly turned to look at the lake, his eyes wide open, as if he saw a monster.

Fangallo nodded and said: “Yes, yes, it is a monster that eats people. The evil behavior of a baby boy staying and a baby girl drowning has turned into a family rule here, and it has been followed by generations. Then After a few more years, the women were dissatisfied and said that since production is so painful, why ca n’t I just have a son and not a daughter? “

“These women knelt in front of the statue of the saint, praying for your well-being, so that they will only have sons and no daughters in the future. This strong desire will be heard and realized by those Yangyu again. But those women do n’t know that it is Yupei In order to show his determination to the saint, all women drank the water in the lake that drowned countless baby girls that night. “

Lin Nianci covered her mouth and vomited unconsciously. She couldn’t understand why human beings could do such a thing.

Xuan Chengzi closed his eyes and could not bear to hear.

Song Rui analyzed: “This kind of thing is not uncommon. In those days, some people strangled their daughters who gave birth to their sons in order to have a son, and buried them on the road in front of their homes, letting pedestrians trample on them repeatedly to intimidate them. Infant spirits still floating in the sky, let them not be cast into female fetuses to be born in their homes. “

“Yes,” Van Gogh closed his eyes, and said in a cold tone: “In order to have a son, some people can do everything they can.”

“Pray to your idol and drink the water in the lake again. The women in this village will only have sons instead of daughters. They are so happy that they have changed their name to Xianghuo Village. In all directions, it has attracted many people who are sincere.

“How could the villagers let them take advantage of nothing, so they kept the village entrance and demanded high fees, and made a fortune.”

“But their only son is not the reason for water. Will selling them cause trouble?” Song Rui has foreseen something.

Fangallo nodded and said: “Yes, they are in trouble. But they don’t think it’s a water problem. Instead, they think it’s because the villagers don’t regenerate their daughters. There are too few baby girls to sacrifice in the lake, so that the lake water Lost divine power. “

Song Rui shook his head, inevitably sighed.

Xuan Chengzi’s closed eyes opened, showing a trace of tears.

Lin Nianci kept shaking his head and muttered in his mouth: “No, no …”

“Why not?” Fangallo pointed at the darkened lake: “If not, how did it come from?”

“Yes, as you think, people here began to gather baby girls everywhere, throw them in the lake, and called them sacrifices in the name. But the lake is still useless to outsiders. This way of money is broken. What’s worse The sharp decrease in women has prevented men here from marrying their wives. “

“At first they would come back to find women from other villages, but these women had no yang jade in their bodies. The children they gave birth were men and women, and the miracle of Xianghuo Village was finally broken. But that family rule has been passed down. . “

“The evil once happened again, the baby boy can live, the baby girl must die. In such an evil mountain village, which girl is willing to marry in? So gradually, the men here can no longer marry their wives, because there are no women in the surrounding area Dare to come. “

“But it doesn’t matter, women don’t want to marry. Men here can go out to snatch, go out to steal, go to abduct. No matter what means is used, it is their skill to bring the woman back. Crazy, some committed suicide. The women who committed suicide were also thrown into this lake. “

“Later, all women who died in this village were thrown into the lake and sacrificed to the saint.”

“A new country has been established, and the methods of stealing, robbing, abducting, and cheating can no longer attract a large number of women.” Fangallo looked at Lin Nianci and asked, “You said, live in this village What about the men in here? “

Lin Nianci kept shaking his head, anxious tone: “I don’t know, don’t ask me! These things have nothing to do with me!”

Fangallo continued: “There are not enough women, they can make use of it. A woman, the whole family and even the whole village can share, so everything here is messed up.”

Song Rui shook his head and said: “No wonder there are so many freaks here, it was originally due to inbreeding.”

Xuan Chengzi knelt down and made a retching voice. This kind of thing is scary!

Lin Nianci blocked his ears with his hands, unwilling to listen anymore. It’s terrible, really terrible! She did not believe that there would be such a thing in the world!

Fangallo sent her voice directly into her mind: “Later, Duan Xiaoyun came here inadvertently and was very satisfied with those inhumane things. He chose a woman as her agent and collected fertilizer for her. You know, her so-called fertilizer is human flesh. “

“What happens afterwards, you have already experienced it yourself, so I do n’t need to say more? There are countless women deceived by them, and men who sell organs killed by them are unknown, and they rely on that kind of pregnancy. As a result, tens of millions of babies were obtained, boys sold them for money, girls took them to eat, sacrificed, or filled lakes. “

“They grew up drinking the water in the lake, and they were all covered with bad karma. Their goal was not to kill people, but to eliminate women. But there will be women in the world, just as there will be yin and yang in the beginning of the world. “

Fangallo stood up, looking down on the trembling Lin Nianci, and asked, “Guess what day they wrote” Drown all baby girls “as a national rule?”

Lin Nianci put down her ear-plugging fingers and looked at him with a horrified face. She seemed to think of something.

Van Gogh sarcastically raised his lips and nodded, “Yes, you guessed it right, it was the day when you suddenly suffered a bite and no longer showed any signs; it was you who thought you had stepped in The threshold for becoming a god, but the day when you suddenly fell from the sky; it is the day when you have to return to the Tianshui School and ask Master for help. “

Lin Nianci shook his head and said in a dumb voice: “Why? Why should it be counted on my head? None of those things I did!”

“Don’t you understand? Because the crimes of these people are not simple murders,” Vangaro said coldly: “It’s against human relations, against race, against Yin and Yang, against heaven. This is against heaven, against species, against. How can they bear the evil karma? They ca n’t bear it, and they naturally need you, the initiator, to carry it. And you, can you bear it? “

Lin Nianci looked down at his wrinkled withered hands, and already understood the answer.

Xuan Chengzi said indifferently: “This kind of evil karma can’t be carried by a real fairy, let alone she is just a mortal.”

Now he wants to come, he really regrets it. Song Enci’s rhetoric in those days, as long as anyone in the Tianshui School had doubts in their hearts and pinched their fingers, they could discern the truth. But no one doubts, none!

She said that her injury was caused by Van Gogh, and everyone believed it, because Van Gogh was originally a villain of the uncle’s hand. Is it strange to hurt the sister? Prejudice can really make a person blind to the point of no eyes.

Xuan Chengzi dropped the iron rod in his hand and knelt down to the ground. He was wrong, he was so wrong all these years!

Lin Nianci tried to smooth the folds of his hands, and quickly adjusted his body to make up for the loss of vitality, but it was useless. This abyss has been staring at her, and she will never let her go.

Van Gaal stepped over to Lin Nianci step by step and hung her palm in front of her face.

Lin Nianci unconsciously unblocked the magnetic field, but listened to him lightly say: “Do not re-integrate Yangyu into a whole and refine it into a part of the body. In my eyes, you will always be a poor worm that can only be crushed at will . So you go. “

“What?” Lin Nianci froze. She also thought that she had a grudge with Van Gogh, and there must be an end today.

“I foresee that you still have three debts to repay,” Van Gaal withdrew his hand and raised his jaw in the direction of the village entrance: “Go, go and pay the debts of others you owe, and I will come to liquidate with you again. Debt. “

Lin Nianci quickly got up and stumbled away. As for what to pay off debts and settle accounts, it is not within the scope of her thinking. She just wanted to be far away from Fangallo, far away from this Blackwater Lake, and never see it again!

Although she has lived for more than two hundred years, she has never suffered much. In Zongmen, she was guarded by a master and a group of brothers and sisters; after leaving, she was guarded by Zhang Wencheng; after Zhang Wencheng, she was guarded by a group of believers; after being repulsed, she became a baby and continued to be Master and a group of brothers guarded.

Her life is like a reincarnation, so similar to Van Gogh, but diametrically opposed. Van Gaal traversed the reincarnation in hell, but she has been staying in the honey pot, enjoying the care and pursuit of others.

How can she fight back like this? When he was able to kill Van Gogh with his heart, he was also constantly bewitched by Zhang Wencheng, and the other party personally planned everything in order to successfully implement it. She can’t do anything by herself.

Seeing her back without looking back, Xuan Chengzi’s last trace of her apprenticeship also languished.

Such a child was actually cultivated by his own hands, he is guilty!

“Master, there is one more thing here for me.” Van Gogh came to Xuan Chengzi and said, “When we used jade to rescue Master Uncle, we jointly foresee the future of the dragon vein being slaughtered, and my spirit He is one point stronger than him and sees more scenes. One of them is related to you, would you like to know? “

Xuan Chengzi raised his head and looked at him in amazement.

Fangallo took his hands and took him to review that memory.

After a moment, he asked slowly: “Master, tell me whether this future is true or false.”

Xuan Chengzi froze, and the dark double pupils stared at a certain point in the void, as if he saw something demon or ghost. After a long while, he said tremblingly, “It’s true.” Then he bent down, put his head against the ground, and held it tightly with both hands.

This is a gesture of confession and a gesture of escape.

So Van Gaal understood everything, looked at him deeply with tears in his eyes, and turned away at the end. His cold voice broke in the wind: “Master, this is the last time I call you Master.”

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