
Chapter 34

The police station has regulations that police officers cannot investigate cases privately, otherwise they will be expelled. However, Yang Shengfei had not been in the job for a long time and had no savings. There was another weak widow in the family who needed to be supported. The monthly medical expenses were a huge expenditure. If Yang Shengfei really lost his job because of this, their family’s life will be in trouble.

Zhuang Zhen will not watch his team members walking towards the dead end, not to mention that this situation is not the worst, and even worse-in the process of investigating the case, if Yang Shengfei’s emotional excitement makes a big mistake, or a suspect Ferociously murderous and killing, it is really irreversible.

“Catch me back, hurry up!” Zhuang Zhen ordered.

The people in the first team also thought of the above situation and immediately chased.

Song Rui took off his glasses and sighed: “When he comes back, you should persuade him not to be impulsive, otherwise Xiao Jin’s end will be his lesson. Should I write the closing report?”

“That feeling is good, please help me write this part of Van Gogh.” Zhuang Zhen hurriedly pushed the data over.

Song Rui: …

The two spent hours writing the closing report. The most difficult content involved Van Goghro, deliberating and deliberating. The incredible plots and absurd dialogues were all deleted by them and replaced by “Verify that there is no suspicion” six words.

After reading the report, the sub-bureau chief shook his head and sighed, “The world is nothing strange!”

The case was closed under the red stamp.

In the evening, a team of players finally chased Yang Shengfei back. Many people were around him and persuaded and comforted, but the most enthusiastic Liao Fang was sitting on the side, wiping the corners of his red eyes with a tissue. I don’t want to say anything. In front of her was a folder with information about the case of a minor infringing a young girl in the morning.

“I will not approve the suspension application.” Zhuang Zhen cut off Yang Shengfei’s thoughts with a single mouth.

“Captain, I beg you!” Yang Shengfei suddenly looked up, his eyes open.

Liao Fang closed the folder hard, and Niu Tau asked, “Captain, why do you want to be a police officer? Does your exhausted work make sense?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent.

Zhuang Zhen was deliberately using his words, and Liao Fang said again: “I can finally understand the Van Gogh’s approach now. If I were him, I would not call the police because it would be useless to report it, and the bad guys would not get what they deserved. Punishment, good people will not be brought back to life because of this … “

Zhuang Zhen severely interrupted Liao Fang’s words: “Why do you think our work is meaningless? How many drug trafficking dens do we kill every year and how many families have you rescued? Have you counted? How many criminal cases have our criminal investigation team cracked each year? , How many victims have complained about grievances, do you know? We are the forefront of upholding justice and jurisprudence. Without us, justice will not only be late, but will be absent forever! When you are exhausted, you will fall back home , Seeing your parents alive and peacefully, laughing happily, do you feel exhausted? “

Liao Fang nodded without hesitation: “Of course!”

Zhuang Zhen eased his tone and slowly said: “Then you think about it from another angle-their peace and joy are all because of you, me, and the vast majority of public security officers and soldiers fighting on the front line. You Do you still think that our work is meaningless? There are 365 days in a year, and on average every day, a drug-killing policeman is killed for work. Ask them if they have regrets! When you enter the soil, you ask your colleagues if they have shrunk! Since wearing this uniform, we must assume the responsibility of maintaining law, fairness and justice. It is our glory to act for the people. Do you understand? “

Liao Fang froze for a long time before nodding, and said in a mute voice: “Captain, I understand. I was just too excited, sorry.”

“You haven’t experienced anything shortly after you joined the work, and occasionally you want to be blameless. When you first joined the police force, you also made an oath. Have you not forgotten those oaths?” Zhuang Zhen looked at Liao Fang’s face unwillingly. Yang Shengfei.

The two recalled for a moment and then showed a shameful expression.

Loyal to the motherland, to the people, to the law; to obey orders, to obey orders; to observe discipline, to keep secrets; to enforce the law impartially, to be honest and honest; to perform their duties with due diligence, and not to be afraid of sacrifice … …

The two stood up quickly, and both bowed their heads and apologized: “Captain, we are wrong, we should not shake our convictions!” Yeah, if there were no police, who would those victims ask for help? Who avenged those who died? As long as Xiao Rui bravely stood up and asked the police for help, all tragedies could have been avoided.

Zhuang Zhen saw that both of them had sincere expressions and sincere tone of voice, so they patted their shoulders comfortably and said firmly: “You have to believe in the law and you have to believe in your choice. Xiaofei, I will be indifferent The North Police Department submits an application to re-investigate your sister ’s case. You do n’t want to act privately, it ’s against the rules. Our team will help you, the truth will always come to light, and the murderer will stay in trouble. Just as you said to the victim ’s family hundreds of times As I said, now, I have to say to you-you have to believe our ability to handle cases. “

Yang Shengfei red eyes, tears, nodded heavily.

This matter came to an end, Zhuang Zhen said with relief: “Xiao Jin’s case is closed, you can go home and rest early today.”

Everyone didn’t cheer for it, just spread out in silence.

Zhuang Zhen stopped Xiao Li and instructed: “You work overtime, post the case on the Internet, and give the public an explanation.”

Xiao Li nodded in agreement, thought for a while, and said: “Many people are saying that Van Gogh is a murderer, shall we clarify it for him?”

Liao Fang, who was carrying the bag and was about to leave work, quickly looked over, his expression a little nervous.

Zhuang Zhen glanced at her and nodded: “Help him clarify, I said, we as a police officer will not let a bad person go, nor will he injustice a good person.”

Xiao Li grinned and said very simply: “Well, then I will write a draft now.”

“Let the people of the Propaganda Department help you check it out, and don’t forget to send it to the director after you write it.” Zhuang Zhen gave an uneasy explanation.

Xiao Li promised in a row, Liao Fang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The crowd dragged their tired bodies away from the police station.


In the evening, the branch bureau officer released the final draft of the case, and helped Vangallo clarify it by the way, saying that all the evidence showed that he had nothing to do with the case. But netizens do not accept this explanation at all, because they have long determined that Van Gogh is the murderer. People only believe what they are willing to believe, not the so-called “facts” and “conclusive evidence.”

There was a tumult on the Internet for some time. Some people suspected that the police station was bought by Van Gogh. Others suspected that Van Gogh had found a scapegoat top tank. Some people simply clicked the complaint button to report the corruption and bribery of the branch leader. .

There are very few sensible people, and they have no power to speak at all. Once they tried to speak for Van Gogh, there was a spurt of aggressiveness: [Then you let him stand up and explain what happened to his death notices and death sketches!] He all knew that Gao Yize would die, how could it have nothing to do with the case! The police treat us as a fool! 】

Of course, there are still many people who are digging Xiao Jin ’s identity and trying to find out the evidence that the police station has made people feel bad. Unfortunately, the police station ’s manuscript is very general, and they have no way to check it.

Just as public opinion accused the police station of favoritism, and the rich covered the sky with one hand, Van Gogh regained consciousness. His dark eyes circulated with a gleam of light, with stars shining in between, and dissipated into a cloud of mist. He stepped out of the bathtub and stood naked in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the mountains in the distance. The orange lamp spilled from the top of the head, plating his white jade-like skin with gold. Only a few days of nap, his body became more plump and more flexible, and even a few centimeters taller.

There was a lot of shimmer in his pupils, and more shimmer in his pupils. The world in his eyes is completely different from what others have seen: mountains are not mountains, water is not water, people, maybe not people.

At this moment, the mobile phone connected to the charger began to jingle. He picked it up and looked at it, with a sneer on his lips, then opened Weibo, changed his signature to the psychic Van Gogh, and then began to appreciate the malicious messages.

Soon someone noticed his move and preached it. psychic? What do you mean? Are you washing yourself indirectly?

[Is Van Gogh suggesting that he really has nothing to do with Gao Yize’s murder? Are those death warnings and death sketches psychic? ] Someone guessed like this.

[Psychic Fart! Apart from Gao Yize, have several other death warnings been fulfilled? He is simply in favor of the crowd! Gao Yize must have killed him, and then he stood up again to stir the wind and rain, the purpose is to turn the red! This man is crazy, he doesn’t even have a basic legal awareness and moral bottom line, he is really mad! 】

[The police station is covering him! I have reported to the Discipline Inspection Commission! These people must check it out! 】

[Where is the axiom? What is the law? Where is justice? Is there any hope in this world? 】

[The evidence is so full, I do n’t know how Van Gogh took it out. Psychic? This reason is too ridiculous, right? This is rubbing our IQ on the ground! 】

[Even if it was abandoned by the family, Van Gollo would still be called Van Gogh, and the Van Gogh would not ignore him. Is it not easy for the privileged class to catch individuals? They are too lazy to give the public even a decent reason, so arrogant! 】

[I already knew that the result would be like this! Justice and justice are only in the hands of the privileged class, not the people! Wake up! You are a group of cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered! 】

[I ’m so mad that I ca n’t eat any more! Why are scumbags like Van Gogh alive? He should die! 】

[I also want to strangle him! 】

The trend of online public opinion is becoming more and more radical. The public no longer clamor for Van Gogh to get out of the entertainment circle, but hopes that he will disappear in the world forever.

The malicious transmission speed and spread are terrible. The maliciousness of millions of people almost immediately converges into a torrent of torrents, sweeping the entire network and disturbing the judgment of most people. Even if the murderer had already conquered the law, Fangallo could not clear the charges on him, because it was not the law who tried him, but the public who tried him. Such judgments are often radical and even far from the truth.

Xiao Li, who has been monitoring the direction of Internet public opinion, came out in a cold sweat.

In order to reduce the negative impact, the police did not announce that this case was actually a serial murder, so the public always thought that the victim was only one Gao Yize, and Van Gogh ’s motive for killing was the strongest, and his actions were the most suspicious, so he took it for granted. The ground became the murderer.

The general manuscript was written by Xiao Li. His original intention was to help Van Gogh, but it turned out to be harmful to Van Gogh, and he also burned the fire to the branch. Now the branch has been reported, the phone of the liaison department has been ringing, all the people who are filled with indignation, and they curse with open mouth, there is no chance to explain.

Xiao Li quickly called the director, deputy director and team leader to seek their opinions.

The secretary burst into angrily shouting: “Fuck him! Lao Tzu just received a call from the Disciplinary Inspection Commission and said that he would send an ad hoc team to investigate us! The evidence of this case is conclusive, and there is nothing to investigate! If I make trouble, I will announce all the cases , Regardless of his influence! We work hard to deal with the case, why do we bear this black pot! “

Xiao Li bitterly persuaded: “Director, you are calm and calm, this case is too bad in nature, if we publish it without permission, we will not agree to it, we will take the lead in the whole situation! I want this month’s bonus!”

The Secretary is also angry, just vent a little, and dare not publish the truth. He asked Xiao Li to delete the comments that were too bad and control the public opinion. Don’t do other unnecessary actions.

Xiaowei Weiwei was promised, and was about to delete the comment, but was suddenly stunned. His fingertips hung over the mouse, and he could not hold it for a long time. I saw a Weibo with a big red “burst” on the top of the hot search list. The title is very eye-catching-“Take a look at the truth about the murder of Gao Yize. There are pictures, videos and videos. 》

The rapidly increasing number of clicks indicates that this Weibo is by no means a gimmick or fabricated, and the situation seems to be out of control …

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