
Chapter 87

In the spirit of “there is no bargain, don’t take the bastard”, Song warmly arranged the stage for Su Fengxi, and invited all the players to the studio to enjoy the performance.

When I learned that the woman I had sensed before was Su Fengxi, the players were very excited, and several of them were obviously **** fans, and they cried ecstatically.

Zhao Wenyan, who was invited to sit in the first row, was stiff, unbelievable and terrified. He asked: “The mysterious guest you invited is Su Fengxi? Why didn’t you tell me before? What is my relationship with her, Song Warm you Do n’t say you do n’t know, are you doing something intentionally? ”

“You are a big man, and you break up, why should you be so stingy? Just listen to her sing a song, and it won’t kill you. Do you know how much the ratings of our program will go up when this episode is broadcast? “Song Nuan pressed Zhao Wenyan’s shoulders and did not allow him to leave. In order to put the new, old and ruthless people in the same box into the same box, she also took a lot of thoughts.

Zhao Wenyan shook her hand hard and got up and left. No one will believe it even if it is said-listening to Su Fengxi’s song can really kill him!

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to the entrance of the studio, Fangallo walked over with Xu Yiyang’s hand, and said softly, “Go back and sit, don’t order.”

“But Su Fengxi will sing in a moment.” Zhao Wenyan in a rage immediately turned into a docile little sheep, and he grumbled.

“I’m there, it’s okay.” Fangalo put his hand on his back and gently pushed it.

The breeze blowing the general force actually pushed the bullish Zhao Wenyan. He walked forward and stepped on the footsteps of Van Gaal step by step, chattering endlessly: “Is it really okay? You do n’t know how evil her singing is! It ’s useless to block your ears. Those music can be used from you The scalp infiltrated and directly controlled your thoughts. I bought the best soundproof headphones in the world and couldn’t deal with her. She must have come to us today. Have you met just now, is it affected? I worry about her If the ability is improved, you may not even be able to deal with her. Sometimes I really want to **** a killer and kill her directly! “

Fangallo covered Xu Yiyang’s ear and warned: “Don’t say this in front of the child.”

“Ah, sorry!” Zhao Wenyan shut up immediately. After the vent just now, his face shrouded in depression was slightly better. As long as he was with Van Gogh, he would gradually become serene and calm.

As they approached the front row, a gentle voice came from behind: “Van Galo, wait for me.”

“Dr. Song, I haven’t seen you for a long time.” Van Gogh nodded politely.

Song Rui lightly smiled: “Can you say another hello? Every time you meet again, you will say so.” His sharp eyes fixed on a plaque behind Xu Yiyang’s neck, but did not show any strangeness. . Even if Vangallo walked with a dead man under the large public, he could not make him feel fear. He even smiled at the little boy interestingly, causing the other party to grab Vangaro’s clothes and walk behind him. hide.

Van Gogh seemed to feel something, so he put up a long index finger, pressed against his red lips, smiling quietly, but strangely.

Song Ruiwei nodded and smiled and turned away.

The confrontation between the two was only instantaneous, without any express or implied words, but they had reached a tacit agreement, and Zhao Wenyan also unknowingly complained about Song Nuan’s self-proclaimed: “… in order to ratings, she is really Everything can be done! Is this what your Song family tutors are like? Anyone can use it? “

“Actually, I was also surprised by her decision. I don’t understand why she invited Su Fengxi. There is nothing commendable for this person. Her songs are all unbearable moans.” When facing Fangallo, Song Ruihui Habitually take off the pair of gold wire glasses to reveal the true self. When he said this, his expression was extremely cold, and there was also a disgusting light in his eyes, as if he had lost his appetite for Su Fengxi.

Zhao Wenyan couldn’t help but realize that he had never been confused by Su Fengxi. This is the third person he has encountered in real life who can always remain sober in front of Su Fengxi: the first is his grandfather, Mr. Zhao Guoan, an old man who participated in the anti-American aid, and killed one from the blood of the corpse mountain. Veteran on the road. His willpower cannot be destroyed by Su Fengxi’s obsessive voice; the second one is Fangallo, and his extraordinary ability to be holy can crush Su Fengxi completely; the third one is Song Rui, but why? What he thinks is just an ordinary person!

“You don’t like Su Fengxi? Why?” Zhao Wenyan asked suspiciously.

“If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. There is no reason.” Song Rui smiled casually, feeling that Van Gogh was staring at herself, more precisely, at his head, and asked softly, “What’s wrong, yes Did n’t you suddenly find me looking handsome? ”

Van Gogh, who did n’t expect Song Rui to be joking, was really amused by him, shaking his head, and sighed: “You have a mind that can keep awake in any environment. If you can, I really want to borrow your head Use one. “

“There is nothing wrong with this, you take it if you want.” Song Rui stared at the young man with a sly expression, but his eyes were extremely serious. He has no emotions, and naturally will not be afraid of death, just a head, he can afford it.

Fan Jialuo smiled and waved his hand, and continued to walk forward, Song Rui also followed with a smile, and gently patted the cold and stiff shoulders of Xu Yiyang’s child to determine his guess.

Zhao Wenyan couldn’t understand the dumb mystery between the two and could only follow them step by step. A group of people sat in the empty seats in the second row, looking at the stage where lights and shadows were changing. A Huo and He Jinglian were sitting behind them. They were quietly leaning over, and said in a low voice: “Van Galo, I found the second person who smells very well, that is Su Fengxi. There is a ball in her body. Very surging breath of life, like the big valley where I live. “

He Jinglian added: “Her mood is soothing, clean and free of impurities. She is the purest person I have ever seen. I like the feeling of staying with her.”

Fangallo nodded while listening, never refuting.

Song Rui attached to his ear and said: “All powerful psychics describe Su Fengxi with a similar vocabulary-the breath of life. Do you understand what that is? The reason why she will die is to rely on Is this supported? “

Thinking of Su Fengxi, Song Rui’s mind naturally showed hundreds of thousands of ways to abuse the other party. He was really fed up with the woman’s ubiquitous magic voice.

These dark, violent and cruel emotions were quickly passed on to He Jinglian, making her whine and carrying her skirt quickly and far away. Ah Huo was like a frightened puppy, yelling and ran away with his tail in place.

Ding Puhang, who was sitting not far from Song Rui, also saw the pictures of intestines and blood dripping through his mind-reading ability, so he silently shrunk himself into a ball and shivered uncontrollably. He is actually a **** fan of Su Fengxi, and usually tears her open on the Internet. But at the moment, he knew that Zhao Wenyan was the negative man who abandoned Su Fengxi, Fangallo was the third person who stepped in, and Song Rui was determined to kill her, but he didn’t even dare to put it in front of them.

How can life be so miserable? Ding Puhang took out a tissue and quietly wiped out a sour tear in the corner of his eyes.

Van Gogh stared at the empty stage and whispered: “Yes, she lives by this group of anger.”

“What the **** is that?” Song Rui asked.

“That’s something that can disrupt the energy balance. What consequences will the energy imbalance have, do you understand?”

“I understand that just as the energy of the earth has become unbalanced, it has intensified the pollution of the atmosphere and caused the rise of temperature, which in turn has destroyed the world. The consequences are unimaginable to humans.”

“Yes, it’s terrible, terrible you can’t imagine.” After saying this, Van Gogh fell silent.

But Song Rui has extracted a sufficient amount of information from this short dozen or so short characters. He said “human beings can’t imagine”, but Van Gogh said “you can’t imagine”. Obviously, Van Gogh distinguished himself from humans. This distinction may be due to race or maybe …

Song Rui closed his eyes and whispered dullly in his forehead: … maybe it was because he had already experienced the kind of destruction, so he was different from others. He could imagine or even recall the feeling of pain. But with the words “painful”, can he really express his ten thousandths of feelings?

Song Rui took a deep breath and prevented himself from analyzing it again. This was the first time he had avoided Vanguard.

Lights began to light up on the stage, a lifting platform slowly opened, and a familiar prelude echoed above the studio. All the players were quiet and showed the expected expression, but the crew of the program team reacted very differently. Through the lens, they witnessed Fangalo’s ingestion and interpretation of Su Fengxi, and also vaguely glimpsed some of the true features of Su Ge. So at this moment, when Su Ge came to the stage and smiled softly, they were not crazy because of this, but instead revealed their scrutiny and doubt.

They have been reinvented by Fanga Luo repeatedly, they have gradually realized that there may be monsters in this world.

Su Fengxi dragged his long skirt and took two steps, drooping his eyelids under the colorful lights, his head crooked, as if listening to the accompaniment. But in fact, she was madly urging the anger and moisturizing her throat. When she sings, her singing will unleash unparalleled temptation and conquer all the people present. Those who doubted her, judged her, and even prepared to hurt her will eventually become her captives, which naturally includes Van Gogh!

Su Fengxi, who was all ready, lifted her eyelids and glanced at Zhao Wenyan, while the other party immediately embraced Fangalo’s arm and hid in his arms. This nonchalant look made her unable to hold back her lips and sneered.

“It’s okay, I’m here.” Van Goghro didn’t have any patience, and patted the man’s back gently, so he didn’t panic.

When the two were talking, the prelude had come to an end, and Su Fengxi also opened his red lips and sang in a very subtle voice:

“I stand on the branch,

With a light drizzle,

Looking at you from afar.

You walk across the green grass,

The taller window,

Tell her about love … “

The song is called “Nightingale”, and its inspiration is from Wilde’s fairy tale “Nightingale and Roses”, which is about a noble girl who loves beauty and beauty in a civilian youth, but the girl rejected his love and only He asked for the reddest rose in the world. The young man looked at the garden full of white roses and fell into despair, but a nightingale longing for love dyed him a white rose with his singing voice and blood, and eventually died.

It is conceivable that Su Fengxi, who sang as a nightingale, was so pitiful, so pure, and so passionate that so many people cried heartbroken and heartbroken in her singing. Because of this song, she successfully washed herself and became the most loved singer by fans.

No one can resist the magic of this song, they will cry for it, weep bitterly, toss and turn, and will fall in love with its singer. This is still the case across the screen or player. If you watch live performances on the spot, how powerful will the influence be?

Zhao Wenyan has been hurt by this song twice in a row, and now he is so scared that his face is white.

Song Nuan and others showed an obsessive expression. They swayed their hands unconsciously, shook their heads, narrowed their eyes, half opened their lips, and looked at Su Fengxi on the stage like a god, and wished to dedicate all their faith and loyalty to her!

The performance quickly turned into a large collective drug abuse incident, and it was like a pilgrimage organized by a cult organization. But strangely, these people in them thought they were normal and loved from the heart. Su Fengxi.

Fangalo’s magnetic field cut off this obsessive voice, so that Zhao Wenyan could remain sober. However, it is conceivable from his constantly twisting and struggling expression that he can’t support it for long. Xu Yiyang blocked his ears with short fingers, frowning very tightly, as if extremely uncomfortable, but the influence of this song has reached the top for him, and there will be no stronger reaction. He was just a child, and he didn’t have much desire to be attracted.

The only person who can defend Su Fengxi with a mortal body is Song Rui. He looked at the performance on the stage indifferently, with a ridiculous arc in the corner of his mouth, as if he hadn’t been affected in any way. When Su Fengxi walked to the stage and waved the microphone to interact with everyone, he even turned his head and covered his nose, as if trying to endure her odor. The moment the eyes circulated, the intense maliciousness spreading from the bottom of his eyes made Su Fengxi almost sing out of tune.

The indifference between him and Fangalo seemed so dazzling in the crazy obsession of everyone, making Su Fengxi gritt his teeth with hatred. She calmed down and continued to sing:

“But all she needed was a red rose with blood,

Better than all the happy endings you can imagine.

You ask why my love is so shallow,

You ask why my love is so fragile,

So I put my heart on the sharp thorn,

Use my blood to dye you a white flower … “

In the increasingly crazy and obsessed response, she finally regained her confidence, but at the same time, Van Gogh, who had found the melody, also sang along with her singing:

“I am a nightingale,

I only sing for you.

If you want love, you can find it in my hot tears,

If you want love, you can go to my hot atrium to plan,

You ask me why,

I am a nightingale,

I only sing for you … “

His singing is not soft, not affectionate, not pitiful, not warm and pure, but cold enough, peaceful enough, penetrating and influential enough. So miraculously, this originally unspeakable singing voice actually infiltrated Su Fengxi’s singing voice, making those touching emotions instantly disappear.

A rough rubbing sound mixed with the crying of the baby. It came from Su Fengxi’s microphone. Although it disappeared in just a moment, all the listeners were shocked and woke up. Even more weird is that since then, Su Fengxi’s singing voice has completely lost its unparalleled magic, and has become very hoarse, harsh, chaotic.

She couldn’t keep up with the beat at all, and she sang at the high pitch. The blockbuster performance originally expected turned into a large rollover scene.

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