PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 547: Temporarily giving up on chivalry

After the two other people were beaten, Yela saw one of them and crawled away.

With good timing, Ye Lang stood up again and shot the last arrow.

The player you killed with your crossbow was me.

After Ye Lang finished shooting this arrow, he saw another person who had also been knocked down by him, but he had no arrows now.

Ye Lang could only watch helplessly as the man who was knocked down at first was rescued.

In another building, there was a group of people, they were probably there too, slowly coming towards them.

Ye Lang: It's tragic. I don't have any weapons. I just ran out of space in my backpack, so I threw away my pistol.

Ye Lang lay there, observing the other party's situation.

The more Ye Lang thought about it, the more he realized that he couldn't just sit back and wait for death.

After thinking seriously for a while, he turned on the microphone again, Brother, do you have two guns?

As soon as Ye Lang opened his mouth, No. 3 said excitedly, Hmm, it's Ye Lang, it must be.

But although No. 1 and No. 2 also guessed correctly, they still paid more attention to the game at this time.

I have a win94 for you.

After No. 2 finished speaking, he dropped the gun, Are you Ye Lang?

Ye Lang picked up the gun and before he could speak, No. 1 spoke, It must be him. Who can have such skills? Who else is it?

Yes, yes, I've watched a lot of his videos, and his voice, I'm telling you, I'm sure it is.

Forget it, they have already heard the voice anyway, so it’s better for them to say it.

Yes, I'm Ye Lang, hello. Sorry, I didn't say it just now.

Hahaha, it's true! That's great! I'm so lucky today!

No. 3 became even more excited after Ye Lang admitted it, and kept talking about what Ye Lang said in the video he saw before, which was very similar to what he just said.

But Ye Lang saw that the other party's people had already run to the building opposite them.

Don't stand up. They are on the opposite side. If they throw a thunderbolt, it will be over for the four of us.

Because No. 3 kept talking incessantly, Ye Lang's words seemed almost quiet. No. 1 and No. 2 could only hear that Vietnam was talking, but they could not hear what Ye Lang said.

Oh, that voice package number 3, please stop talking. What did Ye Lang just say?

After No. 3 heard this, he immediately stopped talking.

Ye Lang, what did you just say?

Ye Lang: Sure enough, boys are different from girls. They still pay more attention to games.

Someone has already arrived at the building opposite, please don't stand up.

Okay, Brother Ye Lang.

Number Three replied happily.

Brother! I look like this. I don’t look particularly old, do I? Your voices don’t sound like those of junior high school students or high school students! He also called me brother.

Ye Lang felt a little uncomfortable after being called eldest brother, because he was obviously still very young.

Ye Lang: Oh, forget it, the little girl always hopes that she can look younger, so let her have an advantage.

Ye Lang said nothing and held win94 in his hand.

Although this gun is rarely used by itself, its second level has 99 health, and it is also a substitute for 98k.

Ye Lang: Anyway, in this desert, there are very few people who can get the third level. Unless you pick up airdrops, you can get there faster.

Ye Lang was holding a gun and had heard footsteps, but they couldn't see anyone from their perspective.

Suddenly No. 1 said seriously, They must come downstairs to us!

What are you afraid of? We have Ye Lang in our team. We are destined to win this game.

Ye Lang laughed inwardly when he heard No. 3 talking so arrogantly.

Ye Lang: This No. 3 thinks highly of me too much. I am going to do some heroic deeds in this game. I originally wanted to rely on you to win the chicken, but I didn’t expect you to want to rely on me to win the chicken.

But after hearing other people praising themselves so highly, Ye Lang still had to be more modest, Whether we can win or not depends on our luck, and it has nothing to do with whether I'm around or not!

It's definitely possible. If I can win the game this round, I can score points.

I also want to score points. I have been losing points in the previous games.

I also want to improve my score.

Ye Lang heard that the three of them were all trying to get points, and he had another thought in his heart.

After all, it is very important for people who play games to get higher scores, otherwise, their rank will drop.

The more Ye Lang thought about it, the more he felt that if the three of them lost points because of his selfish behavior, wouldn't it be a bit of a ruin to his image.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Lang made a decision in his heart. He would not be a hero in this round. Anyway, this round was not bad.

In fact, to deal with the few people downstairs, Ye Lang had the ability to beat them to death as long as he ran down. Previously, for his own chivalry, he thought that maybe his teammates could beat them to death, so he stayed there. Make a move.

After figuring everything out, Ye Lang climbed to the best position where he could aim at the door on the roof of the building.

Ye Lang changed from lying down to squatting, When it's time for the three of you, you just hold them down and walk around upstairs to lure them up.

After hearing what Ye Lang said, the three of them immediately understood that Ye Lang was coming to destroy them.

Ye Lang squatted there, and the other three teammates ran here and there.

Hearing a sound on the top of the building, Ye Lang heard the footsteps that had just been made more urgent and getting closer to them. He guessed that they were climbing upstairs.

Get ready to fight, they're coming.

After Ye Lang said these words very seriously, he took the gun and aimed at the door.

You can also see No. 1 and No. 2 aiming at the door relatively close to the station, while No. 3 is still running around there, and neither of them has a gun in his hand.

Ye Lang: This No. 3, did he just go fishing on the roof of the building and was stupid, and now he didn't even pick up the gun in his hand.

No. 1 and No. 2, squat down and fight. No. 3, what are you doing? Why are you just standing there? Hurry up and get your gun!

Based on previous experience, Ye Lang can roughly know where the head will be when it comes out.

Ye Lang stared at the small door closely.

Just after Ye Lang finished what he just said, when the door was opened, Ye Lang started shooting.

The man at the front was shot to the ground by Ye Lang. When he wanted to crawl away, No. 2 and No. 3 fired a few more shots at him. Within a few seconds, he turned into got a box.

After he turned into a box, No. 3 started to grab.

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