PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 599 Try hanging on the roof

Ye Lang was confused about this weird title of his. Who gave it to him? It was such a rotten thing.

What a real-life version of the Almighty Man! What the hell kind of title is this? Who gave it to me?

Teacher Ye, don't you know? Isn't this the title given to you by netizens? Because you know everything, that's why I mentioned this name.

Ye Lang: I'd like to mention your height. If you want to give you such an unpleasant name, you might as well say that I am a universal wind oil essence. Well, this name doesn't seem to be very pleasant either.

On the plane, Ye Lang wanted to continue asking why he had such a name.

But on the plane, many people turned on the microphone, and some people were saying: Don't hit me, I am a man with depression. If I am in a bad mood, I will tire myself to death. .”

Don't make me angry, or I will send you to Dr. Li's psychological consultation room.

Let's go, brothers, let's go to the hospital together to find Dr. Li.

Ye Lang didn't expect that his incident would be treated as a joke by everyone in the game.

It seems that only those who play games believe that they are people who cannot suffer from depression.

Why is my incident being used as a joke by everyone?

Hahaha, Ye Lang, don't you know? Most people don't believe it anymore, except that idiot Tuantuan.

Ye Lang: It's true, it doesn't matter if others believe it. I'm really shocked that Tuantuan still believes this. Indeed, the thoughts of girls are beyond what we men can imagine in our lives.

The flight path of the plane was almost reaching the place where they wanted to parachute, and the lively sounds on the plane gradually disappeared.

When Ye Lang took them parachuting towards St. Martin, Tuantuan suddenly said: Brother Ye Lang, you have to find a better landing place. I saw a video of an anchor last time. Her The parachute got stuck on a house and stayed stuck for a long time.

Ye Lang: Isn't this the last time I played that girl's strange operation with me! Could it be possible that he is the anchor that Tuan Tuan talks about.

Stuck on the roof? This is impossible, right? I've been playing the exciting battlefield for so long,

I have never seen anyone get stuck. That must be fake, and you believe it.

No, it's true. I really saw that his video was stuck for a long time.

Damn it, technology is so advanced now, is it so difficult to make a video like this?

Ah! Really!

Tuantuan actually believed what Daidai said. Did he convince her so easily?

Ye Lang couldn't believe that Tangtang believed what Daidai said, Yes! Last time we played with me, another girl was stuck on it for a long time. In the end, we had to use Lei Lei to get her off. of.

After Ye Lang finished speaking, Daidai, who had been explaining solemnly just now, was surprised, Is there really such a thing? Ye Lang, are you telling a story?

I told you, it's true, really. That anchor was stuck on the roof of the building. They were teammates in the end, and they used thunder to blow him down. Could it be that that anchor was the one who was with Ye Lang? Bar?

Really? I really don't believe it. Are you two working together to deceive us?

Daidai still didn't believe what Ye Lang and the others said, and still felt that they were lying to him.

Really, why did we lie to you?

And Ye Lang suddenly came up with a plan. Since he didn't believe what they were saying, let's demonstrate it to them.

How about we all land on the top of the building and see who gets stuck?

Okay, okay!

At this time, Ye Lang and the others were about to fall to the ground, and the house under St. Martin could be seen clearly.

Tuantuan and the other three of them broke away from Ye Lang's parachuting following and flew in one direction each.

One flew to the most concentrated place in St. Martin's House, made several turns, tried hard to hang the parachute on the roof, and finally landed safely on the ground.

After landing, Ye Lang first went into the house to look for supplies, because he had already seen someone jumping with them when they were skydiving, so there must be someone next to them.

Pick up a gun first to protect yourself. If a few of them are knocked down, you can still save them.

Ye Lang didn't want to fight in a team, but in the end he was the only one left. In this case, it was not much different from playing the game alone.

Did any of you hang from the roof?

No, this one can't be hung at all, okay? He will come down directly. Is that anchor lying to you?

It's impossible. He was on the roof when I was playing a game, and I was also playing a desert map. It's just that we were skydiving in Johor Bahru City.

I now seriously suspect that Ye Lang and Tuantuan are teaming up to deceive us.

Ye Lang was helpless. Although he understood Dudu very well, he wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen someone tell him that he would hang it on the roof.

Then let's look for supplies first. I just saw someone skydiving with us, and there seems to be more than one group of people. You should be careful.

Playing on the desert map is different from other places. There are relatively few supplies here. Most people will look for supplies first after jumping down and will not easily fight with others.

Generally when playing on rainforest maps, if you parachute slower than others, you will immediately turn into a box.

Ye Lang and others began to search for supplies next to the supplies that jumped down.

Ye Lang had already searched from the house to the nearby warehouse, and his equipment was relatively complete, but they were just relatively low-level things. If he wanted to fight with others, it would be no problem.

Ye Lang only needs to find some more advanced equipment now. Look for more smoke bombs. You will have a chance to save people later.

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he looked at the map and saw the locations of the three of them, and wanted to find them there.

Suddenly he realized why there was no house inside. The location he showed was logically just a piece of land.

Liar, what are you doing standing there? Why don't you come to this house to collect it?

After Ye Lang finished speaking, Tuantuan and Daidai realized that the liar had not moved in one place.

Hahaha, guess what I saw? Oh my god, liar, you are so lucky, right?

Ye Lang and Daidai both looked confused, not knowing what Tuantuan was talking about.

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