PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 805 Ready

At this time, Ye Lang's photography equipment has begun transmitting video to the audience.

But Ye Lang really didn't notice this time.

So he didn't say hello to his fans.

Just continue what you are doing.

not long time.

Ye Lang found a more resilient plant.

This plant looks like it has segments.

Ye Lang didn't know what to call him.

But this one could bear Ye Lang's weight and bend downward without breaking.

Ye Lang was really ecstatic when he found it.

It would be hard to find anything more suitable.

Wait until Ye Lang gets his things back to his camp.

The calluses on Ye Lang's hands were almost worn out.

Ye Lang really didn't expect this thing to be so difficult to do.

It's almost like cutting down a thicker tree trunk.

And Ye Lang didn't just get the bow back.

Ye Lang also had a bundle of firewood in his hand that he had prepared for the fire.

Although the fire was raised, Ye Lang's little life became moist.

But he also had to add woodcutting to his schedule.

Ye Lang came under his shed to avoid the sun.

Really replenish some water and rest for a while.

Then Ye Lang took off the string from the previous bowstring drill.

He wrapped it around the new bow in his hand.

Ye Lang then prepared to start his own arrow-making work.

Just when Ye Lang came out of his shed.

Ye Lang suddenly found cool water dripping down.

It fell on his face.

Ye Lang looked up.

Another big rain cloud was floating in the sky.

Another inevitable rain.

It was obvious that the sun was beating down just now, but Ye Lang only had to rest for a while and tie a rope.

The sky had darkened and looked like this.

Ye Lang looked around at this time.

With quick eyes and quick hands, he picked up a branch that looked pretty good.

Then he quickly moved the firewood he had prepared under his shed.

These things can't just get soaked like that.

Ye Lang won't have so much energy to look for things by then.

Wait until Ye Lang gets everything ready.

When I picked up my food.

The rain has started to fall heavily.

Ye Lang could only stay in the shed now.

I don’t know if I don’t sit down and rest.

Wait until Ye Lang sits down to rest.

Ye Lang found that he was really tired.

Although it seems that Ye Lang didn't do much today.

But it actually consumes a lot of energy.

Ye Lang didn't want to move.

Originally, he brought the branch with the intention of cutting it himself later.

Used as an arrow.

But Ye Lang really didn't want to work after resting.

Ye Lang put his photography equipment aside.

Then he ate with the small jar in his hand and stared blankly at the rain outside that kept falling.

Everyone talks about wanting to get close to nature when they are in the city, so that everyone feels that nature is nice and comfortable.

Ye Lang felt this.

But what everyone thinks about is having a small wooden house, where they can drink tea leisurely, maybe grow some crops, and order chicken, duck and fish.

Then Ye Lang changed the subject.

“But by the time they experience nature for themselves, I’m afraid 99% of people will never want to do it again.”

At this time, Ye Lang took a sip of hot water.

I turned around and saw the camera.

Only then did he realize that the camera was already transmitting.

The viewers in the live broadcast room also saw Ye Lang turning around.

Ye Shen finally saw us

I feel like what Ye Shen just said makes sense.

Ye Lang smiled.

He raised the camera and took a picture of his shed.

There is a layer of tree leaves and hay on the ground.

Then focus the camera on the scene outside.

The relatively large fire that Ye Lang made when he lit the fire outside was slowly extinguished by the rain.

This rain will last forever.

Not short.

The audience accompanied Ye Lang here to watch the rain.

Ye Lang is a little tired today.

I don’t want to speak to the audience anymore.

Originally, he planned to choose a time to tell everyone what he would do if he really lived alone on a desert island.

In addition to the preparations you need to survive.

There is also a skill that should be learned.

That's how to ask for help from the outside world.

To put it bluntly, how to let others discover that there is a person on this island.

But Ye Lang was too lazy to tell it today.

Ye Lang planned to wait until the day when he wanted to go back.

It’s not too late to talk slowly on the shore.

Wait until the rain stops.

Ye Lang found that the sky did not light up again.

Because it's almost dark.

Ye Lang thought to himself, no wonder he was so tired today.

It turned out that I had been active for so long without taking a break or replenishing my energy.

It's all adrenaline.

Ye Lang was basically excited about finally having a chance to eat mutton today.

That's why I kept working and didn't notice.


Ye Lang found that he was ready to take a rest after having some free time.

The result is this.

Ye Lang thought about the mutton again.

Originally, Ye Lang was ready to lie down and take a long sleep.

Get up tomorrow and go get some sheep.

As a result, Ye Lang's sleepiness was gone again.

Ye Lang had no choice but to pick up the branch he picked up.

Then start sharpening the arrow bit by bit.

Wait until Ye Lang feels a little tired again.

Ye Lang picked up the wooden arrow in his hand.

Stick it into the ground.

It plunged into the soil easily.

Then Ye Lang put himself in the jar outside.

Less than half of the rain has filled it.

Ye Lang took a few sips and fell asleep.

Wait until the sixth day when the photography equipment transmits images to the audience again.

Ye Lang had already thrown away all the soaked things in the fire outside and rebuilt it.

At this time, Ye Lang was holding the bow and arrow that he had already prepared in his hand.

Draw the bow.

Nocking an arrow.

Then Ye Lang's arrow flew out softly.

No need to think.

Ye Lang felt it when he drew his bow.

The elasticity of the rope made from hibiscus bark is really bad.

It simply cannot meet the requirements of bow and arrow strings.

But Ye Lang was not helpless.

Ye Lang still has something to take out.

Ye Lang walked to a tree.

Took an old piece of rope that had just dried out.

Ye Lang found it when he went to the beach to try his luck in the morning.

No fish found.

However, a rope was rushed up.

Although Ye Lang didn't know what use this thing could have at the time.

But Ye Lang still picked up the things.

The result is that it comes in handy now.

Ye Lang tied the new rope and tried it again.

This time Ye Lang's arrow flew out with a whoosh.

Then it plunged deeply into the ground.

Ye Lang showed a satisfied smile.

Not bad.

At this level, there should be no problem penetrating the goat's skin.

Ye Lang also picked up another arrow on the ground.

That's right.

Ye Lang made another one after getting up in the morning.

This is a new arrow Ye Lang made just in case.

Ye Lang took his things.

Prepare to go to the place where you usually get water to have a look.

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