Purple Romance

Chapter 129: 129 Happy Ending 1

''No, wait, Portia'' Alecia called out before falling to the floor. Maria froze as she looked at her mother's body on the cold floor. the prison guard rushed forward and pressed the emergency button on the left.

First Hospital.

Ad-Din held Maria's hand as she quavered on her seat. They were at the emergency room waiting for the doctor to come out and let them know of the state of Alecia Maria Lee. Ad-Din was the one who went with Maria to the prison but he was standing outside, giving them privacy.

Alecia's sudden unconsciousness was not something Maria was expecting. It made her flustered and a little scared. though she had told herself that she didn't care about Alecia Maria Lee anymore, now that something like this had happened, she didn't know what to feel anymore. She was confused and scared at the same time.

''She will be fine'' Ad-Din said and rubbed her hands gently. Maria looked at him and smiled bitterly. Kobby walked to them and asked.

''Portia, Ad-Din, what happened? I was attending to a patient and came after your call''

''Alecia Maria Lee is in the operating room. Maria visited her today and unfortunately she collapsed'' Ad-Din explained.

''She will be fine, Portia. Don't worry too much'' Kobby said.

''I don't know. I'm just scared. She told me she was sick and didn't have much time left. What is she really dies?'' Maria said bitterly as she bit her lips trying to fight the tears and anguish she was feeling.

''Let's wait for the doctor to come out first. Let's not jump to conclusions'' Ad-Din said.

''Yes, Portia. Calm down first'' Kobby added.

The doors opened and the doctor walked out along with the nurses that were inside. The nurses walked away leaving the doctor.

''Doctor, how is she?'' Maria asked almost impatiently.

''The patient asking to see you. she said you are her daughter'' the doctor said and Maria nodded her head.

''If you have something to say to her, then I suggest you do it quickly. The patient has little time left. She might not be able to live for more than three hours. She will be moved to a ward soon. You can see her then'' the doctor said and bowed before leaving.

Maria stepped back and Ad-Din held her steadying her as she lost her balance. She clasped her hands together anxiously as she looked inside the. Two nurses pulled out the stretcher out and Maria looked at Alecia. She had suddenly become pale and looked weak. She opened her eyes and looked at Maria and smiled as the nurses pushed the stretcher away.


Maria stood in front of the bed nervously looking at her mother. She suddenly didn't know what to say to her. Alecia looked at her and smiled.

''Maria, you are already 30, but why do you look like your younger self so much? You were always awkward in expressing your feelings even as a kid. I am the one who had hurt you the most, but why do you look like you are the sinner here?'' Alecia said to Maria.

''How do you feel?'' Maria asked and looked at her.

''I guess I am really paying for my sins. Maria, can I ask for a favour from you before I die?'' Alecia asked.

''What favour?'' Maria asked back.

''I want to meet that woman. Can you tell her to come and see me? I want to ask her for forgiveness. I know is too late, but I can't leave knowing that you might never be at peace anytime you see her. I am the one who committed all those crimes. I don't deserve her forgiveness but I at least need to apologise to her'' Alecia said.

''I will ask my husband to tell Max. I can't assure you that she will be willing to meet with you but, I will try my best'' Maria said.

''That will be enough. I am already grateful that you are the person with me during my last days'' Alecia said and chuckled bitterly. Everyone had abandoned her as soon as she was in trouble.

''I will speak to Ad-Din and return. You should rest. I will be here when you wake up'' Maria said and covered Alecia properly with the quilt.

''Alright'' Alecia closed her eyes and Maria went out.

Ad-Din turned when he heard the door open. Maria walked to him and spoke ''Ad, there is something I want you to do for me''.

''What is it? Tell me'' Ad-Din said to her.

''My mom, I mean, Alecia. She wants to meet with Marvel and apologise to her. I don't know how to relay the message to her'' Maria said.

''I will call Max and let him know. Don't worry too much' Ad-Din said and hugged Maria before he removed his phone and made a call to Max.

''I will be inside'' Maria said and Ad-Din nodded his head and Maria went back inside.

''Can you do that for me? Okay, thank you. We are at the hospital, bye'' Ad-Din hung up and opened the door and went inside.

Maria turned to look at him. Alecia was sleeping so they sat at the couch in the middle of the room as they waited.

''What did elder brother say?'' Maria asked.

''He said they are on their way. Marvel has agreed to meet with your mother'' Ad-Din said and pulled Maria closer to himself. Maria placed her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

Half an hour later, the door opened and Ad-Din saw Kobby and Calia along with Max and Marvel. The sound of their steps woke Maria who was almost falling asleep to wake up. She stood up as soon as she saw them.

''You are here?'' Maria said and walked towards Alecia's bed.

''En, Max told me that Alecia wanted to see me'' Marvel said.

''She is asleep'' Maria looked at her mother and the latter opened her eyes and called her name.


''Mom, you are awake?'' Maria turned and looked at Alecia.

''En, I wasn't sleeping. I was just resting'' Alecia said and looked at Marvel who was a distance away from her. ''Portia, help me to sit up'' Alecia said and Maria helped her to sit up on the bed.

''I will be outside if you need me'' Maria said and turned to go but Alecia held unto her head.

''Is fine, I will be outside. I am not leaving'' Maria assured her before she now let go of her hand. Maria walked out with Ad-Din, Max, Kobby and Calia.

Marvel stood nervously in front of Alecia with her head lowered down.

''Marvel Nelson, right?'' Alecia asked.


''I'm sorry for calling you out of the blue. I didn't know how else to meet you. I owe you so much. You and all the girls I harmed. I know you won't believe the sincerity of my apology now because you might think I am doing this because I have little time left. But, I want you to know that now that I am about to die, there are a lot of things I regret and treating you girls the way I did is one of them. I never thought that I would regret any of my decisions but I am regretting it so much. I wished that I hadn't gotten greedy and left my family. I hope that you won't treat my daughter unfairly based on what I did to you'' Alecia said weakly.

''I can't forgive you immediately but I know a time will come when I don't think about what you did to me anymore. Your daughter is such a lovely person. I don't have anything against her'' Marvel said and looked at Alecia, remembering the first time she saw Alecia. She still looked much the same, only that she was pale compared to back then.

''Thank you for coming to see me. I am grateful'' Alecia said and the monitor started beeping nonstop. Maria and the rest rushed in after hearing it. Marvel stood frozen at the same spot.

''Mom, mom'' Maria touched Alecia. The doctor in charge walked in and checked on Alecia. He shook his head and covered Alecia's face with the quilt. Ad-Din pulled Maria into his embrace as she cried. Max held Marvel's hand comforting her.

A week later.

Maria stood by her mother's grave. She placed the banquet of flowers in her hands on the grave and spoke ''rest in peace mother. Though out time together was short and not so pleasant, I hope that you finally rest peacefully''

Maria smiled and looked at the picture of the woman who looked just like her but a little older before walking away. She walked outside the cemetery and Ad-Din opened his arms wide waiting for her. She ran into his arms and he embraced her tightly.

''I'm so proud of you, Maria'' Ad-Din said to her.

''Thank you for everything, Ad-Din. I wouldn't have been able to do anything without you'' Maria said and kissed him.

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