Purple Romance

Chapter 262: A look alike of the woman that year

Paula was taking a stroll down the sidewalks of the not so busy road towards the subway to pick a bus. As she got closer, she saw a couple of posters that caught her eyes and she went closer to look at them.

''What is this? EXCURSION!! Hotel senora is organizing a one-week excursion to the Coastal city. Oh. I have never been to the Coastal city before. Is $500 dollars for food and accommodation, whoa this is a jackpot. Maybe I should, it will help me think clearly after I return. I will write their number and give them a call'' she removed her phone from her bag and cued in the number before dialling it. It went through the first time but there was no response and she tried for the second time as she turned to wait for the bus that was getting closer.

After a few rings in, the call was connected and she heard a man's voice from the other side.

''Hi, good afternoon. I am calling about the excursion notice of your hotel''

''Yes, how may we help you?''

Paula got into the bus as she continued to speak, ''I would like to make a reservation. Yes, I will send my details to the email, thank you'' she hung up and looked ahead and noticed a traffic on the road. Paula opened her window and looked outside, there were a lot of people. it seemed there had been an accident on the road, ''did an accident happen here?'' she murmured to the question to herself and was about to look away when she saw someone ahead.

''Andy?'' Paula immediately recognised him. She didn't know why but she impulsively got down from the bus and started walking towards him. When she got closer she realised an older man had fainted in the middle of the road and no one was going near him.

Andy was making a call to the paramedics as he asked the people to give the man on the ground some space for fresh air to circulate around him. His expression was serious as he placed his coat over the man leaving his white shirt with his sleeves rolled up a little but even with that, one could still see the muscles hidden in them.

Paula went closer and was about to touch his shoulder when he suddenly turned towards her and bumped into her.

''Oh oh'' she clumsily stepped back, falling and he swiftly held her back with his hand around her waist.

Andy was surprised to see her but he couldn't help his lips curving into a pleasant smile, he looked at her and asked, ''what is this? Sneaking up on me in the middle of the road with people watching like this? Paula, you really impress me with your unpredictable ways''

''Hm, can you let go? People are looking at us'' she blushed and her face turned red. Andy chuckled and let go but not completely as he still held her hand. ''What happened here?''

''The man fainted and no one bothered to help because of the rise in the Covid 19 cases. Everyone is being cautious''

''Then, did you touch him?'' she asked and looked at him worriedly.

''Don't worry, I didn't touch him. I just covered him up a bit and called for the paramedics. They will be here soon. What are you doing here?''

''I leave around here, remember? I was in that bus when I saw you''

''My car is the blue one over there, get in and wait for me. I will talk to the paramedics first'' Andy said as he walked over to the paramedics' ambulance that had just arrived. Before she could respond, he was already gone.

Paula went over to the car and got inside the front seat. She remembered she hadn't sent her information to the excursion team and decided to do that right away. She wired the money afterwards and her confirmation text came in with her room number and bus number.

Paula looked outside and saw the paramedics taking the man away and Andy chatting with one of them. it looked like he was explaining the situation to them.

''Is someone allowed to be so perfect?'' she murmured and shook her head, ''what nonsense are you spouting P?''

Andy returned and got into the car. He took out a bottle of sanitizer and poured into his hands and rubbed them generously before turning to Paula, ''where are you going? I will take you there''

''Me?'' Paula smiled. She really didn't have any destination. She was just going to take the subway bus and follow it to its last stop and then return home. This was something she did when she was depressed. She would take the bus and watch the people enter and leave until she gets to the bus stop and then return home.

''Why? Are you going to do something bad? Why are you not telling me your destination?'' he asked as unrolled his sleeves.

''Would I be a little presumptuous if I said I didn't have a destination?'' Paula asked back and he laughed.


''I was just going to follow the bus all day and then return home''

''Then, how about going with me to do something productive?''

''Huh? What could that be?''

''You will find out soon'' he said and looked at her seat asking, ''do you need help with your seatbelt?''

''No, I can do it myself, thank you'' Paula did her seatbelt before he turned and drove away.

A while later, Andy pulled over in front of an orphanage and turned to her, 'get down''

''Glory land Orphanage?'' Paula got down and saw him opening the backdoor and she looked inside and saw that there were quite a lot of things inside. She hadn't bothered to look behind when she got inside at the subway. There were quite a lot of things, toys for kids and a huge box of pizza.

''Help me with the things'' Andy said to her and she came back to her senses. She flushed when she realised he had just caught her staring at him. She went and took the pizza box from the car and left the heavy stuff for him.

''Are we going inside?'' she asked him and he nodded his head.

''Yes, let's go'' he finished picking all the things from the car. All three bags were filled with a lot of things and he carried them inside and she followed. When they got inside, she saw a few kids playing around a table.

''Kids, guess what I brought today?'' Andy asked in a cheerful voice and the kids ran over to embrace him.

''Uncle Andy is here'' the kids surrounded him, hugging his legs.

Paula looked at the scene and smiled. She looked up when she heard the voice of a woman.

''Andy is here?'' a woman in a reverend sister's outfit walked over.

''Sister Bernice'' Andy called the woman by her name.

''I almost thought you wouldn't be able to come after your call. Where the paramedics able to arrive early?'' she asked. Andy had called her earlier to inform her that he would be arriving late.

''Yes, they came earlier''

''That's a relief. Because of the outbreak of the pandemic, everyone is being cautious so even when you see someone in dire need, you can't just help them out anymore'' she turned to look at Paula and asked in a surprised tone, ''and who is this beautiful woman that came with you today?''

''She is my friend. Paula, this is sister Bernice. Sister, meet Paula, my friend'' he did a quick introduction.

''Oh, the things must be heavy. My bag, put them down first. We can chat later'' Sister Bernice said, remembering they were holding things.

Andy went forth to place the things down before taking the pizza from Paula and placed it on the table.

''Kids, uncle Andy brought a beautiful woman along. Isn't she lovely?'' Sister Bernice said and the kids all turned to look at Paula.

''She is beautiful'' they said and Paula smiled.

''Kids, I brought pizza and a lot of toys for you today. Are you happy?'' Andy looked at the kids' faces.

''Yes, we are happy''

''Then, let the beautiful aunt here help you with it while I have a chat with Sister''

''Yes, uncle Andy''

Paula looked at him and he nodded at her, ''you will do great''

''I am not good with kids'' Paula said to him.

''Aunt, let's eat the pizza'' the kids surrounded Paula, pulling her over to the table and Andy chuckled when he saw her flustered she looked.

The children took Paula away to wash their hands and Andy turned to see the sister looking at him.

''Why are you looking at me like that?''

''This is the first time I am seeing you genuinely happy. That woman must be important?'' she said suggestively.

''Sister Bernice, I know what you are thinking. We are just friends. Nothing else''

''She looks so much like the girl you brought here a few years ago, but this one looks genuine and pure. I like her for you''

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