Purple Romance

Chapter 268: Why should I die?

''Hello Lisa, what is it?'' Paula walked out to the entrance and spoke.

''P, do you know where I left the lease papers yesterday? I can't remember too well''

''Yes, you left it on the table and I picked it. Just go to my room and look in the drawer I kept it there'' Paula recognised the car parked at a distance and recognised it. She subconsciously went towards it. She didn't know what she was doing, but she found herself staring at the car.

''Thank God, so how is your trip going on, any hot guys around there?''

'Wake up from your dreams'' Paula replied and saw the tourists walking out of the lobby, 'Lise, I have to go. we are leaving for the beach right now''

''Oh, take care and have fun, my love''

''Mm, I will call you later in the day'' Paula said and hung up.

''Fancy seeing you here?'' Andy said as stood in front of her.

''Are you talking to me?'' Paula asked him.

''Who is here besides the two of us?'' Andy cocked a brow at her. Paula sighed and saw the tourists looking at them. she scratched her hair a little before saying to him.

''Sorry, but I don't talk to strangers''


''I have to go or the bus will leave without me'' Paula got ready to go when held her hand, stopping her.

''Let's go together'' he said to her and Paula knew his request was sincere but she couldn't shake off the feeling she had the night before. His cold gaze still lingered in her mind.

Paula shook his hand off and said to him, ''people are watching. I don't want to be the subject of gossips'' she looked at him once more and walked away, clutching her handbag nervously by her side.

Leslie pulled over and Betty hurriedly got down from the car and ran to hug Andy.

''I missed you so much, Andy'' she said and turned to look at Paula who was getting inside the tour bus and she frowned.

Andy stepped aside, creating a distance between them as he glanced meaningfully at his brother who had a smug expression on his face.

''Boss, I just finished setting up the meeting area, it will take place when your father arrives later on'' Max said as he went to stand beside them.

''What? Why wasn't I aware of the old man's coming? Andy, you…''

''That's what you get for messing with me'' Andy replied and got into his car with Max.

''Andy, wait'' Betty was about to open the door when the car sped away. She turned to look at Leslie angrily.

''I', going back. are you coming with me or not?'' he asked her.

''I am staying. I will wait for uncle to come'' Betty answered and Leslie got into his car and drove off. it was no secret that he and his father didn't get along well. They had an a rather estranged relationship. Andy was the one who mediated between them most of the time.

At the hotel's private island beach, the tourists had all changed into their beach outfits and were already having fun.

When Andy and Max arrived, the ladies rushed towards them asking to take pictures with him. Andy sighed and put on a smile as he posed with the ladies and Max took the pictures. His eyes wandered around the beach looking for a certain someone but couldn't find her.

''Where is she?'' Andy murmured the question after he was done with the pictures.

''Boss, are you looking for someone?'' Max asked him and he shook his head.

''No, nothing'' he replied and was about to turn when a lady rushed in front of him, blocking their path. Max got between them, keeping the lady away from Andy as he asked her.

''Miss, what do you again?''

''Andy, the sun is a little hot today. I can't reach my back no matter how hard I try. Would you mind applying this sun cream on my back for me?'' the lady asked stretching forth the sun cream in her hands.

''Boss, she is clearly hitting on you'' Max whispered to Andy.

''I know'' Andy replied and looked at the other ladies watching them curiously. He smiled and said to the lady, ''Miss, when it comes to applying of sun cream I lack a lot. But, he is quite experience, he will help you with it'' Andy pushed Max towards the lady and took off, walking away hurriedly.

Max screamed and felt he had been treated unfairly. How could his boss push him into the pit and run away?

Andy kept looking around the beach until he saw her figure just at the edge of the water. She was moving inside deep into the water.

''Paula…'' he hurriedly ran towards her.

Paula looked at the engagement rings in her hands and sighed, ''I should get rid of this first if I want to move on'' she said to herself. She removed a necklace around her neck and her tears fell.

This was the first gift that Gideon bought for her and she had kept it with her for so many years. She thought that she had found the one for her but it seemed that was also a far-fetched dream.

She looked at the items in her hands for a while before lifting her hand up to throw it away.

''No, Paula don't do it'' Andy said, running towards her.

Paula turned and saw him running towards her. she looked puzzled and confused because he was running so fast towards her.

''Paula…'' Andy pulled her into a hug saying, ''listen I know it's hard to move on from a breakup but trust me death is not the only way out. One day you will wake up and realise that it wasn't really that important and you would be grateful that you didn't end up with him. There is no need to end your life because of someone like him'' Andy was panting for breath as he spoke.

''Who is planning to die?'' Paula asked and Andy let go and looked at her.

''Weren't you going to fall into the water and die?'' he asked her and Paula chuckled.

''Why would I want to kill myself over that kind of human being?''

''You weren't going to fall into the water?''

''Andy, you think so lightly of me. I didn't even try to kill myself when my father passed away, why would I do that now over an insignificant person like him?'' she showed him the items in her hands, 'I was going to throw these items away because they belong to that jerk''

'That's such a relief'' he pulled her in a hug, ''that's such a relief, I was so scared. I thought that you were going to do something drastic after been dumped.

''After been dumped? Andy, how dare you say that to my face?'' Paula frowned and glared at him.

''It's good that you are not thinking of doing anything. Let's get out of the water first'' he said and Paula looked at their feet and realised their trousers were wet from the water. He held her hand and they walked to the shore.

Paula squatted and started crying all of a sudden.

''Paula, what's wrong?'' Andy asked her.

''I don't know why but I just feel like crying. Can you leave me alone for a while?'' she looked at him as her tears fell down from her face, ''I haven't had a good cry after breaking up with that jerk. Now that everything that belonged to him is gone, I can't help but mourn''

''Mourn?'' Andy looked at her.

''I am mourning my love for him. It just died so I am mourning it for a while. After today, I won't even think twice about that kind of human being again. So, can you leave me alone?''

''No, I won't leave you alone'' he said and squatted by her side. ''I will keep you company while you mourn your lost love''

''You just had to say 'lost love' right to my face. Why do you have such low self-awareness towards other people?''

''I always hear that my words are harsh but still, I can't help say it to the people I care about''


''Get up, I will take you somewhere'' he held her hand and stood up with her.

''Where are we going?'' Paula asked as he started to walk away with her.

''Somewhere, it's a surprise. You will find out when we get there''

They got into his car and he drove her away, not stopping until they reached a building and he pulled over. Paula looked at the building and turned to him.

''A cinema? What are we doing in a cinema?'' she asked him.

''Follow me'' he got down from his car and Paula hurriedly joined him, catching up to his pace.

''What are we going to do here?'' she continued to ask.

''We are going to watch a movie''

''A movie?''

''Mr. Bassey, everything is ready'' a man walked to them at the entrance and said to Andy.

''Thanks'' Andy turned and held Paula's hand sending her to the private cinema centre.

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