Purple Romance

Chapter 62: 62 Thank you and Sorry.

Calia wiped the stains on her dress with water inside the ladies' washroom. Because the drink was fruit juice the stain was evident and couldn't be taken care of no matter the times she wiped it. She gave up and picked her bag and went out.

Kobby Brian brought her to the washroom after they left the library. They were at the café down the library floor and he was waiting for her when she went out. She saw him seated at one of the tables and she walked to him.

Kobby Brian was on the phone when Calia got to him.

''I see the clouds are getting dark, you get home with Tiana first. I still have something to settle before I go home, mm, bye'' Kobby Brian said as his eyes sized Calia up. He frowned slightly while looking at her.

Kobby Brian hung up and looked at Calia. Her dress was now wriggled because of the force she probably applied on it at the washroom and a certain part of her upper side was exposed due to the water she splashed on her face. He sighed and removed his oversized blazer and handed it over to her.

''Wear this'' Kobby Brian said and looked away.

''No, is okay. I am completely fine''. Calia said rejecting the blazer and Kobby looked away and pointed at her dress.

''You should wear it and cover that'' Kobby Brian said and looked away again.

''Huh?'' Calia followed his hand and saw that her blue bra was seeing from the dress because of the water she used and flushed. Without another word, she quickly snatched the blazer from him and put it on. She buttoned it up to her neck before sitting down across him. She looked away shyly.

Calia bit her lips again. She wondered just how many times she was going to embarrass herself in front of this man? Were the gods really asleep or simply against her today? She cussed internally.

A waiter walked to them with a tray of two mugs of coffee and placed it in front of them before leaving.

Kobby Brian took his mug and said to Calia ''drink that while is hot. It might rain soon; you need something hot so that you won't catch a cold"

''Thank you and I'm sorry for calling you a thief. I was just flustered to see someone holding my phone and blurted out improper words. I apologise and also, thank you for standing up for me at the library'' Calia said shyly.

''Were you always such a strong-headed person?'' Kobby Brian asked and Calia shook her hands.

''No, no. I am not that kind of person. I am very meek. I don't like to fight. In fact, I am the type to easily get bullied. I am not a strong-headed woman at all. Don't be mistaken by my exterior appearance" Calia said as a matter of fact.

Kobby Brian couldn't help but chuckle at the way she defended herself and wanted to appear in a certain way which was far from herself.

''I didn't mean it in a bad way. You defended yourself and stood your ground. I found that really admirable. I was just saying you did well back there'' Kobby Brian told her sincerely.

Calia blushed and looked at him. Was he praising her or flirting with her? She shamelessly wished it was the latter but the thought that he was married made her frown and her enthusiasm all vanished. She suddenly felt deflated.

Kobby Brian saw the subtle change in her and asked ''what's wrong? Are you alright? Did I say something wrong to make you unhappy?''

Calia shook her head and sighed. She stood up and picked her bag saying ''thank you for today. I will wash and have the blazer delivered to you at the hospital by courier. I saw that you just made a call to your wife right now. Is getting late and will soon rain. You shouldn't leave them alone in the house''

''Wait, what did you just say? My wife? Which wife are you talking about?'' Kobby Brian asked and looked at her confused. He really wanted to know how she came by such a conclusion.

Calia quickly sat back and looked at him. ''The one you just spoke to. The call just now. Was that not your wife?''

''No, that's my sister. I have a child but my wife passed away 8 years ago. I stay with my sister and my kid'' Kobby Brian said even though he didn't understand why he was taking the pain to explain to her. They were just complete strangers who kept running into each other.

''So, let me get this straight? You are not married?'' Calia asked cautiously and didn't take her eyes off him. She didn't want to miss anything from him.

''Yes, even though I don't understand your interest in knowing about my marital status but I don't like been misunderstood so I am just making it clear to you. I was married but now I am not because my wife passed away''

''I didn't mean anything by asking you that or jumping into conclusion. In any ways, it will rain soon, you should go home and accompany your sister and daughter. My assistant will be here soon to pick me''. Calia stood up and turned away jubilating internally. The news she had received today was enough to make her happy.

''I will wait with you till she comes. Let's go''. Kobby Brian placed a few dollars on the table and walked out and Calia followed him.

She gave a victorious smirk and her heart felt at peace knowing she wasn't in any kind of forbidden love.

They were both at the car par waiting for Marvel when Calia suddenly felt a rush of emotions in her heart. He just told her he lost his wife which was quite sad. She didn't expect him to have such a past and her heart suddenly ached for him. She subconscious turned and was looking at the man who leaned beside his car.

Kobby Brian turned and saw tears on Calia's face and became alarmed. He removed his hands from his pocket saying ''are you alright? What's wrong?''

''I'm sorry. I just suddenly felt sad about your wife'' Calia said and moved closer to him and gave him a hug which surprised Kobby Brian. Calia tightened her embrace on the man adding ':it must have been hard. You are still strong and doing great after so many years''

Her words somehow struck the deepest part of Kobby Brian. Apart from his family, no one had ever given him a hug and spoken this way to him before. He was really taken aback and felt warmness emanating from the woman into him slowly. He was about to embrace her back when a voice rang behind them and they turned.

Marvel practically ran over to them and separated them from each other. She took hold of Calia's hand and looked at Kobby angrily saying ''you shouldn't be doing this to my Miss. You are already married and still want to seduce her. Miss, let's go. I will bring you away from this kind of man''. Marvel said and pulled Calia away before she could even explain.

Kobby Brian scratched his head. Was it about his marital status again? He watched the car leave before he got into his car.

Meanwhile, Marvel kept scolding Calia as she drove her away.

''Miss, after seeing you that way, I had to tail you and found out that he was a doctor at First hospital. I admit, he is very handsome and totally your type but Miss, he is married for God's sake. No matter how much you like him, you can't be intimate with him. If you want, I can make a list of capable men who are more handsome than that doctor and arrange for you to meet them, but you definitely shouldn't get entangled with him at all''

Calia looked at the serious expression on Marvel's face and said ''only you love me the most in this world, Marvel. But, you don't have to worry. That man is not married''.

Marvel stepped on the breaks and pulled over by the roadside and turned to Calia saying ''explain for me to understand'"

Calia smiled and told Marvel everything.

''Really? He had a wife but she passed on 8 years ago. That was long ago': Marvel said after hearing everything from Calia.

''That's why I was giving him a hug earlier on'' Calia said. ''I could almost smell his natural scent and you came along and disrupted all my dirty thoughts': Calia glared at Marvel.

''Miss, you are unredeemable''. Marvel said.

''Why?'' Calia asked.

''You have fallen way too deep for that doctor. Oosh, I couldn't almost recognise you'' Marvel said and drove off again.

Calia leaned on the seat and closed her eyes. She was going to relive that moment she hugged him over and over again.

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