Purple Romance

Chapter 83: 83 The scars that remained... let's now let go of them 3

During that time, if he hadn't met Lexis by chance he couldn't imagine what or how his life would have turned out to be. He used to think that he was lucky to have girls coming at him and hitting on him but after she left, he felt that it wasn't good after all.

The women that came to him left within a few months. Some even told him he was boring and too serious with life. He was a medical student who had to focus on his books, where would he have gotten the time to mess with girls but it seemed all the one he met wanted to be messed him.

Lexis took two classes with him back when they were at the university with Maria. Lexis had pestered him and kept confessing to him for more than a year before he gave in and decided to date her. Who would have thought that fate would be so cruel to him by taking away the woman he loved so much?

Just thinking about what he went through made the pain to resurface. He felt extremely sad. He was about to go out when a call came in. he looked at the phone and it was a series of new digits. He contemplated for a while before answering.

''Hello, Kobby Brian speaking''

''I'm done playing hard to get. I stole your number from my cousin against my own pride? How could you not even give me your number after giving me such a task? Were you expecting me to get your number from the deity?'' the owner of the voice spoke out in one breath startling him.

Kobby lifted the phone from his ear and looked at the number again before saying ''Calia?''

''Yes, is me. Do you have a problem with that?'' Calia said as she turned around in the study room chair.

Kobby smiled at her childishness saying ''I was going to call you but it seems you are faster than me?'' Kobby said and hanged his bag going out of the office.

Calia who was sitting on a study chair inside Ad-Din's study room stood up at once surprised ''huh. You were really going to call me?'' she asked not believing him.

''En, I was going to call you and let you know about my number but it seems that is no longer necessary. You have it already''. Kobby pressed the elevator and waited for it.

''Huh? No, then, let me end the call so that you will call me back'' Calia said.

''What?'' Kobby chuckled after hearing her say that. He shook his head and got into the elevator as he spoke with her on the phone ''but, there is no need for that. you already have the number?''

''But, is different. Do you know how I waited for you to give me your number? Tsk, you didn't give it to me and I had to even steal it from Ad. My pride as a woman was hurt''

''Really? Where are you now?'' Kobby asked as he got inside his car.

''Me? Why? Do you want to see me? Do you suddenly miss me after I gave you my first kiss?'' Calia teased and found herself blushing as she spoke.

''I was asking because I wanted you to tell me about Ad-Din's condition? Did he wake up again?'' Kobby asked and put the phone on loudspeaker as he drove out of the hospital. He suddenly heard a crash sound and asked ''Calia, are you alright?''

'Oh, yes, everything is fine'' Calia said and stood up from the floor. She had fallen down after he said he wanted to find out about Ad-Din's condition. She cussed herself internally and composed herself.

''I thought I heard a crash sound. Did you fall?'' Kobby asked.

''Are you a psychic?'' Calia asked and covered her mouth after realising she had sold herself out.

''Be careful and don't hurt yourself, Miss Banks'' Kobby said over the phone.

''Are you worried about me right now? You just told me to be careful? That's something we only tell someone we care about'' Calia asked and smiled.

"Off course, I am worried about you. Who will look after Ad-Din if you hurt yourself?:' Kobby said and Calia sighed.

''Aye, nobody cares about me. I'm too pitiful''

''So, where are you?'' Kobby asked again.

''I'm at Ad-Din's quarters' Calia said and walked out of the study. She found Ad-Din walking out of his bedroom using the walking aid and she rushed towards him ''I have to go, Ad-Din is awake'' Calia hung up and Kobby looked at the phone. He was about to tell her he was almost at the mansion before the call disconnected.

''Ad-Din, how do you feel?'' Calia stood in front of Ad-Din and asked worriedly.

''I'm fine. Who were you on the phone with just now?'' Ad-Din asked as Calia helped him to the sofa. He looked pale and feeble.

''Oh, that was Dr. Brian. Sit down, let me get you some porridge. I made carrot soup and congee. Which one would you eat first?''

Ad-Din looked at her and frowned and Calia looked at him with a warning gaze adding ''don't you dare say you are not hungry? I will call Maria right away and tell her you refused to eat. Do you know how she cried today after finding out you were not doing well?''

''Congee will do'' Ad-Din told her and Calia smiled before turning to go and the doorbell rang. She turned and looked at the door.

''Are you expecting someone?'' she asked Ad-Din and he nodded.

''I have therapy exercise with Dr. Brian tonight''

''What?' Calia screamed ''why didn't you tell me that earlier? Look at the way I am dressed? I don't even have any makeup on. This is a disaster, Ad-Din?''

''What is wrong with you? Screaming in front of a sick person. Are you not afraid I might faint? And, what is wrong with you not having any makeup on. You look the same with or without makeup''

''Be careful with your words or I will forget that you are sick and give you a good thrashing. He is not just anyone, Ad, he is the man I like. I can't imagine him seeing me like this. All the brownie points I have accumulated so far will go to waste.

Ad, the clothes I brought the other time are still in your closet, right? let's postpone the congee for now. I will quickly go in and change before I come back and attend to you''

''So, your precious Dr. Brian should remain at the door till you are done dolling yourself, right?'' Ad-Din asked and she cussed.

''Shit. Darn it. Why did he come without even telling me in advance? That man sure does whatever he wants'' she said and thought hard before adding ''it can't be helped then'' with that, Calia lifted her long white dress and tore it from the bottom and stopped at her left thigh, almost exposing her black underwear and Ad-Din screamed at her.

''What are you doing, young lady Banks?''

''Oh my, you scared me?'' she screamed back at him and frowned as if she had been wronged.

''You just tore your dress exposing yourself''

''This is not exposure. This is strategy. When Dr. Brian comes in through that door, his focus will not be on my face that is without makeup but rather, down here. That is the main point''.

''I still don't understand your logic for destroying this beautiful dress?''

''Aye, you can sometimes be so dense, my dear cousin. This is like a battle. Anyways, you won't understand, so let's not waste our time. Right now, I need to catch and eat the man at the other side of the door'' Calia said and went to open the door. Ad-Din shook his head.

''Dr. Brian? I didn't know you were coming here?'' Calia said as she looked at Kobby. Kobby looked at her from her head and stopped at her thighs where the cut ended and frowned. He was angry seeing her exposed like that but since she was home, he didn't mind it.

Calia noticed how he looked at her and blushed. She was going to open her mouth and say something when she heard Ad-Din's voice.

''Cal, can you move aside and allow Dr. Brian to come in? he has been there for long already''

Calia turned and glared at him. She was tempted to cuss him but seeing Kobby in front of her, she held it in and moved away from the door. Kobby smiled and went inside before she closed the door.

''Ad-Din, how do you feel this evening?'' Kobby asked as he sat across him.

''I feel a lot better after getting enough sleep but, I am quite hungry and someone promised to get me food but she isn't even bothering about me now that you are here''

Ad-Din spoke and turned to look at Calia whose focus was entirely on Kobby. Kobby also turned at that moment and met with her gaze.

Calia flushed and looked away saying ''who said I forgot about you? I will bring you bowl full of congee right away'' Calia said and glared at Ad-Din before going to the kitchen. The two men laughed and shook their heads.

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