Purple Romance

Chapter 85: 85 Spring, Kobby and Rivals

Tiana walked out of the school during their break time and saw Calia sitting on the same rock they previously sat on and she ran to her.

"Pretty aunt, why did you lie to me? You said you will come back the following day but see, is already being a month since you made that promise?" Tiana asked.

"I'm sorry, kid. This aunt was so busy that she barely had time to see anyone, but I am free now, so I decided to finally keep my promise to you" Calia told the girl and removed a couple of lollipops from her bag and handed to her "here, I even bought you a pack of lollipops"

"Well, since you bought me these, I won't blame you again, but you must come and play with me from now onwards" Tiana said.

"I will but, won't your friends complain that I'm keeping you away from them?" Calia asked and Tiana shook her head as she removed one lollipop to suck. She sat beside Calia.

"No, they won't. I will tell them this time is especially for you and me. Pretty aunt, tell me something. That man you said you wanted, is he still in your heart?" Tiana asked as she blinked her eyes.

"En, he is still there and I think he will soon be my official boyfriend"

"But, didn't you say the last time that he was married and even has a kid?"

"Well, that? I was mistaken. He has a kid but he is not married"

"That's bad. I was hoping that things will not work out for you so that I could introduce my father to you" Tiana said and sighed.

"What to do? don't worry, I am sure, your father will soon find his soulmate"

"Pretty aunt, my father is not bad at all. How about you leave that man and be with my father instead? I am a good kid and because I already love you, I will support your relationship. What if that kid doesn't want you as a stepmother? You should know that, kids these days don't accept stepmothers that easily. But, with me, it will be easy because I already like you" Tiana touched Calia's shoulder making Calia to turn and look at her and then Tiana winked at her.

"You really almost got me there, kid. Are kids these days so smart like you?" Calia asked.

"No, but I am especially smart because I took from my late mom and my father who is also a doctor. Pretty aunt, my dad is a good man"

"You know, Tiana, you shouldn't be doing matchmaking for your father. What if he already has a girlfriend?" Calia asked as she also sucked a lollipop.

"He doesn't but I can't say he won't have a girlfriend for long because his ex-girlfriend just appeared. I really don't like her but she seems to like my father a lot, so I am a little scared"

"But, I'm sure she will be a good stepmother to you if she becomes your father's new wife?"

"I am not too sure of that. Pretty aunt, just one date. I promise to not talk about my father again if you agree to go out on a date just once with him. I have confidence in my father, he will make you fall for him" Tiana said and looked gloomily at Calia.

"Hmm, Tiana, how about this? I recently made a very beautiful jewel and was thinking of having you model it. if you agree to model for my jewellery then I might also agree to your request"

"This is not fair. You are blackmailing me" Tiana said.

"Oh, I forgot you are so smart. Then, forget of it" Calia said and looked away.

"I will do it in exchange for you going on a date with my dad" Tiana grabbed unto Calia's hand.

"Deal'' Calia agreed. She was already thinking of a few tricks to apply so that the little girl will give up. She was also going to make sure her father rejects her during that so called date. Only that she didn't know that she and that small girl were much connected than she would imagine.


Maria was watching TV when she received a call from Paul. She looked at the call for a while before deciding to answer it.

"Hello, Paul"

"Miss Lee, how are you doing?'' Paul asked.

"I'm doing well. I didn't know you were back already with your wife?'' Maria asked. Paul's wife was put to birth during the time she was at the hospital.

"I came back because the CEO still had some things that needed to be worked on. Will you be returning to work any time soon? The CEO said you didn't need to, so I called to inform you. He said you could take a week off and rest before you returned to the office'' Paul said as he stood in front of Ad-Din. They were in Ad-Din's study room working together.

"I don't need a week to rest. Tell him I will go back to work on Monday" Maria said over the phone and Ad-Din frowned.

"Miss Lee, this was a direct order from the CEO. He said you dare not disobey his orders" Paul said and Ad-Din nodded his head.

"Alright, then, I will take a week off and rest. Paul…your boss, is he alright?"

Maria asked softly and Ad-Din looked at the phone longingly. He wanted to take the phone and speak to her but it was not the right time yet. He feared that, if he spoke to her immediately, he would end up dropping everything and running to her side. There were some things he needed to work on before he could finally be with her.

"He is fine, don't worry too much" Paul said and looked at Ad-Din.

"Alright. Then, have a nice day. I want to take a rest'' Maria said and hung up. She was no longer worried about him since she had already decided to take the necessary steps to get closer to him. She wanted to prove to him that she could be someone he could rely on. She was going to work hard and be with him very soon.

Maria had already discussed her plans with Kobby and everyone. Mona Lisa promised to make the necessary arrangements for the proposal party.

Now, she only just needed an excuse to make him come out which Kobby already agreed to help with.

Meanwhile at Ad-Din's place.

A young man of about 23 years was also sitting in the study room along with Ad-Din and Paul. He was focused on the laptop in front of him as he spoke to Ad-Din.

"Boss, I have already installed the anti-hacking device in the new villa and also secured with the pass code you wanted. The company too is also secured. With the latest skills that I have acquired, your company will not be easy to penetrate through. But, boss, are you sure is okay to hack into grandpa's security system at the mother company? Their security force is quite a formidable one but nothing I couldn't penetrate through" the young man asked.

"You are allowed to. I am not going to use them against him in court. I just want something I could use to bargain with that old man. Is better if you could access the files of the new drug that the company is funding. He wouldn't want to lose such critical information to his competitors'' Ad-Din said.

"That's true. I will get it done by tonight. But, boss, when are you going to introduce me to little madam? Is she really the same one? That chocolate woman?"

"Gibbs, it seems you are quite free lately. Should I call and find out whether they need a hacker at the NIS?"

'No' The young man name Gibbs said and turned silent.

"That's enough for the day, you two can leave now. I need to rest" Ad-Din said and stood up. He picked the walking stick beside the chair.

"Yes, boss" Paul said and also stood up.

"Paul, good night. I'm sleeping with the boss tonight" Gibbs said.

"Gibbs'' Ad-Din mentioned his name and looked at him warningly.

''Sorry, that definitely came out wrong. I mean I am going to sleep in the guestroom of boss' quarters since I am yet to find myself an apartment'' Gibbs corrected himself and laughed before going out.

The three men got to the hall and saw Calia busy in the kitchen.

''Oh, big sis, what are you making?'' Gibbs said and Paul looked at them confused before Ad-Din spoke.

''He is actually Calia's younger brother''

''Oh, I see. I could never have imagined it'' Paul said.

''Paul, stay and have dinner with us'' Calia said.

"I'm sorry Miss, but I need to get home to my wife'' Paul said.

''Oh, I forgot she had delivered. I will prepare a gift and send it to her soon'' Calia said.

''Can you make it cash instead? My wife prefers cash gifts to other ones'' Paul said and Ad-Din shook his head.

''Don't worry, I will prepare a cash gift'' Calia said.

''Okay, then. I will take my leave now'' Paul said and left the quarters.

''Big sis, your cooking has improved over the years'' Gibbs said as he stole piece of fish fillet from the plate.

''Go and wash your hands, you, lazy bum'' Calia hit Gibbs' hands. ''Ad-Din, why did you even suddenly ask this freelancer to come home?''

''Wow. No one will believe you are my blood sister. Don't you even miss me?'' Gibbs said.

''No, I don't'' Calia said.

''You two should stop messing around already. Gibbs is here because I need him''

Calia nodded her head as she placed the food on the table.

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