Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 126: Desired Product VIII

After the talk with Bahamut, Isaac immediately returned home from work. There, his comrades who had returned home earlier were waiting.

“Welcome, Isaac.” 

A woman who opened the door greeted him with a hug. A smile came to Isaac’s lips as he saw the face of his colleague and wife, whose name was Chela Dos.

“Sorry, I’m a little late. The conversation took longer than expected.”

“Yes, of course it did. Wasn’t it to meet Mr. Bahamut, who saved us in the past? To be honest, if the timing was right, we would have liked to go too. It’s a pity.”

“Well, Mr. Bahamut said he was staying here for a while. There will be another opportunity later.” Saying that, Isaac entered the house. 

Right after that, he saw the other two colleagues sitting in their seats and greeting him. 

“Hey, have you been?”

“Come in. So, how is Mr. Bahamut?” 

Asked a woman and a burly man— Misa and Epicher, both Isaac’s colleagues and members of the same Imperial Guard. They, too, were curious about the news of their benefactor, whom they regretfully did not see, and Isaac answered them with a smile.

“Of course, he seemed to be doing well. And if I could add one more thing, unlike before, it seemed like he was taking a powerful woman with him as an escort.”

“What…a woman? How powerful is she?”

Epicher, curious about Isaac’s words, showed immediate interest, knowing what Isaac’s criteria for being powerful were. To the interest of such a combative fellow, Isaac spoke with great interest as well.

“Yeah, if my sensing ability is accurate… I think she might be able to contend with Mr. Andersen.”

“Hoo… That’s a very interesting matter.” 

Epicher showed considerable fighting spirit in response to Isaac’s words. Misa, who was listening from the side, sighed slightly and spoke to Epicher.

“No matter what, don’t start a fight again. You attacked Mr. Andersen before and got beaten up.”

“That’s not a bad way to become strong as a warrior. Even if you lose, you can learn a lot.” 

Epicher proudly spoke about memories that others would have considered tough experiences. Seeing him like this, his colleague and lover, Misa, sighed and shook her head slowly.

“Whoa… anyway, you don’t consider other people’s feelings at all. Don’t pick a fight with her just because you met her. She’s not just anybody, she’s Mr. Bahamut’s escort.”

“Uhm… I’m sure you’re right, but…”

In the past, they were falsely framed and nearly executed, but fortunately, Bahamut came forward, cleared them of their wrongdoing, and even paid them a huge amount in compensation for the damage. To be disrespectful to such a benefactor is something even Epicher, who craved a battle with a strong opponent, hesitated to do. Nevertheless, he licked his lips as if he couldn’t help it, and Misa spoke sharply while looking at her lover, who still couldn’t let go of his lingering feelings.

“Do you want to be beaten by me before being beaten by that woman? Great, I’ve become a little bored since the Sakiel Knights were swept away. Soon…”

“Ah… I won’t. I was wrong!” 

For the moment, Epicher relented at Misa’s words, which promised dangerous consequences.


As usual, Isaac smiled lightly at his cheerful colleagues. He then spoke to Epicher with some seriousness.

“Don’t worry too much, because sooner or later you’ll have fun fighting on the battlefield you want, not in this stuffy imperial palace.”

“Yes? When is that…?”

“No way…” 

Epicher expressed anticipation for a moment at Isaac’s words. On the other hand, the faces of Chela and Misa, who were listening to the story, began to show concern. 

Seeing his colleagues’ conflicting reactions, Isaac carefully recounted the conversation between Bahamut and Emperor Carol that he had seen and heard in the great hall.

“Then… do you really mean that the Tarkic Empire is starting an all-out war?”

“I think that is very likely. And since it was Mr. Bahamut saying that, so…”

“Haa… it’s another war. Why does this keep happening…? It was a bit dangerous in the Frank region not too long ago, but now it’s the Tarkic Empire and the Dragona Empire…” 

Chela spoke in a voice full of concern. 

In response, Isaac lightly patted his beloved wife on the back.

“But… don’t worry too much. Thanks to Mr. Bahamut’s plan, the possibility of the Holy Empire being in direct danger is greatly reduced.”

“Even so, we are the Royal Guard. Others may not know, but I don’t think we’ll be sitting idly by in a war like that, do you?”

“If it were me, I’d plan to jump into the battlefield even if I had to volunteer.”


So, while the aggression of a warrior and concern for the safety of his family members coexisted, Isaac began to feel a deep concern about the storm to come.


For Bertina Minerva, the man named Bahamut was someone who evoked various emotions in many ways. 

He person who usually gave off an infinitely light feeling, but at the same time had no gaps and showed a strong side that could always be relied on in important moments. In addition, he was a man who gave a soft feeling that you could lean on comfortably even in bed but also had the appearance of a wild horse that ran wild when excited. 

However… Bertina, who had seen various aspects of Bahamut so far, was once again realizing that this man could become infinitely frightening if necessary, as she experienced this incident.

Just like how she felt when Bahamut first appeared in front of her, providing evidence that could have destroyed her.

‘Bahamut Fernandez… I feel it once again. You are really… the only man who can make me tremble.’

The news of the participation of the Frank Kingdom, which had been saving face, just arrived yesterday. In addition, before that, the Kalmar Alliance had declared that they would jump into this a long time ago, and the Holy Church in Rhom also decided to move the Knights to take action in earnest.

Moreover, small states such as Schwyz and Milan also expressed their intention to participate. 

In fact, most of the countries had the conditions set out to subdue paganism. This situation, in which the continental monarchs were trying to resist foreign power by gathering their strength, was creating a touching scene that made her heart overflow as a believer of the church.

From Bertina’s point of view, who knew the truth, this was neither faith nor emotion.

‘The world starts to move according to the flow that man created. The moment they set foot in it, they could never get out of it. The nations that were considered the bottom of the continent began to jump into it without hesitation.’ 

Not only the Holy Empire, but also Hangury and Roland, as well as Frank and Kalmar, who would have distanced themselves from the original, participated. Based on the enormous funds collected by the Beden Merchant Company and the Uranus Merchant Company so far, they would enlist their soldiers, arm and feed them, and set them before the battlefield, with the justification of driving out the pagans and protecting the world of the Lord. 

At the same time, in anticipation of the enormous wealth and fame they would gain in the process.

‘Humans… if you’re blinded by greed, you can’t see small dangers… I was like that too.’ 

As a result, she thought that the ending itself was not bad because she met a man she could love thanks to that… the much was clear. However, despite knowing this fact, Bertina, as a human being, only felt the fear of this phenomenon itself and was not worried about it any longer. 

The position of her, Bahamut, Beden, and Uranus was to take a step back and watch the whole situation. As the others screamed in the storm, she and Bahamut just had to relax and count the gold coins.

‘I’m really glad. In my life… to be able to meet that man…’ 

Once again, Bertina rubbed her belly slowly, feeling the joy of that fact. Right after that, she slowly turned around as she heard the door open.



During the recent unrest in the country I am from, our family hardware store was broken into and looted by thugs. I don’t know why they did it, since my family has always been minding our own business, without bothering anyone else. I’m guessing some people are taking advantage of the current lawless and chaotic state of the country. 

Anyways, the incident now leaves me as the only earning member of my family. Long time readers know that I was already dealing with a mountain of trouble (that I inherited from my father), and was already struggling. I had created a plan of action, and was steadily moving forward. But this incident destroyed whatever plans I had, again. I don’t know why bad things keep happening to me again and again. I might as well be cursed or something.

So here I am, after much hesitation, once again asking for your support. If you are reading this, please help if you are able to, I repeat, help only if you are able to. I am not asking something for free, you can become a Patron at Patreon to gain access to more chapters, or sponsor as many chapters you can from any of the novels you enjoy on Goblinslate here at BuymeaCoffee. Or if you just want to help, you can donate any amount at the Wishlist at BuymeaCoffee.

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