Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 152: True Winner II

“So… you mean all of Frank’s forces were wiped out?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. They were all k!lled, refusing to surrender until the very end.”

After a desperate battle, the Tarkic Empire finally succeeded in occupying “Belgrade Castle”.

Despite their overwhelming numbers, the nature of the fortress made it difficult to capture, even with a large army. Above all, the fierce resistance from the Frank army, who fought relentlessly until the end, proved to be a significant obstacle.

The Tarkic forces divided their troops, launching continuous attacks day and night to prevent the defenders from getting any rest. The Frank soldiers, prepared to die, managed to hold them off for three more days, squeezing out every last ounce of strength.

“Especially at the end, that man named Favre put up quite the resistance. With just a hundred soldiers, he held a narrow corridor for an entire day…”

Although the overwhelming numbers eventually led to their defeat, Padishah Shreman couldn’t help but feel a bit impressed.

Initially, the Padishah had underestimated the Frank Kingdom, who had tried to ally with him after being pushed back by the Holy Empire. However, the bravery and heroic end shown by the Frank soldiers during the battle revealed that their kingdom had more potential than he had anticipated.

“Since we’ve occupied this area, we must continue advancing. Where are the Allied Forces now?”

“They retreated safely to Budipet while Frank’s forces were holding us off.”

“Very well. We’ll march there next. This time, I’ll crush Hangury and head straight for the Holy Empire.”

After resting briefly, the Tarkic Empire’s army marched towards Budipet, Hangury’s capital. Along the way, most castles fell easily, as the Hungarian army had concentrated their forces in Budipet, leaving the rest of the path unguarded.

Thus, the Tarkic forces reached Budipet in just a few days.


Upon arriving, the Tarkic army found the defenses of Budipet Castle far more formidable than expected.

Hangury had allied with the Kingdom of Roland and the Kalmar Alliance, gathering an army of around 80,000 troops. Unlike the Tarkic forces, who were exhausted from continuous battles and forced marches, the defenders had rested and reorganized, thanks to the time Frank’s army had bought.

“Their defense is stronger than I expected,” Shreman remarked.

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty. The enemies are merely defeated soldiers who’ve already tasted failure,” one of his generals responded confidently.

“Give the order, and we shall wipe them out and capture the city.”

The Padishah nodded. “Advance. Raise the flag of the Tarkic Empire on that castle…”

But just then—

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty!”

A messenger came rushing in, his voice urgent. The generals turned to him, puzzled by the sudden interruption. The messenger, panting heavily, dropped to his knees and bowed deeply.

“What is the meaning of this?” the Padishah demanded. “I was about to launch the assault!”

“It’s a disaster, Your Majesty! The “Holy Imperial Army” has appeared from the west!”


The sudden report left the Padishah and his generals stunned.

Although Frank’s forces had stalled the Tarkic army, Shreman never imagined that the Holy Empire would respond so quickly.

“D*mn it! Halt the attack! Assess the size of the enemy forces and prepare defenses at once!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


Meanwhile, Emperor “Carol” of the Holy Empire arrived with his army.

“Fortunately, we’re not too late,” Carol muttered with a sigh of relief. 

The Tarkic forces had not yet launched their assault, giving him the opportunity to intervene.

After fending off the “Dragona Empire’s” surprise attack, Carol quickly reorganized his army and marched to Budipet. Although the forced march strained his soldiers, the Emperor considered it a necessary sacrifice to secure Hangury’s defense.

With about “40,000 troops”, including the “Royal Guard” led by Andersen and Isaac, the Holy Imperial Army reached Budipet just in time. 

However, Bahamut and his party—who had played a critical role in repelling the Dragona Empire—did not accompany them. Bahamut had remained behind to maintain the supply lines, as Ophelia was seriously injured during a battle with the White Dragon Princess.

The emperor, although regretful, accepted the situation, knowing that Bahamut’s contributions had already been invaluable.

Carol gazed down at the Tarkic camp, which had fallen into disarray at the sight of his approaching army.

Although his own troops were exhausted, they were still in far better condition than the Tarkics, who had endured countless battles and long marches.

“Above all,” Carol mused, “if the Tarkics drag this into a long-term battle, their shamans could complicate matters. We need to attack soon, alongside the allied forces.”

Just as he was about to issue the order—

“Your Majesty! Look over there!”

Carol followed the soldier’s pointing hand. 

A man rode towards them from the Tarkic camp, waving a white flag.


A large tent was set up between the three forces: the Holy Empire, the Tarkic Empire, and Budipet Castle. 

Inside, representatives from all sides gathered to negotiate the outcome of the war.

The room was tense, with voices raised in heated debate.

“Hangury and the Black Legion are determined to fight to the death! We will not accept the Tarkic demands!” the Hungarian envoy declared firmly.

The Holy Empire’s envoy nodded in agreement. They both rejected the Tarkic Empire’s offer to withdraw if Hangury ceded the lands already occupied.

“Are you really going to refuse the Padishah’s generous offer?” the Tarkic envoy snapped. “If you continue like this, we’ll have no choice but to resume the war.”

“We will not back down!” the Hungarian envoy roared. “Return the lands you’ve taken and pay war reparations, or there will be no peace!”

The Tarkic envoy grimaced. Despite his harsh words, the Tarkic army was in no position to continue the fight. Their soldiers were exhausted, and the arrival of the Holy Empire had evened the playing field.

Realizing that continuing the war would be disastrous, the Padishah made a desperate offer.

“Very well. We will abandon our territorial claims. But at least allow us to save face by formally declaring your surrender. If you do that, we will withdraw without further bloodshed.”

The Hungarian envoy hesitated but eventually agreed. 

A formal declaration of surrender, even if symbolic, was a small price to pay compared to the cost of continuing the war.

Thus, a peace treaty was reached.

The Tarkic Empire agreed to return all occupied territories to Hangury. Although the Padishah regretted his overly ambitious advance, the outcome allowed him to maintain some dignity.

In hindsight, the Tarkic forces had been overly optimistic, hoping the Dragona Empire would cripple the Holy Empire before their arrival. Frank’s final stand had also delayed the Tarkic advance, forcing them into unfavorable negotiations.

Despite the setbacks, the Padishah found some solace in the fact that Hangury and the Holy Empire had formally bowed to the Tarkic Empire—even if only in words.

With the treaty signed, the Tarkic forces began their retreat, their ambitions of conquering the continent left unfulfilled.

Goblin: sponsored chapter 3 of 4.

Book Release: I recently listed a collection of my poems titled “Thought Blinks: A Collection of Poems” on Patreon and BuyMeaCoffee shop. You can buy it for only $7, if you like poetry.

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