Quadruple split

Chapter 34 The Side of the Sin King

Everything is so boring and disgusting...

Moonlight, insects, sky, clouds, dew...

Colors, sounds, touches, people, thoughts...

Hatred, bond, order, love, chaos...

Truth, lies, reality, sin, deception...

It makes no sense, makes no sense.

There has never been any right or wrong, nor has there been any fall or redemption. This world has never been distorted, because it has been distorted beyond measure from the moment it was born.

Since it has never had its 'original appearance', it is better to let it become what you like...

When the noise becomes deafening, you can become numb and get used to it.

Or just let it fall into silence completely, that doesn’t seem to be bad~

Mo gently got down and looked at a small pink flower under the shade of a tree. He could feel the vigorous vitality of the flower. Because of this, it was able to grow tenaciously in this place where the environment was not very suitable.

"Steadfast, tenacious and aloof." A quiet smile appeared on Mo's face, with pure appreciation in his eyes: "It's just that there are still some shortcomings in this unique beauty..."

The dark red halo flashed away without any sound or trace.

A piece of burnt petals fell at his feet...

"That's it..." Mo stood up again, his body seemed to stagger a bit, he raised his hand to support the half of the mask covering his eyes, and murmured in a low voice: "It's perfect~"

"When I first came here, I thought you were complimenting me."

Ji Xiaodao didn't know when he appeared behind Mo, with a cold and indifferent tone: "Are you okay?"

"Determined, tenacious and aloof?" Mo turned around and looked at this tall girl with long silver hair and a figure in the game. He did not answer the other's last question, but shook his head coldly: "I am only here for you. I see blindness, willfulness and stubbornness in him.”

Ji Xiaodao, however, shrugged nonchalantly and said expressionlessly: "No girl with this kind of personality will be interested in you."

"Except for you, that's true." Mo leaned sideways against an ancient tree nearby, gently rubbing his forehead: "Stop following me, you should know that you are in the way..."

A faint blush flashed across the dark elf's slightly pale face. Ji Xiaodao stared straight at the guy in front of him who didn't look like a normal person: "What did you say?"

"You are in the way." Mo repeated without any emotion.

"That's not what I asked!" The girl frowned slightly.

Mo Qiu just glanced at her: "You are really annoying..."

To be honest, it is a miracle for Mo that he has not killed this troublesome girl until now. Although he was interrupted by the cavalry team when he wanted to take action, but after that he If you want to take action, there are plenty of opportunities...

[Sure enough, she should be killed. 】

Just when Mo Tanzheng thought of this for an unknown number of times, the girl in front of him changed the subject.

"The messenger has arrived in the imperial capital this afternoon." Ji Xiaodao suddenly said: "The investigation team is expected to arrive here in two days. Viscount Tire did not send a search and rescue team to Banse City again because of your order. It seems that Awaiting your further instructions..."

Under the mask, the increasingly violent chaos in Mo's eyes faded a bit, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ji Xiaodao, on the other hand, continued to mind his own business: "I found out that among the investigators who came this time, there was a Grand Duke named Bartgaros. He was quite powerful in the upper echelons of the empire, and he was also a high-level hurricane mage. , deeply trusted by the emperor."

A smile full of evil suddenly bloomed at the corner of his mouth, and Mo nodded to the girl: "Continue."

"We are also traveling with the chief priest of the Kaguya Sect and several high-level priests. I learned that they believe in rangers, poets and the guardian of young children - the moon god Rose, an absolutely neutral god." Ji Xiaodao's The speed of his speech seems to have become faster: "I think those people will definitely be interested in you, and may even tie you up..."

"Burning at the stake is not popular here. Even if it were, I would only be one of the spectators." Mo walked slowly to Ji Xiaodao and looked at the man in front of him who was a few centimeters taller than him in the game. The dark elf girl asked softly: "What do you want to express? To highlight your self-worth?"

The girl stared at the other person calmly: "Just passing the time."

Mo shook his head slightly: "I don't need a companion, and I don't want to trust anyone else except myself."

"Just returning the favor."

"But I don't need collaborators."


"Or do you think I can't get those words out of Viscount Tire's mouth?"


"But~" Mo stared at Ji Xiaodao's slightly disappointed eyes and said softly: "He is just an ordinary tool after all."

The girl blinked slightly.

"I'm not interested in any of your ideas, but if you insist on following me to 'return the favor', maybe I can really let you see many different scenery, or... nightmares." Mo's voice Suddenly it became low and ethereal: "It's just..."


"You can have yourself, but you must obey all my orders unconditionally."

Endless evil rose from his eyes. At this moment, Mo activated his innate skills to attack a player named Silent Prayer.

【original sin】

"Suicide." When Ji Xiaodao's slightly stiff body relaxed slightly, Mo said to her lightly: "Now."

The sword was unsheathed, and the girl stabbed the weapon in her hand hard into her heart without hesitation!

But Ji Xiaodao failed...

Mo moved behind her in an instant, hugged the girl's slightly thin shoulders, and firmly grasped the sharp rapier with his other hand.

"I changed my mind." Mo tilted his head and whispered softly to the dark elf girl who was struggling in his arms: "Just stay with me for the time being."

Ji Xiaodao immediately stopped struggling and responded calmly with her usual cold voice: "Yes."

Mo let go of her and walked away without looking back: "Wait for me here."

Five minutes later, there was a land with sparse vegetation a little further away.

Mo stopped, took out a hexagonal crystal from his bag, and looked at it carefully...

【Unnamed blood contract】

Quality: the only legend

Requirements: Open a summoning profession/the sum of basic attributes is not less than 300

Use: At the cost of permanently deducting 20% ​​of the upper limit of physical energy and health (not current), create a custom summoned creature. Its duration of existence is permanent, it can execute any command without distance restrictions, and it can be summoned and dismissed at any time. , has the ability to grow, but its ability can never be higher than the sum of the summoner's attributes. It can share the skill list with the summoner (except special skills and talent skills). After being killed, it can be resurrected after 240 hours (game time) At the summoner's side.

[Note: Whether this is a good deal or not depends entirely on your purpose. 】

This crystal was one of the trophies Mo obtained during the bloodbath in Banser City when he first landed. It is also the only legendary item he has on him. It is even very likely to be the first player to discover it in the game. legendary items.

But from a player's perspective, this [Nameless Blood Pact] is not very cost-effective, even for players who major in summoning professions.

First of all, its cost is too high. The permanent deduction of 20% of the upper limit of physical energy and health will undoubtedly have a great impact on anyone, and it is also 'non-current', which means that after using it, when the player When the health value is theoretically 100, there are only 80 left. After a long upgrade, when the theoretical data becomes 1000, there are only 800, not just the 20-point upper limit at the beginning. becomes 980.

The same is true for physical strength.

As the two most important statistics in the game, this is equivalent to permanently making yourself 20% brittle.

Secondly, although the summoned creature can be customized, in theory, even if it brings out a giant dragon, it will not be a big problem. It can also share most of the skills with the summoner, but its comprehensive ability is never stronger than the summoner, so although it feels very Sharp, but actually not too strong...

You must know that no matter in any game, the common characteristic of the summoning profession in the later stage is that the summoned creature is stronger than the person, so it is equal to... thighs, equal to... taking off... equal to... attracting the wind... equal to... taking the girl... It's equal to... online dating... it's equal to... face-to-face... it's equal to... dumbfounding, collapse of worldview, bleeding for five steps, explosion on the spot...

It seems too far away~

What I mean is that it is difficult for this type of summoned creature to significantly increase the player's fashion value in the later stage, thereby producing a series of desirable results.

Coupled with the price mentioned before, the price/performance ratio is not high. (Look, I still turned back)

But Mo never considered it from the perspective of a gamer from the beginning, so he didn't care. Moreover, for various reasons, this thing suited him very well.

Of course, it is not used for combat, but...

"Confused." Mo looked at the face on the surface of the crystal that belonged to him, but did not belong to him alone. He laughed wildly and crushed it to pieces, sacrificing 20% ​​of the upper limit of his health and physical energy without hesitation. Launched it.

As several streaks of blood mist rose from his body, Mo showed a cheerful and unpredictable smile. Looking at the gradually forming black outline in front of him, his crazy murmurs seemed to come from the other side of the chaos: "Now, The only future trouble will be solved soon..."

He looked at the empty space filled with chaos not far in front of him, as if he was looking into a mirror, looking at it carefully...

When Ji Xiaodao finally waited for Mo to come back, the sky was almost dark.

"I've been waiting for a long time." Mo said to her calmly without any apology: "It took me a little longer."

Ji Xiaodao shook his head and said with a smile: "Fortunately, it didn't take long actually."

It’s a rare smile…

But Mo didn't pay attention, he just passed her directly and walked towards the densely packed tents in front of him: "Let's go, we still have some time."

"Yes." Ji Xiaodao followed him very naturally, walking half a step behind Mo, just like what she had been doing these past few days.

[Perhaps fate had left this position to her from the beginning...

A position where you can watch, accompany, and touch that person just by raising your hand.

As for whether the Dark Elf Silent Prayer is really controlled by the Sin King, we don't know...

As for whether the Sin King ever cared about whether the girl was really controlled by him, no one knew.

Looking back at history, we can only use the word "destiny" to provide a fundamentally unreasonable explanation for their encounter, and firmly believe that it is meaningful.

To understand it with the idea of ​​​​romanticism... Yes, romance, although these two words seem to have no connection with that man, we can still speculate on the most unreliable one among many possibilities...

Perhaps there has always been such a place in the King of Sin's heart. It is unique, just like her, unique.

So he left it to her~ (Thanks to Common Language for allowing me to express this possibility so simply)

From all the records in the previous volumes, we can see that neither the Four Original Sin Demon Generals under the Sin King, nor the Thirteen God-Slaying Stars, nor the six commanders of his Sin-Forgiveness Corps, have ever truly He has gained the trust of the King of Sin, but has never really been taken seriously by the King of Sin.

They are just... tools...


Of course, I don’t have any pity or sympathy. After all, the pain those people brought to this world has not been completely healed until now. If I had been born in that era, I would have wished that those who helped the abuse were all gone. Destruction, not a good death.

But after all, I am not a person of that era, so I still can't help but feel sorry for them.

From countless battles and operations, I can see how much those people revere and yearn for their king, and even death and brain damage cannot stop them from being stubbornly loyal.

That is a belief...

A crazy faith and loyalty that I may never understand in my lifetime.

But as I said before, in any case, in the eyes of the King of Sin, they are just tools.

Only the dark elf who had been following the King of Sin from the beginning could truly stand quietly by his side in that era...

Perhaps we cannot forgive her, but everyone must admit that Silent Prayer is special and different from those villains who also have blood on their hands...

She is a foreigner who does not belong to our world...

She is the biological sister of Ms. Night Angel in the Grand Alliance...

She is the only woman the Sin King truly trusts...

She is his think tank, confidant, protector...maybe also his companion...

She is unique - the side of the King of Sin]

——"Epic of Speculation, King of Sin Volume: Side Chapter of King of Sin"

Chapter 33: End

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