Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Chapter 1

~ The Speech ~

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, inside its great hall, are 5 big and long tables, one for the teachers and personnel and the other four for students of each house, there we see the Hufflepuff house happier and with more smiles than the other three, then there is Ravenclaw with more sophistication and quieter than the others, Gryffindor the loudest bunch might be their bravery coming into play to be this loud and then there is Slytherin, both loud and quiet, most of the time though, only smirking at other houses, with most thinking that they are above them. All that just because of new first-year students coming into their houses. But this year there will be a few differences.

''Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well.''

Dumbledore starts saying as everybody quiets down, yes even Gryffindor.

''Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, The Triwizard Tournament. For those of you who do not know, The Triwizard Tournament brings together 3 schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Let me be clear, if chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint-hearted.''

Professor Dumbledore finishes his statement before introducing the other two schools.''Please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their Headmistress Madame Maxime''

And just as Dumbledore finished the Great Hall doors opened to reveal a group of ladies dressed in light blue dresses and pointed hats that were curved at the top. They danced as they went down the hall, releasing butterflies towards the people around them.

Most of the guys and quite a bit few of the girls were mesmerized and infatuated by the sight in front of their eyes as those girls walked and slowly sat at the Ravenclaw table, which made the other three houses disappointed while Ravenclaw was ecstatic.

A very tall woman that everybody assumes is the beautiful lady's headmistress walks up to Dumbledore with two girls behind her. Dumbledore took Madame Maxime's hand in his and gave a courteous kiss on the back of her hand with a smile. And with that everyone cheered for the students of Beauxbatons.

''And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Drumstrang Academy and the high master Igor Karkaroff''

Dumbledore made yet another announcement, and just like the last time, the Great Hall door opened yet again, but this time came in a group of men in all brown clothing, holding tall, wooden staffs. Spark flew around as they continued to hit the ground with them. Not long after, their headmaster walked in with none other but Victor Krum besides him, everybody started whispering around about him being here with surprising excitement in their voices.

Dumbledore and Karkaroff greeted each other with an embrace before the Drumstrang students went and sat at the Slytherin house, which made Slytherins smirk even more especially at the Gryffindors and Ron Weasley as he is a very big fan of Viktor Krum. By now everybody was waiting for the feast to begin, but it wasn't happening, so the student body was starting to get confused.

''You must be confused on why the feast hasn't begun, well the reason is quite simple, we have one last announcement to deal with, if you'd please, professor McGonagall'' Dumbledore states with a nod towards McGonagall

Everybody sees professor McGonagall stand up with a nod of her own and yet again bring out the sorting hat, which hasn't happened before, so everybody was wondering what was about to happen. Dumbledore sits down while Professor McGonagall starts speaking loudly.

''Today is an occasion that doesn't happen very often, today we are getting a new transfer student who will be joining her fellow third years and we will be sorting her after that the feast will begin'' that announcement made quite a few people interested, some happy that they are getting a potential friend from some other school and some were annoyed because they just want to eat 'ahem, RON WEASLEY' but nobody was ready for what's about to happen.

''Now welcome, LUNA Crimson''

Nobody moved or let out a sound while they waited for something to happen, but after a while, nothing was happening, even McGonagall was confused after a few minutes of nothingness, then she turned her head just as Dumbledore spoke to her.

''McGonagall you didn't introduce her properly, read it all again but with the title given before her name''

Professor McGonagall looked again at the small parchment and saw what Albus was referring to, but with what she saw, she turned her head yet again to Dumbledore to ask without any actual words if he's sure about it, all that Dumbledor did is nod his head. And so McGonagall didn't have a choice.

''Excuse me for that, now then, welcome, the QUEEN Luna Crimson''

And just as those words left McGonagall's mouth the door of the Great Hall opened yet again, but this time it wasn't a simple opening, no, no, the door got blasted apart just as a below-average height girl walked in, everybody was staring and there was only silence as her heels were the only sound you could hear, everyone was quiet because of how she looked, the girl before their eyes had Crimson hair, blood-colored eyes, a pure gold crown on her head that's half tilted to the left side, a white-red cape that was reaching up to the floor, a sword on her right hip, for those who know it's a rapier, and with black-red clothing, she was walking completely with confidence and not looking anywhere but straight with a straight back and head held high as if she owned the place.

Just as she passed all of the house tables, whispers were finally starting, the sound was returning to the Great Hall.

'Look at her hair and her eyes, what is she'

'did you hear how professor McGonagall described her the second time?'

'she's wearing such unique clothes with a sword 'that's a rapier'... with a rapier and a crown, she looks like a...'

'just like a Queen'

The boys just like before with Beauxbatons ladies, were staring at the new girl with infatuation, while some of the girls were blushing and/or looking at her with a predatory glare as they look around the boys. And Luna Lovegood was just staring at her thinking that their meeting wasn't just a random dream or an illusion she saw as that was a week ago. Just as it was getting louder and louder, Professor McGonagall silenced them so she could continue with the sorting. Now everybody was looking at the hat and the girl because all of them wanted to know what house she would be in. Nobody was ready, except for Dumbledore for what's about to happen.

The girl looked at the stool that the hat was on with a disgusted look and then spun her head to the side to look at Dumbledore who was not looking back at her as if avoiding her glare on purpose. And with a deep sigh from the crimson-haired girl, she sat down on the who knows how old stool while moving her cape away and taking off her crown, so that McGonagall could put on the old scraggly hat on top of her head.

''Ah, yes, the Crimson family... you... wow, what a life you had young lady''

Just as the hat was going to go off track the girl beneath the hat demanded.

''Get on with it Hat''

Everybody in the hall heard her voice for the first time and it was smooth and buttery but what came out of her mouth left everybody stunned, nobody has talked to the hat like that ever.

''Ah, yes of course, now in which house to put you in, Extremely Brave and Confident would be great for Gryffindor, but no...also your loyalty knows no bounds so maybe Hufflepuff but then you're beyond smart, Ravenclaw would fit, oh, there's also loads of cunningness and a huge ambition needed for Slytherin...''

The Sorting Hat kept talking and going between the houses for several minutes, yet still, there's no scream, no shout, no answer from it, no indication on which house the blood-eyed girl was supposed to be a part of, the Queen knew why that is, but still, she waited until the hat would admit defeat, just to prove to Dumbledore that she is right again, so she lifted the hat a little and shot a very smug smirk at Dumbledore who only smiled back. Finally, after what seemed to be hours of silence and some muttering students, the hat called out.

''I... I.. for the first time, I don't know where to put a student in''

And that statement from the hat left everybody baffled, all the students, all the teachers, all but two, and those being the headmaster of Hogwarts and the very girl who has the hat on in the first place. While everybody was looking at the scene with their jaws opened to the max. The girl started laughing and just like that she jumped off the stool took the hat off, quite hastily, and put it back. She took her own crown and put it back on her head, where it belongs. And then the girl started speaking.

''Of course, the hat doesn't know, but it's not because it doesn't, it's because I didn't allow it to pick for me, what? Did any of you think, I would let somebody decide for me where I belong, let alone a who-knows how old hat? No, absolutely not, I am a QUEEN and I do whatever I want, as royalty should, so no hat, no teacher, no person will tell and choose for me which house I should be in. Besides the hat itself was confused because I am 25% right for every house. Now Professor McGonagall, if you would? Please give me your wand for a second''

Professor McGonagall was confused on why she needed somebody else's wand and especially hers, so she said no to the request, which made the intriguing girl before her sigh while shaking her head, then she turned her head yet again to Dumbledore and yet again asked.

''Professor Dumbledore, would you give your wand to me?''

Everybody was yet again silenced by hearing such a question, a student just asked their headmaster for his wand and nobody knows why, but Dumbledore only smiled and without much hesitation floated his wand over to the Crimson-haired girl.

''Thanks, now, time for me to pick the house I will be in''

She took Dumbledores' wand and threw it in the air, while everybody gasped at the move that she's doing with the professors' wand, she just smirked smugly as if she didn't care whatsoever and the wand that has now landed on the ground spins around with magic and falls with the front of the wand showing towards the Ravenclaw table.

''Thanks, Dumbledore for the playing stick, you know, I needed one to choose a house, you can have it back now''

She says while glaring at professor Dumbledore with an evil smile, which only made Dumbledore shake his head a little while floating his wand back to himself.

''And so, my house will be Ravenclaw...''

Before she could finish her statement the Ravenclaw table burst with claps and a few shouts, which only annoyed the lady they were cheering for, so she finished her statement with a louder voice than the applause.

''And from now on. I am THE QUEEN OF RAVENCLAW!''

That shut everybody up yet again, while they were registering on what she just said, but she wasn't finished.

''And better not interrupt me again while I am speaking, you should let people finish they are talking, it's rude''

Everybody in Ravenclaw was now staring at her without any of the cheerfulness they had before. But the girl didn't pay any attention to it as she continued.

''And now a Queen needs to give a speech before the feast, so...''

She didn't get to finish because this time Professor McGonagall interrupted her

''But you can't, just go sit at your tab-''

But this time she got interrupted by Dumbledore with a simple cough directed to McGonagall and a shake of his head which showed to her to just let the girl continue and listen to her, to which Minerva wanted to argue about but one more look at and from Dumbledore and she chose to not say anything. So the girl yet again continued with a less happy tone because of getting interrupted for the second time.

''So as I was saying a Queen needs to give a speech to her subjects...''

As she finished that word, a lot of people wanted to speak up, especially Slytherin, but one threatening glare from her blood-eyes dared them to interrupt for the third time and they all shut up while swallowing a lump in their throats.

''So let me begin, and I assure you it'd be better not to interrupt me again''

''I normally would add more details and talk more, but since this is one of the occasions that all the students are in one place with perhaps a few exceptions, I will get to the biggest point and probably the main reason why I am, a Queen, even here at Hogwarts and that is simple, a Queen needs, partners, that could be with her for life, basically, I am here to find myself people I could marry, and so, I am here for girls that will turn into ladies, powerful women that will rule the wizarding world side by side with me as my wives''

She paused for a second to let that sink in and continued.

''And if you're thinking 'don't I mean to say husbands?' no, I don't like men in that way at all, and so I came looking for future wives for myself, I was here for a week just watching and looking at every girl that's in the school, so with the information gathered before I came here and with information from this one week, I have chosen 7 candidates for that position to be with me in the future, over the years I will spend time with them, talk with them and get them to fall in love with me, well actually it was 6 before but that's because before coming here I didn't know about the Tri-Wizards tournament and therefore didn't know about other schools coming, but now there's Beauxbatons and while all of this was happening, I chose one future wife from their school and so the 6 turned into 7, for those who are confused and want to know more, after the speech I will be answering one question from every house for a total of four questions, and for those that want to know who the 7 girls are, I won't tell you, it's way more fun for me to confuse and talk with different people without them knowing and eventually to reveal them than just straight up telling everybody, plus that would be detremental to them for various reasons as they would get more attention than they need to and they might just avoid me on purpose, among other things, but i will tell you a couple of things, two of my future wives are from Gryffindor, one from Slytherin, one from Hufflepuff and one from Ravenclaw, Now you may be thinking but that's just 6 with Beauxbatons included and you're right but also wrong at the same time, because the last one, the 7th future wife isn't a student, it's a teacher/personell from this school''

With that statement finished every student and also the teachers but Dumbledore went wide-eyed with their mouths open, yet again.

''And you may think it will be easy to figure out which teacher it is, and you ain't wrong, there are barely any women that are working in Hogwarts, all you'd think that most of them were too old or so, which is true, I for one would've been glad to go for professor McGonagall if she was at least 15 years younger, besides she could use some friends, I feel quite sad for her, she barely has any time for her own life, I imagine she has nobody to be there for her, but alas''

Yet again another crazy statement from the girl left everybody stunned, during which the girl was writing at a small parchment and sending it to McGonagall for her to read, which when read by McGonagall, stunned her and she looked at the girl in front of her with a confused look. Only a few pairs of eyes saw that happening, most were completely out of their element as their brain stopped working.

''Anyways, normally I wouldn't tell any of my future wives, but because Beauxbatons will be here only for a year, I will be spending more time with the one I chose from their school, for I have more time with other students of Hogwarts, but don't worry I will be going around every single of my future wives even in this year, oh and if any other girls think that they deserve a shot at me and just want to make me fall in love with them, go ahead, try it, I myself chose only 7, but the max I would allow is 10, so that's 3 more spots, though that 10 turned into 11 now, why? simple really, my future wife from Beauxbatons is none other than Fleur Delacour after all''

That left Beauxbatons with wide eyes and everybody stared at Fleur and the Queen, while Fleur sent her own eyes towards the mesmerizing blood-eyes of the person that's looking with so much intent that almost makes her look away.

''And that number up is simple once you realise that Fleur is a Veela, she, in the future may find something called a mate or perhaps even a soul mate and it's not preferrable to seperate them, especially a soul mate for that could ruin both of the parties lives, maybe even kill them, for their hearts, soul and body are practically connected and I'd let them be together with me if her mate would allow and of course if not, I would let go, for I wouldn't force anybody to stay/be with me, and a lot of you may be wondering why I chose Fleur, well simple really, unlike any students at Hogwarts, she is a Veela, so attention from men on Fleur makes her uncomfortable and they look at her like a piece of meat, Veelas deal with a lot of rape attempts and a lot of disgusting looks from men due to their thrall, so even now she is trying to stay strong as to not show how the looks of men around her affect her and only half of it is because she's a Veela, as I said they deal with rape attempts, a lot of them too, so a lot of Veelas like their own gender for that reason, because their thrall doesn't work or barely works on them, and that bring me to my point, she's surrounded by girls in her school, she doesn't like being looked upon by men nor does she like her own powers making others look at her, so in my conclusion she's either a lesbian 'a girl that likes girls' or a bisexual at the least 'a person that like both genders' and with that information I chose her for it wouldn't leave me with a girl that only likes men and so my speech is almost over''

And as she was saying, she finally started to move slowly towards the Ravenclaw table.

''Now a lot of you may be disgusted or quite weirded out by my statements, but I will tell you something very interesting, I don't care, at all, I am a Queen and I do whatever I want, so none of your worthless opinions mean anything to me"

The Queen points to a small bag she has around her hips along with the rapier.

"Now, here, inside the bag, I have a book on my family and it explains almost everything about my family and some things about me, I will be giving the first copy to Madame Maxime with the added request of either moving me to Beauxbatons place of stay to be roommates with Fleur or vice versa and before you disagree, read that book, I will come for an answer, after three days has passed and trust me I won't take a no for an answer''

With that, she floated the book to the teachers' table towards Madame Maxime, who took the book with an apprehensive look.

''Oh and don't worry whoever wants to read that book and understand me and my family better, I have infinite copies in my little charmed bag over here, so if you want one, you will get a chance of getting your own from me tomorrow''

And now the girl has finally made it to the Ravenclaw table and is standing near where Fleur is sitting, but she has a slight obstacle in front of her, in terms of another student.

''The girl that's near Fleur please move out the way so I can sit beside her''

The girl that was asked to move had a very annoyed and mean face, with a scowl, she finally broke and spoke about a few things that others would like to say.

''Why would I? You come in here and just blabber about being a queen of our house and also being one in general and everybody following your order and you doing whatever you want, why the hell would I do that and move? huh? shorty, I don't think anybody would ever follow such a pipsqueak of a queen, so why don't you move along and sit somewhere else and be a LITTLE good girl instead of interrupting our feast''

Now everybody was staring at both of them with wide eyes, while some of the meaner students and most Slytherin were chuckling and smirking towards the so-called 'Queen' for being short and being shouted at by another student while thinking that such a little girl would break down in tears for being insulted, but soon the temperature in the whole great hall was dropping, or only it felt like it was. As everybody looked at the crimson-haired girl to see she was only smiling, but not at all a kind smile, it was a smile that would make everybody piss their pants, it was as if the girl was about to murder her for disobeying, that lasted only a mere second before it turned back into a kind one.

''Do you need glasses girly? Because I don't think you're that taller than me, in fact, I believe that you're shorter than me and as is everybody else in this school, I don't think anybody is taller than me, except for Madame Maxime and the Half-Giant sitting near her but that's obvious'' Says the girl with now an innocent smile.

''Huh? are you stupid? look at how short you are and yet you're saying that you're taller than everybody? how did the sorting hat even struggle with you for so long, you're clearly too stupid to be in Ravenclaw''

The other girl retorted while most of the others looking also thought the same, especially fellow Ravenclaw.

''Oh, if you're so sure that you're taller than me and so, so smarter than me, why don't you stand up and we test out who's actually taller?'' The blood-eyed girl inquired, still with an innocent look.

While all of this was happening and almost every student was looking at them forgetting about the food, the teachers, were asking Dumbledore if this should be stopped, but yet again he just smiled and said no, besides he added that this is quite interesting and new in the school, and if anything bad actually happens they will stop it, so the other teachers now also only watched what was happening, McGonagal with less interest than others for she is still hung up on what the parchment, she got from earlier, said.

The other Ravenclaw girl stood up and went near the 'Queen' with a scoff and stood so they could 'measure' up and while doing so she and everybody else was silently chuckling because she was indeed taller by a full head, but they stopped laughing as soon as the other girl started speaking and every single person besides Dumbledore and Luna Lovegood in the Great Hall thought she was actually mental for the words she says.

''Oh, would you look at that I am taller than you and you're shorter than me by a full head, how about that''

She said with a happy smile while receiving weirded-out looks that even Loony doesn't get, but that quickly changed.

''What are you even talking about, do you, yourself needed glasses? So you could see that you're wrong?''

The Ravenclaw said while laughing and a lot of people joined in, but it stopped just as fast as it began when the QUEEN put the other insolent Ravenclaw and other laughing students in their place, which is beneath her, of course.


She said loudly and with a small hand movement that had her index finger point down, the girl instantly fell to the floor in a kneeling position and head down looking at the heels of the crimson-haired girl without any power to go against it.

''Well would you look at that, as I said, shorter than me and by a long shot too, NOBODY and I mean NOBODY is taller than me, for all of you are beneath me and your place is to obey or kneel before your Queen''

And for yet another time everything went quiet and still as they looked at the scene before their eyes. But the Queen didn't care at all as she just looks at Fleur and the seat near her.

''Well lookie here, it's an empty seat, thank you for standing up and letting me sit near one of my future wives, the Queen appreciates it''

And she just sat down and started formally introducing herself to the Veela. While everybody just looks at the most bizarre spectacle in front of their eyes. Fleur greeted back while looking at the kneeling girl near her every moment or so, which prompted the blood-eyed girl to ask her.

''What's wrong Fleur?''

''Uhm... ze girl behind you, zat's what's wrong and 'ow did you do zat?''

Fleur said while looking between her and the girl kneeling.

''The girl behind me?''

She asked as she turned around to look and then she said 'Oh' with a simple shrug and released her from her peril and finally the girl could stand, just as the Queen was about to turn around and talk to french beauty, the Ravenclaw attacked and tried to punch the Queen.


And yet again the girl without any power to go against the command spell knelt. Scraping her knees from the force, but this time she felt actually scared not just confused, while she didn't know why she felt scared, others knew as they themselves were scared, because the Queen looked at the kneeling girl as if she was about to be sent to her beheading and the next words the girl said, made everybody go as still as possible.

''One more chance, you get one more chance, disobey me again, try to attack me again, try to insult me again, and you will be kneeling here in the Great Hall for a week at least, I don't care if you miss any classes, if you don't eat or have to go to the loo, you will be kneeling without stop while every day I come to you for you to kiss the top of my heel as an apology for disrespecting me for too long and trying to attack me, so I recommend you to stand up and just walk away to sit somewhere else without doing anything else when I release you from kneeling, do you understand?''

The kneeling girl was very close to fainting at this point from the situation she has gotten herself into and cried out 'Yes', but the queen didn't let her stand up yet as she said the next words that made the Ravenclaw start crying

''Yes, what?''

''Yes, Q-queen.''

''Good girl''

The Queen said as she put her palm on top of the kneeling girl's head before removing it and with that, she turned around and yet again sat near Fleur while releasing her magic on the girl. The girl finally stood up and ran out of the Great Hall while sobbing. Everybody looked at the scene with fear, sympathy and some feeling satisfied with what the girl got herself into and a few looked at the queen with an intrigued and curious look.

''That girl's friends once the feast begins take some food to her, for she needs to eat and go comfort her, okay? Oh and that's one of my Family's wandless spells it's used for people to realize their place''

Asked the Queen no one in particular, while explaining to Fleur and everybody else that hears her, as she didn't know any of the prior girls' friends, she got some nods and 'ok' from a few girls at Ravenclaw.

''Well anyways my speech is over, so now only the 4 questions are left, remember one for each house and then we can feast, those that want to ask a question put their hand up as you would for a teacher''

The Queen said and sat like a royalty would. There was a momentary pause before quite a lot of hands shot up. The Queen looked around and first let a Hufflepuff ask a question.

''Uhm... Queen?''

A meek girl started but got interrupted.

''You don't need to call me that, you can call me Luna or Lun because I am not the only girl named Luna in the school''

The blood-eyed girl said with a friendly demeanor which made the Hufflepuff and some other people relax quite a bit but also making almost everybody weirded out by her quick personality changes.

''Yes, Luna, my question for you is, What's with the rapier and why the crown? If you don't mind me asking''

Now everybody was looking at the Queen again while waiting for an answer as quite a bit of the people were interested in that too, while others thought it was a wasted question.

''Ah, yes, of course, I don't mind, besides it's a good and a very valid question to ask, well for half of it, of course, thanks for asking, now for the answer, it's pretty simple, for the rapier, the handle holds my wand there's a small compartment there to hold it and I can cast a spell with it while also having another weapon and it's also a bit heavier so it requires a stronger 'Expelliarmus' for it to be knocked out from my hand, besides in a duel I couldn't actually lose to any student for that same reason, if I were to duel any of you, you'd only have a wand, while I'd have both a wand and a sword and you'd also need more power and control to use against me for me lose my 'wand' besides I like training with it and using it as a stress reliever for when I am upset and it looks badass, as, for the crown, a Queen needs one don't you think? And if you think that it can slip off and/or be easily taken off/stolen by others, well it can't because it has charms placed on it, one of them being only me and the people I let can take it off of me and if somebody actually tries to forcefully take it off, as if somebody was pulling my hair off, the crown will electrocute the person trying to take it off, that's the answer, now onto another one''

Some of the people were wondering why did the Queen talk about her own advantages so leisurely, for she just told them, making it a disadvantage.

She looked around at the hands that are in the air yet again and she chose one from Slytherin this time.

''The name's Draco, Draco Malfoy, the question is, are you pureblood?''

Draco asks as he smirks while other houses, especially Gryffindor look at him with borderline hate in their eyes. But before they could yell at him for such a question, the Queen interjects.

''Well Malfoy, to me Pureblood, Half-bloods or as you and your family like to call them, which is sickening, 'Mud-bloods', don't matter to me, as I am a Queen and everybody is beneath a Queen, to begin with, so I don't have a concept as stupid as what you call blood purity, it's all just nonsense to me''

Now everybody was looking at her, some were happy to be protected, them being the muggle-born and the very heavy purebloods were looking at her with hate for being insulted and being called to be basically nothing.

''Besides, there's only a select few that are above me and that number is very small and if you haven't guessed yet, that's my future wives, only they are above me, nobody else''

She finished and before anybody could interject she asked a Gryffindor to ask a question and so she picked Ron Weasley on purpose for he is somebody she will definitely never like.

''Why haven't I or maybe everybody else here, not heard of this so-called 'Crimson Family' and why do you have to have multiple wives or something?'' Ron asks thinking he was smart.

''Okay first of all'' The Queen starts as she takes out yet another book ''See this book, Ronald Weasley? I said tomorrow anybody that wants can ask me for one, it has all the answers you may need on my family and some answers on me and why I want multiple 'future wives', but as I know you don't have an idea how to read, so, Hermione Granger''

The said girl looked at her while waiting for her to continue

''I know that you're the smartest in the school, or at least the most studious and seem to love books, so here you go, an early copy for ya!"

She floats the book to Hermione

''You may be wondering how I know that you love reading? Well as I was going to the sorting hat I scanned the room briefly and you were the only Gryffindor and one of the few students in tall to be reading at that very moment, I'd like to talk to you later since I myself love books, anyway, Ron Weasley you can ask her for answers because I know you won't read yourself, just as probably you don't do your own homework and ask for her to let you cheat on, but I think you don't get an answer you'd want from her, so, all in all, a wasted Question as I said about the book before, but a small version answer for the multiple wives, is I am a Queen and that's all''

With that, a lot of people were snickering at Ron, who was as red a very ripe tomato from being embarrassed and almost all of Gryffindor were annoyed for wasting a question. And so only Ravenclaw was left.

''Hey Lovely Moon, do you want to ask a question? I will wait for 5 seconds before picking a raised hand''

The crimson-haired lady asked louder than usual while looking at the fake stars and the fake moon on the ceiling, as to not give any indication to whom she was asking, which left almost everybody confused, except for a select few that being two who were there when the nickname was first used but from seeing the scene before the questions started and from being in the train before, they decided to just shut up and not bring any trouble upon themselves from the queen. And Luna Lovegood for being called upon was quite flattered but she was also embarrassed to be called like that so she decided against asking a question to not bring even more attention to herself.

''Ah, pity, but it is what it is, okay you there, go ahead ask your question''

she says while pointing at a girl who's only a second year. The said second year is regretting putting up her hand a little bit because of the attention she's receiving, she didn't think she'd get picked. So while stuttering at times she asked.

''Y-you s-said th-that you only c-chose 7 g-girls to be with you and said that you'd allow up max to 11, well 10, h-how did you choose the 7 and w-what would make you fall in love if somebody actually went for you? A-as you said b-be-before''

And with that question from the second year Ravenclaw, a lot of girls went as quiet as possible to not miss any detail from the question.

''Well for a second year, that question was superb, really good, no wonder you're in Ravenclaw, you have my gratitude"

She complimented happily, which made the younger girl blush and look as if steam would come out of her ears, and then she continued.

''Well, all I can say so that I wouldn't give too much information on my 'future wives' because I'd like this little game of mine to last a tad bit longer. I chose, interesting, unique people, yes some may say that everybody is unique and I'd call nonsense on that, I see so many people that are practically the same with one little difference that it's just boring to look at, the most I see myself being with them is friends, so you can brainstorm on who I see as interesting/unique because I ain't giving more information on that, they would figure out after all and now for the ones that would like to make me fall in love with them as you asked, the same applies, if I somehow missed somebody interesting while going through as much family names and information on Hogwarts students as possible, well prove me wrong and show me if you're interesting enough for me to pay attention, that's all I gotta say on this''

The Queen finished while nodding at the girl who asked the question. While everybody was thinking about the answers they got she finally said what they were waiting for for quite a long time now.

''Dumbledore you can do your thing now and start the feast, my quite long introduction has ended. Oh, and the speech was this long as a punishment to you because you made me sit on that old disgusting stool'' she finished with a smug smirk.

Which made everybody look at Dumbledore with an annoyed look as if saying 'so it was your fault we had to sit so long without food' and finally Dumbledore's smile broke a little and with an apologetic look he made the food appear, while he glared at the Queen for a split second which only the Queen, Lovely Moon and Hermione Granger 'because of her curiosity towards the blood-eyed girl' noticed.

And so the feast began and they started eating, while the queen ate nobly as she small talked with Fleur, while getting glances from people around her but she didn't look back at all as if they weren't even there, all besides, of course, her Lovely Moon, she did look back at her once with the kindest smile of the evening yet.

~ End of chapter 1 ~

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