Quick Transmigration: Doomsday If You Don’t Fall in Love

Chapter 37 - Nichirin 05

Li Hong began to learn to ride a horse.

Although she was sitting on the knight commander’s horse, she was on the same journey, but it was obvious that Van Lundin did not allow the taint of “lie” in his Templar life, so he begged Asaph to come and teach her to ride.

Van Lundin pledged: “Asaph’s riding temple is number one. Let him teach you to learn it.”

Li Hong said “Oh” and asked, “It’s not Lord Griffits that is the best riding skill.”

Van Lundin’s expression changed, and solemnly said: “Yes, the sir is still alive and panting, Nayasa will be second.”

Li Hong: …You are so casual in the Knights Templar!

In fact, Viscount Yasa didn’t want to be so close to her, but he couldn’t refuse Van Lentin’s request. Van Lundin has a good reason: “She can’t learn in a day, so she has to ride a horse with the officer. Can you rest assured?”

Of course Asaph was not at ease, so he started teaching Li Hong to ride a horse.

As Van Lundin said, Asaph’s riding skills are superb and theoretical knowledge is also rich. Teaching Li Hong is simply a matter of grasping. In addition, Li Hong’s learning ability is very strong, but when they left the Pokhara Duchy and came to Bertha, a small country between the Pokhara Duchy and the Kraiji Empire, Li Hong was already able to ride her pony to follow the team. Behind.

Van Lundin looked at her, always feeling that something was wrong, and finally murmured: “Why are you riding a horse, but I always feel like you are riding something else?”

Li Hong’s pony was eating grass, she reached out and touched the horse’s mane, and said kindly: “Like riding a sheep?”

Van Lundin: “…”

Li Hong smiled: “What you said, riding a sheep is almost the same.”

Van Lundin: No, I didn’t mean that!

Li Hong had forgotten her days, she had been getting along with the Templars for almost half a month. From the beginning, the knights kept their distance from her, and now everyone has regarded her as a temporary traveling companion. If it were not for deliberate reminding, it would be easy for everyone to forget Li Hong’s identity as a “witch”, and their mission was to **** her back to be tortured.

The knight who was preparing dinner couldn’t help but called Li Hong. Li Hong responded and ran over to help him peel the potatoes.

Asaph didn’t stop it. Van Lundin was surprised and couldn’t help asking: “Aren’t you afraid of her being poisoned this time?”

Asaph looked at him as if he was neurotic, and slowly said: “She stays with us all day, and she doesn’t recognize herbs. Where did she get the poison?”

Van Lundin: “Okay, you always make sense.”

In the afterglow of the setting sun, everyone ran out of dinner and chatted around the bonfire.

Li Hong listened to Van Lundin telling her about some interesting anecdotes about the Templars, and couldn’t help asking: “In other words, Lord Lynn Meredith, who is very good at spear skills?”

Van Lundin said: “It’s not just good, he is called the’Thunder Gun’-because the pistol in his hand will immediately become a weapon even more terrifying than thunder and lightning. Back then, he competed with the commander for the Templar Commander. The pope chose the chief because his thunder gun was too heavy to kill.”

Li Hong curiously said, “Griffizi doesn’t fight, and he has never killed wizards.”

“Different.” Van Lundin looked complicated. “We went to the battlefield because we had different positions and different camps, so we had to fight. On the battlefield, we had to fight for our lives in order to defend our ideas.”

Li Hong: “Is this Meredith different?”

Van Lundin: “Meredith also fought, but his fight…”

Van Lundin fell silent for a while, and he re-said: “He can abandon the entire city-even slaughter the city in order to trap the wizard to death.”

“According to the Pope, all those who shelter the wizards have been deceived by the devil, and even if they are killed, it is not a sin.”

“But if you think about it, the Pope with such an idea thinks that Meredith is too serious to kill, so he should know how unscrupulous he is when facing the enemy.”

Li Hong was silent for a while. The Templars she met were from Leon’s lineage, and all of them were holy and seemed to shine. Naturally, it is hard to believe that there are knights like Lynn Meredith in the Holy See.

Van Lundin added: “But Meredith is a knight of the saint, even if he is not the knight commander, his status will not be affected in any way.”

Li Hong was curious when he heard the words: “The Knight of the Saint?”

“Yeah.” After exposing the heavy topic, Van Lundin grinned and said, “Although we fight for the Lord, the Lord is our highest object of allegiance, but the Lord is illusory after all. The 18th Pope relied on one person. When he was still a cardinal, he swore an oath to help his loyal knights Templar, and only then got the position of the pope. In order to prohibit rumors, he specially modified the texts to allow the Templars to be in addition to the holy master. Choose a real lord in the world to be loyal.”

“It’s just that the conditions are more stringent. It can only be selected in the Holy See, and the lord can only have one Templar.” Van Lentin pointed to himself, “For example, I am swearing allegiance to Duke Griffizi. Your knight.”

Li Hong was a little surprised: “Can the knight also be loyal to the knight?”

Van Lundin cunningly said: “My allegiance is the Duke.”

Li Hong wanted to say that if his friend is a duke, Leon would not be considered a member of the Holy See? However, Van Lentin’s allegiance was obviously taking advantage of the system’s loopholes. Even if he asked, I am afraid that Van Lentin would say “Duke Griffizi is also the Knight Commander of Leon, and the Knight Commander is a member of the Holy See”.

Seeing Li Hong’s lack of interest, Van Lundin couldn’t help teasing her: “Do you know? Before accepting Meredith’s allegiance, the saint had always hoped to receive the allegiance of the chief.”

“In fact, everyone thought that the chief would be loyal to the saint. After all, there are effective loyal paladins under the pope, and the number of saints is still empty. The new knight commander’s allegiance to the saint is really logical.”

Li Hong glanced at Leon who didn’t know anything important to discuss with Asaph, and said, “But he didn’t.”

Van Lundin said with emotion: “Yes, no. The chief said that he has been loyal to the Lord and can’t be loyal to others. So in the end, it was cheaper to Lynn Meredith.”

Li Hong looked at Leon, always feeling that he was not such a pious person.

So she suspiciously said: “He just doesn’t like succumbing to others.”

“Hahaha, I guess it’s the same. You said that if you are loyal to the saint, he won’t be able to refute the saint’s order, so he will be more aggrieved.” Van Lundin grinned, “the saint will demand his love What can I do if I go to myself.”

Li Hong thought about Leon’s face, then couldn’t help but simulate the scene in his mind, then he laughed.

Leon happened to have finished talking with Asaph, and when he heard the giggles of Li Hong and Van Lunding, he jumped subconsciously. He frowned and walked over and asked quietly, “What are you laughing at?”

The two guys who laughed like an old hen a second ago immediately closed their mouths, both of them had the same pure and kind expressions, making Leon want to get angry and don’t know who to deal with.

Asa pity said: “Van Lentin, you can make trouble. The sir can’t move Leona, you can still teach you.”

Van Lundin returned the sentence that Asaph had sent him back: “Then let’s talk about it then, it’s more important to be cool first.”

Li Hong looked at them and couldn’t help but smile. After half laughing, she suddenly reacted: Wait, why does Asaph think Leon won’t punish herself.

In fact, it was not only Asaph, but almost all the knights acquiesced that Leon was special to Li Hong. They had never seen the knight commander have such patience with anyone. The first time they were surprised, the second time they were incredible, and the third time they became accustomed. Most knights think this is the knight commander’s tolerance and compassion for a mortal sinner—even Leon himself thinks so.

Li Hong asked: “Am I about to succeed?”

Tianhe looked at it: “It’s a little too close. Considering the remaining time, I think you can get off the stake!”

Li Hong was immediately very happy, so she went to Van Lentin to listen to the story.

Tian Shen: “…” Would you like to be satisfied so easily? I’m so desperate?

Li Hong heard a lot of stories about the Templars, and couldn’t help asking Van Lundin: “Griffizi’s “Archery”, Asaph’s “Riding”, and Meredith’s “Thunder Gun”, these I know, what are you good at? Don’t tell me it’s storytelling.”

Van Lundin laughed and was very proud: “I am good at swordsmanship.”

Li Hong deliberately said: “Better than Griffits?”

This time Van Lundin didn’t say anything, “Oh, he’s still alive and panting,” but he couldn’t be more sure: “Of course, at this point, I am absolutely confident.”

Li Honggang was about to applaud him. His next sentence was: “Anyway, the officer won’t compare swordsmanship with me. It won’t be great if I say swordsmanship is the first one? Hahaha.”

Li Hong: “…” Okay, I will treat you as your strongest storytelling.

Having said that, Li Hong quickly saw Van Lundin’s swordsmanship.

As he said, his swordsmanship is invincible and very powerful!

After being followed all the way, Leon finally decided to do it first.

He and Asaph were ready to counterattack, but they never expected that they also ran into each other’s attack!

Both sides were fully prepared, so the battle was shocking.

Li Hong was taken by a Templar knight and hid in a hidden woods. Hearing the sound of killing swords not far away, he looked very tight.

Li Hong thought for a while and said to him: “Go, I won’t run. If you don’t worry, you can tie me here.”

The knight was very surprised: “How can this work? It is so chaotic now. If there is a flow, you can’t move. What if you are shot?”

Li Hong was a little moved when she heard that, she said: “You are here, and it is undoubtedly a waste of combat power. I know you are worried about them. I am also worried. Don’t worry, I won’t run away—” After a pause, she swore. “I swear by my faith.”

If Li Hong was really a witch, she would block everything by swearing like this. The knight was a little surprised, but after a while he was a little embarrassed: “I didn’t think you could run, everyone thought you were actually—” He couldn’t say anything, and finally said, “Then I’m going, you will be careful, and we will end. Come to pick you up.”

Li Hong nodded, watching the knight walk away quickly.

Li Hong looked at the back of leaving the knight, and couldn’t help thinking, it was too easy for them to trust the prisoner, right? Can the prisoner take it seriously?

…Although she doesn’t plan to run.

Leon was fighting with the enemy, and the cross sword in his hand was stained with blood. Leon stepped back two steps, and immediately saw the knight sent to guard Li Hong before, and he couldn’t help but be surprised: “Why are you here, where’s her!”

The knight said: “I hid Leona, sir, she swore that she won’t run.”

Leon was anxious: “I’d rather she run! Can’t you see who these people are coming at!?”

The knight was startled. Although the battle on the battlefield was fierce, there were no major casualties. Obviously, the opponent did not want to kill them. And they lacked weapons, and it was not so easy to kill a heavily armored opponent.

As the battle froze for a while, Asaph suddenly shouted: “Sir, the gun knight is gone!”

As soon as his words fell, the group of knights who had attacked them retreated quickly like a tide. The battle strength of the two sides is poor, and both Asaph and Van Lundin have prevented their companions from pursuing their plans-if the opponent is forced to fight for life and death, they must not retreat.

Now this situation is the best situation!

Except for Li Hong—!

She looked at the knight in black armor in front of her with a helmet covering her face tightly, pinned her gaze to the spear in his hand, and subconsciously said: “Lynn Meredith?”

The black-armored knight strangled his horse’s hoof, his gaze through the armor, nailed to Li Hong’s body extremely icy and cold.

He said hoarsely: “You really were there that day, I should be more cruel. After slaughtering the village, can you still escape to Mor Prison?”

Li Hong: “???”

Li Hong: “!!!” No, I’m not here! Leona was chatting with the sleeping dragon that day! I just know the name of this knight with a spear. Van Lundin is to blame for this!

Li Hong turned his head and ran, Lynn also raised his spear—

Arrows are faster than guns.

An arrow turned and shot straight towards Lynn!

Lynn heard the sound of Le Pokong, and the reflex conditions avoided. But this arrow is too fast! He just turned his head and the arrow hit the upper part of his helmet! Its power is so powerful that it directly penetrates the iron armor!

The arrow feathers were still shaking, and Lynn saw Leon Griffits, who was riding a horse, even panting.

At this moment, his eye-catching blond hair was glued to his cheeks, and a storm filled his boring blue eyes.

Lynn saw him throw a second arrow, this time aiming at his heart.

He has no doubt that the strength of this arrow is enough to penetrate his gauntlets.

However, his expression did not change, but he stabbed Li Hong with his gun without hesitation—

As he expected, Leon Griffizi did not hesitate to change the trajectory of the feather arrow and shoot at his gun—

Lin En curled the corners of his lips with a little pity, then the tip of the sword turned and threw it at Leon!

Leon Griffizi was caught off guard, flipped and fell off his horse. Lynn didn’t want to be forgiving, so he rode his horse and rushed to smash his head with iron hoof!

Li Hong was still standing there, and when he saw it, he shouted: “Lynn Meredith, are you going to betray the Holy See!” As soon as Li Hong said this, Linn’s actions were paused for a moment, and his identity naturally changed. It was exposed in front of Leon.

That being the case, Lynn lifted off his mask with some disdain. His pale and handsome face was full of gloom. The black knight looked at Li Hong and sneered: “A witch, should he betray me too?”

After all, he didn’t care about it and pulled out the long sword on his waist to kill Li Hong!

Li Hong thought that he was going to die here, and read the file again, but never expected Leon to flew over. After suffering such a knife in the back for her life, the backhand was a sword that directly cut Lynn’s horse. Forelegs!

The horse screamed, and Lynn immediately fell to the ground with the horse!

Wearing heavy armor, he felt that his internal organs were hit hard after falling like this. But Leon didn’t look back, grabbed Li Hong and got on his horse again, and ran all the way.

Li Hong shrank on his chest, looking at the blood on his back soaked in the chain mail, frightened.

She couldn’t help saying: “Let’s go back first, you need treatment!”

Leon gritted his teeth and said, “No, we must run away first.”

Li Hong: “But—”

“You know his identity, what a guilt is to attack the Templars! Lynn Meredith can’t afford it!” Leon said sharply, “A person like him will be reported to him. If we go back, he will take it. The heavy armored team that is here will never give up unless we kill us before we return to the Holy See!”

“If we go back, Van Lundin and the others will face it, a heavy-armored soldier will hunt down and kill him!”

Li Hong asked startledly: “Can’t we win?”

Leon seemed to smile, he affirmed: “We will not lose.” After a pause, he said: “But if the opponent is a lunatic Meredith, even if we win, we will have to pay the price.”

“And no matter what the price is, I don’t want to give it to him.”

Li Hong was a little sad, and she asked, “Should I call his name?”

Leon really laughed this time, and Li Hong heard his laughter.

He said: “But you only know the name of this lancer, can’t you name anything else?”

Li Hong: “…” Oh, a little angry.

Leon said: “Whether it is broken, at least the enemy is on the bright side, which is in my favor.”

In the next second, Leon weakened his arm and fell off his horse. Even so, Leon, who had lost consciousness, only clasped Li Hong’s wrist, causing Li Hong to fall with him.

Leon was used as a meat pad, and Li Hong who had rolled twice was not a big deal, but when she finally took out her hand, she wiped her forehead, and it turned out to be all blood—the blood stained from Leon’s body.

The knight commander fell to the ground, not knowing his life or death, his face was as white as snow.

Li Hong was frightened, and kept asking: “Heaven’s trial, is he dead?”

Tian Shen: “Not yet, but if you don’t want to do anything, he may really be going to die.”

Li Hong took off his chain mail according to the method of the heavenly trial, tore his jacket, and urgently stopped the bleeding for him. Seeing them fall, his horse stopped not far ahead at the moment.

Li Hong looked at the horse, then thought about Leon’s evaluation of the previous gun knight. He had to go forward and touch the mane of the horse, and whispered: “You can find the way, go back to Van Lundin. . You are too eye-catching, follow us, we are easy to be exposed.”

She didn’t know if the horse could understand it. But after she finished speaking, the horse rubbed her cheek and groaned loudly, and it really turned around and ran away.

Li Hong looked at the horse leaving, feeling a little relaxed.

Then she saw the knight commander lying on the ground again, Li Hong resignedly walked over, carried the opponent on his back, and desperately stepped forward to the unknown.

Tian Shen said: “Don’t be afraid of Honghong, I have seen it for you, there is a village nine kilometers away from here, as long as we get there, we will all be saved!”

Li Hong was shocked: “Nine kilometers!? It’s over, we all have to die there.”

Tianshen: “…you are a bit ambitious.”

Even if he was reluctant, Li Hong could not really allow Leon to fend for himself. She dug a hole with Leon’s sword, buried his chain mail, and covered the traces of blood with mud. Then she carried Leon on her back and walked in the direction guided by the heavenly trial.

I have to say that this village is indeed very remote. I’m afraid there are no signs on the map.

If it were not for the guidance of the heavenly trial, even if it was only nine kilometers away, Li Hong would not find it here.

At about dusk, Li Hong finally saw the fence of the village and the smoke gradually drifting into the air.

When a woman wearing an apron and raising her own poultry appeared in front of him, the stone in Li Hong’s heart was finally put down. In the woman’s surprised gaze, she carried Leon on her back and fainted as expected.

The only thought-Mom is so heavy.

When Leon Griffith woke up, three days had passed.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a village woman first. Seeing Leon awake, the expression on her face quickly changed from surprise to joy. She put aside the herbs in her hand and said to Leon: “You are awake, this is really great, I thought you would not be able to survive.”

She meant something: “After all, you have suffered such a serious injury.”

Meredith really wanted to kill Li Hong, so his attack was extremely vicious, and the wound behind Leon was terrifying. When Li Hong saw it for the first time, he even suspected that Leon was not actually a human being. If he was a human, how could he be able to cut off the enemy’s horse backhand after suffering such a serious injury?

Tian Shen: “Because he is very strong.”

There is only this reason for Li Hong to think about it.

Although Leon woke up, the wound on his back was still aching. This village is closed and backward, and the method used to stop bleeding is also the oldest written. Fortunately, the prescription is ancient, but it is effective. Although Leon still couldn’t act, he managed to get his life back.

This village woman is probably the pharmacist in the village. After changing a new bandage for Leon, she said to Leon, “Your sister should also be back at this time.”

Leon frowned: “My sister?”

The pharmacist was surprised: “Isn’t that girl with golden eyes your sister?”

Leon who guessed the situation immediately said: “No, she is. I’m just still a little dizzy.”

The pharmacist nodded understandingly and smiled: “She must be very happy to know that you are awake.”

Leon did not answer, just asked: “Where did she go?”

“Hunting.” Pharmacist smiled, “She is now the number one hunter in our village.”

Leon: “…?”

Leona Wood, hunting?

Leon thought blankly, is there any more funny joke than this?

The author has something to say: Li Hong: Knowledge is power.

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